Section 1: Safe & Orderly Environment

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Section 1: Safe & Orderly Environment



Campus Improvement Plan 2010-2011


Exemplary performance is a reflection of vision, commitment, hard work, dedication, teamwork, and sacrifice to our children.

Woodway will continue to meet this challenge while maintaining a loving and nurturing environment.


All students will reach their full academic and social potential and will be responsible citizens in a global society.

All stakeholders will be active partners in the education of our students.

Woodway will have a safe, orderly environment that promotes successful learning.


Education is a collaborative partnership among students, parents, school, and community, built on clear, ongoing communication.

High expectations held by all partners in the educational process are essential to learning.

A safe, nurturing environment is essential to the total learning experience. Students’ needs are the foundation for actions.

Each student is entitled to a quality education through meaningful learning experiences.

Change must be embraced by all partners for improvement to occur.


GOAL 1: Meet the academic needs of all students

GOAL 2: Continue to provide a technologically advanced environment for all classroom teachers for student success

GOAL 3: A safe and supportive environment will be provided for all students & staff


Campus Relation Name Principal Mike Cooper Assistant Principal Jerry Gann Counselor Wanda Barnhart MAST Committee Representative Kappy Edwards Teacher Representative Jole Cromwell Teacher Representative Mandy Vasek Teacher Representative Sarah Metz Teacher Representative Tiffany Guy Teacher Representative Missy Keen Technology Representative Abbie Rusek ELL Representative Kellie Clarkson District Representative Marc Curliss Parent Representative Terri Jones Parent Representative Monica Rohre Community Representative William Dudley Community Representative Barney Whitt Business Representative Yost Zackary

Goal 1: Meet the academic needs of all students 5

Measurable Objectives Improvement Person(s) Responsible Time Resources Evaluation Strategies

Desired State: Provide on-going Principal September 1–June 2 Staff development Campus Needs Maintain Exemplary professional Assistant Principal training Assessment passing rates development Instructional Specialists regarding data Counselor TAKS Data analysis Classroom Teachers

As is: Principal September 1-June 2 Tango Tango Data Exemplary rated campus Use of Data Days Classroom Teachers Universal Progress Math: (Grades K-4) Instructional Specialists Screeners Grades Monitoring Data 3rd grade – 97% K-4 Universal 4th grade – 99% TAKS Data Screening Data . Reading: Instructional Specialists November 1-March 24 Eduphoria TAKS 3rd grade – 97% Administer TAKS Classroom Teachers practice/simulation 4th grade – 98 % practice/simulation Released TAKS results assessments Writing: 4th grade – 100% Instructional Specialists November 1-March 24 Core Reading Curriculum Provide explicit Counselor Program Documentation interventions in Classroom Teachers (Lesson Plans) TAKS-tested Lexia Reading academic Program Progress curriculum Monitoring Think Central TAKS 2010 Data STAR Math

Read Naturally

Accelerated Reader Program

6 Goal 1: Meet the academic needs of all students

Measurable Objectives Improvement Strategies Person(s) Time Resources Evaluation Responsible

Implement Resource Teachers November 1–March 24 Scholastic Progress accommodations, inclusion Instructional Specialists Academic Measure Monitoring Data and interventions to Special Education Scholastic Math accelerate special Instructional & Inventory TAKS 2011 Data education students’ Curriculum Specialist IXL at Math mastery of grade level Classroom Teachers Study Island TEKS RAZ Kids Read Naturally Triumphs System 44 Read Well

Desired State: Provide additional math Classroom Teachers September 1– May 3 Universal RTI Progressing Achieve Exemplary and reading tutorials for Instructional Specialists Screeners Grades Monitoring Data passing rates in all sub identified students of Instructional Aides 3 & 4 TAKS 2011 Data population groups targeted sub populations Math Tutorial Teacher Campus funds Universal Parents Motivational Math Screening Data As is: Motivational Third grade Reading: Reading African American 75% Eduphoria Economically $500 Disadvantaged 89% Compensatory Education Funds *See pages 11 & 12 for criterion & budget

Desired State: Gather input regarding Classroom Teachers September 1-May 3 TAKS 2010 Data Progress A 5% increase in improvement strategies Instructional Specialists Eduphoria/Aware Monitoring Data Commended GT Specialists TAKS 2011 Data Performance for TAKS Principals Reading, Math & Writing Counselor Math Tutorial Teacher Parents

7 Goal 1: Meet the academic needs of all students

Measurable Objectives Improvement Strategies Person(s) Time Resources Evaluation Responsible

