West Pender Middle School

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West Pender Middle School

West Pender Middle School


J. H. Parker IV, Principal

10750 NC HWY 53 West Burgaw, NC 28425 (910) 283-5626

This agenda belongs to:

Name ______Address ______City/Town ______Phone ______Student Number ______2010-2011

Dear Students,

The staff and administration of West Pender Middle School welcomes each of you to a new and exciting year. We want to help you make this a very successful year. Even though the building is the same, there will be some classrooms in different places and some new faces.

This planner has been purchased for you to use throughout the school year. You can keep up with your homework and there are calendars for you to note different dates that you must not forget. The planner is also an excellent way for us to communicate with your parents. The school handbook is located in the beginning of your planner. Take the time to read and share with your parents.

As Will Rogers said, “We can’t all be heroes because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.” Let West Pender’s teachers and staff give you the guidance and support that you’ll need to become successful this school year.

Have a great year.


The Administrative Staff of West Pender Middle School

Report Cards and Progress Reports

Report cards are released every nine weeks, usually within 5-7 school days of the end of the grading period. Parents will receive communication prior to report card release giving the exact day they will be sent home. Progress reports are issued every two weeks and must be signed by the parents/guardians and returned to the homeroom teacher within two days.

The following grading scale has been adopted by the Pender County Board of Education: A 100-93 B 92-85 C 84-77 D 76-70 E 69 and below

Principal’s List / Honor Roll / Beta Club

 Principal’s List - a grade of A in all subjects with no unsatisfactory comments about conduct.  Honor Roll - a grade of A or B in all subjects with no unsatisfactory comments about conduct.  Beta Club - An overall grade of A in all subjects the previous school year.  Perfect Attendance – Being present in school from 7:45 until 2:55 each school day. Signing in after homeroom or being checked out before first load does not qualify for perfect attendance awards Quarterly or Yearly.

*Students that receive these honors must be doing grade level work.

Standard Course of Study

All subjects taught follow the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Copies of curriculum guides are sent home at the beginning of the school year, outlining the material your student is expected to know by the end of grade test (EOG) in May.

Promotion Policy

To be promoted, students must pass language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies and achieve at least Level III on the required state EOG test in both mathematics and reading. Also, students have to pass all courses at the of the year and not miss over twenty (20) days of school

Grade 8: After EOG, students who score: a. Level I – will retest HAS NOT MET GATEWAY b. Level II – will retest HAS NOT MET GATEWAY c. Level II within 1SE of Level III – will retest HAS NOT MET GATEWAY

8th Grade Transition Ceremony & Formal Requirements

 Any 8th grader missing more than twenty (20) days of school for the year must produce a doctor’s excuse in order to participate.  Students must have all fees and debts paid in full. All textbooks and library books must also be returned.  Misbehavior at school may result in non-participation.


Homework is a necessity to academic learning. Learning is so important that we think it should continue after school hours. We ask parents to encourage learning and we give several reasons: 1. Extra practice on skills. 2. Further practice for material covered in classroom. 3. Establish good work habits. 4. Growth and responsibility. 5. Parents can see what students are studying.

Parents: 1. Cooperate to make homework effective. 2. Provide suitable study conditions. 3. Reserve a time for homework. 4. Avoid undue pressure, but encourage. 5. Show interest in what children are learning. 6. Understand what the teacher expects.

Make-Up Work

Following absences, each teacher will have established guidelines governing student’s make-up work. The responsibility lies with the student.

Schedule Changes

The principal must approve any schedule changes made after school starts. Changes will be considered on an individual basis.

Physical Education

Each student at West Pender is scheduled to have Health/PE during the school year. All students are expected to participate in the physical education program to the best of their abilities. The state is mandating at least two hundred twenty five (225) minutes per week for each child. Your child will need a Doctor’s note in order for him/her to sit out. The following guidelines must be followed to provide a safe environment for all participants:

1. Rubber sole shoes must be worn to help prevent injuries. 2. Absolutely no gum, candy, or drinks are allowed during PE. 3. Students are expected to care for equipment. 4. Students should respect others property. 5. Students are expected to show good sportsmanship at all times. 6. Students should report injuries as they occur.

