2014 2015 Hep Volunteer Manual

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2014 2015 Hep Volunteer Manual


HEP VOLUNTEERS INTRODUCTION 3 HEP Environment 3 Program Expectations 3 End-of-Quarter Potlucks 4 Absences 4 Communication Protocol 5 Sexual Harassment 6 Reasons for Disciplinary Action and Dismissal 6 PERSONNEL BASICS 7 Confidentiality 7 Guidelines for Letters of Recommendations 7 HEP VOLUNTEER RESPONSIBILITIES 8 Volunteer Position Duties 8 Completion of Bi-Weekly Timesheets 8 Weekly Volunteer Meetings 8 Weekly Meeting Roles 9 Weekly Meeting Attendance Requirements 9 DOCUMENTATION 9 Mid-Quarter Progress Reports 9 Transcript Notation and Units 9 OFFICE PROCEDURES 10 Personal Items 10 Name Buttons 10 Love Lab Guidelines 10 Telephone Use 10 Panic Buttons 11 Computers, Printers, and Photocopy Machines 11 When You Have a Question 11 VOLUNTEER OFFICE HOURS 11 Guidelines 11 Button Making 12 Harvest Garden 12

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EVENTS AND STAFFING 12 Event Staffing and Coverage 12 Tabling and Outreach Protocols 13 Guidelines for Poor Weather Conditions 14 Flyer Distribution System 14 Environmental Scans 14 APPENDICES A – HEP Volunteer Position Duties 15 B – Principles of Community 16 C – HEP Suggested Role Modeling Behaviors 17 D – Dress Code/Personal Appearance Policy 18 E – HEP Volunteer Time Sheet Example 19 F – How to Apply for Transcript Notation with Aggie Job Link 20 G – Volunteer Units and Transcript Notation Form 22 H – 2014-2015 Health Education Program Phone List 23



Welcome to Health Education and Promotion (HEP) at Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS)! HEP Volunteers are expected to adhere to the procedures and policies provided in this manual. If you experience difficulty understanding anything outlined in this manual, please talk to your supervisor. The role of HEP Volunteer is vital to HEP in helping to improve the health and wellness of UC Davis students. We will work with you to make sure you are the best Volunteer you can be! HEP Environment We want you to enjoy your time representing HEP. It is also important for us to maintain a professional environment that is comfortable for our staff, volunteers, and visitors. While some of the content areas we discuss may lend themselves to jokes and innuendos, these comments may be offensive or make others uncomfortable. We ask that staff and volunteers refrain from personal conversations about partying, sexual behavior, or other sensitive personal issues while in the HEP office or while working (e.g., at a program, meeting or special event). These types of conversations could be subject to corrective action. There is also a dress code/personal appearance policy (see Appendix D). Please familiarize yourself with this policy. Program Expectations Volunteers are expected to commit to the goals of the program and to the Volunteer team. The success of our efforts is greatly dependent on the dedication and skills of our Volunteers.

Volunteers are expected to follow the guidelines set forth in this HEP Volunteer Manual, the UC Davis Principles of Community (Appendix B) and the Dress Code/Personal Appearance Policy as described in the UC Davis Policy and Procedure Manual (Appendix D).

You are also expected to:  Focus your activities on the program’s goals and complete tasks in a timely fashion.  Develop a professional, honest and caring relationship with your Volunteer Coordinator, Program Student Staff and HEP staff.  Be prepared and attend meetings and training sessions.  Serve as a role model for UC Davis students (Appendix C).  Know, understand and follow the rules, regulations and procedures regarding HEP activities.  Accurately complete and submit activity logs and transcript notation paperwork in a timely fashion.

