A Resolution to Amend the Constitution to Define Executive Orders
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1 A Resolution to Amend the Constitution to Define Executive Orders
4 RESOLVED, By two-thirds of the Congress here assembled, that the following article is
5 proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to
6 all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-
7 fourths of the several states within seven years from the date of its submission by the
8 Congress:
10 SECTION 1: The President shall have the power to enact executive orders
11 necessary and proper for carrying into execution his/her other powers given to
12 him/her by this Constitution of the United States.
13 SECTION 2: Executive orders shall carry the full force of the law but require no vote
14 of Congress to be enacted. Either the legislative or the judicial branch may cancel
15 out an executive order.
16 A. If the Senate reaches a two-thirds majority vote to veto the executive
17 order, the President may not proceed with the order and it shall be struck out.
18 B. If the Supreme Court declares the order unconstitutional, the President
19 may not proceed with the order and it shall be struck out.
20 SECTION 3: The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate
21 legislation.
23 Introduced for Congressional Debate by Blaine High School.
24 25 A Resolution to Amend the Constitution to Regulate the Minimum Wage
28 RESOLVED, By two-thirds of the Congress here assembled, that the following article is
29 proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to
30 all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-
31 fourths of the several states within seven years from the date of its submission by the
32 Congress:
34 SECTION 1: The federal minimum wage shall be set as a living wage and adjusted
35 for inflation every ten years.
36 SECTION 2: The Bureau of Labor Statistics shall measure and release the inflation
37 rate while the Department of Labor shall determine the adjusted minimum wage
38 every ten years.
39 A: The minimum wage adjustment shall occur on the years the federal
40 census is taken.
41 SECTION 3: The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate
42 legislation.
44 Introduced for Congressional Debate by Blaine High School.
45 46 The Cuban Embargo Removal Act 47 48 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 49 SECTION 1. All parts of the embargo placed by the United States on Cuba shall be lifted.
50 SECTION 2. The United States Department of Commerce will implement this bill.
51 SECTION 3. This bill will go into effect immediately upon its passing. 52 SECTION 4. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. 53 Introduced by Blaine High School 54 55 A Bill to Improve Water Desalination Facilities 56 57 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 58 SECTION 1. $650 million dollars shall be reallocated from the Department of Defense’s
59 military budget to fund investments strictly within the water desalination
60 industry annually.
61 SECTION 2. Water desalination facilities shall be defined as facilities which remove salt
62 and other minerals from water for the purpose of human consumption,
63 irrigation, etc.
64 SECTION 3. The Environmental Protection Agency will oversee the implementation of
65 this legislation.
66 A. The EPA will conduct annual audits to ensure that the facilities are using
67 the funding effectively.
68 B. Any facility not using allocated funds properly after the first two annual
69 audits will have their funding suspended until sufficient improvements
70 are made.
71 SECTION 4. This bill will go into effect in the beginning of the 2016 fiscal year. 72 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. 73 Respectfully submitted by, 74 75 Rep. Cameron Kalogerakis 76 Nova High School 77 78 A Bill to Aid Yemen 79 80 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 81 SECTION 1. WHO will allocate 45 million dollars each year for the selected purpose of improving
82 the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. However, the money allocated in this bill will be
83 used for these select purposes;
84 1.) Construction of stable water infrastructure
85 2.)Delivery and Oversight of food aid
86 3.)Encourage and Establish infrastructure for fair democratic
87 elections
88 4.)Develop Programs for the National Security Bureau of Yemen to
89 coordinate and combat drug cartels in the region
90 5.) Active pursuit of a Peace agreement between Houthi forces and
91 the Yemen government
92 SECTION 2. “Fair democratic elections” will be defined as fair ballot counting practices, gradual
93 increases in the amount voting booths, and anti- corruption practices
94 SECTION 3. The Department of State in Cooperation with the World Health Organization will
95 Coordinate Policies and Aid With USAID and the National Security Bureau of Yemen
96 for the implementation of this bill
97 C. Each year an Audit by the World Health Organization will be conducted to
98 measure the effectiveness of the aid given
99 D. The Department of State in tandeem with United Nations will develop policy to
100 mend tension between Houthi forces and The Yemenese government
101 SECTION 4. This bill will be implemented in fall of 2017 102 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. 103 Introduced for Congressional Debate by Karl Brillant 104 A Bill to Regulate Debt Collection 105 106 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 107 SECTION 1. A Federal Debt Registry will be established to monitor the sale and
108 proliferation of debt from collection agencies as well as Banks.
