Lions Global Service Action Campaign Planning Guide

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Lions Global Service Action Campaign Planning Guide


Greetings to you all. Plans for the National Convention in Echuca in May Clubs should now be are finalised and I encourage all Q3 members to coming back after the arrange their travel plans now so that they can Dec-Jan break partake of an interesting, challenging and refreshed and educational time. The Q District Governors have energised and I again arranged with the Echuca organising committee for welcome you to all Q District attendees to share and enjoy a night of hospitality together. It is listed in the program as 2016, an exciting year District function night and this has been arranged for us all. due to the lack of venues available for such a function within the greater Echuca area. I do hope January started early for Wendy and me with the all Q3 attendees can join us for the night. YOTY National winners’ tour hosted by Brisbane Bardon LC and supported by the Brisbane Bunya LC, Australia Day was a time for Wendy and me to Ashgrove The Gap LC and the GVK Leos. This was attend a couple of breakfasts and a Citizenship an exciting time with various dinners to welcome ceremony or two. It was a great time for us to and support those wonderful young people. reflect on our heritage, past and future, talk to our Speaking of that, the 2016 YOTY is nearly upon us, new Australian friends and to engage with our so I ask all clubs to engage with and host a local communities. It was a very special day and I thank school – a great way to get your Lions Club noticed all lions for their commitment to supporting this in your community. If you are not able to do so, important event. then I ask clubs to either host or attend the Zone, Region and District Finals and show your support Brisbane area also celebrated a Combined Service for our youth of today, our leaders of tomorrow – Clubs Dinner hosted by Hamilton Rotary club late in you will not be disappointed. Talk to District YOTY the month. It was a very good night with a very Chair Lion Roley McAtee now to avoid missing out. interesting speaker. Thanks to all who took the time Also remember that you have a great opportunity and effort to attend and promote being Better to showcase Lions during the break in your YOTY Together, when we join and share with like-minded activity, to engage with your audience and invite community people. The celebration of our Lions membership enquiries – use a short video from the Centenary is fast approaching. District Centenary Lions website or from UTube. Chair Lion Rob Craig has been working very hard to engage with clubs to start their planning for what The Council of Governors also met in Sydney in mid your club will do to celebrate? Get thinking and Jan to discuss, prepare and plan for the planning now. I also want to thank the Q3 Clubs development of Australian Lions for the next year, who nominated to participate in the Australian Lions including leadership and membership Centennial Project – great effort and one where your development. Additionally, DGE Norm and Wendy communities and your club will benefit. attended a few days of training to prepare them for their forthcoming roles. A very interesting time There are 110 clubs nationally participating and Q3 and more to come. has 10 of those, so great effort by all.

1 These clubs will be able to showcase their community to wider Australia via a NewsCorp Report magazine article on how they make a difference. From the This is a very positive approach that will grow via these planted seeds. Cabinet

District Cabinet will meet in early February and be Secretary hosted by Ipswich Redbank-Goodna LC – there are so many things happening and it is a great time to be a member of our Lions family. Do your bit and invite a friend, neighbour or family member to join. It is up to you. Special General Meeting

Until next month, keep enjoying what we do best, A Special General Meeting of District 201Q3 will th helping others, as well as looking after each other be held on Sunday, 7 February 2016. and above all, being BETTER TOGETHER. Where: Challenge Employment & Training Rodd Centre 21 Dunlop Street Collingwood Park Qld 4301 Time: 11.00am Business: To elect Lions to fill the following positions on the District 201Q3 Management Committee for the 2016/2017 Our Newest Lions Family Members Lions year. 1. Cabinet Secretary A big welcome to the following new Lions who 2. Assistant Cabinet Secretary joined us in November; Welcome and we all hope 3. Cabinet Treasurer you enjoy your Lions experience. 4. Constitution & By Laws Chairman Beerwah Lions Club…John Hunt Brisbane Bunya Lions Club…Charles Borg This information has already been forwarded to Clubs via email and snail mail.

