A guide to uploading content using the VisitEngland content submission form


a) Navigate to the VisitEngland website https://www.visitengland.com/

b) Click Login in the top right hand corner to login to the website.


When logged in, you should now have two links in the top left-hand corner of the screen: ‘Add content’ and ‘My Workbench’.

Clicking on ‘My Workbench’ will take you to the ‘My Workbench’ area like the screenshot below. Within ‘My Workbench’ there are four different pages as detailed below (you can access these pages by clicking on the tabs, located in the top right of this page).

a) My Content

This is your content submission homepage. From this page you will be able to view all of the content that you have created for VisitEngland and whether or not this has been published or not.

It also includes an explanation of the other three tabs (pages) within the My Workbench area.

To view content, click on the blue title link in the ‘My Content’ section. To edit content, click on the red edit link alongside the title.

b) Create Content When you are ready to submit content to VisitEngland, use this section to create new content experiences. Click on the ‘Experience page Consumer’ link to enter an experience article.

c) In Progress

Any content that you have created and saved in ‘draft’ will be saved here. Also any content that VisitEngland have deemed necessary to be ‘reviewed’ can be accessed and edited from this page.

d) My created content

This shows you all the content that you have submitted to VisitEngland.com, whether it has been published or not and when it was last updated. You can use this page to search for content that you have submitted in the past.

3. EDITING DRAFT CONTENT AND REVIEWING CONTENT FROM VISITENGLAND a) Click on the ‘In progress’ tab where your existing experiences will appear.

b) To preview the experience click on the title link of the experience, you can then view how your experience will look on the website. c) To edit your experience, click edit in the column on the far right-hand side of the table. You can now update your experience as required. d) To submit your experience to VisitEngland to review, ensure you have accepted the terms and conditions and entered a ‘Revision log message’. Change the Moderation state to ‘VE to review’. e) If you are asked by VisitEngland to amend or review content that you have submitted for approval, find the experience in your ‘In Progress’ tab, make the necessary/ suggested amends and re-submit this to VisitEngland as above. f) It is important that you make a note of any changes to your content in the ‘Revision log message’. 4. CREATING NEW CONTENT / EDITING EXISTING CONTENT

Experience field to complete

1. Title: (max 50 characters including spaces)

This is the title of the experience, which should be descriptive and engaging, with the aim of encouraging site visitors to find out more about the experience. Where possible, it should include the name of the attraction/business/event as this acts as a strong call to action.

Do not add anything in Business Name

2. Location:

Please provide the town or city of the location – and also select the relevant county location

Do not add anything in Price Point

3. Experience image

Please upload your listing image here – images should be resized to 264x168 pixels before uploading.

4. Visit Website Text Please add a call to action to find out more about the experience. For example, ‘Find out more about x’

Do not add anything to Experience website

5. Language

Please ensure language is set to English

6. Intro copy: (max. 150 characters including spaces)

This short introduction should act as teaser text (summary) for the experience and be approximately (and no more than) 150 characters. It should include the name of the experience and the location where possible.

7. Body copy: (min. 100 words - max. 120 words)

The descriptive text of the experience, which should be no more than 120 words, and no less than 100 words

8. Content provided by:

This should be the consumer-facing name of your destination.

9. Tracked links

Please submit two links per experience:-

Link 1: More information about the experience on the destination website where the visitor can find out more about the experience. If you do include up to three things to do per experience, further info about all three of these attractions should be available on one page via one link on your website.

Link 2: More information on the theme on the destination website to give the user more info about the type of holiday the experience is focussed on. For example: If the experience is a foodie break in Bath, then this link would direct visitors to the ‘Food & drink’ section of the Destination Organisation website.

10. Image gallery:

Please upload at least one and up to five images per experience. IMPORTANT: these must be the exact pixel sizes – Experience image: 264x168; Gallery image: 613x343 pixels*)

Image filenames should be written with SEO in mind with keywords and a short description in line with the experience content (within 80 characters). Please try to write filenames in the following format - Romantic-breaks- Thermae-Spa-Bath.

Please make all filenames distinctive from each other – avoid numbering filenames like in the below example:

Romantic-breaks- Thermae-Spa-Bath1 Romantic-breaks- Thermae-Spa-Bath2

• All copyright information should be added to the Image caption field

• Images should be optimised for websites (72 dpi) - and should not be blurred or pixelated

• All images should be in .jpeg format only

• All images should have image description text

• Images should not be or include logos

11. Video (youtube or vimeo – width=”640”, height=”360”) - optional:

This is optional content. If you have video content which is relevant to the experience, you’ll need to upload it to YouTube or Vimeo and provide us with the embed code. The section of the embed code we need is the following:


12. Map location coordinates

Please provide the longitude and latitude coordinates so that each experience can be plotted on a map.

You can find this information on the following website: http://itouchmap.com/latlong.html

Simply enter your address, postcode or area in the Address field - you can find the coordinates in the ‘Get the Latitude and Longitude of a Point’ section below the map. Copy and paste these coordinates in the Google Map Field Settings section in the CMS.

13. Tourist Information Centre

Please add the relevant TIC. Start typing the name and it should appear in the dropdown.

14. Select relevant categories

Theme: add one relevant theme

Campaign theme: add relevant spring campaign theme – see Strategy and Spring 2016 themes document

Do not add anything to the following fields:


Destination International


Season Northern Futures category

All fields within Promoted taxonomy section

15. Publishing options

When your content is ready for review, please ensure that moderation state is set to VE to Review and then save.

Things to be aware of:

 Character count limits for the Intro copy (Max. 150 characters) & Body copy (Min. 100 words – Max. 120 words).

 Image dimension sizes for the Experience image and the Gallery images (* IMPORTANT: these must be the exact pixel sizes – Experience image: 264x168; Gallery image: 613x343 pixels*)

 Select at least one theme, one destination and one campaign theme.

 Terms and conditions must be ticked before the form can be submitted.

 If you’d like to remove this experience or make any changes to the content – please make a note in the ‘Revision log message’ field.

 Moderation state must be set to VE to Review before saving.

 In order to save a draft of your work before submitting to VisitEngland, ensure that the Moderation state at the bottom of the form is set to ‘Current: User draft’ and click save. This experience is now saved in your ‘In Progress’ tab for editing and submission at a later date.

 To submit your work to VisitEngland, ensure you have accepted the terms and conditions and entered a ‘Revision log message’ (if it the first time you are entering this experience, please input your name in the ‘Revision log message’).

 Once VisitEngland have reviewed and published your content, you will receive an automated email informing you that your content is now live on the website. It is worth being aware that it can take 24 hours for all content to be indexed under destination and thematic tags.