Minutes of the 7Th Meeting of District Facilities Management Committee (2014-15) Central

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Minutes of the 7Th Meeting of District Facilities Management Committee (2014-15) Central

Minutes of the 7th Meeting of District Facilities Management Committee (2014-15) Central and Western District Council

Date: 9 April 2015 (Thursday)

Time: 2:30 pm

Venue: Conference Room 14/F., Harbour Building 38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong

Present: Chairman: Mr CHAN Choi-hi, MH*

Vice-chairman: Mr CHAN Ho-lim, Joseph*

Members: Mr CHAN Chit-kwai, BBS, JP* Ms CHENG Lai-king (2:44 pm – end of the meeting) Mr CHEUNG Kwok-kwan, JP (2:32 pm – end of the meeting) Mr CHEUNG Yick-hung, Jackie (2:32 pm – end of the meeting) Mr HUI Chi-fung (2:53 pm – end of the meeting) Mr IP Kwok-him, GBS, JP (beginning of meeting – 3:12pm) Mr KAM Nai-wai, MH* Mr LEE Chi-hang, Sidney* Miss LO Yee-hang* Mr MAN Chi-wah, MH* Miss SIU Ka-yi* Mr WONG Kin-shing* Mr YIP Wing-shing, BBS, MH, JP* Remarks: * Members who attended the whole meeting ( ) Time of attendance of Members Items 5: Mr CHAIONG David, Stanley Chief Leisure Manager (Hong Kong West), Leisure and Cultural Services Department

- 1 - Mr NGAN Siu-ming, George District Leisure Manager (Central and Western), Leisure and Cultural Services Department Ms CHOW Pui-shan, Cindy Deputy District Leisure Manager (District Support) Central and Western, Leisure and Cultural Services Department Item 6: Miss YU Yan Yan, Rosanna Senior Executive Officer (District Management), Central and Western District Office Mr HO Man-lung, Clark Executive Officer (District Management), Central and Western District Office Item 7 : Miss YU Yan Yan, Rosanna Senior Executive Officer (District Management), Central and Western District Office Mr HO Man-lung, Clark Executive Officer (District Management), Central and Western District Office Item 8 : Mr CHAIONG David, Stanley Chief Leisure Manager (Hong Kong West), Leisure and Cultural Services Department Mr NGAN Siu-ming, George District Leisure Manager (Central and Western), Leisure and Cultural Services Department Ms CHOW Pui-shan, Cindy Deputy District Leisure Manager (District Support) Central and Western, Leisure and Cultural Services Department Item 9 : Ms CHOW Pui-shan, Cindy Deputy District Leisure Manager (District Support) Central and Western, Leisure and Cultural Services Department Mr HO Man-lung, Clark Executive Officer (District Management), Central and Western District Office In Attendance: Miss CHOW Ho-kiu, Cheryl, JP District Officer (Central and Western) Mr CHAN Yun-man, Winston Assistant District Officer (Central and Western) Mr CHAN Shing Fung Executive Officer I (District Council), Central and Western District Office Miss YU Yan Yan, Rosanna Senior Executive Officer (District Management), Central and Western District Office Mr HO Man-lung, Clark Executive Officer (District Management),

- 2 - Central and Western District Office Mr CHAN Yat-kin, Kaiser Liaison Officer i/c (District Facilities and Community Involvement), Central and Western District Office Mr CHAN Kwok-hung Senior Inspector of Works (HK), Home Affairs Department Mr. NGAN Suen-wa Inspector of Works (HK)2, Home Affairs Department Ms CHAN Shuk-hing, Daphne Senior Librarian (Central and Western), Leisure and Cultural Services Department Mr TONG Pak-yu, Simon Principal Estate Officer/LEU (District Lands Office, Hong Kong East, West and South, Lands Department Mr LIU King-tong Chairman, Chung Wan and Mid-levels Area Committee Mr HA Chung-kin Chairman, Sheung Wan and Sai Ying Pun Area Committee Mr LAM Chun-fung Chairman, Kennedy Town and Shek Tong Tsui Area Committee

Secretary: Miss KWOK Ka-man, Kaman Executive Officer (District Council) 4, Central and Western District Office Absent with Apologies: Mr CHAN Hok-fung, MH Dr Malcolm LAM Mr NG Siu-keung, Thomas, MH, JP

Opening Remarks

The Chairman welcomed Members and representatives from government departments to the 7th meeting of the District Facilities Management Committee (DFMC) (2014-15).