Club Elections At this time in the Lions year it is appropriate to remind all clubs that elections for the new board of directors for 2016-2017 are almost upon us.

Presidents should have their nominations committee in place by now to give them time to be able to present at least one nomination for every position at the club nominations night. Other nominations may be taken from the floor of the meeting.

2 Club secretaries are reminded that the names and The figures above do not reflect the real situation contact details of the newly elected office bearers because not all clubs are reporting their activities.

(President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Just imagine what our figures could be if the Chairman) must be advised to the Cabinet Secretary remaining 11 clubs were completing their Monthly th by no later than 15 April 2016 (sooner if possible), on Membership Reports (MMR’s) and Monthly the PU101 form which will be forwarded to clubs in Activity Reports (MAR’s) on the MyLCI web site. due course, AND enter the information on the MyLCI web site. To allow the 15 th April 2016 deadline to be We will provide you with a progressive update of met, clubs are urged to ensure dates for the results in the District Newsletter each month. nominations meeting and election meeting are set Arthur Witheyman and appropriate notices are provided to meet the reporting requirements. Ensure that at least two weeks’ written notice of the Nominations Meeting is given to all members and at least two weeks’ written notice of the Election Meeting is given to all members. This may be by mail/email or personal delivery.

Membership & Activity Reporting Information from MyLCI at the time of writing this report indicates: *Total Members: 1616 (Members added = 114; Members dropped = 152) Net loss of 38 since the beginning of July. We will need to be continually vigilant in our efforts to both gain new members and really show we care for our existing membership.

*Activities recorded: 2790 different activities Elissa O' Donohoe of Jamboree Heights said a reported from 60 Clubs (11 Clubs have not, as yet, big “THANK YOU” to the Brisbane Jindalee Lions Club reported their activities for this year. for funding a SAMi Alert Seizure Monitor valued at $1500 from the U.S. for their 5 year old daughter Sasha *Total Number of Lion Hours recorded for Activities: who has Epilepsy. Elissa said that this monitor has 71,746 hours (A really great effort). made such a difference in giving them peace of mind at *Number of people served: 86,815 (simply night as Sasha's seizures are mostly nocturnal. Glenda outstanding). Haig and Anne Boness visited them to hear how the monitor worked and were quite humbled by the *Eyeglasses Collected: 19,667 (Numbers are coming gratitude of Sasha’s parents. Elissa reached out to her along). community on Facebook and asked them "when they are out and about in our community to support the *Funds Raised so far this year: $308,659 (A truly good Jindalee Lions Club in their fundraising as it can make result). such a difference to the members of our community”. *Funds Donated so far this year: $155,508 (Well done team!).

3 Information on the next Multiple District Convention at Echuca in May is now available from the Lions Australia Website. What better way to see a different part of Australia and learn something of the great history of Norm’s the area and enjoy meeting old friends and making new ones. With the Australia dollar at a figure that makes travelling overseas expensive, a visit to this historic Notes town on the mighty Murray River could be a great experience. So why not check it out and plan to hook up the caravan and drive south in May. Wendy and I are looking forward to joining those of you who are able to make it to Echuca this year. The golfers among you should plan to put in the golf clubs as I am led to By the time you get to read this we will be well and truly believe that there are some great courses down that into the last half of the Lions Year. Wendy and I have way. completed our first training session and meet with the incoming District Governors and their partners. These NORM JENSEN sessions in Sydney provided a great opportunity for us st both to find out a bit more about what is happening 1 Vice District Governor around Australia and what is ahead for us next year. It also provides a great opportunity to find out how they are managing the challenges we all face as we work to grow our membership and continue to serve our communities. It has certainly been a challenging time for those communities that have been affected by fires and drought. Lions Clubs, both in those areas and around Australia and the world, have been providing assistance and funds to help these communities recover and rebuild.