109 SECTION 2. A Federal Debt Registry will have the primary purpose of monitoring and
110 serial tracking the sale of debt from the Banking Industry to Collection
111 Agencies Having the marginal Interest rate of fewer than 20%.
112 SECTION 3. The Federal Reserve and Federal Trade Commission will be in charge of the
113 implementation of this bill.
114 A. Regulation of Interest Rates will be left delegated to
115 the Federal
116 Reserve
117 B. Tracking and Serial Tracking of debt will be delegated
118 to the Federal
119 Trade Commission
120 SECTION 4. This legislation will come into effect the following Fiscal Quarter 121 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. 122 Introduced by Rudgy Estel, Nova High School.
124 Introduced for Congressional Debate by Nova High School. 125 A Bill to Discontinue the Production of Nickels and 126 Pennies to 127 Lessen Inflation and Production Losses 128 129 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 130 SECTION 1. The US Mint shall cease production of pennies and nickels.
131 SECTION 2. The United States Department of Treasury will oversee the enforcement of
132 this measure, including collection and recycling of excess coinage.
133 SECTION 3. This bill goes into effect on January 1st, 2016. All nickels and pennies that are 134 currently in circulation can still be used as legal tender, though banks will be 135 encouraged to stop exchanging them. 136 SECTION 4. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. 137 Introduced for Congressional Debate by Brookfield East High School. 138 139 A Resolution to Urge Further Action on Cyber Warfare 140 141 BE IT ENACTED BY THIS CONGRESS THAT: 142 1431. WHEREAS, Our basic infrastructure is reliant on technology. If a cyber attack were 1442. to happen the effects would be devastating. Cyber Warfare is becoming 1453. common and just as in the Geneva Convention established parameters 1464. for war; parameters for Cyber Warfare need to be set; and 1475. 1486. WHEREAS, Cyber Warfare could affect nearly every single person alive. If a terrorist or 1497. or some hostile nation was to gain access to all of a country’s computers 1508. due to a backdoor or bug such as the NSA’s backdoor the effects would 1519. devastate the country. This is a problem of magnitude; and 15210. 15311. WHEREAS, If such a convention is not held there would be no punishment or 15412. consequence for a country being destroyed electronically. At the point 15513. where nearly all a country’s secrets, army, and aid is stored or controlled 15614. online there has to be parameters set to cyber warfare; and, therefore be it 15715. 15816. RESOLVED, By the Student Congress here assembled that a convention on cyber 15917. warfare shall be held with the same goals as the Geneva Convention just 16018. on Cyber Warfare. 161 162 Respectfully submitted by Brookfield East High School 163 164 A Bill to Ban Public Subsidies for Professional Athletic 165 Organizations 166 167 BE IT ENACTED BY THIS CONGRESS THAT: 168 1691. SECTION 1 Public subsidies for any professional athletic organizations 1702. shall be banned and replaced with private investment or public shares. 1713. Congress will withhold Federal highway money until state legislatures ban 1724. public subsidies for professional athletic organization 1735. 1746. SECTION 2 Public Subsidies are any benefits given by the government to a private 1757. organization. This includes tax exemption, land grants, as well as direct 1768. monetary aid. 1779. 17810. SECTION 3 The U.S. Department of Commerce will oversee the enforcement of this 17911. bill. If state governments fail to uphold this federal money for highways 18012. will be revoked. 18113. 18214. SECTION 4 This bill will be implemented as soon as it is passed and applies to all 18315. contracts local municipalities have made with any professional athletic 18416. organizations. Past subsidies are not affected. 18517. 18618. SECTION 5 All other laws that are in conflict with this new policy shall be declared 18719. null and void. 188 189 Respectfully submitted by Brookfield East High School 190 191 A Bill to Metricate the Nation to 192 Make the Math Easier 193 194 BE IT ENACTED BY THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 195 SECTION 1. The United States shall transition from the United States customary units of
196 weights and measures towards the metric system.
197 SECTION 2. A. The United States shall adopt the International System of Units (SI) as the
198 official system of measurement and exclusively adapt all public
199 infrastructure and commercial activities with it by the year 2020.
200 B. A new agency will be created to coordinate the transition to metric by
201 employing experts in the fields of education, engineering, and consumerism.
