Apartheid Balkanization Centrifugal Force Centripetal Force Ethnic Cleansing

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Apartheid Balkanization Centrifugal Force Centripetal Force Ethnic Cleansing


Period: Ethnicity Review


Apartheid Balkanization Centrifugal force Centripetal force Ethnic cleansing

Multiethnic state Nationalism Nation-state Race Ghetto

1. A sign written in Afrikaner which reads “Bathroom for Whites Only!” (Blankets) is an example of racism and ______.

2. When many ethnic areas split off to form their own countries, this is an example of ______.

3. The United Kingdom, including Scotland, Wales, Britain, and Northern Ireland, is an example of a(n)______.

4. A homogenous ethnic neighborhood usually economically deprived is an example of a(n) ______.

5. Belgium is divided into Dutch-, French-, and German-speaking areas. Each area has a distinct culture. Belgium is a(n) ______.

6. President Obama campaigned in 2008 on a platform of unification, bipartisanship, and common beliefs. These are examples of ______.

7. Patriotism is closely linked to ______.

8. Rwanda was a site of ______.


9. Kurds have their own language and culture, but not their own country. Kurds are a(n)______.

10. If the Kurds formed their own state, this would be an example of a(n) ______.

11. Forces which can cause a country to split are examples of______. 12. The Ku Klux Klan represented a terrorist group in American history which wanted a nation based on one pure ______.

13. The formation of the following countries: Albania, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia & Herzevogina led to the term ______.

14. Which of the following is NOT a cause of balkanization?

a. Ethnic divisions

b. Varying levels of economic development within a country

c. External pressures

d. Centripetal forces

e. A strong central government

15. What religion is a centripetal force for India?

16. What religion is a centripetal force for Iran?

17. Most ethnic cleansing in the last 100 years has taken place on which two continents?

18. Balkanization occurs when ethnic groups seek ______.

19. The US is an example of a ______state.

20. Language, race, and religion make up important parts of ______.

21. Give two example of a centrifugal force in a state.

22. For each of the following regions in the US, name the racial or ethnic minority which predominantly resides there.

Pacific Coat, Hawaii: ______

South Dakota, New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska:______

Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California:______

The South:______

23. What ethnicity has become the largest and fastest growing in the United States in the last 20 years?

24. Briefly describe the ethnic cleansing in Rwanda in 1994.

25. What are 4 similarities between the Holocaust and the Rwanda genocide? Be able to locate Rwanda in Africa…

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