Studies of Society & Environment (SOSE) Work Plan

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Studies of Society & Environment (SOSE) Work Plan

WORK PLAN FOR 20_ _–20_ _ Studies of Society & Environment (SOSE)

Year level/s:

Include: a variety of opportunities to learn and apply of the Ways of working throughout every unit. advice about using the Essential Learnings when planning for the specific key learning area (KLA): SOSE has four organisers — Time, continuity and change (TCC), Place and space (PS), Culture and identity (CI) and Political and economic systems (PES) These organisers represent the disciplinary knowledge of the SOSE KLA and also cross the traditional disciplines, e.g. History draws on concepts from TCC and CI, and Geography draws on concepts from PS and PES. In a lower secondary setting, courses may be planned as subjects (History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship), using a combination of concepts from these organisers Select Knowledge and understanding from one or more of these organisers. This helps to develop a depth of understanding by highlighting the interconnections important to the Studies of Society and Environment. The SOSE Ways of working highlight the importance of social and environmental inquiries, and can be used together to reflect an inquiry approach or inquiry model. Student learning can be planned to reflect real-world processes and how social scientists work, e.g. historians, geographers, anthropologists. information about how this course caters for learners in the middle phase of learning, e.g. how this course of study contributes to an engaging, broad and general education, with a continued focus on literacy, numeracy and embedding ICTs.

Year level/s:

Assessable elements Time Unit title Targeted Essential Learnings Unit overview topics Assessment instruments allocation and techniques

Ways of working Knowledge and

Queensland Studies Authority PO Box 307 Spring Hill, Queensland 4004 Australia Phone: (07) 3864 0299; Fax: (07) 3221 2553; Email: [email protected] ; Website:

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SOSE course of study mapped to Essential Learnings — Ways of working

Units of work Year Year 9

Seme Seme Seme Semester 2 ster 1 ster 2 ster 1 U Wa nit ys titl of e wo rki ng

Stud ents are able to: © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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identify a rese arch focu s from broa d topi cs and desi gn focu s que stio ns and sub- que stio ns plan inve stig atio ns, usin g disci plin e- spe cific inqu iry mod els and proc © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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ess es researc h and anal yse data , infor mati on and evid enc e from prim ary and sec ond ary sour ces evaluat e sour ces of data , infor mati on and evid enc e for rele van © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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ce, relia bility , auth enti city, purp ose, bias and pers pect ive draw con clusi ons and mak e deci sion s sup port ed by inter pret atio ns of data , infor mati on and evid enc e © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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commu nica te des cript ions , deci sion s and con clusi ons, usin g text type s spe cific to the cont ext and purp ose and the con vent ions of rese arch bas ed text s respon d to © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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local and glob al issu es by taki ng acti on in plan ned and ente rpris ing way s apply strat egie s for mak ing grou p deci sion s and for taki ng infor med soci al and envi ron © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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men tal acti on reflect on diffe rent pers pect ives, and reco gnis e and eval uate the influ enc e of valu es and beli efs in relat ion to soci al justi ce, the dem ocra tic proc ess, sust © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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aina bility and pea ce reflect on lear ning , appl y new und erst andi ngs and justif y futur e appl icati ons.

SOSE course of study mapped to Essential Learnings — Knowledge and understanding

Units of work Year Year 9

Seme Seme Seme Semester 2 ster 1 ster 2 ster 1 © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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U Kn nit owl titl ed e ge an d un der sta ndi ng

Time, continuity and change Social, political, economic and cultural changes and continuities are connected to particular events, ideas and contributions, and can be interpreted from different perspectives. Australi an narr ativ es and iden tities hav e bee n sha ped © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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by 20th cent ury eve nts inclu ding maj or conf licts, wav es of imm igrat ion, soci al divis ions and cha nge s, and gov ern men t relat ions with othe r nati ons. Importa nt idea s of © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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dem ocra cy, gov ern men t and law, citiz ens hip right s and publ ic deci sion mak ing, and the con cept s of pow er, diss ent and civic duty , dev elop ed from anci ent to mod © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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ern time s and from East ern and Wes tern cult ures . Eviden ce of eve nts in Aust ralia n, Asia n, Paci fic and glob al setti ngs can be inter pret ed from diffe rent pers pect ives © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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and valu es posi tion s.