As is: Provide staff development Principals September 1-May 3 Campus Funds Workshop Commended opportunities GT Specialists Surveys Performance Instructional Specialists Region 12 Workshops 4 th Grade 2009 2010 Provide after school Classroom Teachers January 11-April 21 Campus funds TAKS 2011 Data R - 45% 44% tutorials for grades 3 & 4 Instructional Specialists M - 69% 60% W - 60% 58%

3rd Grade 2009 2010 R - 73% 77% M - 67% 51%

Desired State: Provide ongoing ELL Staff September 1-June 1 TEA TELPAS Scores Maintain 2011 AMOA professional development Classroom Teachers Standards for LEP regarding effective ELL Principals Eduphoria Training students strategies and ELPS/Core Curriculum training (TEA Title III funds Title III Forum, TEA ELPS Specific Areas of Academies) focus: AMAO 1-47% progress After school tutoring or ELL Staff September 15-June 1 Title III funds TELPAS Scores in all LEP, Gr. K – 4 intensified instruction for Instructional Specialists ELLs using materials from Classroom Teachers Campus funds AMAO 2-13% ELPS Academies Parents attainment of students in year 1 – 4 LEP Utilize technology to target ELL Staff September 1-June 1 Campus funds TELPAS Scores AMAO 2-25% student needs Instructional Specialists attainment of students in Classroom Teachers Tango RTI Progress year 5+ LEP Technology Staff Monitoring Data

8 Goal 1: Meet the academic needs of all students

Measurable Objectives Improvement Strategies Person(s) Time Resources Evaluation Responsible

As is MISD: Add supplemental ELL Staff September 1-June 1 Title III funds TELPAS Scores AMAO 1-61% curricula, instructional Technology Specialists AMAO 2-40% materials, software & Assistants Campus funds AMAO 2-41% Classroom Teachers

Desired State: Hold informational ELL ELL Staff October 5, 2010 Title III funds for Parent Survey Increase communication Parent Night in fall Principals materials & translator Attendance sign- with parents Parent Volunteers in sheet

Specific Areas of Parent communication ELL Staff September 1-June 1 Title III funds for Parent Survey focus: folders folders Increasing parents feedback and input in Host ELL family event in ELL Staff Spring 2011 Title III funds for Parent Survey the ELL program spring Principals materials, translator Attendance sign- Parent Volunteers and summer practice in sheet As is: book Limited parent communication Bi-monthly luncheon ELL Staff September 1-June 1 Title III funds for Parent Survey meeting with parents to Parent Volunteers materials & translator Attendance sign- provide take away in sheet educational materials

9 Goal 2: Continue to provide a technologically advanced environment for all classroom teachers for student success

Measurable Improvement Strategies Person(s) Time Resources Evaluation Objectives Responsible

Desired State: Identify new technology Classroom Teachers September 1- Campus funds Campus Continue to update & needs Principal June 1 inventory equip all classrooms Campus Technology with new technology Committee

As is: Develop plan to meet Campus Technology Campus Funds Completion of Two grade levels are Technology needs Committee Ongoing PTA Grants plan equipped with flat Classroom Teachers screen televisions and Principal document cameras Assistant Principal

Desired State; Campus Staff Development Principal August 19th Eduphoria: Forethought Spring Semester Train all classroom Assistant Principal 2011 Data teachers to Technology Specialists September electronically submit & Assistants 23rd (Early lesson plans Release) Classroom Teachers As is: February 3rd Most teachers use (Early handwritten lesson Release) plans

10 Goal 3: A safe and supportive environment will be provided for all students & staff

Measurable Objectives Improvement Person(s) Responsible Time Resources Evaluation Strategies

Desired state: Monthly Crisis Crisis & Safety Committee September 1– June 1 Campus funds Attendance Upgrade campus safety Team Meetings Documentation procedures Crisis & Safety Committee Safety Drills Classroom Teachers September 1-June 1 New Safety Drills Data Programmed Woodway Employees Radios As is: A safe and supportive Implement September 1-June 1 Safe & orderly environment exists. consistent hallway hallways expectations

Desired State: Conduct School SHAC Campus Chairman September 1-June 1 Campus funds Meeting notes Provide additional Health Advisory opportunities to improve Council Meetings SHAC Committee wellness of staff & September 1-June 1 Campus funds Participation of staff students Implement Campus Community Wellness Program resources As is: activities Limited opportunities are (a) Weight provided Loss (b) Nutrition Fitness (c) SHAC Committee Comparison of survey (d) Stress December 2010 Campus Funds results manageme May 2011 nt Woodway Staff Completion of event Spring 2011 Campus Funds Staff stress Woodway Students management Community survey City of Woodway Community Resources