202 SECTION 3. This bill shall be enforced by the United States Department of Commerce and
203 the United States Department of Transportation.
204 SECTION 4. This bill will take effect on January 1, 2015. 205 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. 206 207 Respectfully submitted to the Committee of ______, 208 209 210 AUTHOR NAME 211 212 SCHOOL NAME 213 Respectfully submitted to the Committee of ______, 214 215 216 AUTHOR NAME 217 218 SCHOOL NAME 219 220 Respectfully submitted to the Committee of Public Welfare. 221 222 223 Ivan Cruz 224 225 Ethan Castro 226 227 Elk Grove High School 228 Respectfully submitted to the Committee of Public Welfare, 229 230 231 Ivan Cruz 232 233 Ethan Castro 234 235 Elk Grove High School 236 237 A Bill to Maintain Net Neutrality 238 239 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 240 2. SECTION 1: All Internet Service Providers shall hereby be reclassified 241 3. as “common carriers” and as 'telecommunications' under Title 242 4. II of the Communications Act. 243 5. SECTION 2: A “common carrier” shall be defined as any person or 244 6. company that transports goods or people for any person or 245 7. company and offers its services to the general public under 246 8. license or authority provided by a regulatory body. 247 9. Under this designation, Internet Service Providers shall be 248 10. hereby be subject to any and all regulation by the Federal 249 11. Communications Commission, including provisions for 250 12. maintenance of “net neutrality.” Net neutrality shall be defined 251 13. as the fair and equal treatment of all transferred data across the 252 14. Internet. 253 15. SECTION 3: This bill will be overseen by the FCC 254 16.SECTION 4: This bill will come into effect immediately upon passage. 255 17.SECTION 5: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared 256 18. null and void. 257 258 Respectfully submitted to the Committee of Public Welfare, 259 Ethan Castro 260 Elias Zenkich 261 Elk Grove High School 262 263 A Resolution to Develop Diesel Electric Submarines for the 264 United States Navy 265 WHEREAS, the United States navy has long been focused on the development of nuclear 266 submarines and allowed for Diesel Electric research and technology to 267 disipate; and 268 WHEREAS, the United States military is facing smaller research budgets and growing 269 threats, and the possibility that the continuation of an infective and shrinking 270 nuclear submarine fleet is not in the United States best interest; And 271 WHEREAS, Having a modern submarine fleet will be critical for the future of the united 272 states in areas of foreign influence, military operations, and national security; 273 and 274 WHEREAS, Diesel Electric submarines due to recent technological advances now are a 275 potentially stronger military asset than ever before; now therefore, be it 276 RESOLVED, that the Congress here assembled make the following recommendation to the 277 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the U.S naval research 278 laboratory that a prototype diesel electric submarine be built to the 279 Department of the Navies specification. 280 Introduced for Congressional Debate by Des Moines Roosevelt High school. 281 282 A Bill to Bolster the HHS’ Capacities to Fight Medicare and 283 Medicaid Fraud 284 285 BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 286 SECTION 1. $2 billion shall be allocated yearly to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid
287 Services to boost capacities that identify, recover, and prevent improper
288 Medicare and Medicaid billings, shipments, and medical practices.
289 SECTION 2. “Boosting capacities that identify, recover, and prevent improper billings and
290 shipments” in this sense includes, but is not limited to, boosting funding in
291 order to train and revamp related task forces to more efficiently audit
292 medical claims, handle appeals systems, review facilities, assess contractor
293 performance, and track equipment shipments.
294 SECTION 3. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will be responsible for the
295 enforcement of this legislation.
296 E. The Department of Health and Human Services will be required to
297 annually compile and release data on the efficacy of these programs to
298 recommend changes in funding, training, etc. in order to ensure
299 transparency.