West Pender has adopted a Health/PE uniform policy that will be given to students the first day they are in the class.

Title I Program

West Pender is a school-wide Title I program. We will conduct an annual meeting to provide information about the program. West Pender has a PTO, an Advisory Board that meet with the principal monthly, and a Parent Resource area located in the media center. The center includes books, pamphlets, and videos available for check out through our guidance counselor or media coordinator. We encourage parent volunteers and we provide the training in areas needed. West Pender also offers parent workshops throughout the school year according to the needs of the students and the requests of the parents.

Media Center

West Pender currently has 8,667 books in the media center. We support the AR program with 7,000 AR books and 7,000 AR tests. The goals of West Pender Middle School Library are to:

1. Provide a collection of instructional materials that support and contribute to the curriculum. 2. Provide materials and reference services for the completion of class assignments, homework, and for individual personal growth. 3. Provide a pleasant environment for the pursuit of both personal and educational growth.

The library opens at 7:30 am and closes at 3:00 pm. No passes are required before school. During class time, an official pass or note is required. A librarian, librarian assistant, or student assistant is available to assist patrons using the library. The media center will be open in the afternoons during designated times.

School Cafeteria Services

West Pender Middle operates under Federal and State guidelines, offering a variety of choices at breakfast and lunch. We encourage students to develop good eating habits. Soft drinks are not allowed, although we offer a variety of fruit drinks along with milk and tea. Moving through the breakfast and lunch lines quickly and quietly will assure students of sufficient time to enjoy the meal.

Parents may prepay into their child’s account at any time, in any amount. Certain privileges may be denied of students who have outstanding balances. Students needing assistance may apply for free or reduced meals. If a student is approved for free/reduced meals, this includes lunch and breakfast. Each child in a family applying for free/reduced meals must submit an application each year.

The following prices are currently in effect as of 6/30/2010:  Breakfast: Paid - $1.25 Reduced - $.30 Staff - $1.25  Lunch: Paid - $2.05 Reduced - $.40 Staff - $3.00 Visiting Adult - $3.25

Field Trips

There may be field trips taken by each grade level. Be aware of the following conditions:

 For insurance purposes, students will ride to and from all destinations on the bus. If a student’s parent is on the trip in their private vehicle, the student may ride back with their own parent.  There will be tentative expenditures for these trips. Prices will depend on the grade and destination. Please keep this in mind when making decisions on your child’s participation.  The principal will designate a time for clear discipline prior to the trip for a student’s participation. Any kind of suspension does not constitute a clear discipline record.

School Dances

Parents are encouraged to attend school dances both as chaperones and visitors. The following procedure will apply:

 Dances will be held periodically during the school year.  Dances will be for all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.  All dances will be held at the school. All school rules, including dress codes, are in effect.  Only West Pender Middle School students in good standing may attend.  Persons not attending the dance are not allowed to congregate outside the school.  Students must leave the school grounds immediately following the dance.  A student will be asked to leave the dance and campus if his/her behavior is inappropriate.  If a student is assigned OSS during a nine-week period prior to the dance, he/she may not attend the dance.  A student must be in attendance the day of the dance.

School Events and After School Transportation

The school does not chaperone students that have not been picked up after ball games and other events. Students are not to stay after school to wait for a ball game. They need to go home at regular time and then come back when the event starts. Any bus student without proper permission to stay after school will be sent home on the regular bus.

Any bus student wishing to be picked up after school by a parent must give a note to the teacher. Any bus student who wants to ride another bus without proper permission will be sent home on their regular bus.

Athletic Participation

The following is required for Grades 7 and 8:  Student cannot become 15 years of age before October 16.  Student must have been in attendance 85% of the previous semester.  For sports starting during the Fall Semester (football, softball, and basketball), students must be passing all courses and must have been promoted the previous year. Sports starting during the Spring Semester (volleyball and baseball), students must be passing all courses.  The Coach, Athletic Director, and/or Principal may impose stricter criteria for eligibility beyond the NCHSAA and PCS standards.

*Note: Any usual exceptions to rules above must be appealed to the Principal.