Health & Safety Resources Officer PTA Fair for students

11 At-Risk Identification Criterion


A Did not perform satisfactorily on a readiness test or assessment instrument administered during the current school year (PK, K, 1, 2 or 3)

B Did not maintain an average equivalent to 70 on a scale of 100 in two or more subjects in the foundation curriculum during a semester in the preceding or current school year or is not maintaining such an average in two or more subjects in the foundation curriculum in the current semester (7-12)

C Was not advanced from one grade level to the next for one or more school years Grade Level and Year ______

D Did not perform satisfactorily on the state assessment instrument and who has not in the previous or current school year subsequently performed on that instrument or another appropriate instrument at a level equal to at least 110 percent of the level of satisfactory performance on that state assessment

E Is pregnant or is a parent

F Has been placed in a disciplinary alternative education program in accordance with Section 37.006 during the preceding or current school year

G Has been expelled in accordance with Section 37.007 during the preceding or current school year (Discipline)

H Is currently on parole, probation, deferred prosecution, or other conditional release

I Was previously reported through PEIMS to have dropped out of school

J Is a student of limited English proficiency

K Is in the custody or care of the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services or has, during the current school year, been referred to the department by a school official, officer of the juvenile court, or law enforcement official

L Is homeless

M Resided in the preceding school year or resides in the current school year in a residential placement facility in the district, including a detention facility, substance abuse treatment facility, emergency shelter, psychiatric hospital, halfway house, or foster group home


12 N Students currently served in Tier 2 or Tier 3 based on the RTI process

Woodway Elementary Compensatory Funds 2010-2011

General Fund Budgeted Amount

Supplementary Reading & Math Books $500

13 Woodway Elementary TAKS Data 3 Year Review (2008-2010)

2008 ** 5th grade Science Data is provided for elementary schools to aid in science planning

Student Population 3rd Math 3rd Reading 4th Math 4th Reading 5th Science**

%Me % Met/Commended Standards %Met %Comm %Met %Comm %Comm %Met %Comm %Met %Comm %Met %Comm t

93% 47% 100% 57% 96 96% 96% 48% 97% 53% 88% 46% All Students %

88% 33% 100% 31% 100 33% 100% 31% 100% 71% 71% 10% African American %

86% 39% 100% 50% 92 39% 92% 50% 100% 91% 81% 41% Hispanic %

95% 52% 100% 53% 96 52% 96% 53% 96% 47% 93% 52% White %

83% 33% 100% 28% 87 33% 93% 28% 93% 36% 80% 34% Economically Dis %

95% 49% 100% 62% 96 48% 96% 43% 97% 51% 88% 46% ALL MISD STUDENTS %

2009 ** 5th grade Science Data is provided for elementary schools to aid in science lesson plans

Student Population 3rd Math 3rd Reading 4th Math 4th Reading 5th Science**

%Me % Met/Commended Standards %Met %Comm %Met %Comm %Comm %Met %Comm %Met %Comm %Met %Comm t

96% 67% 99% 73% 100 69% 96% 45% 100% 60% 93% 53% All Students %

100% 63% 100% 44% 100 38% 86% 14% 100% 50% 78% 16% African American %

86% 43% 100% 64% 100 86% 100% 23% 100% 69% 93% 41% Hispanic %

99% 70% 99% 79% 100 69% 96% 49% 100% 57% 94% 60% White %

88% 65% 94% 56% 100 59% 92% 12% 100% 36% 84% 34% Economically Dis %

14 98% 62% 99% 68% 98 64% 97% 48% 96% 51% 93% 53% ALL MISD STUDENTS %

2010 ** 5th grade Science Data is provided for elementary schools to aid in science lesson plans

Student Population 3rd Math 3rd Reading 4th Math 4th Reading 5th Science**

%Me % Met/Commended Standards %Met %Comm %Met %Comm %Comm %Met %Comm %Met %Comm %Met %Comm t

99 94% 60% All Students 97% 51% 97% 77% 60% 98% 49% 100% 58% %

100 81% 30% African American 100% 22% 75% 38% 38% 94% 13% 100% 50% %

100 46% 55% Hispanic 94% 44% 94% 44% 35% 94% 25% 100% 56% %

99 97% 68% White 97% 52% 100% 89% 68% 100% 63% 100% 59% %

100 90% 37% Economically Dis 90% 35% 89% 56% 48% 95% 25% 100% 55% %

91% 38% 97% 49% 91 38% 97% 49% 97% 45% 91% 39% ALL MISD STUDENTS %


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