300 SECTION 4. This bill will go into effect at the start of the 2016 Fiscal Year. 301 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. 302 Respectfully submitted, 303 304 Rep. Daniel Drane 305 Des Moines Roosevelt High School 306 307 308 A Resolution to Increase the Cooperation between the ESA 309 and NASA with new programs 310 311 WHEREAS, Humanity’s exploration of the cosmos is slowing, and without changes 312 valuable scienfic advances could be delayed or otherwise unavailable; and 313 WHEREAS, the budgets of global space agencies are becoming exponentially smaller than 314 before which is delaying new inventive missions. And 315 WHEREAS, all of our scienfic innovation along with any advantage to the human race 316 that we could find among the stars will be delayed; and 317 WHEREAS, the concept of many hands make light work and global sharing of resources 318 and further cooperation will lead to advances for all of humanity. Therefore 319 be it 320 RESOLVED, that the Congress here assembled make the following recommendation for 321 closer relations between National Aeronautics and Space Administration the 322 European Space Agency. To share resources and work on joint missions; and, 323 be it 324 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the United States and Europe set a framework for space 325 programs across the globe to join NASA and the ESA agencies if they meet the 326 agreed requirements. 327 Introduced for Congressional Debate by 328 Rep. Jacob Thompson. 329 Des Moines Roosevelt High school 330 331 A Bill to Energize the Economy 332 333 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 334 SECTION 1. No electric utility firms may both produce and distribute electricity. All
335 Vertically Integrated Utilities (VIUs) executing both functions must either
336 decouple or modify their business model in order to meet this regulation.
337 SECTION 2. The United States Congress will remove all price regulations enforced upon
338 electric producers. Any existing price regulations on electricity distribution
339 will remain.
340 SECTION 4. This bill will be enforced by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 341 Firms will have until the start of FY 2017 to comply with this legislation. 342 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. 343 Introduced for Congressional Debate by Ben Rubin, Highland Park High School. 344 A Bill to Mobilize the Kurds 345 346 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 347 SECTION 1. The US Department of Defense will provide defense articles, defense services,
348 and related training to the Kurdistan Regional Government.
349 SECTION 2. All goods and services provided by this legislation must be manufactured in
350 the United States by United Stated based companies. U.S. exporters will be
351 authorized to export such articles. The US will not send any additional troops
352 as a direct result of this legislation.
353 SECTION 3. This bill will be enforced and funding will be appropriately allocated by the
354 US Department of Defense. All funding will be allocated from the US Defense
355 Budget.
356 SECTION 4. A plan for the implementation of this legislation must be submitted to 357 Congress by the Department of Defense within 60 days of the passage of this 358 legislation. 359 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. 360 Introduced for Congressional Debate by Ben Rubin, Highland Park High School. 361 The Pennies for NASA Act 362 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 363 SECTION 1. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) shall receive $25 364 billion in additional funding for the next fifteen years for the purpose of planning, 365 and executing manned missions to Mars and the Moon. 366 SECTION 2. The Asteroid Retrieval Mission is hereby cancelled for the purpose of NASA 367 further funding, pursuing and testing of the Orion spacecraft, the Space Launch 368 System, and Project Morpheus and any other programs that are to be created or 369 are to be involved with the future manned mission to the Moon and Mars. 370 SECTION 3. NASA shall use these funds to begin the process for planning, creating, and 371 executing missions to put an American on both the Earth’s Moon and Mars by 372 midnight on December 31, 2029. 373 1. NASA may use these funds to invest or finance companies in the private sector as long as 374 they further the goal of putting an American on the Moon and Mars. 375 2. NASA may also work or partner with other nations and space agencies for the eventual 376 goal of a manned mission to Mars. 377 SECTION 4. The additional funding that NASA shall receive with this legislation shall come 378 from the annual budget of the Department of Defense for the next fifteen years. 379 1. The Office of Management and Budget shall see the enforcement of this bill and the 380 transfer of funding from the Department of Defense to NASA. 381 2. The transfer of funding from the Department of Defense’s budget to that of NASA shall 382 begin on October 1, 2014. 383 3. If NASA does not use all of the $25 billion it has been granted in a fiscal year the 384 remaining sum shall be transferred from that year to the next upcoming year. 385 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. 386 Introduced for Congressional Debate by Whitefish Bay High School 387 388 A Bill to Provide Military and Humanitarian Assistance 389 to 390 Defeat the Islamic State 391 392 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 393 SECTION 1.
394 A. 1,000 US Army soldiers shall be deployed to Iraq to assist in the
395 administration of humanitarian and economic aid.
396 B. 500 US military advisers shall be deployed to Iraq to assist the Iraqi
397 military.
398 C. The president shall be authorized to deploy special forces to Iraq at his
399 discretion.
400 D. The US shall expand economic aid to the Iraqi government for
401 improvement and equality of Iraq's educational systems and bolster
402 economic growth.
