New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors Scholarship Foundation

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New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors Scholarship Foundation


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New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors Scholarship Foundation

PO Box 101 Cream Ridge, NJ 08514-0101 1-800-853-LAND e-mail: [email protected] BACKGROUND In 1978 NJSPLS was begun by eight Professional Land Surveyors meeting in a restaurant in Hightstown, New Jersey. Existing at the same time was a Land Surveyors Practice Division of the New Jersey Society of Professional Engineers. These organizations existed side by side until the growth of NJSPLS made it obvious that there should be only one voice for the profession. The Society also became aware of the need for a permanent headquarters and staff, as well as a lobbyist in Trenton to monitor the legislative interest of land surveyors. In 1983, NJSPE agreed to disband the LS Practice Division and split the treasury, half to go directly to NJSPLS and half to go to a scholarship fund operating under the auspices of NJSPLS and NJSPE. That contract was finalized at Conference ‘83. The Scholarship Fund was opened shortly thereafter and a committee was organized to administer the funds. Over the years, the New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors Scholarship Foundation has received donations from various professionals. Additional monies have been generated over the years through specific contributions made on behalf of individuals who have been prominent in the land surveying profession. Awards are made annually by the New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors Scholarship Foundation to individuals pursuing careers in the surveying profession. The annual scholarship amount(s) granted from these funds is based on the interest earned by the invested principal and does not touch the original principal in these funds. Additionally, the Foundation is funded by proceeds from the Annual Auction and Golf Outing, combining these NJSPLS annual contributions with the earned interest on the core funds. There are also several scholarship awards made annually by individual Chapters of NJSPLS. Presentation of scholarships is made by the New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors Scholarship Foundation annually prior to commencement of the Fall Semester.

BASIS OF THE AWARD These scholarships are awarded to the recipient for one academic year only. The same recipient may reapply for subsequent years by submitting a new application and transcript of academic performance for the previous year to the New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors Scholarship Foundation. The applicant must be a New Jersey resident, studying at an accredited college (in state or out-of-state) acceptable to the New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors Scholarship Foundation Selection Committee, in active pursuit of an Undergraduate or Graduate Degree in Surveying or a related field, i.e. Cartography or Geodesy, etc. Preference will be given to applicants enrolled as full-time students. Financial need, academic ability, personal interests and personal references will be evaluated in determining the successful recipient. All data and materials contained in and supplemental to this application will be used only by the New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors Scholarship Foundation Selection Committee, and only to evaluate prospective candidates for determining the successful recipients.

NJSPLS MICHAEL J. GALANTE MILITARY SERVICE SCHOLARSHIP To honor those who currently serve or have completed service in any branch of the military, the Michael J. Galante Military Service Scholarship has been created to assist our service men and women pursuing studies in surveying or geomatics. Recognizing that some have already made the ultimate sacrifice, the scholarship is open to the children of fallen or disabled veterans as well. APPLICATION


RETURN TO: New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors Scholarship Foundation PO Box 101, Cream Ridge, NJ 08514-0101

DUE DATE: Postmarked by March 1 - AWARD DATE: On or about May 1.

Applicant Name:______(Last) (First) (Middle or Initial)

Street Address:______Town:______County:______State:______Zip:______Phone:______e-mail:______

Do you rent or own your home: ______Indicate your monthly mortgage/rent______

Current Marital Status: Married______Single______Divorced______Widowed______Number of Children living in your home (#) ______Indicate Their Ages ______Total Dependents (excluding self) (#) ______Applicant/Spouse Total Combined Gross Income: $______

Parents’ or Guardians’ Names:______Street Address:______Town:______County:______State:______Zip:______Phone:______Total# in Household______

High School: Address:______Town:______State:______Zip:______Telephone:______Teacher/Advisor:______

College Major:______Grade Point Average:______

Other Education: (if any)______

Most Current Official Transcript of Records available must be received by application due date (Internet transcripts are acceptable):

Enclosed______Separate:______Work during Scholastic Year: (circle one) Full Time Part Time None

Employer: ______Length of Service: From______to______Phone:______Please supply information on any prior Land Surveying experience. (Use separate sheet.)