D:\Docs\2018-04-12\0c570a929df6335bb0382a35a520491c.docx 2014 – 2015 HEP VOLUNTEER MANUAL  Volunteers will work on tasks that address alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, sexual health and wellness issues. They provide assistance on a variety of health topics that affect college students and help change the campus environment to promote wellness.  Volunteer tasks and roles will include:  Attend mandatory weekly one-hour team meetings with the Volunteer Coordinator on Thursdays from 5:10 PM - 6:00 PM.  Staff special events such as The Buzz and the Wellness Carnival; participate in outreach activities.  Distribute HEP marketing materials through various campus channels.  Collect and gather information to support HEP projects (e.g., environmental scanning).  Stock and staff the Love Lab.  Assist with the Harvest Garden (planting, weeding, etc.). o End-of-Quarter Potlucks  On the last Thursday of classes each quarter, all HEP staff gathers for an end-of-quarter potluck during the Volunteer Meeting time (5:10 PM – 6:00 PM). The Volunteer Coordinator will send out a sign-up sheet prior to the potluck for everyone to sign up for dishes to bring.   Absences  You are allowed one free absence from meetings per quarter. Notify your Volunteer Coordinator at least one week prior to the meeting if you are using your freebie unless it is an emergency. If it is an emergency, please inform your Volunteer Coordinator as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to meet with the Volunteer Coordinator after the meeting to find out what you missed and get any new assignments. If you have already used your freebie and you miss a meeting, you will not be able to make it up, and you will not receive transcript notation or units. Use your freebie wisely!   If you have two unexcused absences, you will be dropped from the internship.   Other than the freebie, there will be no excused absences from meetings. If an emergency situation does arise, we will determine on an individual basis whether or not the absence will be deemed excused. If you are excused due to extenuating circumstances, you will have to make up the hours and meet with a coordinator to find out what you missed.   If there are special circumstances due to holidays or campus schedule changes, you are still responsible for the missing hours and need to schedule make-up hours with your Volunteer Coordinator in a timely manner.  o Communication Protocol  To promote respectful communication regarding disagreements, and in accordance with the UC Davis Principles of Community, the following communication protocol guides the behavior of all staff and students within Health Education and Promotion.  1. If someone at HEP has a problem with me, they should: . Talk directly to me . Let me know the magnitude/impact . Speak candidly and honestly . Give me specific information (who, what, when, interpretation, feelings)

D:\Docs\2018-04-12\0c570a929df6335bb0382a35a520491c.docx 2014 – 2015 HEP VOLUNTEER MANUAL . Talk to me as soon as possible, within a time period of one week . Time the conversation appropriately (balance impulse with delay) . Talk to me privately (door shut) in a mutually-agreeable spot . Give me advance notice about the need to talk (e-mail is okay) . Balance telling with listening . Listen without interrupting . Keep volume conversational . Keep it collaborative and two-way . Offer solutions or expectations, if requested by the receiver  2. In response, I should/will: . Listen without interrupting . Summarize without judging or evaluating (use specifics without labeling) . Ask for time to process if I need it, after I have acknowledged the problem/complaint . Make sure I understand the issue/magnitude/impact (ask for clarification) . Give information (disclose my perspective) without being interrupted  3. If a coworker complains to me about another, I will: . Redirect the person to do #1 . Wear a “consultant” hat to redirect them . Encourage the person to seek a “consultant” for help in handling the situation  4. The supervisor will: . Facilitate a discussion between us . Make sure full information is shared . Give us information about timelines and other information . Provide a frame of reference for outcomes, decisions and impact . Seek and use our input whenever possible when making decisions . Balance input for parties (time, info, etc.) as well as equitable time to process decision o o Sexual Harassment  Sexual harassment is prohibited by law and by University policy. UC Davis Policy and Procedure Manual Section 380-12 defines sexual harassment as:  Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:   1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of instruction, employment or participation in other University activities.   2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis  for academic or employment decisions affecting such individual.   3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an  individual's University performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or  offensive University environment.   Jokes or comments with sexual content may constitute sexual harassment. Behavior that creates an intimidating, offensive or hostile environment and affects one’s ability to function properly may constitute sexual harassment.