403 SECTION 2. The Military forces shall be used to preserve Iraqi Sovereignty. The US aid's
404 use is recommended for establishing equal educational systems and
405 increasing Iraqi social mobility.
406 SECTION 3. The US Department of Defense shall oversee the enforcement of the military
407 aspect of this legislation, and the Department of State shall oversee the aid
408 aspect of this legislation.
409 A. After six months all aid shall be put to review, and cut if not used
410 effectively by the Iraqi government.
411 SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. 412 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. 413 Introduced for Congressional Debate by Whitefish Bay High School. 414 A BILL TO MITIGATE THE ISIS CRISIS 415 416 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 417 SECTION 1. 500 US Navy SEALs will be deployed in Iraq in addition to increasing foreign aid
418 to allies in the region.
419 SECTION 2. The United States will mobilize a broad coalition of allies in the region to provide
420 support for possible American military operations. The enlisted countries will
421 include Australia, Britain, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab
422 Emirates, and Iran.
423 SECTION 3. The Department of Defense, Department of State, and Central Intelligence
424 Agency shall enforce this legislation.
425 A. 200 million dollars will be given in foreign aid to Jordan, Saudi
426 Arabia, Turkey, and Iran to reinforce militarization forces along Iraq’s
427 border. Each country will receive 50 million dollars in foreign aid.
428 B. If it is found that any country misappropriates these funds, then the US
429 will enforce temporary economic sanctions. The magnitude of the
430 sanctions will be relative to where and how the foreign aid funds were
431 redirected.
432 SECTION 4. This bill will be implemented immediately upon passage. 433 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. 434 435 Introduced for Congressional Debate by Julia Lauer, The Bronx High School of Science 436 437 438 A Resolution to End Global Democracy Promotion 439 WHEREAS, United States efforts to promote democracy create unnecessary involvement in
440 expensive and dangerous conflicts,
441 WHEREAS, Democracy promotion efforts often result in the creation of corrupt systems of
442 governance,
443 WHEREAS, The United States should allow for sovereign nations to choose forms of 444 governance rather than impose beliefs upon those nations, 445 WHEREAS, Efforts to promote democracy result in instability and the loss of innocent life, 446 WHEREAS, Constant American intervention often increases global anti-American sentiment; 447 Now, therefore, be it 448 RESOLVED, That the United States renounce its commitment to global democracy 449 promotion. 450 Respectfully Submitted by Sen. Dhar of the Harker School 451 452 The REAPER Act of 2014 453 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 454 SECTION 1. The Refocusing Engagement in the Americas by Promoting Effective Relations
455 Act of 2014 is hereby implemented through the following policies:
456 A. Companies that invest at least 10% of their net worth into the Mexican energy
457 sector will receive a 5% tax break for the corporate income tax.
458 B. The US Joint Interagency Task Force South will receive $30 billion in funding
459 to combat drug flow into the United States.
460 C. USAID will hereby distribute $20 billion in funding for alternate crop
461 development to the nations of Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia. USAID will
462 distribute the funding to local humanitarian organizations, which will deliver
463 the funding to local farmers.
464 D. The Department of State will aim to strengthen bilateral relationships with
465 countries of Argentina, Nicaragua, Ecuador, and Brazil, and to engage the
466 government of Venezuela to build diplomatic relations.
467 SECTION 3. The Department of State will oversee Section 2 subsection A in conjunction with
468 the Internal Revenue Service. The US Southern Command will oversee Section 2
469 subsection B. USAID will oversee Section 2 subsection C in conjunction with the
470 Department of State. The Department of State will oversee Section 2 subsection
471 D.
472 SECTION 4. This legislation will go into effect at the start of FY 2016. 473 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. 474 Respectfully Submitted by Aditya Dhar of the Harker School 475 476 A Bill to Aid Nigeria in Efforts against Boko Haram 477 478 BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: 479 SECTION 1. The United States shall send military aid, including $500 Million to Nigeria to
480 aid the fight against Boko Haram.
481 SECTION 2. Military aid is defined as aid that is used to assist a country or it’s people in
482 its defense efforts, or to assist a poor country in maintaining control over its
483 own territory.
484 SECTION 3. The State Department will oversee the enforcement of this bill.
485 SECTION 4. This legislation shall be implemented upon passage. 486 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void. 487 Respectfully submitted, 488 489 Rep. Seabrooks 490 Oxbridge Academy 491 492 493