Each student has the opportunity to enroll in an accident insurance plan as approved by the Pender County Board of Education. All students participating in athletics must have proof of insurance.

Organizations In addition to our sports program, there are other student activities available either on an interest or achievement basis. Student organizations include BETA club, Science Olympiad, Rocame, and Battle of the Books. Each Early Release Day West Pender has Club Day, where students can attend four clubs. Individual organizations will publicize their specific grade and other requirements.

Enrollment Procedures

To enroll a student at West Pender Middle the procedures are:

1. The office personnel will give the parent the paperwork to complete. 2. The Counselor or NCWISE data manager will enroll the student, give the student a schedule, and request the records from previous schools. 3. The Counselor gives the student a handbook, school calendar, a tour of the school, and takes the student to class.


Parents must provide the school copies of court/legal documents regarding student involvement or information such as: custody, visitation, transportation, etc. In the absence of court/legal documents, we must consider parents’ rights to be equal. We cannot deny either the access to or information about their child. Information shared with the school will be kept confidential.

Withdrawal Procedures

Any student wishing to withdraw must see the guidance counselor or NCWISE data manager for a withdrawal form. Parent/Guardian signature is required on the form. A formal withdrawal process must be followed, which will be explained by the counselor. Student records will not be released until the process has been completed.


Early Arrivals and Check-Ins For safety reasons, students shall not come on the school campus prior to 7:30 am. A student who is tardy to school must be accompanied by a parent/guardian in order to sign in to school.

Absences An expectation of all students is good attendance. In order to be promoted, a student cannot miss in excess of twenty (20) days. To be counted present, a student must be in attendance for ½ day (present until 11:30 am). When returning to school after an absence, a parent note must be submitted to the homeroom teacher within three days giving the reason for the absence. Otherwise, the absence will be coded unexcused. Unexcused absences totaling five (5) or more will be referred to governmental authorities. By state regulations, absences and tardies will be coded as follows:

1. Lawful – illness, quarantine, death in immediate family, medical or dental appointments, court proceedings, religious observances, educational opportunities with prior approval. 2. Unlawful – all absences not coded as 1 or 3. 3. Suspension – Out of School Suspension (OSS). 4. Tardies – excused (doctor’s appt, etc.) or unexcused

Leaving School Early

Parents should see the receptionist when it is necessary for a student to leave school early. The parent or guardian must come to the office and present photo ID to sign out the student. If a student returns within the same day, he/she must report to the office where an admit slip will be issued.


Medication that the school is responsible for dispensing should be transported to school by the parents. Medication should be in the appropriate container with current instructions on the dosage. Also, a medication form must be filled out and signed by a doctor, signed by the parent, and turned into West Pender’s office for documentation when the medication is to be administered.

Telephone for Student Use

A phone is available in the main office for student use. These calls are for emergency use only. To use the phone, the student must present a pass from the student’s teacher and ask permission from one of the administrators.


Visitors are welcome to visit our school but we ask that you make an appointment to visit the classrooms so that our instructional time is not interrupted. All visitors should report to the office, sign in, and receive a visitor’s pass. Administrators will then escort the visitor to their destination.

Lost and Found

Items are stored in a central location for a reasonable length of time.

Student Expectations

 Follow the highest standards of personal behavior and honesty.  Respect themselves and all others.  Attend school daily.  Be adequately prepared for school and classes.  Report to school and classes on time.  Complete all academic work as assigned and be responsible for one’s own learning.  Refrain from the use of radios, walkman, cell phones, etc. in the school and on the bus. Electronic Devices that are confiscated by staff must be returned to the parent/guardian by the principal.  Maintain a drug free environment. Students may not possess, consume, or sell tobacco, drugs, or alcohol in any form while at school or attending a school-related function.  Use appropriate and acceptable language.  Refrain from fighting, gambling, and possessing dangerous or inappropriate objects or substances. Bullying, harassment, intimidation, or coercion of any person is not permitted.