D:\Docs\2018-04-12\0c570a929df6335bb0382a35a520491c.docx 2014 – 2015 HEP VOLUNTEER MANUAL   This department will not tolerate any student or career staff member being subjected to sexual harassment. UC Davis will not ignore sexual harassment. The campus community will take all necessary and appropriate steps to protect students, staff and faculty from sexual harassment and all forms of sexual intimidation and exploitation.   You may contact your supervisor, the health promotion supervisor or call the Harassment and Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program directly at 530-752-9255. You may also call the campus Harassment Anonymous call line, 530-752-2255, at any time for assistance in resolving sexual harassment complaints. The following locations on campus are confidential resources where anything can be disclosed and will not require mandatory reporting: Women’s Resources and Research Center, Campus Violence Prevention Program, Mediation Services, or the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex and Asexual Resources Center.   Reasons for Disciplinary Action and Dismissal  It is extremely important that as a HEP Volunteer you are accountable and responsible for your actions.    Conduct that may result in disciplinary action might include, but is not limited to:  1. Falsification of hours on time records and/or attendance sheets.  2. Arriving more than 15 minutes late or leaving early from a required meeting or event you have signed up to staff.  3. Not showing up for an event that you have signed up to staff.  4. Inappropriate behavior while representing HEP (see special event protocol and role modeling behaviors).  5. Ineffective performance of job duties (i.e., not completing a task by the due date).   Discipline may include a verbal warning and/or a letter of warning from the Volunteer Coordinator. After any written warning, we will re-evaluate your participation in HEP. This may include a set of conditions that you must follow, a probationary period or dismissal from HEP. The choice of discipline is dependent upon the particular circumstances of the case.   PERSONNEL BASICS  Confidentiality  As HEP Volunteers, you have an obligation to protect the confidentiality of those who seek assistance from Health Education and Promotion. HEP is committed to protecting the privacy of those to whom you offer peer education or who share personal information with you at or after a program, including information shared with you by HEP volunteers or other student staff about their own lives and issues.   Guidelines for Letters of Recommendation  1. Anyone requesting a letter can ask for one if they are in good standing with the program and

D:\Docs\2018-04-12\0c570a929df6335bb0382a35a520491c.docx 2014 – 2015 HEP VOLUNTEER MANUAL have been a HEP Volunteer for at least one quarter after training.  2. Staff reserves the right to not write a letter of recommendation at their discretion.  3. Performance as a Volunteer “above and beyond the call of duty” will be noted! 

D:\Docs\2018-04-12\0c570a929df6335bb0382a35a520491c.docx 2014 – 2015 HEP VOLUNTEER MANUAL   Please provide us with the following:  1. A minimum of 2 weeks notice (either through e-mail or in-person).  There are no exceptions; please plan ahead.  2. A copy of your resume, CV or list of all volunteer work, jobs and other activities (the more detailed the better).  3. A brief description of your professional academic and/or career goals.  4. A brief list of your contributions to the HEP program.  5. Information on who the letter needs to be addressed to (name, title, organization) or if it is a generic letter (e.g., medical school letter). Please supply a pre-addressed (but not stamped) envelope or send an e-mail request to a HEP staff-person with clear instructions on how to submit the recommendation online.   HEP VOLUNTEER RESPONSIBILITIES  Volunteer Position Duties  Volunteer duties and requirements are outlined in Appendix A, and will be reviewed during Fall Training. If you have any questions, please feel free to set up a time to meet with the Volunteer Coordinator or other HEP Staff (Appendix H).   Completion of Bi-Weekly Timesheets  Volunteers are responsible for submitting a timesheet (Appendix E) with their completed hours every two weeks. It documents office hour attendance, meeting attendance, special events and other projects and activities. You will not get transcript notation, units or letters of recommendation if you fail to turn your timesheets in on time. Falsification of hours reported on your timesheet may lead to your dismissal as a Volunteer.   Weekly Volunteer Meetings  The weekly Volunteer meeting is held on Thursdays from 5:10 PM - 6:00 PM while classes are in session, and counts as work time. If the meeting is completed before the allotted time, we ask that volunteers stay until 6:00 PM to complete HEP project related tasks (separating condoms, making buttons, etc.).   Meetings provide the opportunity for volunteers to discuss projects and sign up for events. 