As we start the New Year it is probably a good time for us all to review whether our Clubs are still serving the needs of our communities and if not what changes can we make to do just that. The Blueprint for a Stronger Club is a great resource to help you to complete a community needs assessment. Another way is to consider taking on a project for your community that Forty-one years of service. acknowledges that Lions Clubs International of which Jack Dunning, member of the Brisbane Jindalee Lions th your Club is a part, is entering its 100 year. So why not Club was presented with a well-deserved Life talk to your community about delivering something Membership by Federal Member for Oxley, Bernie tangible that will be a lasting legacy to your community Ripoll MP. One could say Jack answered the call to from your Club. You can do this by completing a Legacy service during the disastrous 1974 floods where he Project and reporting it on your MyLCI Service Activity assisted with the cleanup in the Jindalee area as part of Report. Check out the great selection of Legacy Project a committee and he has continued to serve. Jack has planning material and ideas for this initiative on the LCI held many positions within the Club and is highly Website. respected by his Club members and in the local community. Congratulations Jack!

4 From the Global Leadership Team (GLT)

At the November Cabinet Meeting, we continued our discussions of topics relevant to our Clubs and District. A summary of one of the chats is below. But this should not be a one way conversation. GMT and GLT are working on a District engagement plan for 2016 Mar to May Membership Months (MMMM) – what do we as Cabinet Officers want to see happen, be involved in to assist Global MembershipClubs? Team Report: (GMT) Growing Membership

What can District do? “50 Ways to Woo a WomanStrategies – Member That Is!”

I recently Have came a plan across and helpthis clubsarticle develop on the plans LCI website. Not sureBring how food many and a peoplefriend (BFF) have day/evening read this but at thought Use it was clout worth to support sharing Clubs some (eg arrangeof the tips access outlined in theeach publication: Club to Westfield for Clubs, promote across the  Focus on existing membership Talk to Districtyour own (eg radio)women members  Videos on screens in local clubs and shops 1. AskHelp every ALL woman clubs, but to bringprioritise in one clubs more in distress woman. They alreadyEncourage know female/family/cub women – sisters, membership friends, neighbours,Global Membership co-workers, Team daughters provide guidelines– who would make greatDo MD Lions. already have a programme for 2. Makeand sure ideas your for promotionmembers andhave a thefirst informationport of call they need.March? Include LCI brochure such as “I Am A Lion” thatfor focus ideas particularly and assistance on women.  We have radio and TV promotions in country 3. FormAssist a team clubs of to women grow members within your club to come up withareas a new but notservice cities idea that works for your community,Deal with andnegativity then getin some behind clubs that idea this year. If it appeals to your own female members, it is likelyEvaluate to appeal MMMM to other process women too. 4. Make sure your women members feel good about the club. They are your best sales people. Are they feeling needed? Useful? Are they given a chance to grow their leadership skills? What can Clubs do What can Zones do

Go whereEnsure the they women have arerelevant activities for new  Promotion event with all local clubs and 1. Partnermembers with organisations that include lots of women accomplishingsingle sheet with mutual contact goals details and meeting 2. StartEngage a branch community club in and an guestsarea where at meetings lots of women gatherarrangements together –for in all a hospital,Clubs (Zone big Chair business or governmentEncourage agency, members college to look or for school members for responsibility to make it happen, not 3. Takeall part Clubs, in nota women’s just their health own expo necessarily do it) 4. Visit Encouragenew upmarket all members retirement to ask communities one to explore Arrange opportunities. a social event Do they need speakers for their monthlyLink MMMM gatherings? to Lions Would Biggest they Barbeque like to establish a branchHelp club clubs to develop add a volunteeraction plans dimension to their many offerings?