Item 1: Adoption of the Agenda (2: 29 pm)

2. The Committee adopted the revised agenda.

Item 2: Confirmation of the M inutes of the 6 th DFMC M eeting of the Central and Western District H eld on 22 January 2015

- 3 - (2:29 pm)

3. The minutes of the 6th meeting were confirmed.

Item 3: Chairman’s Report (2: 30 pm )

4. The Chairman had nothing particular to highlight.

Item 4 : Action C hecklist on M atters A rising from the 6 th DFMC Meeting of the Central and Western District (C&W DFMC Paper No. 17/2015) (2:30 pm)

5. The Committee noted the paper.

Item 5 : Fund A pplication of D istrict M inor W orks P rojects - Alteration W orks in Belcher Bay Park to T urn P art of the E xisting F itness E quipment A rea to E lderly F itness C orner (C&W DFMC Paper No. 20/2015) ( 2 :30 pm – 2:49 pm)

6. Ms Cindy CHOW, Deputy District Leisure Manager (District Support) Central and Western of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) presented the paper to the Committee.

7. Mr IP Kwok-him supported the proposal which in his opinion would allow more members of the public to utilise the facilities. He pointed out, however, that the elderly fitness facilities were quite often defective or damaged as per previous experience, and it always took a long time to repair. He enquired of the LCSD in what way it would en- hance the durability of the facilities. Besides, he opined that the number of elderly fit- ness equipment to be added under the proposal was not enough. He enquired of the LCSD about the feasibility of providing additional elderly fitness equipment in Belcher Bay Park.

8. Mr CHEUNG Kwok-kwan opined that there were many elderly people utilising the facilities in Belcher Bay Park. Hence, he supported the proposal. He was concerned about whether the LCSD, with safety factors considered, had fully utilised the available

- 4 - space for offering additional elderly fitness equipment. He appreciated the fact that it was necessary to provide various facilities in the park, but nonetheless hoped the LCSD would further increase the number of elderly fitness equipment at the site.

9. The Chairman said that being the only park in the Western District, Belcher Bay Park was popular among the elderly. He enquired about the feasibility of offering addi- tional elderly fitness facilities in other parts within the park, for instance, by converting the foot massage path with a moderate usage rate into an elderly fitness corner. Besides, he enquired if the LCSD could provide additional elderly fitness facilities of a more novel design.

10. Ms Cindy CHOW of the LCSD indicated that the department would select elderly fitness equipment of better durability as far as possible, while the Works Section of the department, having taken into account the safety issues, had provided users with suffi- cient buffer zones on-site and installed five sets of elderly fitness equipment in total. As for the views about converting the foot massage path into an elderly fitness corner, she said since there was only one foot massage path in the park, and it had been observed that there were often elderly people using the path, she suggested two of the eight fit- ness facilities in the park be converted into elderly fitness facilities at this stage.

11. Mr IP Kwok-him opined that the five sets of elderly fitness equipment to be added under the current proposal could be available for use by only five elderly persons at the same time. He enquired why additional equipment could not be installed at the site. He took steppers for the elderly as an example and proposed two additional steppers be in- stalled facing each other, so that two elderly persons could use the steppers concur- rently.

12. The Chairman understood that site safety was one of the factors to be considered, but nevertheless agreed that additional fitness equipment that was not bulky such as steppers for the elderly could be provided as far as possible.

13. Ms Cindy CHOW of the LCSD indicated that the safety of equipment and site had been taken into consideration as the Works Section proposed the design. The current project included the provision and installation of a set of integrated elderly fitness equipment, of which two items were for the training of upper limbs and one for the lower limbs, and two separate sets of elderly fitness equipment for training the lower limbs. Elderly fitness corners and related signages would also be installed at the site.

