St. Thomas a Becket Federation of Catholic Infant and Junior Schools

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St. Thomas a Becket Federation of Catholic Infant and Junior Schools


September 2015

Dear Parents,

Welcome back! And a special welcome to our new families, that have joined the school. I do hope that you have all had a safe and happy summer holiday. You will notice that our new admin block is open and fully functional so please feel free to pop in to our new reception office and speak to Mrs Lucani, Mr Telford, Mrs Taylor or Mrs Purdey, if you have any queries.

School Answerphone: Our office staff are often called away from their desks during the course of the school day. If you cannot get through on the telephone, please don’t hang up when the answerphone comes on. Leave a message. PLEASE NOTE: The answerphone is checked regularly. For routine messages (such as home collection arrangements), it is not necessary for staff to phone you back to confirm the message unless there is a problem. Thank you.

KS2 SATS: We were very pleased with our SATS results this year.

Reading Level 4 90% Level 5+ 62%

Maths Level 4 86% Level 5+ 40%

Spelling, punctuation Level 4 90% and grammar Level 5 56%

PTA: The P.T.A. organised several events for the children last year and the money raised will go towards the new Infant playground equipment, our enrichment programme, extra classroom equipment and each child will be given money towards school trips this year. With money from the school fund and contributions from parents, the enrichment programme enables us to provide theatre shows, skills days, visiting authors and trips out for all our children.

Rainbows Programme: Our Rainbows Programme is aimed at helping and supporting children who have had a significant change in their family circumstances or a bereavement of a close relative, through special activities, games and discussions. We will again be offering the programme to our children. If you feel that your child might benefit from these sessions, or you would like to find out more, please come in and see me and I will be happy to talk about the topics we cover and the materials we use.

Inclusion – The Thrive Approach: Last year, Mrs Squizzoni and Mrs Gibbs attended training to implement the Thrive Approach in our schools. The Thrive Approach helps adults to address upsetting behaviour in children that have been emotionally thrown off track, either temporarily or over longer periods, Thrive helps adults to understand the needs being signalled by their behaviour and provides targeted strategies and activities to help children re-engage with learning. We are currently introducing the Thrive Approach into our daily school routine and are using 1-1 and small group interventions to support children who have an emotional difficulty. More information can be found on the website:

Family Support Keyworker : Pauline Pink is our Family Support Keyworker and she is available to work with families over a short period of time. She can support children and families who are experiencing a big change in their life, or children who have some form of anxiety that affects everyday life. She can also support parents who find their children’s behaviour challenging. If you would like to be put in touch with Pauline, please speak to Mrs Squizzoni, our Inclusion Manager, who will be very happy to help. Pauline will also be available in the Junior School Hall to chat informally on Parent’s Evening, on Tuesday 20th October between 3pm and 4pm.

1 Camp Meeting: There will be a Camp Meeting for Year 6 parents on Tuesday 29th September at 7.00p.m. This will give introductory information about the camp trip in June.

Open Door Policy: In our school we have an ‘Open Door’ policy. Therefore parents are welcome to see class teachers before or after school to discuss progress or concerns. It is helpful to telephone or write in to ensure that the time and date are convenient. I am very happy to talk to parents anytime. I am usually in the playground at the start of the day or if parents prefer, they can telephone and make an appointment. It is important to keep the channel of communication open so please do come in and see us. If you would like to see your children’s work, art work on display or children’s books please don’t feel that you have to wait for parents’ evening, just come in and have a chat. Just to make parents aware, we always have a staff meeting on Mondays straight after school. This does not mean that you cannot talk with teachers on Monday after school, only that they would have more time on another day of the week.

Cars on the School Premises: Please remember that parents are not allowed to park within the school grounds, this includes collecting children from after school clubs. Also, we ask parents to park safely away from the school. We continue to operate a voluntary one way system before and after school. This is down Tutts Barn Lane and right into Gorringe Road. It really helps the flow of traffic, so your co-operation is much appreciated.