D:\Docs\2018-04-12\0c570a929df6335bb0382a35a520491c.docx 2014 – 2015 HEP VOLUNTEER MANUAL  Weekly Meeting Roles  Facilitator (Volunteer Coordinator) – Create agenda and facilitate meetings.  Minute Taker – Minute taking responsibilities will rotate among the volunteers. Ensure that complete minutes are sent to the listserv via e-mail with a copy (cc) to the Program Assistant: [email protected] and a hard copy given to the HEP Program Assistant.  Snacks (optional): If it is agreed upon by the group, a rotating snack schedule can be set up among volunteers.   Weekly Meeting Attendance Requirements  Volunteers may miss one meeting per quarter for any reason. However, the Volunteer Coordinator must be notified prior to a missed meeting. Missing two or more meetings in a quarter will result in a volunteer being placed on probation and may result in dismissal.   DOCUMENTATION  Mid-Quarter Progress Reports  Your Volunteer Coordinator will prepare mid-quarter reports and an in-person quarterly evaluation that will be kept on file for future use. You will need to report your hours every two weeks. It is your responsibility to complete the required minimum of 40 hours per quarter. Ask the Volunteer Coordinator if you need to know how many hours you still need to complete. Do not wait until the end of the quarter to make up a large number of hours.   Transcript Notation and Units  One unit per quarter (through Public Health Sciences) and/or transcript notation (through the Internship and Career Center (ICC)) is available for successful completion of the internship. By the second week of the quarter, each Volunteer must complete and submit a form stating whether they want transcript notation, a unit, both or neither. The form must be turned into your Volunteer Coordinator.   At our first Volunteer meeting, we will provide you with information on the process and answer questions. Transcript notation is handled online. See Appendix F for information on how to complete the online process. It is important the transcript notation paperwork is completed quarterly if you wish to receive transcript notation (Appendix G) and that you register for a unit (Appendix G) each quarter if you wish to receive academic credit. Only one unit per quarter is available to Volunteers. The proposal is due to ICC on the second week of the quarter. Volunteers can use the internship requirements as part of the proposal and then add personal goals.   You will meet with the Volunteer Coordinator during the last week of the quarter and go over your evaluations. For transcript notation, the HEP supervisor needs to complete the online evaluation by the end of each quarter.  You will be evaluated and you will need to submit your paper electronically to ICC by the last day of classes or your last Thursday meeting. Papers are to be 3-5 pages each quarter. Per ICC, these papers must change each quarter.   Student Proposals are due within the first two weeks of each quarter in which the student wishes to receive transcript notation.   Student Papers are due by the last day of each quarter in which the student wishes to receive transcript notation.

D:\Docs\2018-04-12\0c570a929df6335bb0382a35a520491c.docx 2014 – 2015 HEP VOLUNTEER MANUAL   OFFICE PROCEDURES  Personal Items  In order to prevent theft, all personal items (such as wallets, money, credit cards, etc.) should be stored in a locking drawer or in a secure space. Backpacks and purses should be set aside out of the general work area to prevent injuries.   Name Buttons  As HEP Volunteers, you are issued an identification button. Please wear your button at all times when you are representing HEP (at events, while staffing Love Lab and in the office).   Love Lab Guidelines  Students may take up to 10 condoms and two packs of lubricant each time they visit the Love Lab. There are small brown bags on the side of the cart, which all are welcome to use to put the condoms in. The safer sex resources and brochures on the side of the cart are available to everybody.   Please let visitors know we also carry internal condoms (aka Female condoms), latex-free condoms and dental dams. Offer to do product demos if the visitors are unfamiliar with any of the products. Thank the visitor for coming in and let them know you are happy to answer any questions they may have.   Telephone Use  There are two phones available for work-related use: One in the HEP front office at work station 4 and the other in the Volunteer Office, room 3111. HEP phones may be used for on-campus and off-campus, including long distance work-related calls. Because we are charged for all campus calls (even in Davis), the phones are not available for personal use, except in cases of emergency. If you are unsure, please ask a staff member.   It is not your responsibility to answer the phone. If you are working in the office when the front desk phone rings, and the HEP Program Assistant is unavailable, please let the call go to voicemail.   Panic Buttons  Underneath the HEP Program Assistant desk there are two white buttons. These buttons are located on the desk that is facing the HEP main entrance door. The two buttons must be pressed down simultaneously for 5 seconds to activate. Activate the panic buttons whenever you are unsafe in the office. This will notify the Campus Police immediately.   Computers, Printers and Photocopy Machines  You have access to use the computers for special projects, only if assigned by the Volunteer Coordinator. Make sure to save your work on the HEP server, not on the desktop, as you may not be working on the same computer each time you come in. Also, be sure to put the filename and path in the footer, to make it easier to find the file in the future. To add filename and path to your document, your cursor must be in the footer. Then select Insert, auto text, filename and path.   The HEP reception desk computer is for the Program Assistant and reception desk tasks, and may not be used by Volunteers for program-related projects. 

