Postgraduate Admission Requirements for the Postgraduate Programmes in the Department

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Postgraduate Admission Requirements for the Postgraduate Programmes in the Department

Postgraduate Admission requirements for the Postgraduate programmes in the Department of Life and Consumer Sciences

2016/2017 intake

Departmen Department of Life and Consumer Sciences t Qualificatio PhD in Consumer Science n Contact Dr Tertia van Eeden, Postgraduate Coordinator for the PhD in Consumer Sciences programme, details for Tel: +27 11 471 2171 the E-mail: [email protected] Departmen t of Life and Consumer Sciences Curriculum A research proposal module (DPLCS00) and a Thesis (TFCON01). Students are required to register and comply with : the requirements for completion of the research proposal module before registration for the thesis will be allowed. Purpose of The purpose of this module is for students to gain the knowledge and skills required to execute a research project that Research makes a contribution to the body of knowledge and falls within the scope of the research projects particular to Proposal Consumer Science. The learner accredited with this module will be able to: Module:  Identify a research problem (DPLCS00)  Formulate the problem, research questions and/or set appropriate hypothesis  Set well defined research objectives  Compile a literature review  Present a suitable methodology and data analysis for the research project  Identify the contribution the research will make  Draft a research proposal that addresses all of the above

1 Application Students interested in the PhD in Consumer Science program need to apply during the bulk application dates of Unisa dates as posted on the Unisa website. Admission An appropriate Master's Degree in Consumer Science or related field. In the case of a course work Master's Degree requiremen the applicant must submit a PDF version of the research project that formed part of such a degree. In addition to the ts for the above requirements, all applicants must submit a transcript or an academic record, as well as a 4- page PDF concept DPLCS00 document describing their intended research. Guidelines for compiling the document can be found on the module departmental website. Students will be accepted on the following criteria: Suitability and viability of the intended specific to research; Adequate supervisory capacity and research expertise in the department. An approved selection procedure students in which is in line with Unisa's policies on equality and diversity in the discipline or department will be implemented. PhD in Students, who are awaiting Masters examination results, must still submit applications by the due date. Applications Consumer will be considered once results become available. Science

Admission sheet for PhD in Consumer Science 2016-2017 tve RP.xls Selection An approved selection procedure which is in line with Unisa’s policies and equality and diversity in the discipline or procedure department will be implemented. The following selection procedure will be applied:  All students are required to first choose a qualification within the College of their choice  All applicants are required to apply for a student number first  Students are then required to apply for admission and provide the required supporting documents  Administrative verification will take place whereby students will be informed if any documentation is outstanding  Application should reach the student admission office no later than the closing date indicated on the Unisa website  Selection will be guided by the selection criteria document.  The application will be forwarded to the Postgraduate Coordinator for the PhD in Consumer Science programme for consideration and consultation with potential supervisors  A selection committee consisting of the Research project leaders particular to this programme, supervisors in the Consumer Sciences discipline and Postgraduate Coordinator for the PhD in Consumer Sciences will complete the review process of the application by January 2017  In cases where clarity is required on the application the Postgraduate coordinator may consider requesting an interview (telephonic or in person) with the candidate  Applications of selected candidates will be forwarded to the College office for Research and Graduate Studies where after the selected applications will be forwarded to the College Research Innovation and Higher Degrees committee for final approval  Successful candidates will be notified by the M&D section that will then assist with further registration for the Research Proposal Module.