Mandatory School Uniform Dress Code Policy

Pants: Solid Navy, Tan, or Black must be worn at the waist. Belts are not required, but are advised if pants do not fit at the waist. Students found to have “sagging” pants may have them tied with a “zip tie” to keep them at the waist so there is no disciplinary action. Pants can be cotton, cotton blend, or corduroy. Absolutely no jeans, sweat suit pants, pajamas, logos, insignias, pictures, or messages larger than one inch in diameter are allowed.

Skirts/jumpers/skorts: Solid Navy, Tan, or Black can be cotton, cotton blend, or corduroy and must be knee length or longer. Polo shirt must be worn under the jumper. Absolutely no logos, insignias, pictures, or messages larger than one inch in diameter are allowed.

Shorts/Capri’s: Solid Navy, Tan, or Black can be cotton, cotton blend, or corduroy and must fit at the waist and must be knee length or longer. Absolutely no jeans, sweat suit pants, pajamas, logos, insignias, pictures, or messages larger than one inch in diameter are allowed.

Shirts: Must be polo shirt or dress shirt that is worn with only one or two buttons unbuttoned. Shirts must be solid colored (no prints or stripes). Shirts may be any shade of the following colors: orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, white, or black. Shirts longer than the beltline should be tucked into pants. Absolutely no logos, insignias, pictures, or messages larger than one inch in diameter are allowed.

Shoes: No Spike heels, flip-flops, and/or shoes with a thong are prohibited. No clogs, mules, or open-backed crocs. Shoes must have closed toes and must have heels or heel (back) straps. Socks must be solid in color, any shade of the following colors: orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, white, or black is acceptable.

Outside apparel: Coats, jackets, gloves, and hats/caps should be kept in lockers during the day. Absolutely no hooded jackets or coats can be worn inside the classrooms. If a classroom is colder than others, permission from the principal will be give for a lightweight or non-hooded jacket to be worn in that classroom. Jewelry: No facial jewelry is allowed (nose, eyebrow, lip, or tongue). Earrings should be of the single stud variety with no oversized or dangling earrings that pose a hazard to the wearer. Necklaces are permitted if they fit closely and do not overhang on clothing. Long necklaces must be worn tucked inside the side or may not be worn at all. Boys may wear stud earrings only; girls may wear only one earring per ear.

*A uniform closet will be established at West Pender Middle with appropriate sizes of apparel. Upon written or verbal request to the principal, WPMS may assist families with compliance to the uniform policy.

** Students will follow the P.E. dress code during P.E. Class.

Discipline and Compliance Measures: The following measures will be taken for students found to be incompliant of the Mandatory School Uniform Dress Code Policy.

First Offense: The school will notify the student’s parents of the violation. The parent will be asked to bring appropriate clothing to the student or the student will be required to put on clothing from the uniform closet.

Second Offense: the student will again be required to change to appropriate dress (either from the parent or the closet) and the student will spend a day in In-School-Suspension.

Third Offense: the student will again be required to change to appropriate dress (either from the parent or the closet) and the student will spend two days in ISS.

Fourth Offense: the student will again be required to change to appropriate dress (either from the parent or the closet) and the student will spend three days in ISS.

Fifth Offense: the student will again be required to change to appropriate dress (either from the parent or the closet) and the student will spend four days in ISS.

Sixth Offense: the student will again be required to change to appropriate dress (either from the parent or the closet) and the student will spend five days in ISS.

All Offenses Thereafter: The student will be suspended from school as appropriate for failure to follow school rules. School Bus Safety Safety on School buses is our primary concern. Students must adhere to the following regulations:

 All school policies apply when waiting for and riding a bus.  The school bus driver must be respected while riding the bus.  Students must ride their assigned bus.  Students are not permitted to stand or move around when the bus is in motion.  No arms, heads, objects, etc. are permitted out of windows.  Students are not permitted to throw items of any kind on or out of the bus.  The opening of emergency exits is forbidden, unless necessary.  Offenders of these and other regulations/policies risk the suspension of bus privileges.

Drill Regulations and Procedures

 At the sound of the alarm, all students are to exit the building according to the directions posted in each room.  Students are to conduct themselves in an orderly and silent fashion.  Students shall leave the building in a rapid walk, NOT RUN.  Students are to return to the building when signal is given.