Uniform: Thank you for returning your children to school looking so smart. Please ensure that everything is named, so we can return any lost items promptly. All children need school P.E. kit – this is trainers or plimsolls, a white t-shirt with the house colours and royal blue shorts all in a small drawstring bag (Infant pupils wear a white T-Shirt). All items are available from the school office and are priced as follows. (We do not sell drawstring bags).

Jumpers £13.00 - £15.00 Cardigans £13.50 - £15.50 P.E. Shirts £7.50 Royal Blue Shorts £3.50 Ties £3.50 Baseball Caps £3.00 Book Bags £3.50

Girls summer dresses may be worn in term 1. Winter uniform is worn in terms 2, 3 and 4 then summer uniform for terms 5 and 6. All children wearing summer sandals, which may be worn with summer uniform, are asked to wear socks as they give little toes a bit more protection

Jewellery: Jewellery is not to be worn in school; however children may wear a watch. Children who have pierced ears should wear studs but will be asked to remove them for P.E. or cover them with medical tape if appropriate.

Hairstyles: Our policy on hairstyles is the same as St. Richard’s and we ask parents to comply with this. All hairstyles should be neat and tidy without colouring, wedges and shaved styling and long hair should be tied back. The majority of boy’s hair should be short, not below their collars and should not be standing up from their heads.

Timing of the School Day: The morning whistle goes promptly at 8.45a.m for the Junior school. Junior children are to be in the playground on the Kings Drive side of the school and lined up for this time. The whistle goes at 8.50 for the Infant school on the main playground (or for Reception classes at their classroom door). Registration is between 8.50a.m. and 8.55a.m. If your child arrives after the registers have closed they must go to the office to be marked in and will be marked late. Please avoid this by allowing plenty of time in the mornings for traffic problems and parking.

2 Absence from School: If your child is absent from school or will be late for any reason - you must let us know. Notification of an absence via a sibling or a friend will only be accepted if accompanied by a written note given to the office. If parents take children out of school, a holiday form must be completed. All absences are noted by the Education Welfare Officer who visits every school once a term. If it is thought that attendance is an issue, home visits are made. I am concerned about the number of holidays that are being taken in term time. We are working with the LEA to improve levels of school attendance and are committed to working with parents in helping their child achieve their full potential through regular attendance at school. Please help us to help your children by avoiding unnecessary absence from school. As from September 1st 2013 guidance was issued by the Department for Education with regard to absences during term time. The Department of Education only allows Head Teachers discretion to authorise an absence if they believe there are exceptional circumstances. PLEASE READ THE ATTACHED LETTER CAREFULLY AND KEEP THE FORM.

Contact Telephone Numbers: Please ensure that you inform the new school office if you move house or change any of your contact telephone numbers. It is helpful to have an additional emergency contact – maybe a close friend or relative as we have had a few occasions when we have needed this information.

Medicines/Asthma Inhalers: If your child needs medication, an inhaler or an Epipen in school, please ensure that you hand it in at the new main office and complete the relevant medical form stating the frequency and the dose.

Data Checking Sheets: Your children will soon be coming home with a data sheet detailing the information we have on our computer systems with regards to addresses, contact numbers and medical needs etc. If there are any changes that need to be made, please write these on the sheets and return them to the school office as soon as possible.

Home/School Agreement: It is a requirement of all schools to have a home/school agreement. Its purpose is to outline the value of our school as well as the responsibilities of the school itself, parents and children. It has been in existence for a few years now so parents of children in Years 1,2 & 4 – 6 have already signed their copies. For our new parents in Reception and Year 3, we have attached two copies of our home/school agreement to this newsletter. One is for you to keep as reference, the second is for you and your child to sign and return to us by Friday 18th September.

Consent for Using Images: Throughout the year we take a number of pictures of children during their normal school activities and these are displayed around the school, in parish churches, newspapers etc. We also film the children during some class work, assemblies, school productions etc. Parents have given permission on the school application form. If you are not happy for this to happen please inform me in writing by Friday 18th September.