2 Procedures  Candidates who were unsuccessful may apply to the Postgraduate Coordinator for the PhD in Consumer for Science programme for the reasons for rejection of the application. unsuccessf  All appeals will be considered by an appeal committee consisting of the Head of the College office for ul Research and Postgraduate Studies, Director for the School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Chair of the applications Department of Life and Consumer Sciences and members of the Research Committee of the Department of Life and Consumer Sciences.  The outcome of the appeal will be submitted to College management for approval  A further appeal may be submitted through the appropriate Unisa procedures.  To appeal the following document should be completed and submitted to the Postgraduate Administrator in the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences at [email protected]

CAES - M and D Appeals 2017 final.docx Documents In addition to the admission requirements, ALL applicants must submit the following documentation: to support  A transcript or an academic record, application  A 4 page PDF concept document describing their intended research according to the project details and descriptions provided on the departmental website: which will have to include an appropriate topic, research problem, objectives, brief literature background, suggested methodology and references.  The Departmental Selection Document Form 1  An updated CV Selection Students will be accepted on the following criteria as will be evaluated in the template provided: criteria  Applicant information provided  Suggested research focus  Research concept document evaluation If a 0 is scored for supervisor capacity in the selection criteria document the application will not be considered for admission.

Acceptance form 2017 tve 13 April 2016 EAS.docx Alignment to Enrolment plan 2017 The admission of PhD in Consumer Science students are aligned to the 2012 - 2019 Enrolment plan developed by the Department of Life and Consumer Sciences New The Enrolment plan for 2017 was designed to accommodate 18 students in the PhD in Consumer Science programme. intake for The selection committee will select 18 students from the applications received. Depending on the number of applicants,

3 2017 an additional 5 students will be placed on a secondary list in case any of the selected students on the primary list is unable to register. The selection committee may decide not to accommodate any applicants due to the quality of the concept documents submitted. The selection committee may also not make use of the secondary list of students depending on the number of applications received and the quality of the submission. Should 18 students apply and are found not to be successful in their application they will not be admitted. Students interested in multidisciplinary research or research with a teaching and learning focus may apply for the PhD in Consumer Sciences and will be evaluated according to the relevant focus of the research within the Teaching and Learning and ODL supervisors in CAES. Should the capacity of supervisors change due to external supervisor capacity that can be sought more than 18 students will be admitted based on the quality of the applications. Alignment of intake to Research Projects Applicants will be required to align the proposed research they will be presenting to any one of the research projects stipulated in the research projects. The proposed research should be developed within the broad context of the research project outlines but should have a particular focus. Potential Consumer Potential supervisors Specialization area of supervisors Science supervisors and Prof E Kempen Consumer behaviourist their specialisation areas E-mail: [email protected] Consumer behaviourist Mrs L Christie E-mail: [email protected] Dr FT Tabit Food Scientist: Food processing, microbiology, E-mail: [email protected] safety and quality assurance. Dr TS Van Eeden, RD Nutrition and food security, nutrition education, E-mail: [email protected] community nutrition, hospitality management Body composition, maternal and child health, Dr O Sotunde, RD bone health, obesity and diet-chronic disease E-mail: [email protected] association Therapeutic nutrition, maternal, infant & young Mrs EA Symington, RD child feeding E-mail: [email protected] Nutrition and food security, nutrition education, community nutrition Mrs F Malongane, RD Public health nutrition; infant & young child E-mail: [email protected] feeding; nutrition & human rights

Ms CJ Pereira Nutrition and food E-mail: [email protected]

4 Mr R Mathye E-mail: [email protected] Mr JJ Sibanyoni Food and beverage specialist: Food and E-mail: [email protected] beverage preparation and services, Food safety and quality assurance Mr L Teffo Food and beverage specialist E-mail: [email protected] Food management

Ms OC Sehoole E-mail: [email protected] Ms K Pandarum 3D body scanning, Consumer Apparel E-mail: [email protected] Behaviour