D:\Docs\2018-04-12\0c570a929df6335bb0382a35a520491c.docx 2014 – 2015 HEP VOLUNTEER MANUAL  The printers are only for work projects, not for personal use by students. Please do not print your class notes, homework assignments, etc. Also, the SHCS computer security prohibits hooking up personal computers to the SHCS network, so please do not try to connect a personal laptop or other personal electronic devices, to our network.   If you are assigned to make copies, please see the Program Assistant for instructions.   When You Have a Question  If you have any questions about HEP or SHCS, always ask the HEP Program Assistant first. Since she is the main office support for the program, she can usually answer any question you might have or refer you to the right person.   If you want to meet with HEP Staff, feel free to ask them directly to determine availability or contact them through voicemail or e-mail to set up a time to meet. You can also ask the HEP Program Assistant about HEP Staff availability.   If a visitor has any questions you do not have the answer to, check with the HEP Program Assistant first, unless you know the question requires the expertise of other HEP Staff. 

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 VOLUNTEER OFFICE HOURS o Guidelines  Volunteers are required to staff at least one office hour at HEP per week while classes are in session. To ensure outreach event staffing availability, volunteers are encouraged to do no more than two office hours per week. However, exceptions may be made on an individual basis for extenuating circumstances, with prior approval from the Volunteer Coordinator.   During office hours, volunteers work on activities such as button making, Nap Kit and Quit Kit assembly, Love Lab stocking, Harvest Garden maintenance and other HEP projects as needed.  o Button Making  Throughout the year, HEP volunteers make buttons related to all content areas for Health Education and Promotion. Volunteer Request Forms will be submitted for any special requests and/or large quantities of buttons, and instructions will be posted in the volunteer workroom. The equipment and supplies are in Volunteer Room 3112. If volunteers run out of supplies, or equipment fails, please notify the HEP Program Assistant.   Harvest Garden  The volunteers play an important role in the success of the Harvest Garden by completing garden maintenance activities throughout the week. Garden/Nutrition Student Staff will attend a Thursday meeting early in the quarter to train volunteers on garden activities, which include watering, raking, weeding and general upkeep.   Gardening hours are tracked separately and recorded in quarterly statistics as a sub-category of office hours. To facilitate tracking and provide space to report any garden irregularities, volunteers will complete a Garden Task Log entry after each shift worked in the garden. Garden Task Log sheets are located in the Volunteer Workroom.   Garden/Nutrition Student Staff will request additional volunteer staffing for preparation and planting of the Fall and Spring gardens.   EVENTS AND STAFFING  Event Staffing and Coverage  The Volunteer Coordinator will create a sign-up sheet for all activities requiring volunteer staffing that includes the following information.   Title of the event  Location  Start time  Shift times  The number of volunteers needed for the event  Volunteers will have the opportunity to sign up for staffing at weekly Thursday meetings, as well as on the main event staffing Google doc file online.   Volunteers are responsible for any shifts they sign up for. Do not schedule yourself for a time