BringNew women Members to you Other  ScheduleWant people meeting who programs want to be that Lions interest (not a bodywomen  Too many drops counta. eg as Prostate has been Cancerpreviously) – What the Man in your life needsElderly todemographic know now  Clubsb. Local need Chefto help Shares numbers Secrets turn into good  Why don’t people want to be Lions Lionsc. Women’s Health Issues or Children’s Health IssuesMembership Chairpersons get together

Get out there 1. ThisPresent should an Award not be – Nurse a one of way the conversation. Year, Teacher of What the Year, can Womenyour Club Business do/is Owner your Club of the doing? Year, PleaseMother email or Grandmother your ideas of to the [email protected] Year etc – ask for public nominations. 2. Put information where women will see it – on the back of restroom doors, in doctors’ waiting rooms 3. Put your eyeglass collection boxes in businesses women visit – hair salons, gyms, spas, medical clinics – and attach a holder for your club brochures 4. Do something that will gain publicity for your club eg Put on a pie baking contest for the public, perhaps with a little twist – the men bake the pies5 and key women around town serve as judges. Whatever it is, be sure to tell the papers about it 5. Publicise every fundraiser and project

6 Stand for Causes important to women 1. Get involved with a community centre or other places women go to find an opportunity to volunteer 2. Send a press release to the paper and focus on specific needs for upcoming service projects – don’t ask for members, ask for help 3. Talk to HR departments of large businesses or government agencies – employees about to retire are looking for something to fill their time.

Never Miss An Opportunity 1. Identify groups that might be interested in hearing about Lions and offer to come and speak – P&C Associations, Church groups, Women’s Clubs 2. Get names and email addresses of anyone who comes to any event. Always have a registration sheet where prospective members can sign up to get more information about interesting things going on in the community. Then send your newsletter

Switch It Up 1. Sponsor a raffle of outrageous items for women. It must be something so good the tickets just sell themselves. This will give you a chance to talk to women. 2. Host a bowling tournament for women only, or a mother/daughter event 3. Sponsor a quilting contest in your community. Consider a Lions theme. You may be surprised how many men enter.

Hope you find these tips useful as targeted strategies to increase the number of women in your club and membership growth in general. Would love to know your ideas for how to woo a woman or share your success story, service project idea. I will organise for the full article to be uploaded to the District Website.

Donna Hedges Member of the District GMT – Women & Families Chair Email: [email protected]

Thank You

A very sincere thank you for submitting your articles for the February issue.

The deadline for the March edition of the Newsletter is 20th February.

Should copy be received after the deadline it may be necessary, due to formatting constraints, to hold your contribution over to the following month.

Please email your articles to [email protected]

When submitting articles could I please ask you to send them to me in “word” and I will format from there…Many thanks.


Lions Global Service Action Campaign Planning Guide Lions Centennial Service Challenge

For nearly 100 years, as Lions, Leos and Lionesses we have served our communities with dedication and contributed to the development and wellbeing of millions of people around the world.

As we look toward our centennial celebration, the Lions family is encouraged to serve 100 million people worldwide by December 2017 through participation in the Global Service Action Campaigns.

• August 2015- Engaging our Youth • October 2015 - Sharing the Vision • December 2015/January 2016 - Relieving the Hunger • April 2016 - Protecting our Environment

It is not too late to review your Club events over the last 6 months and to update your reports to LCI on the first two Action Campaigns (Youth and Vision).

During December 2015 and January 2016, Clubs are invited to join Lions around the world to help relieve hunger.

Primarily, one way, is to organise projects that mobilise your club members to make a difference in your community…by helping those who don’t have enough to eat. If your local food bank (soup kitchens, meals on wheels, etc) does not have volunteer opportunities available, you may wish to consider other service projects such as preparing and delivering food baskets to families in need or planting a community vegetable garden.

8 If you need any ideas or wish to clarify the acceptance of your project for the Action Campaign, I am happy to clarify and support your projects – don’t forget, you might already be doing some of these that you can receive acknowledgement.

Lion Rob Craig District Coordinator – LIONS Centennial Lions Medical Research Foundation.

Club Members,

The Lions Medical Research Foundation is commencing its second raffle for the year, and we are asking for your support.

The first prize is a Hyundai Tucson automatic wagon valued at $37,284.00, Second Prize is a Hand Made Opal & Pearl necklace valued at $2,700.00 and the third prize is a Myer/Coles Group gift card to the value of $1,000.00.