Ms M Makopo Clothing, 3D body scanning, Consumer E-mail: [email protected] Apparel Behaviour Clothing, Clothing, 3D body scanning, Consumer Mrs M Strydom Apparel Behaviour E-mail: [email protected] Fashion and Textiles, Consumer Apparel Behaviour, Mrs A Niemann Male and female Consumers’ knowledge, 3D E-mail: [email protected] body scanning Goal and Purpose of the The aim of the research projects is to study the factors that influence nutritional status and food safety Research projects practices of various consumer groups. A combination of clinical and situational based analysis with softer consumer behavioural research of the attitudes, perceptions and motivations that drive consumer decisions and behaviour, will form a comprehensive understanding of the health and well- being of consumers. The result of this research is the development of Consumer Education intervention programmes, fact sheets and informative media releases that would contribute to the knowledge and practice of consumers. The theme offers potential to develop a database which could assist in studying occurrences of and relationships between different influencing factors. It also serves to support the identification and development of research instruments and research projects that will assist in a better understanding of the health and well-being behaviour within the South African context. A multidisciplinary approach to study health and well-being could impact on the socio- economic status of consumers through educational interventions in the areas where knowledge regarding nutrition and foodstuff practices are lacking. The goal of this research project is to research relevant topics in food and nutrition in South Africa through means of consumer behaviour approaches, nutritional assessments, nutritional analysis, surveys and various other methods to gather information

5 on the relevant topic. The goal of this project is to enable the development of specific educational material to inform and educate consumers regarding the topic researched in the project. The goal of this research project is also to accommodate a diversity of specialists in consumer behaviour research, nutrition, food scientists and food in general to research different areas of the topic Key focuses of the Consumer attitude, Consumer decision making, Consumer values, Consumer knowledge, Consumer research projects Education, Consumer perception Motivation for the number The number of students admitted to this research project will be determined by the availability of of students additional spaces within the capacity of a supervisor. The number of students admitted will be accommodated in the determined by the available supervisors in 2017. The enrolment number may also be determined by Research projects the number of applications received which may be fewer than required. The selection committee will determine the circumstances for selecting more or fewer students depending on unplanned changes to the profile of the available supervisors. Therefore the number of students indicated in the capacity column of each project indicates the maximum number of students that will be taken in as the admissions may only be for one specific project and not for any other projects. In instances where there are admissions for different projects the number of applications will be considered and the number in brackets in the capacity column will be accepted. It should be stated that where a particular research topic has no students but another exceeds the limit those students will be accommodated only if they meet the requirements of the admission criteria.

Research project options Topic 1: Consumer Education, Food Stuffs, Clothing and Nutrition behaviour (perception, attitudes, value and consumer decision making) Description of Topic 1 The objective of this research is to determine the behaviour that describes, fosters and influences a consumer’s knowledge and action where products such as food and other consumer goods are concerned. Research projects can include aspects of consumer behaviour to enhance the understanding of what the consumer experiences. The purpose of the consumer behaviour research focus is to undertake various projects of any nature where a focus on consumers is required or where current situations or events emerge that result in a change of consumer behaviour. This topic allows for research projects to accommodate any consumer related field and specifically looking at the behaviour of different generations of consumers of which the current projects are listed. Students are also welcome to design a research project that covers elements of these four project options. Project option 1.1: Consumer attitude and perception towards food and food Prof E Kempen products (specifically focussing on milk and UHT milk use and consumption but E-mail: [email protected] applications will be considered for any other food related proposals such as food items or healthy food etc.) Dr TS Van Eeden E-mail: [email protected]

6 Dr FT Tabit E-mail: [email protected]

Mrs EA Symington E-mail: [email protected]

Ms F Malongane E-mail: [email protected]

Ms L Christie E-mail: [email protected] Project option 1.2: Factors that influence different consumer groups Prof E Kempen consumption and purchase decision of food and food products E-mail: [email protected]

Dr TS Van Eeden E-mail: [email protected]

Dr FT Tabit E-mail: [email protected]

Mrs EA Symington E-mail: [email protected]

Ms F Malongane E-mail: [email protected]

Ms L Christie E-mail: [email protected] Project option 1.3: Consumer values and the influence on the decision to Prof E Kempen purchase E-mail: [email protected]

Dr TS Van Eeden E-mail: [email protected]

Dr FT Tabit E-mail: [email protected]

7 Mrs EA Symington E-mail: [email protected]

Ms F Malongane E-mail: [email protected]