Home/School Reading: It is essential that all children read in school and at home. They will not make progress in school unless they read each day at home. The Juniors have a period of silent reading after lunch each day and the teacher hears a guided reading group. All Infant children have a yellow reading record. In years 3-5 the children have a blue reading record. Please read with your child and sign the reading record every day. You don’t need to comment each time but it is essential that the record book is signed. Year 6 children write the books they are reading in their homework diaries and parents sign this at the end of the week. This helps them to keep track of their homework and prepares them for their journals at St. Richard’s the following year. We suggest that Infant & Years 3 and 4 children read for 10 – 15 minutes at home every day and Year 5 and 6 for 20 – 30 minutes. This can be a combination of individual reading, reading aloud and discussion about the author and the text. I shall continue to read with one Year 3 class each half term so will be keeping a close eye on progress. Teachers look at reading records each week and I have them all in at the end of each term (six times a year). Children who read regularly at home are given stickers, certificates and small prizes along the way to encourage them with their efforts. In July each year, I review each child’s record and award book prizes if I see regular reading at home confirmed with parent’s signature throughout the year. Many children received book prizes

3 last year and it encourages them to keep going. Many thanks for supporting our policy. Reading with your child at home, really makes a difference!

School Bags: Infant children need to bring a school book-bag every day. Our Year 3 children are reminded that they need to bring book bags to school rather than rucksacks due to cloakroom space. Year 4 – 6 children may bring a rucksack to school each day to transport books, lunchboxes etc. Space in the cloakrooms is limited so please do not allow your children to bring large suitcases that cannot be hung on pegs. Small is best and far more convenient for everyone!

Toys and Games: Children should not bring toys and games to school unless they are specifically asked to do so. For “golden time” on Fridays, children in some classes may be given permission by their class teachers, but as a rule we ask that Moshi Monsters, mini figures, lego etc all stay safely at home. Thank you for your co- operation and support.

Mobile Phones: Children are asked to hand their mobile phones in to the reception office where they will be looked after for the day. We ask just two things, the first is that your child’s name is clearly visible on the phone and the second is that they are switched off! Thank you for your help.

School Lunches.

Infant Lunches All Infant school children are entitled to a free school meal up until the end of Year 2. If your child is in Year R, 1 or 2, they will need to let the class teacher know at registration if they require a cooked lunch that day. Please ensure that you advise us in writing if your child is vegetarian or has any specific dietary needs.

Free School Meals entitlement Even though all Infant School children are now entitled to a free cooked lunch at school, families on a low income are still advised to complete a Free School Meals Eligibility Form because it will allow the school to receive extra funding to spend on the education of their child – even if their child decides not to have a free school lunch. Remember, this impacts on our data and under new Government regulations provides more money for the school, thus helping your child!

Children can choose which days they have school lunch and they do not have to commit for a whole term. Junior parents: Please send your child with the correct money each day (£2.03) in a named purse or container. Parents may pay at the start of each week. If you would like to do this, please ensure the following;

 Pay on Monday morning at the reception office.  Money/cheques MUST be in a named envelope.  Please indicate on the envelope how many days you are paying for. (Minimum of 3, Maximum 5)  Cheques must be made payable to Compass.  Please write your child’s name and class on the back of the cheque.

At the start of each day, the class teaching assistant checks the children’s purses and takes their dinner order. Children bringing sandwiches usually sit outside when the weather is warm. During the colder weather they can choose to eat outside or in the dining hall. All year 3 children eat inside from term 2 onwards until the warmer weather arrives.

Amazing Writing: Our children regularly have the opportunity to write for an extended period of time. We encourage them to check their work focusing on Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation. It would be helpful for you as parents to encourage your child to use this method when they write at home. The attached sheet is for you to keep for reference.

SATs: Our Year 6 children will be taking their SAT’s from 9th May – 12th May 2016. We have no flexibility on dates so I would ask that the children concerned do not have appointments booked, or any other plans made for this time.

4 First Holy Communion Programme 2015/16: First Holy Communion preparation is carried out within the parish. There are classes for children, parent sessions and celebration Masses. If any families are unsure about arrangements for their children, please contact your parish priest on the numbers below:

Our Lady of Ransom/St. Agnes/St. Gregory 723222 Christ the King/Holy Rood/St. Joachim’s 760048 St. Wilfred’s/St. George’s 841504

Classes will be starting soon so please get in touch with your priest if you have not already done so. Details will appear in the parish newsletters.