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until you are sure that you will be available. Shifts should not be missed unless there is an emergency. If there is an emergency, please inform the Volunteer Coordinator or the HEP Program Assistant as soon as possible. If you are scheduled for a time when you will not be available, you will need to find a replacement at least one week in advance and inform the Volunteer Coordinator as soon as possible.   Tabling and Outreach Protocols  Volunteers conduct many tabling and outreach events to inform the UC Davis student body about HEP and its programs. We ask that volunteers wear their HEP t-shirt and name button when they are staffing a HEP table or outreach event.   When volunteers are tabling, out with the Love Lab, or representing HEP in any other capacity, we expect attention to be focused on HEP Volunteer duties. Volunteers are expected to refrain from eating, using cell phones, doing homework, excessively talking to friends or wearing inappropriate attire when representing HEP. Volunteers will receive a warning if they are found engaging in these behaviors while representing HEP.   When you participate in a tabling event, you must track the number of people who visit the table. The counters are located in the Volunteer room. The data must be turned into the Volunteer Coordinator.   If someone asks you a question and you do not know the answer, refer the student to the HEP office to speak with a professional staff member. You can also point out other relevant campus resources. Never give false information, make up an answer or answer a question if you do not have a HEP approved source (e.g., training, brochure, SHCS website, etc.) to back up your answer.   Within 24 hours of an event ending, Volunteers are expected to contact the Volunteer Coordinator with event attendance and any other applicable statistics. 

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  Guidelines for Poor Weather Conditions  HEP staff does not want volunteers to walk or stand in the rain or high winds, or to walk to or from the UCDFM venue, or to staff a table, even if the UCDFM is not cancelled (the farmers rarely cancel) during inclement weather.   If we are unsure whether or not there will be rain or high winds on the day of tabling, we will let the volunteers know if the tabling is canceled as early as possible on that morning, or even the night before if a storm is clearly moving in. We can wait until as late as 10:00 AM to make a decision for lunchtime events, but no later. For early evening events, such as Love Lab, we can wait until 3:00 PM.   If volunteers are already out tabling when rain or high winds develop, they should not continue tabling or staffing. Volunteers should pack up and return to HEP.   Flyer Distribution System  Flyers and posters are effective ways to promote HEP programs and events. Volunteers will be asked to post flyers for various HEP events throughout the school year. Flyers will be distributed during the weekly volunteer meeting, and volunteers are assigned to post flyers on buildings based on their class schedule. For example, if a volunteer has classes in Young Hall, they will be assigned to post flyers at that building and/or buildings nearby. Building assignments can be rotated quarterly.   Environmental Scans  HEP volunteers conduct environmental scans for the various subject areas to better understand campus and community needs. The Volunteer Coordinator will coordinate logistics of the environmental scan and distribute materials to the volunteers. Program Student Staff will provide specific training to the volunteers regarding their environmental scans at a Thursday night meeting prior to implementing the scan. 

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  APPENDICES – HEP VOLUNTEERS o  A – HEP VOLUNTEER POSITION DUTIES   Volunteers will assist HEP in changing the campus environment to promote health and wellness. HEP requires a three-quarter commitment in addition to approximately three days of training and one half day of team building. You must be a current student during all three quarters. HEP Volunteer duties include:

• Staffing HEP tables at special events such as The Buzz, UC Davis Farmers Market and  Wellness Carnival  • Participating in outreach activities  • Distributing HEP marketing materials through various campus channels  • Collecting information through environmental scans, assessments and surveys  • Stocking and staffing the Love Lab, a cart taken to various campus locations to  distribute free condoms and other safer sex products and materials  • Working in the Student Health & Wellness Center’s Wellness Garden  • Attending a mandatory, weekly one hour team meeting with the Volunteer  Coordinator on Thursdays from 5:10 PM – 6:00 PM  • Completing a minimum of 40 volunteer hours per quarter, including weekly meetings  and office hours.   Note: Transcript notation may be received with satisfactory completion of quarterly volunteer requirements. One SPH 198 unit per quarter may be earned for completing the volunteer requirements.

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  B – PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNITY   Principles of Community   The University of California, Davis, is first and foremost an institution of learning and teaching, committed to serving the needs of society. Our campus community reflects and is a part of a society comprising all races, creeds, and social circumstances. The successful conduct of the University’s affairs requires that every member of the University community acknowledge and practice the following basic principles:

 We affirm the dignity inherent in all of us, and we strive to maintain a climate of justice marked by respect for each other. We acknowledge that our society carries within it historical and deep- rooted misunderstandings and biases, and therefore we will endeavor to foster mutual understanding among the many parts of our whole.