- 5 - 14. Mr IP Kwok-him questioned why two additional steppers for the elderly could not be installed.

15. Ms Cindy CHOW of the LCSD said sufficient exercise space had to be reserved around the elderly fitness equipment. The department had always aimed to ensure the safety of users while planning.

16. Mr IP Kwok-him requested the LCSD to submit to the DFMC the safety guidelines on installation of additional facilities at venues under its management after the meeting. He indicated that he could not accept the department’s decision to install only one set for each kind of fitness equipment.

17. Mr YIP Wing-shing pointed out that during a recent duty visit to Zhuhai, the DC had noticed that there were at least two to three sets of elderly fitness equipment of each kind in local recreation venues, thus allowing several elderly persons to use the facilities at the same time. He opined that the LCSD could make reference to this arrangement.

18. The Chairman requested the LCSD to submit to the DFMC the safety guidelines on installation of additional facilities at venues under its management after the meeting. He hoped that while planning, the department would make full use of the space avail- able at the site to install more elderly fitness equipment, so that more members of the public could use the fitness facilities at the same time.

19. Ms Cindy CHOW of the LCSD indicated that the department’s Works Section was required to choose fitness equipment from the designs or models designated by the de- partment, while all elderly fitness equipment needed to be approved by the Department of Health. It was also necessary to consider which related models or designs were avail- able for selection.

20. Mr IP Kwok-him suggested the LCSD check out designs of elderly fitness equip- ment being used in the neighbouring regions of Hong Kong.

21. After discussion, the Committee endorsed an allocation of $171,000 to the LCSD for the implementation of the above project and requested the LCSD to study the feasib- ility of providing additional elderly fitness equipment in Belcher Bay Park. Further fund application could be submitted to the Committee if necessary.

Item 6 : Fund A pplication of D istrict M inor W orks P rojects – Improvement

- 6 - W orks to the S treet B ox at Sheung Wan Cultural Square (C&W DFMC Paper No. 21/2015) ( 2:49 pm – 2:52 pm )

22. Mr Clark HO, Executive Officer (District Management) of the Central and Western District Office (C&WDO), presented the paper to the Committee.

23. Mr MAN Chi-wa h supplemented that the said works were to be carried out due to electricity safety considerations. He said the Working Group on District Minor Works (Working Group) had discussed earlier the feasibility of the LCSD mobile library stop’s using electricity supply from the street box at Sheung Wan Cultural Square (SWCS). Having conducted the feasibility study, the department found out that there would be a considerable distance between the parking location of the mobile library van and the street box at SWCS. If electricity was to be supplied from the said street box, a very long cable would be expected to occupy some space of SWSC along the way. There- fore, the Working Group considered the arrangement to share the said street box inap- propriate.

24. After discussion, the Committee endorsed an allocation of $100,000 to the C&WDO for the implementation of the said project.

Item 7: Change of Contractor for the DMW Project “ Improvement Works to Sheung Wan Cultural Square ” (C&W DFMC Paper No. 25/2015) ( 2 : 52 pm – 3 : 03 pm )

25. Mr Clark HO of the C&WDO presented the paper to the Committee.

26. Mr KAM Nai-wai agreed to transfer the works project to the Works Section of the Home Affairs Department (Works Section) for implementation. He enquired of the Committee when the latest project design would be available for consideration, and re- quested the Works Section to submit the project design and budget at the next meeting for the Committee’s approval. Moreover, he also enquired about the relationship between the improvement works to the street box at SWCS and this improvement pro- ject, the construction period of the two projects, the impact the improvement works at SWCS might have on the annual event “Fall/Winter Sheung Wan Promenade” held there, and the planned location of power supply point for the mobile library stop.