Professional Registrations - list State and License No. (If any):


Personal References: (At least two references are required to be deemed complete. Please include letter from each reference)

The evaluation of scholarship applications is a difficult task when all that is submitted is a stack of cold facts regarding dollars desired and courses taken. The role of a surveyor in society involves a wide range of human interactions: with individuals, special interest and religious groups, corporations, community organizations. Therefore the most effective letters of recommendation are those that reveal the character as well as the accomplishments of the scholarship applicant. We suggest that you ask your references to include information about how long they have known you and under what circumstances, their personal or professional knowledge of you, activities they may be aware of that you participate in or have organized. For academic references, both grades and participation in class and school activities are important in assessing each individual.

Name:______Address:______Town:______State:______Zip:______Telephone No:______

Name:______Address:______Town:______State:______Zip:______Telephone No:______

Name:______Address:______Town:______State:______Zip:______Telephone No:______

Academic References: (REQUIRED – Please include letter from each academic reference) Teacher's Name:______Address:______Town:______State:______Zip:______Telephone No:______EDUCATIONAL ENROLLMENT PLANS


Circle/Specify Level of Educational Study this award request will apply toward: Graduate Bachelor Associate Certificate Other ______

Student’s Academic Year this award request will apply toward:

Circle the Academic Year of study to which you will be applying the award requested:

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Other ______


A B C Required Family/Applicant Provided Other* (Deduct) (Deduct)

Tuition $______$______$______Fees $______$______$______Books, etc. $______$______$______Room & Board $______$______$______

Total Amount Requested: (A-B-C) $______

* For C above state source; “Other” may be grants, other scholarships, employer educational reimbursement, loans, etc., or part-time work being planned ______


If you meet the requirements of the NJSPLS Michael J. Galante Military Service Scholarship, please provide documentation of your service, or your parents’ military service, with your application. STUDENT & COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONAL ACTIVITIES

Name of Organization ______National State Chapter

NJSPLS Affiliation: Are you or a member of NJSPLS? Yes ___ No___ Is any member of your family a member of NJSPLS? Yes ___ No ___

Membership ______

Elected Offices ______Held ______

Committees ______Served On ______

Committee ______Chairperson ______

Served as ______Representative ______or Delegate ______

Community ______Activities ______

Please list on a separate sheet any other activities, programs and/or awards that you participated in or received. Please indicate if you would be interested in participating in any of the various NJSPLS activities, such as writing articles, assisting in Trig Star competitions, service on committees, etc.

Essay (Required): Attach a separate sheet to explain clearly and concisely what has prompted you to pursue a career in Land Surveying or a related profession. This essay shall include the following:

 Identify other factors not stated in this application affecting your financial need.  Indicate if you are a past recipient of an NJSPLS award. If so, state year(s) and award amount(s).  Provide additional information on other scholarships and/or employer educational reimbursement you have received in support of your degree.  Identify any courses taken that do not yet appear on your transcript, the school(s) where you took the course(s), and the credits expected for each course.  List the course(s) that you plan on taking in the upcoming semester/year. Include the number of credits per course and the school where you plan to take the course(s). APPLICANT’S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS

I hereby understand and accept that this grant will be used to further my education. If monies received are not used for the intended purpose, the scholarship award will be returned to the Foundation. I will forward to the New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors Scholarship Foundation a copy of my transcripts and tuition receipts for classes attended and completed, financed all or in part by this award. I accept these terms as agreed upon by myself and the New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors Scholarship Foundation.

______Date:______Applicant Signature

______Date:______Parent or Guardian (if under age)

NOTE: The NJSPLS and the Foundation, its officers, members, employees and agents, (herein collectively referred to as the “NJSPLS”,) will exercise its best efforts to keep information provided by you in this application confidential. NJSPLS will not intentionally disclose your information to any third party not affiliated with the NJSPLS. NJSPLS will not sell any portion of your information to any third party. Your information will be examined by the NJSPLS in connection with your request for a scholarship. NJSPLS shall not be liable for disclosure of your information to any third party not affiliated with the NJSPLS as a result of its carelessness, negligence, or gross negligence. Your signature or that of your parent or guardian, on this application shall constitute a release of liability to NJSPLS.

Incomplete applications shall not be considered for Scholarship. Make sure current official transcript is included, (Internet transcripts are acceptable).

REQUIRED INFORMATION: (Must be postmarked by MARCH 1)

 Complete Application

 Current Official Transcript

 Documentation of Military Service (if applying for Michael J. Galante Service Scholarship)

 Reference Letters (At least two personal and one academic required)

 Letter of Interest including emphasis on Financial Need and Past Award information (Essay)

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