Great prizes in a raffle that is closing on the 1st April and drawn on the 26th April 2016.

Every dollar raised goes into Medical Research and our Researchers and we all know the caliber of these people, they are the best in the world.

Order your tickets through the office Email: [email protected]

If you have an entrant, every raffle ticket sold goes to her tally in the fundraising, what could be easier!

If you are going to Brisbane, the Foundation has a great deal for you with one of our major sponsors. Stay at the Royal on the Park at $170.00 per room per night with Free high speed WIFI, and free self parking right in the heart of the city. This Hotel overlooks the Botanical Gardens, 2 minutes to Casino and the centre of Brisbane’s shopping precinct.

To get this exclusive rate simply use the promo/corporate code L1917 when you book online on their website, or mention “Lions” when you call to book your room on (07) 3221 3411. This will also give the foundation a 10% donation, Win, Win for everyone.

Please support this premium project of Lions in Queensland and Northern New South Wales by ordering a block of Ticket books and selling them.

Your efforts will help to find cures for the present and into the future:

Today’s research is Tomorrow’s Cure Thank You PDG Lion Bob Goldsworthy

9 Q3 Director Lions Medical Research Foundation

Lioness Cuppa & Chat

Saturday 19th March 2016 1.30pm for a 2.00pm start with a 4.30pm finish The School Hall of Woody Point Special School Georgina Street, Woody Point

Ladies, our Annual Lioness Cuppa & Chat is just around the corner. Lion/Lioness Lorraine Hendy and I have put together a programme for the afternoon which includes a guest speaker from Angel Flight.

Some areas we will be looking at include:

 Awards which Lioness Clubs can purchase i.e Lioness of the Year, 100% President or Secretary awards,

 Awards available for purchase from various Lions Foundations

 2-5 minute presentations by various clubs on a chosen project

 Use of social media i.e Web pages and Facebook page

 How do you set up a Facebook page

 Lioness Club of the Year Point system review

 Fonnie Tresise Premier Project Award…how do we make it more user friendly

 Things we can do in/for our Community.  Other things/projects we might do for fundraising.

We will ensure that we have time for open discussion and general ‘Chat Time’. Should you have any other areas you would like discussed, please contact me and let me know. The Lioness Club of Redcliffe Central will be assisting with the afternoon tea, Thank You ladies. To assist with catering would you please complete the tear-off slip and return it to me or simply reply by email. Thank you. Lorraine and I are looking forward to seeing you on the 19th March.

10 The Lioness Club of will have Lionesses attending the

Cuppa & Chat on Saturday 19th March.

A Suggestion/Question for you is

“May Every Child Walk With Pride For It Is Their Right”

District Chairman 201Q3 Lion Diane Unwin

94 Copeland Drive, North Lakes Q 4509

Phone: (H) 07 3886 0044; (M) 0418 904 999

Email: [email protected]

Happy New Year to Everyone!

The current applications for a Hart Walker and a Gator Training Walker have been finalized. The two clubs involved in the fundraising for young Illa’s Gator Training Walker (the Lions Club of Toowoomba West Inc and the Lions Club of Toowoomba Wilsonton Inc) have asked to attend her fitting day and give Presentations from both clubs. They will each have representatives attending. Illa’s Physiotherapist will contact me when a date is set for her fitting. Walk For An Aussie Kid: The Lions Club of Brisbane Bunya Inc are hosting their annual “Walk For An Aussie Kid” event on Sunday 17th April 2016. The venue is Teralba Park Osborne Rd, Everton Park. Registrations start at 8am. The Walk commences at 8.30am and the registration cost is only $10. This is a major fundraiser for the Australian Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation. Please give this event your support if you are able to attend. It also gives the community an opportunity to assist in the fundraising and have fun while doing so. 11 Again, I would like to express my thanks to all Clubs who support ALCMF. Without your continued fundraising efforts these wonderful children in need would not be able to ‘Walk with Pride’. From The Global Leadership Team (GLT)