Conduct during Assemblies

 Enter and exit in a quiet orderly manner.  No talking or physical contact during the performance.  Remain in one’s seat for the duration of the program.  Treat the program in a respectful manner.

Use of Computers, the Internet, and School Network

 All are required to read carefully, understand, and submit an Acceptable Use Policy contract.  Students are required to follow the directions of their teachers in the use of computers, the Internet, and the network.

Note: Student behavioral standards extend beyond school grounds, as per case law. This applies especially to incidents involving harassment, bullying, intimidation, fighting, substance abuse, and dangerous weapons. Disciplinary Actions/Suspensions

Disciplinary action for serious infractions could be in the form of in school (ISS) or out of school suspension (OSS). A suspension is the temporary denial of the student’s right to attend school. The principal may suspend any student from school for a short duration for good cause.

Behaviors that result in disciplinary actions include, but are not limited to:

 Disobedience or disrespect to a staff member  Excessive tardiness to school/class  Use of profanity  Leaving school without permission  Academic dishonesty  Skipping  Defacing school property  Jeopardizing the safety of others  Disruptive Behavior  Inappropriate bus behavior

Infractions that result in suspension (or expulsion*) from school:

 Repeated actions listed above  Fighting/threatening to cause physical injury*  Use or possession of drugs or alcohol*  Use or possession of weapons, explosives, or other dangerous or inappropriate objects*  Smoking  Gambling  Damage to school and/or personal property*  Stealing*  Serious insubordination toward a staff member  Assault upon a staff member*  Profanity directed at a staff member  Repeated harassment of any kind (bullying)  Automatic OSS for Drugs/Weapons/Fighting

*Expulsion – The power to expel a student from the school system is vested solely in the Board of Education. The principal may refer cases to the Superintendent to be placed before the Board.

Students who chose to be uncooperative and/or unresponsive to staff direction can expect disciplinary action.

School-Wide Positive Behavioral Intervention Support

West Pender uses Positive Behavior Intervention Support and joined the North Carolina State Improvement Project facilitating the systemic change in dealing with student behavior in the schools of North Carolina. The message that behavior is learned and thus can be taught in schools is spreading throughout the state. Schools are identifying effective practices, creating the structures to support the practices, and using data to guide their decision-making. We have seen that this is making a positive impact on our students and that is exciting.

PBIS School Wide Incentives: Dress Down and Class Dress Days, Awards Ceremony, Ice Cream Party, Pizza Party, No Bounce Dances, Warrior Way Winners, and “What What” Winners.

PBIS School Wide Consequences

Warning 1 Repeated Redirect Warning 2 Take Space in Class Bounce 1 Period in ISS, per teacher Bounce 2 Period in ISS, per teacher Guidance Referral Parent Conference Office Referral 1 ISS 1 Day Office Referral 2 ISS 3 Days Office Referral 3 ISS 5 Days Office Referral 4-6 RTI Referral; Behavior Intervention Plan OSS 1, 3, or 5 Days Office Referral 7-? OSS 10 Days; Long-term OSS, Abbreviated Schedule, Alternative Learning Placement *Student will complete Reflection Sheet, Counseling Services, and “Y Try” program while in Bounce. Student will rotate back to the class where Bounce occurred to make-up any missed instruction or assignments. When student return from OSS they will be given a day of ISS to acclimate themselves back into PBIS. Teachers will make positive/relationship phone calls before they make disciplinary or concerned phone calls. Note: Teachers will be calling parents frequently. Messages of positive student behavior are highly encouraged. West Pender recognizes positive behavior weekly and displays some of these behaviors on our “Wall of Fame”. Research has shown that the more “positive behavior” is rewarded; then the negative behavior is decreased. Date ______

Dear Parent,

Thank you for reading and discussing this handbook with your child. The hope is that we have provided you with important information about West Pender Middle School. Please feel free to call (910) 283-5626 if you have any questions that we have not answered.


The Administrative Staff of West Pender Middle School

After reviewing the handbook and discussing it with your child, complete the information below and return the form to you child’s homeroom teacher.

Student’s Name ______

Homeroom Teacher______

Signature of Parent ______

Signature of Student ______


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