- 7 - 27. Mr Clark HO of the C&WDO indicated that this meeting was primarily to consult Members on transferring the works project to the Works Section. At this stage, no latest project design was available. Once completed by the Works Section, the project design would be submitted to the Working Group and the Committee for approval. He ex- plained that the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) was respons- ible for the improvement works to the street box at SWCS, which was expected to be completed in August to September this year. This would not affect the event “Sheung Wan Promenade”. Meanwhile, the improvement works to SWCS were to be carried out by the Works Section. He said the prerequisite for both projects was that neither Sheung Wan Promenade nor any other events that would take place at SWCS would be affected. The commencement date of the improvement works to SWCS would be sub- ject to the approval of the project design and the progress of the tender exercise. If everything went on well with the approval and tender exercise, the works were expected to be completed in November this year. Otherwise, it would not commence until early next year.

28. Mr MAN Chi-wah said he had clarified with the Hongkong Electric Company Limited earlier that it would be possible to provide a point of power supply in the vicin- ity of the mobile library stop instead of using the street box at SWCS. He pointed out that since the proposal of mobile library was still being studied and the location of the power supply point had not been confirmed yet, the Working Group would study the two subjects together when it came to the discussion of the mobile library proposal later. Hence, the improvement works to the street box at SWCS would not affect the proposal of a mobile library.

29. The Chairman opined that the location at which a flagpole was to be erected was very close to the existing visitor signs. Thus, he suggested the C&WDO consider relo- cating the visitor signs and requested the Works Section to submit the project design as soon as possible.

30. Mr CHAN Kwok-hung, Senior Inspector of Works (HK) of the Home Affairs De- partment (HAD), said a site visit had been conducted earlier and the project design was expected to be relatively simple. It was hoped that the project design and budget would be submitted to Members at the next DFMC meeting. He pointed out that a two-month tendering procedure would commence if the funding was approved. The works were expected to commence in early to mid-August, and the target completion date of the en- tire project was early to mid-November.

- 8 - 31. The Chairman enquired if the sculptures which were currently at SWCS could be relocated to the venues under the LCSD’s management.

32. Mr George NGAN of the LCSD said there was no suitable site in Sun Yat Sen Me- morial Park and Central and Western District Promenade – Sheung Wan Section. He had learned that the Drainage Services Department would complete the restoration works of the site at Fung Mat Road in Sai Ying Pun of Harbour Area Treatment Scheme Stage 2A (Construction of Sewage Conveyance System)’s in a year’s time. It could be a suitable venue for Members to consider for placing the sculptures which were currently at SWCS.

33. The Chairman suggested that Members should consider relocating the sculptures to Belcher Bay Park and the site at Fung Mat Road. The actual site for relocation would be further studied by the C&WDO.

Item 8 : Maintenance P lan of F acilities P rovided W ithin R ecreation V enues in Central & Western District U nder the M anagement of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (C&W DFMC Paper No. 24/2015) ( 3 : 03 pm – 3: 10 pm )

34. The paper was submitted by the Chairman. The Chairman enquired of the LCSD about the priority of its major maintenance plan 2015-16.

35. Mr George NGAN of the LCSD indicated that all maintenance projects provided by the Architectural Services Department (ArchSD) would commence in this fiscal year, while the details of the maintenance projects would be subject to the maintenance con- dition of individual venues and facilities.

36. The Chairman enquired of the LCSD about the criteria for differentiating between annual maintenance and maintenance of specific items.

37. Mr George NGAN of the LCSD said maintenance projects of the ArchSD were classified into two major categories, namely, routine maintenance and annual mainten- ance. Routine maintenance referred to maintenance works the ArchSD carried out to re- pair defective facilities as per reports by the LCSD, so that the facilities could resume their normal working condition, whereas annual maintenance were projects to refurbish

- 9 - and upgrade the entire facilities. The ArchSD would prioritise the projects according to the maintenance condition of facilities in the district.

38. Mr MAN Chi-wah enquired about the funding agent for the major maintenance projects listed in the Paper.

39. Mr George NGAN of the LCSD responded that funding of annual maintenance projects was arranged by the ArchSD.

40. Mr CHAN Chit-kwai supported the resurfacing of the soccer pitch at Conduit Road Service Reservoir Playground and enquired about the usage rate of the said soccer pitch and the one at King George V Memorial Park, Hong Kong. He also questioned if there would be any overlapping between the re-provisioning works of existing facilities at King George V Memorial Park, Hong Kong by the MTR Corporation Limited (MTRC) and the resurfacing works of the soccer pitch in the same park.