As well as Lions business as usual, in the next couple of months we overlay Club Elections and March to May Membership Months. Elections It may not be too late to join a webinar for information on each of the following positions, led by your Global Leadership Team and supported by Lions with experience in the positions. 1 Feb President – with DGE Norm Jensen 2 Feb Secretary – with Cabinet Secretary Arthur Witheyman 8 Feb Membership Committee - with Global Membership Team Coordinator Joyce Arnold 11 Feb Treasurer – with District Treasurer Peter Brown All sessions start at 7.30 pm and run for no more than an hour Book by emailing your name, club and the session(s) you wish to attend to [email protected] as soon as possible. March to May Membership Months It is one thing to get people through the door, another thing to convert them into good Lions. By next Bulletin your Global Leadership Team will have collated some ideas to assist you. That said, we are always available to provide information sessions about Lions for Clubs, and Zones, and leadership sessions for members. Email address below. But here’s something to think about. When speaking with potential members, do you mind your language? We know you don’t swear, but do you  appeal to their emotions and desire to fit in, to be accepted, to be loved, to make a difference  use inclusive language such as 'we', 'our’, ‘us’,  avoid or explain jargon  paint pictures of what’s in it for them  talk about the difference we make at a personal level (eg the lady who received a pair of spectacles from our recycling project and saw her grandchild properly for the first time)  focus on what’s important for them

If we capture their heart, their head will likely follow.

Your Global Leadership Team Engelbert, Rosemary, Mike and Richard [email protected]


The following is an indication of the tasks for the next working bee at the Camp.

26-28 February 2016: Aspley Leo’s 1. Renovations to The Grange behind Kitchen. 2. Painting – some exterior work, but also some interior bathrooms. Trivia Night 3. Repair a door (McDonald) and cupboards in dormitories.

Bracken Ridge Baptist Church 4. Install some shelving. 47 Norris Road 5. Electrical – septic system. 6. Minor plumbing repairs.

7. Various small outdoor maintenance tasks.

Saturday 12th March, 6pm for a 6:30 All tasks will be listed and on display in the Jones Rotunda.

All members of the Lions Family are welcome, Tables of 5-10 at $10 a head even if this is your first visit. Please bring suitable work gear, pillows, sheets, blanket(?) and whatever you plan to eat or drink. RSVP by 7th March to: You may arrive from late Friday afternoon if you wish.

Jesse Pascoe It is a self-catered weekend, but Saturday night dinner will be provided. Aspley Leo’s President: 0432646091 Future working bees in 2016:

27-29 May; 18-20 November.

Sausage sizzle, Drinks, Raffle prizes! Peter J Boge Secretary to the Board, Lions Camp Duckadang

Fundraising for the Australian Lion Children’s Cancer Research Foundation


Happy KINGS Campers at the gates of Camp Duckadang with District Governor Rodd and Lions Lady Wendy. Self-Help Support Groups play a very important WOULD A GRANT MAKE A DIFFERENCE? supporting role outside the more formal offerings I was pleased to work on the successful grant of the central organisation. Helen Keller (whom application by Lions Camp Duckadang to the Lions recognise via the Helen Keller Award), was Queensland Government Gambling Community one of the early and most passionate advocates of Benefit Fund. $35 000 will be used to erect much- the role of self-help support groups for the needed shelters from the sun, and they will be hearing impaired and their family. usedfor a range of activities. Currently Better Hearing Australia - Brisbane Assistance was provided to the Lions Club of supports three local groups (Redlands, Logan and Woodford Inc who successfully applied to the Maryborough). All these groups are well Australian Lions Foundation for a grant of $4 649 established and offer support and advocacy within towards a rider mower. their community.