Ms L Christie E-mail: [email protected]

Mrs A Niemann E-mail: [email protected] Project option 1.4: Green consumerism and decision making Prof E Kempen E-mail: [email protected]

Ms L Christie E-mail: [email protected]

Dr TS van Eeden E-mail: [email protected]

Mrs A Niemann E-mail: [email protected]

Topic 2: FOOD PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT, QUALITY AND SAFETY ASSURANCE Description of topic 2: Possible supervisors The objective of this focus area is to conduct researches that will cluster around the production of Dr FT Tabit safe and innovative food products that will be acceptable to consumers. Various research projects E-mail: [email protected] will be linked the preparation of innovative food, food quality analysis and safety assurance. Different bio analytical as well as sensory analytical techniques will be employed to accomplish Mr JJ Sibanyoni research objectives. E-mail: [email protected]

NB: Post graduate applicants should contact us to ascertain the suitability of their Dr MA Nyila intended research topic prior to applying for admission E-mail: [email protected]

8 Project option 2.1: Food product development Mr L Teffo E-mail: [email protected] Research projects under this option will focus on the designing and development of innovative food products using indigenous crops as the main raw material. Ms OC Sehoole, E-mail: [email protected] Project option 2.2: Food microbiology

Research projects under this option will focus on food microbiology and safety. This will involve the characterisation of spoilage and food borne pathogens

Topic 3: Nutrition knowledge and Consumption Patterns Description of topic 3: Projects under this topic typically aim at a better understanding of South African consumers’ knowledge of specific aspects of nutrition and the relationship with their food choices and dietary behaviour and ultimately nutritional status. A further aspect under investigation is the food consumption patterns of consumers, especially vulnerable groups, in order to make appropriate recommendations to address nutrition status concerns. This information can contribute to elimination or substantial reduction of malnutrition, micronutrient malnutrition and diet-related communicable and non-communicable disease.

Project option 3.1: consumers’ nutrition knowledge, their nutritional behaviour and nutritional Possible supervisors status. Dr TS Van Eeden E-mail: [email protected]

Dr O Sotunde E-mail: [email protected]

Mrs EA Symington E-mail: [email protected]

Ms CJ Pereira

9 E-mail: [email protected]

Ms F Malongane E-mail: [email protected]

Mr R Mathye E-mail: [email protected] Project option 3.2: Food consumption patterns of vulnerable groups – report on food behaviour Possible supervisors and nutritional adequacy Dr TS Van Eeden E-mail: [email protected]

Dr O Sotunde E-mail: [email protected]

Mrs EA Symington E-mail: [email protected]

Ms CJ Pereira E-mail: [email protected]

Ms F Malongane E-mail: [email protected]

Mr R Mathye E-mail: [email protected]

Project option 3.3: The impact of nutrition education on the nutritional practices and knowledge Possible supervisors

10 of health care workers Dr TS Van Eeden E-mail: [email protected]

Dr O Sotunde E-mail: [email protected]

Mrs EA Symington E-mail: [email protected]

Ms CJ Pereira E-mail: [email protected]

Ms F Malongane E-mail: [email protected]

Mr R Mathye E-mail: [email protected]

Topic 4: 3D Body Scanning For Apparel, Health And Consumer Research

Description of The primary focus of the research is to conduct multi-disciplinary research in the different fields of Clothing, topic 4 Nutrition, Physiology using a 3D body scanner and Consumer behaviour related approaches, to enhance the competitive capabilities of the South African apparel and health industries through tuition, research and innovation in support of sustainable development and capacity building within the department. This will add to the skills base of the apparel and health sectors, through the use of new and emerging technologies in these disciplines. Research projects are welcomed that can contribute to this focus. Depending on the nature of the research project supervisors will be sought from the Research project members.