 We affirm the right of freedom of expression within our community and also affirm our commitment to the highest standards of civility and decency towards all. We recognize the right of every individual to think and speak as dictated by personal belief, to express any idea, and to disagree with or counter another’s point of view, limited only by University regulations governing time, place, and manner. We promote open expression of our individuality and our diversity within the bounds of courtesy, sensitivity, and respect.

 We confront and reject all manifestations of discrimination, including those based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, status within or outside the University, or any of the other differences among people which have been excuses for misunderstanding, dissension, or hatred. We recognize and cherish the richness contributed to our lives by our diversity. We take pride in our various achievements, and we celebrate our differences.

 This statement of common principles was published on April 20, 1990, carrying the endorsement of Chancellor Theodore L. Hullar and the leadership of the Davis Division of the Academic Senate, the Academic Staff Organization, the UCD Staff Assembly, the UCDMC Staff Assembly, the Associated Students of UC Davis (ASUCD), and the Graduate Student Association. 

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 C – HEP SUGGESTED ROLE MODELING BEHAVIORS   At Health Education & Promotion, staff members educate students on health enhancing behaviors and health damaging/risky behaviors. As HEP staff, students and other members of the campus community view us as role models for the healthy behaviors our program promotes. Making these behaviors a part of our lifestyle increases the credibility of the messages we are giving students. Some of the suggested healthy habits and role modeling behaviors are as follows:   Wear seat belts while driving or riding in an automobile.  Wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle or bicycle.  Take part in healthy eating habits and develop positive statements regarding healthy body image and acceptance of differences in body shapes and sizes.  Abide by the legal age of alcohol consumption. The University of California supports all state and federal laws regarding alcohol and illegal drug use.  If you choose to drink, be responsible. Do so in a low risk and moderate fashion. This means: no public intoxication, limit drinks to 1 or fewer per hour with no more than 2-3 per occasion.  If you choose to be sexually active, please practice safer sex strategies.  Promote tobacco-free lifestyles, since there are no known safe levels of use.  Eat a variety of foods. Choose a diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits and grains. Keep your diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol and consume sugars in moderation.  Drink enough water to stay hydrated each day.  Aim for 20 minutes of vigorous exercise or 30 minutes of moderate exercise on most days.  Walk - every step counts!  Get enough sleep so that you feel rested and ready for the day ahead (Aim for 7-9 hours).  Try to take at least 3 minutes each day to relax. Breathe deeply into your abdomen, meditate or just sit and be present.

 We will not be policing individual behaviors, thus the impetus for compliance is solely on the individual to choose to incorporate these healthy habits into her/his lifestyle. If, from a supervisory standpoint, we become aware of an individual's behavior(s) that would reflect poorly on the Health Education and Promotion program, the Student Health and Counseling Services or might take away from an individual’s credibility, the behavior will be addressed confidentially. Outcomes will be handled on a case-by-case basis and HEP reserves the right to terminate the relationship of the individual with the HEP Program.   In making these suggestions, we accomplish several objectives. First, we encourage HEP staff to personally benefit from the information and education provided. This is an impact that may have lifelong rewards. A second benefit will be a staff member's increased sensitivity towards the issues, difficulties and rewards that may come from making the healthy lifestyle changes that we promote. The third benefit is a greatly enhanced credibility with audiences when they recognize that HEP staff members have personal experience with these healthy habits. 