St. Richard’s Roadshow – Year 6: We will be welcoming Miss Cronin (Principal) and Mr. Bligh (Head of Year 7) from St. Richard’s Catholic College to our school for their annual roadshow which this year is booked for Tuesday 22nd September at 6.30p.m. During the evening staff will be talking about the school, it’s policies and curriculum as well as the admissions process. Application forms will be available. Please make every effort to attend so that you can hear first hand about our secondary school and meet staff who will be working with your children in the future years.

Junior Schol Choir: Choir resumes for children in years 5 & 6 on Friday afternoons. Christmas is a very busy time for our Choir, with the highlight being the ‘BIG SING’ at the theatre in December. A list of venues and dates will be available at a later date. If you would like to be part of the Choir, and are willing to attend ALL practices, please fill in the slip below for (marked ‘For the attention of Mrs Phipps’) and return it to the office by Thursday 17th September.

Parents’ Evening: We have a number of planned opportunities for you to visit our school and talk with your child’s class teacher. Please note however, that you do not need to wait for a formal parents’ evening to look at your child’s work or have a discussion about progress with the teacher. You can make an individual appointment at anytime that is convenient with you both. The formal parents’ evenings are spread throughout the year and are as follows:

Term 1 Monday 19th October 3-4p.m. This is an opportunity to look at your children’s work Tuesday 20th October 3-4p.m. Individual appointments Wednesday 21st October 3-4p.m. and 6-8p.m. Individual appointments Thursday 22nd October 3-4p.m. Individual appointments

Infant School parents may book their appointment by signing up on the classroom doors one week before parent evening week. For Junior School, an individual 10 minute appointment may be booked on Tuesday – Thursday on the slip included with this newsletter.

Term 2 Our annual Open Day is on Tuesday 17th November for the Junior school and on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th November for the Infant school. It is a great opportunity for new parents to visit our school as well as existing parents to see their little ones settled and working on a normal school day. It would be lovely to be joined by as many parents as possible. Parents are shown around the school in groups by staff and governors. There is then an opportunity to have coffee in the library and talk further if you wish.

Christmas/Easter/Summer Shows: Reception children will be preparing a play for parents this Christmas, as well as Years 3 and 4, Year 1 and Year 5 children will present an Easter performance and Year 2 and Year 6 will have something lined up for us all to enjoy in July. Just so parents have the dates well in advance, they are as follows:

Tuesday 8th December p.m. Years 3 and 4 Wednesday 9th December p.m. Years 3 and 4 Thursday 10th December Class RA – (pm) Friday 11th December Class RB – (pm)

Wednesday 16th March Class 1A 5 Thursday 17th March Class 1B Friday 18th March Class 1C Monday 21st March a.m. Year 5 Tuesday 22nd March a.m. Year 5

Tuesday 12th July Year 6 Wednesday 13th July Year 6 Thursday 14th July Year 2 (pm) Friday 15th July Year 2 (pm)

Harvest Festival: Our Harvest Festival Mass will be on Friday October 16th at 9.00am for years 1 - 6. We will be collecting tinned or dried food for the Salvation Army who will distribute food parcels to needy families and elderly people in Eastbourne. Please send donations of food from October 14th onwards.

Month of October: In October, as it is the month of the Holy Rosary, we pray the Joyful Mysteries during assembly. We encourage children to bring their rosaries to school. If they do not have one, they can be purchased in the school office for 50p.

Whole School Masses: We are fortunate to continue to celebrate Mass in school each term as well as on Holy Days of Obligation. These may be celebrated the day before to take the pressure off our hard working clergy. All Masses begin at 9.00 a.m.