I have not heard from any other clubs who submitted Lion Peter Massey (himself profoundly deaf) is the grant applications. Secretary/Treasurer of BHA-Bris and is the Facilitator of a well-established and successful Peter J Boge Support group in Logan. Peter has the formal Grant Application Liaison, District 201Q3 support of the Better Hearing Australia-Board to establish and facilitate a Self Help Group on the Redcliffe Peninsular.

If you would be interested in supporting and participating in such a group in Redcliffe, or require extra information, please contact Better Hearing Australia Brisbane, Phone/TTY 04 3844 5065 or [email protected] and/or Lion Peter, [email protected] (0423 925 501, SMS ONLY)

A Poster/Flyer is in preparation and will be offered if you can distribute it locally.

An expression of Interest

Better Hearing Australia Brisbane Inc (a Volunteer led organisation, and part of an Australian wide organization) has been supporting the hearing impaired (HI) and deaf (mostly the Post-Lingual deaf) in South East Queensland since 1946, offering personal support and training in Speech Reading, Hearing Loss Management, Hearing Tactics etc.

14 Report on Visit to Brisbane and SE Qld by State finalists in National Youth of the Year Competition

“I’m glad you won Patrick --because Brisbane is such a great place to visit”

These were the words of one of the other state finalists at the farewell Social Dinner function for the six state finalists hosted by Brisbane-Bunya Club on 11th January.

As part of their prize the six state finalists attend the International Youth Camp in New Zealand, followed by a visit to the home city or town of the National Winner. In 2015 as most of Q3 readers would be aware; the National Winner was Patrick Cross from St Joseph’s College Gregory Terrace, sponsored by Brisbane-Bardon Lions Club. In mid-2015 PDG Brian McGrath from that club stepped forward and in conjunction with myself and several others formed a committee to plan events assuring these six wonderful young Australians had as enjoyable and fulfilling time as possible whilst in Brisbane and SE Queensland.

Activities included breakfast at Mt Coot-tha, a tour of City Hall, the TRI Complex at the PA Hospital, a High Tea at Shingle Inn in the city, Kayaking on the Brisbane River, cuddling Koalas at Lone Pine, a Bar-b-Que hosted by Patrick’s family, a boat cruise to Tangalooma including feeding the Dolphins, a day trip to the Gold Coast including Sea World and shopping, plus a visit to Australia Zoo and other Sunshine Coast attractions.

In between these cultural, social and tourism related activities there were a couple of Lions functions.

On 7th January Ashgrove-The Gap Lions Club hosted the official Q3 welcome dinner with 90 in attendance including the District Executive, members of the Cross Family, the State YOTY Coordinator and representatives of three of the “Q Districts”. At this function the finalists gave inspiring addresses highlighting their experiences since entering the program and how much they had benefited from this wonderful National Youth Project. Each finalist gave us an insight into their future goals, expectations and university probabilities, some of which have already begun.

On 11th January Brisbane-Bunya Club hosted a low key social function as their farewell to Queensland. On this occasion we witnessed the more relaxed style of the visit and how well the group has bonded when they provided a light hearted resume of their NZ youth camp and experiences since arriving in Brisbane. We were entertained with a couple of songs they’d compiled including a lively skit entitled “Str-aia” (Australia) The evening ended with presentations by Norm Shrubsole, President of Brisbane-Bardon) and Donna Hedges President of Bunya Club.

Home hosting during the visit was provided by Patrick’s parents and the Kruip family of Ashgrove. Many thanks for undertaking this major responsibility, thanks also to the sponsors involved.

We won’t be surprised when we see the names of Patrick Cross (Q Districts), Hannah Worlsey (N) Emma Wiggins (V) Grace Walker (T) Lily Thornley (C) Russell Watt (W) up in lights as leaders in medicine, engineering, international relations, parliamentary service etc. in coming years. They are all outstanding ambassadors for our Lions Youth of the Year program and we wish them well in the future.

It was a pleasure to be associated with this major undertaking and my personal thanks to everyone who assisted in any way.

Roley McAtee Youth of the Year District Chairman

15 Youth of the Year Pictorial

16 17 18 19

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