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 D – DRESS CODE/PERSONAL APPEARANCE POLICY   UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS STUDENT HEALTH AND COUNSELING SERVICES  Administrative Policy and Procedure Manual  Category: Personnel Number: P-006 Date: 07/08   Subject: Dress Code/Personal Appearance Guidelines Supersedes: 01/06   I. PURPOSE  To provide guidelines for dress and personal appearance at Student Health and Counseling  Services (SHCS). Guidelines apply to all staff, including paid and non-paid staff.  Personal appearance and dress are based on the principles of providing a safe, clean  and professional environment for patients and staff.   II. POLICY  All staff, whether or not they provide direct patient care, is representative of  SHCS. As such, all staff shall dress in appropriate attire. This attire shall be proper to the individual’s occupation/profession and shall contribute to the highest standard of clinic hygiene, professionalism, and employee safety. These guidelines apply during hours of operation. Management reserves the right to determine appropriateness of dress and appearance.   III. GUIDELINES  A. Personal hygiene and appearance are important components of professionalism.   B. Heavily scented cosmetics or colognes that may be offensive or cause allergic reaction  should not be worn.   C. All SHCS employees, volunteers and interns are required to wear an official SHCS  Identification Badge, with name unobstructed and clearly visible, while performing their job  duties according to SHCS P&P, G-018 “Name Tags”.   D. Shoes:  1. Types of shoes worn must be appropriate to the work environment and safe with respect to work performed. Shoes must be of reasonable heel and/or footwear height.  E. Dress:  1. All clothing must be clean, neat, pressed, and in good repair. Skirts, shorts, and skorts must be at least mid-thigh in length and be conservative, businesslike and appropriate to a clinic environment.  2. The following are examples of unprofessional apparel and footwear:  a. Midriff, tank tops, or crop tops, low-cut, revealing tops of shirts, halter- tops.

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 b. Sweat pants or comparable leisure attire.  c. Thong footwear.  d. Torn and/or dirty shoes and clothing.   F. Department specific requirements should be addressed in department policy.   G. It is the responsibility of the department supervisor to enforce this policy.   Employees reporting to work inappropriately attired or groomed may be sent home to change.  Responsible Manager: Human Resources Analyst  Originated: 09/03 as a guideline Reviewed: 01/05, 07/08 Revised: 01/06 

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 G – VOLUNTEER UNITS AND TRANSCRIPT NOTATION FORM    Health Education Promotion Unit and Transcript Notation  Policies and Procedures  Volunteer Staff   HEP Volunteers are eligible to receive units AND/OR transcript notation for each quarter they Volunteer.   Please note:  1. Volunteers are required to complete a total of 40 hours each quarter for the internship. 2. To receive transcript notation this requirement must be met and documented by submitting timesheets every 2 weeks. Volunteers are responsible for registering on the ICC website each quarter they wish to receive transcript notation; Volunteers must also submit the required the 3-5 page paper online by the appropriate deadline. Refer to the ICC website for more information on how to register and submit the paper. (https://iccweb.ucdavis.edu/) 3. To obtain one unit per quarter, the student must register for it each quarter. Volunteers are responsible for noting applicable drop and add deadlines. These hours are the same hours that are required for completing the internship and transcript notation. 4. We require that Volunteers notify HEP of their intention to receive a unit by the 2nd week of the quarter.    Please check the box(es) that corresponds to your choice of receiving units, transcript notation, both, or neither for the ______quarter in ______.  (Quarter) (Year)  A. ____Yes, I wish to obtain transcript notation this quarter. B. ____Yes, I wish to obtain 1 unit this quarter.  C. ____No, I do not wish to obtain transcript notation OR units this quarter.     ______ Your signature Your name printed Date     Please return this completed form to your Volunteer Coordinator supervisor by the second week of the quarter. 

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 H – 2014 - 2015 HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAM PHONE LIST   HEP Staff  HEP Student Staff   Polly Paulson, MPH, MA, MCHES  Volunteer Coordinator  Health Promotion Supervisor  Catherine Mayo  [email protected][email protected]  530.752.4142    Content Area Student Staff  Raeann Davis, MPH  Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs  Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs (ATOD) (ATOD) Health Educator   Justin Hong [email protected]   Nikki Clifton 530.754.4878   Wen Soon   Merril Lavezzo, MPH, CHES   Harvest Garden & Nutrition Sexual & Mental Wellness Health   Shawna Branchev Educator   [email protected]  Mental Wellness  530.752.9808  Jing Mai    Lindsay Wetzel Polin, MA, CHES  Physical Activity  Physical Activity & Nutrition Health  Claire McDonell Educator  Natasha Fowler  [email protected]   530.752.9651  Sexual Health   Sammy Lee  Tamara Stirling  Stephanie Stone  HEP Program Assistant   [email protected]  530.752.9652 


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