(Continued on next page) © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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Place and space Environments are defined by spatial patterns, human and physical interactions, and sustainable practices can balance human activity and environmental processes. Australi a, the Asia – Pacif ic regio n and other glob al setti ngs are defin ed by a rang e of natur al char acter istics and proc esse s, inclu ding landf orms , vege tatio n © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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and clima tic zone s, and hum an activi ties, inclu ding cultu ral, econ omic and politi cal activi ty. Interrela tions hips betw een hum an activi ty and envir onm ents resul t in parti cular patte rns of land © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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and reso urce use, and can caus e envir onm ental probl ems. Govern ment s and com muni ties need to bala nce econ omic , socia l, politi cal and envir onm ental facto rs throu gh sust aina ble © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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deve lopm ent, cons umpt ion and prod uctio n.

Physical envir onm ents are defin ed by spati al patte rns, inclu ding the arran gem ent of elem ents on the Eart h’s surfa ce, the defin able area s of © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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the Eart h’s surfa ce, the spac e betw een differ ent locati ons, and abso lute and relati ve locati on.

Maps, inclu ding topo grap hic, politi cal and them atic map s, are deve lope d with parti © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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cular featu res, inclu ding scale , cont our lines and hum an- creat ed boun darie s, and use the speci fic skills of obse rving , visua lising , esti mati ng, sketc hing and mea surin g. Culture and identity © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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Cultures and identities are shaped by a range of factors, and societies promote cohesion and diversity in different ways. Group ident ities are influ ence d by differ ent facto rs, inclu ding famil y, com muni ties, natio nality , socio econ omic facto rs and religi ous belie fs. Cultural diver sity in Austr alia is influ ence © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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d by publi c opini on, medi a portr ayals , gove rnme nt polici es and the impa cts of glob alisat ion. Commu nity perc eptio ns of Abori ginal cultu res and Torr es Strait Islan der cultu res have resul © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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ted in positi ve and nega tive resp onse s to Indig enou s peop le. Contact betw een cultu res has prod uced mov eme nts to impr ove dem ocrat ic parti cipati on and citize nshi p right s for speci © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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fic grou ps. Cultural rese arch invol ves follo wing proto cols and actin g sensi tively .

(Continued on next page)

Political and economic systems Societies consist of interconnected decision-making systems, institutions and processes based on principles and values. Australi a’s gove rnme nt syste ms are base d on liber al dem ocrat ic princ © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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iples, inclu ding the “com mon good ” and parli ame ntary electi ons, perfo rm funct ions, inclu ding deve lopin g polic y and form ulati ng legisl ation , and have instit ution s and instr ume nts, inclu ding the © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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High Cour t and Acts of Parli ame nt. Australi a’s legal and justic e syste ms are base d on princ iples, inclu ding an inde pend ent judici ary, perfo rm funct ions, inclu ding the prote ction of right s, and © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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use differ ent type s of law and court s. Australi an citize nshi p invol ves reco gnisi ng glob al pers pecti ves and bala ncin g majo rity rule agai nst resp ectin g mino rity inter ests. Australi © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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a’s relati onsh ips with other natio ns invol ve mem bers hip of inter natio nal orga nisati ons and parti cipati on in glob al syste ms of law, diplo mac y, hum an right s, trade and secu rity. © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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Australi a’s econ omic syste m is shap ed by a rang e of econ omic activi ties, inclu ding prod uctio n and cons umpt ion, and gove rnme nt regul ation .

SOSE course of study mapped to Essential Learnings — Assessable elements

Units of work Year Year 9 © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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Seme Seme Seme Semester 2 ster 1 ster 2 ster 1 U As nit ses titl sab e le ele me nts

Kno wl ed ge an d un de rst an din g Inves tig ati © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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ng Com mu nic ati ng Parti cip ati ng Refle cti ng © The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2008

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