The Masses during the year are as follows:

Date Mass Friday September 4th Start of term- Juniors – 6N Friday October 16th Harvest Mass – Y1 - 6 Thursday December 17th End of Autumn term – Juniors – 5R Friday January 8th Start of Spring term – Juniors – 5D Wednesday March 23rd End of Spring term Mass – 4I Y1-6 Friday April 15th Start of Summer Term - Juniors – 4L Friday 10th June First Holy Communion (Provisional Date) Mass – Year 3 Wednesday 20th July Infants Moving On Mass Thursday July 21st Leavers’ Mass – Year 6

Class Assemblies: (Dates are subject to change)

Infant School (9.05am) Junior School (9.00am)

2A Thursday 17th September 4I Friday 11th September 1A Thursday 1st October 5D Friday 18th September 1B Thursday 8th October 5R Friday 25th September 2B Thursday 22nd October 3C Friday 2nd October 1C Thursday 5th November 6N Friday 6th November RA Thursday 12th November 3H Friday 13th November RB Thursday 26th November 6E Friday 20th November 2A Thursday 14th January 4L Friday 27th November 1A Thursday 21st January 4I Friday 15th January 1B Thursday 28th January 5R Friday 22nd January 2B Thursday 4th February 3C Friday 29th January RB Thursday 11th February 6E Friday 26th February 6 RA Thursday 10th March 3H Friday 4th February 1C Thursday 17th March 6N Friday 11th March 1A Thursday 14th April 4L Friday 18th March RB Thursday 21st April 4I Friday 22nd April RA Thursday 19th May 1B Thursday 26th May 2A Thursday 9th June 1C Thursday 16th June 2B Thursday 23rd June

Inset Days: Inset days for September 2015 – July 2016 are as follows:

Wednesday 2nd September Thursday 5th May – Polling day Friday 23rd October Monday 6th June Friday 12th February 2016 Friday22ndJuly

Sports Day: Advance notice for your diaries. Our Junior Sports Day is on Wednesday 22nd June in the morning with a reserve date of Thursday 23rd June. The Infant Sports Day will be on Wednesday 29th June in the morning with a reserve date of Thursday 30th June.

After School Clubs: (Infant School club letters will be issued separately. In order that all parents are clear about the after school clubs on offer at the end of the school day, below is a copy of the information sheet given to all participants. St. Thomas a Becket Catholic Junior School has a variety of clubs run by school staff and outside coaches for the benefit of our children after school. These change according to the season and the availability of help. Each club has its own register and parents are asked to complete a form with contact details for the club supervisor. The children are the responsibility of the club supervisor. Supervisors are responsible for the discipline of the children. Staff are vetted by the Criminal Records Bureau and outside agencies are covered by their own insurance. School staff and parents taking voluntary clubs, for which a charge is not made, are covered by the school’s insurance. Club details are circulated by the reception office but parents are to communicate directly with the club organiser when issues arise. Club supervisors hire the school premises through our lettings policy but payments for activities are made directly to the club organisers who are self-employed and responsible for their own book-keeping.

In brief, club supervisors are responsible for: 1. Discipline 2. Register. 3. Contacting parents (change of details cancelled club, emergency situations etc) 4. Insurance 5. Collection of fees 6. Ensuring all children leave the premises with a responsible adult.

The clubs run by staff and parents at the school are covered by school insurance. Those run by private individuals are: Running: Ms Coope will continue to offer running club for all children in the Junior school. The club on Wednesdays from 3 – 4.15 p.m. is for less experienced runners and on Thursdays for those with more experience. Please contact Ms Coope directly if you would like further details. The first meetings take place on September 10th and 11th. Contact: Ms. Coope Tel. No. 503119 mobile 07949745124

All Star Soccer and Premier Sports: All Star soccer will continue in September for Junior children and Premier Sports will again be running various sessions throughout the year focussing on different sports.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. R. P. Turner Head Teacher. 7 Parents Evening – Junior School

Would you kindly make an appointment for me to see my child’s teacher on the following day and time:

Tuesday 20th October 3-4p.m.

Wednesday 21st October 3-4p.m 6-8p.m.

Thursday 22nd October 3-4p.m.

Signed …………………………………………………..(Parent/Guardian)

Name of child …………………………………………. Class …………….

If you are making an appointment for any sibling in the school put print their name and class …………………

Junior School Choir Form (Years 5 & 6 only)

I wish my child to join the Junior School Choir and consent to them attending Choir Practice on Friday afternoons.

Signed …………………………………………………..(Parent/Guardian)

Name of child …………………………………………. Class …………….


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