College of Education and Human Services

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College of Education and Human Services

College of Education and Human Services Faculty Assembly minutes Friday, October 3, 2014 12:15 pm 1100A

Present: Carolyne Ali-Khan, Jon Antal, Stacy Boote, Luciana Braga, Jin-Suk Byun, Candice Carter, Richard Chant, Kim Cheek, Luke Cornelius, Jeff Cornett, Vicki Cornett, Brenda Dale, Gigi David, Daniel Dinsmore, Liz Gregg, Caroline Guardino, Katrina Hall, Wanda Hedrick, Ken Hill, Jan Humphrey, Laura Jackson, Chris Janson, Jennifer Kane, John Kemppainen, Jason Lee, Marsha Lupi, Sophie Maxis, Catherine McMurria, Katie Monnin, Cathy O’Farrell, Melissa Omeechevarria, Karen Patterson, Debbie Reed, Phillip Riner, Mary Rose, Otilia Salmon, Elinor Scheirer, Megan Schramm-Possinger, Janice Seabrooks-Blackmore, Lena Shaqareq, Sherry Shaw, Nile Stanley, Carolyn Stone, Michael Stultz, Susan Syverud, John Venn, Christine Weber, Dawn Wessling, John White, Bess Wilson and Brian Zoellner.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 12:17 pm.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of September 5, 2014 meeting were approved as submitted.

Announcements: Mary Rose gave an update for the Center for Urban Education and Policy. We had our awareness seminar for Project Breakthrough a couple of weeks ago. It was great! We had about 50 students, PDS interns, JTR students, some community members and a couple of people from the school district. Next session is Friday, October 24. We will continue the small group discussions at the end of that day’s session from 1:30 – 3:00 so if you are interested in helping facilitate the small group discussions, please contact Mary Rose. Faculty are encouraged to reach out to Mary Rose if they have questions about the Faculty Associate positions.

Debbie Reed is looking for reviewers to review the faculty summer teaching grants. Let her know if you are interested by email.

Jeffrey Cornett said the JTR is having its second cohort recruiting Open House on Monday, October 6 from 5:00 – 7:30 pm. There is a flyer out about it and there will be existing cohorts there to meet recruits.

Jennifer Kane announced that Saturday is the soccer game against JU and they are trying to encourage people to attend. Season tickets for basketball are on sale and they have great package deals. We have 30 student athletes in our college so please support them. We are working on a night for our college so look for an announcement about that in the near future.

Jeffrey Cornett gave an update on the Provost search and said they are reviewing 111 applicants today at 2 pm.

Carolyn Stone said Jane Clementi will speak on ‘Faith in America:’ A community conversation on sexual orientation and religion this Thursday, October 9 at 7 p.m. in the Robinson Theater in support of LGBT youth. Liz Gregg asked faculty to encourage their students to attend the 6th annual Student Leadership Summit hosted by the Taylor Leadership Institute on Friday, October 24 in the Student Union auditorium.

Jennifer Kane added that there is a poster on an easel in our entrance way called Stonewall Walk – It is one of 12-15 stops for the history of LGBT and it will be out all month.

Dean Search Update: Candice Carter reported that the dean’s search committee identified finalists and will be doing Skype interviews on Monday, October 13 and Tuesday, October 14. We should be moving pretty quickly with this and will have another report soon.

COEHS Committee Members, Chair and Meeting Plans: Candice Carter said the committee members have been selected and we just need to identify the leadership in the committees and what the meeting plans are. Dan Dinsmore said we need one person from each committee to organize and call the meeting.

 Wanda Hedrick will call the Undergraduate Standards Standing Committee meeting.  Sophie Maxis will call the Graduate Standards Standing Committee meeting.  Otilia Salmon will call the Personnel Committee meeting.  Kim Cheek said the Long Range Planning Committee already met and Kim Cheek is the chair. They are continuing their work from last year on the mission and values statement. You will be getting a survey soon from Bess Wilson so please fill it out. We want to have everyone’s voice represented.  Chris Janson will call the Student Issues committee meeting.  Caroline Guardino will call the Technology Committee meeting.

Dan Dinsmore said the next thing that we need to do is get nominations for the Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching Awards. We need to forward 10 names to the University Selection Committee from our college. Dan will put this on Qualtrics with the requirements for each position. We also need to send 3 names forward for the College Graduate Screening Committees.

COEHS Clear Communications: Dan Dinsmore received two suggestions for the COEHS Clear Communication document so far. If you have any more let him know and he will forward it to the Executive Committee.

Office of the Dean, Update: Marsha Lupi said the Dean’s Report has been renamed to Office of the Dean Update.

Shout Outs went out to: Kristy Sweeney and Liz Gregg, Sue Syverud, John Kemppainen, Debbie Reed, Cathy O’Farrell, Luke Cornelius and Karin Hunt (ESE Graduate Student).