41. Ms Cindy CHOW of the LCSD pointed out that since the surface of the soccer pitch at Conduit Road Service Reservoir Playground was in a poor condition, resurfa- cing was necessary for the sake of user safety. Besides, she said the MTRC was only responsible for the re-provisioning of the basketball court at King George V Memorial Park, Hong Kong, whereas the soccer pitch was beyond the scope of its re-provisioning works.

42. Mr CHAN Chit-kwai enquired about the usage rate of the soccer pitches at Conduit Road Service Reservoir Playground and King George V Memorial Park, Hong Kong.

43. The Chairman requested that the LCSD submit information about the usage rate of Conduit Road Service Reservoir Playground and King George V Memorial Park, Hong Kong to the Committee after the meeting.

44. Ms CHENG Lai-king enquired of the LCSD about the benchmark the department adopted regarding the service life of facilities prior to maintenance. She was concerned that if the department carried out annual maintenance while the facilities were still in mint condition, this would result in a waste of resources.

45. Ms Cindy CHOW of the LCSD indicated that the department would prioritise ma- jor maintenance works of venues under its management according to the usage and de- terioration of facilities. While there were numerous venues under its management in the

- 10 - district, major maintenance works could be carried out only in a limited number of ven- ues each year. Therefore, no refurbishment works would take place while the facilities were still in mint condition.

Item 9 : New P roposals on D istrict M inor W orks P rojects 2014-2015 (C&W DFMC Paper No. 23/2015) ( 3 : 10 pm – 3 : 12 pm )

46. Mr MAN Chi-wah, Chairman of the Working Group, briefed Members on the new proposals on district minor works projects.

47. Mr CHAN Chit-kwai indicated that the Preparatory Working Group on Central & Western District Literary Trail of Hong Kong had completed its work last year and had confirmed the information and locations of the interpretation plates earlier. He hoped that the project could commence as soon as possible.

48. After discussion, the Committee endorsed the paper.

Item 10 : Comments on D istrict F acilities M anagement M ade by the E lderly (C&W DFMC Written Question No. 01/2015) ( 3 : 12 pm )

49. The Committee noted the paper.

Item 11 : LCSD Report on the Usage and Extension Activities of the Public Libraries in the Central and Western District (C&W DFMC Paper No. 15/2015) ( 3 : 12 pm )

50. The Committee noted the paper.

Item 12 : Report on the F ree E ntertaining P rogrammes L aunched by LCSD in the Central and Western District (C&W DFMC Paper No. 18/2015) ( 3 : 13 pm )

51. The Committee noted the paper.

- 11 - Item 13 : Report on the R ecreational and S ports A ctivities and F acility M anagement by LCSD in the Central and Western District (C&W DFMC Paper No. 19/ 201 5 ) ( 3 : 13 pm )

52. The Committee noted the paper.

Item 14: Financial R eport on D istrict M inor W orks P rojects in the Central and Western District (C&W DFMC Paper No. 22 /201 5 ) (3:1 3 pm)

53. The Committee noted the paper.

Item 15 : Report of the W orking G roup ( 3 : 14 pm )

54. The Committee noted the paper.

Item 16 : Any Other Business ( 3 : 14 pm)

55. There was no other business.

Item 17 : Date of the Next Meeting ( 3 : 1 4 pm – 3:15 pm )

56. The Chairman announced that the 8th DFMC meeting would be held on 4 June 2015. The paper submission deadline for government departments would be 13 May 2015, while the deadline for Members would be 20 May 2015.

57. The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 pm.

were confirmed on 4 June 2015.

The Minutes

- 12 - Mr CHAN Choi-hi Chairman: Miss Kaman KWOK Secretary:

Central and Western District Council Secretariat June 2015

- 13 -

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