11 Project option Apparel , Sizing and Fit projects Ms K Pandarum 4.1 E-mail: [email protected]

Prof Kempen E-mail: [email protected]

Ms M Makopo E-mail: [email protected]

Mrs A Niemann E-mail: [email protected] Project option Apparel, Consumer Behaviour projects Ms K Pandarum 4.2 E-mail: [email protected]

Prof Kempen E-mail: [email protected]

Ms M Makopo E-mail: [email protected]

Ms L Christie E-mail: [email protected]

Mrs A Niemann E-mail: [email protected]

Topic 4 3D Body Scanning For Apparel, Health And Consumer Research

12 Description of The primary focus of the research is to conduct multi-disciplinary research in the different fields of topic 4 Clothing, Nutrition, Physiology using a 3D body scanner and Consumer behaviour related approaches, to enhance the competitive capabilities of the South African apparel and health industries through tuition, research and innovation in support of sustainable development and capacity building within the department. This will add to the skills base of the apparel and health sectors, through the use of new and emerging technologies in these disciplines. Research projects are welcomed that can contribute to this focus. Depending on the nature of the research project supervisors will be sought from the Research project members.

Project option Apparel , Sizing and Fit projects Ms K Pandarum 4.1 E-mail: [email protected]

Prof Kempen E-mail: [email protected]

Ms M Makopo E-mail: [email protected]

Ms L Christie E-mail: [email protected]

Mrs M Strydom E-mail: [email protected] Project option Apparel, Consumer Behaviour projects Ms K Pandarum 4.2 E-mail: [email protected]

Prof Kempen E-mail: [email protected]

Ms M Makopo E-mail: [email protected]

Ms L Christie E-mail: [email protected]

13 Mrs M Strydom E-mail: [email protected]

Research Proposal module details All research projects listed above feed directly into the development of the research proposal DPLCS00for which students will register if they have been successfully admitted to the PhD in Consumer Science. Assessment mode for DPLCS00 The research proposal will be assessed through the use of an assessment template consisting of key assessment categories that pertain to a research proposal Assessment criteria for Research The assessment of the research proposal will be conducted as follows: proposal  A vetting committee consisting of the Research Committee in the Department of Life and Consumer Sciences and particular of the following profiles (senior staff members and/or may have NRF rating and/or are supervisors or co- supervisors of students and/or have examined research proposals before and/or have been requested to do act as an external examiner for other universities) will vet each research proposal  The proposal will also be vetted by two appropriate internal departmental experts.  The vetted proposal will then be considered at a Departmental Vetting committee meeting  The supervisor is required to be present at the vetting committee meeting.  Verbal feedback will be given to the supervisor and the template on which the comments were documented will be returned to the supervisor in order to amend the proposal where necessary  Students will then be required to give a presentation on their final proposal to the Department of Life and Consumer Sciences  If the proposal is approved, the student and supervisor will receive a letter of approval from the COD

Assessment criteria for Research Proposal for PhD in Consumer Sciences

ASSESSMENT OF RESEARCH PROPOSAL_CS 2012.doc Mode of delivery of DPLCS00  Video conferencing sessions may be organised by the post graduate programme coordinator for all PhD students in the department of Life and

14 Consumer Sciences  A seminar may also be organised for the presentation of completed research proposals which may be delivered through video conferencing or on the Science campus in Florida Mode of supervision for DPLCS00 Supervision may be delivered in different modes depending on the requirement of the supervisor and study design:  One-on-one contact sessions may be required which can be delivered through video conferencing for students in remote areas or through personal visits to the supervisor if the student is able to visit the Science Campus in Florida  Email contact on a personal basis to assist in addressing student queries will be the main mode of delivery  Track changed documents or pdf scanned documents in which the supervisor has made corrections or provided suggestions will be used. External supervision External supervision has not been required within the Consumer Sciences division of the Department of Life and Consumer Sciences. Should the need arise to include an external supervisor the decision will be made based on the expertise or assistance required from an external supervisor on a particular part of the project. This will only be implemented if the internal capacity of supervision cannot support the requirement of the research project.


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