Megan Schramm Possinger and Jennifer Kane just returned from CAEP accreditation standards sessions in Washington, DC. Here is an update:

CAEP Standards (will be voted on by CAEP Commission ‐ verdict should be revealed by January 2015)

Standard 1, PCK  Able to use discipline‐specific practices flexibly to advance the learning of all students toward attainment of CCR. *diversity, technology, CCR (critical thinking, problem solving and self directed learning), validity evidence, inter‐rater reliability for measures used, evidence students making data driven decisions for instructional decision making, candidate outputs (what is it that candidates are able to “get” their students to do?) WE MAKE THE CASE…

Standard 2, Clinical Partnerships  Effective partnerships and high‐quality clinical practice.*Candidate level: analysis of student work, how would you change your pedagogical approach in response to this?; reflections; IHE level: joint sharing of curricular development (i.e., clinical faculty, school admin., college faculty, placement directors)

Standard 3, Candidate Quality, Recruitment, Selectivity  Quality of candidates ‐ at admission & through the progression of courses and clinical experiences. Focus on recruitment. Diversity. Non‐cog measures. Case Studies.

Standard 4, Program Impact  Demonstrates the impact of its completers on P‐12 student learning and development, classroom instruction, and schools, and the satisfaction of its completers with the relevance and effectiveness of their preparation. VAM; Danielson; Completers’ perceptions; Observations of pre‐service teachers [data point one] and completers [data point two]; employer surveys (want very detailed descriptive data [Tripod recommended).

Standard 5, Provider Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement  …supports continuous improvement, evidence‐based, evaluates the effectiveness of its completers. The provider uses the results of inquiry and data collection to establish priorities, enhance program elements and capacity, and test innovations to improve completers’ impact on P‐12 student learning and development. What are we doing well? What could we improve? How do we know this? What actions have we taken? How do we plan to evaluate the efficacy of those approaches?

Fun things to think about  The emphasis on CCR (e.g., critical thinking, problem solving and self directed learning).  Providing evidence that our students are adapting their pedagogical techniques in accord with valid sources of data.  Candidate outputs (what is it that candidates are able to “get” their students to do?) Candidate level: analysis of student work, how would you change your pedagogical approach in response to this? Have you reflected upon this in a substantive manner?  Recruitment, fostering diversity, administering non‐cog measures, conducting Case Studies.  VAM; Danielson; Completers’ perceptions; Observations of pre‐service teachers [data point one] and completers [data point two]; employer surveys (want very detailed descriptive data [Tripod recommended). o What are we doing well? What could we improve? How do we know this? What actions have we taken? How do we plan to evaluate the efficacy of those approaches?

Jennifer Kane – Reminders  Writing Groups - Next meeting is October 17th  Faculty Associates - Application deadline is October 15th  Professor in Residence - Application deadline is October 30th  Faculty Support Grant - November 14th

Search Updates  All of the positions are now posted o ESOL/TESOL o Early Childhood o Educational Foundations o Clinical Instructor Sport Management o Educational Leadership ( School Leadership) o ASL/Interpreting o Deaf Education o Chair, Childhood Education, TESOL, Literacy

Presentation of Clinical Field Experience Transition Model  Collaborative Effort  Based on Task Force Report, communications sent to the Office of the Dean, and the CBA.  Work group of chairs, Director of OEFE, Associate Dean and Dean  Attention to the FLDOE state education regulations for teacher preparation  Attention to the accrediting body standards for teacher preparation

Clinical Field Experience Transition Model  Guiding principles  Academic content of curriculum is faculty driven  Evaluation of faculty is done by academic department chairs; for clinical faculty this will be a collaborative effort with the OEFE, school partners, and student ISQs  Integrity of number of field hours and state standards will be maintained Clinical Field Experience Transition Model (continued)  Move Field I and Field 2 to Celt, FSE, and EDIE in Spring 2015  Review of Academic Content, submit APC  Spring 2015 ‐Clinical faculty will be moved into department unit‐ 1 position per department for a total of 3 positions, one permanent, two visiting.  Fall 2015‐movement and review of internship sections to academic departments

Support for transition process  Cathy O’Farrell, Director of OEFE  Megan Schramm Possinger, Director of Assessment and Accreditation  John Kemppainen, Director, Office of Academic Advising  Jennifer Kane, Associate Dean  Marsha H. Lupi, Interim Dean

Meet and Greet Professors in Residence: After introductions, there was a meet and greet with the Professors in Residence: Kings Trail – Stacy Boote (past) West Jax – Kim Cheek (past) Woodland Acres – Sue Syverud West Jax – Donna Keenan (past) Tiger Academy – Donna Keenan (current) Lakeshore Middle – Debbie Reed

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 1:30 pm and the next meeting will be Friday, November 7, 2014.

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