Level 1 Drama (90998) 2011 Assessment Schedule

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Level 1 Drama (90998) 2011 Assessment Schedule

NCEA Level 1 Drama (90998) 2011 — page 1 of 4

Assessment Schedule – 2011

Drama: Demonstrate understanding of features of a drama / theatre form (90998) Evidence Statement

Question Evidence ONE The performance space (a) Describes performance space typical of the chosen drama / theatre form. (b) Sketches and labels aspects of this performance space. (c) Explains how this performance space would affect an actor’s communication with an audience.

N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8

Gives a rudimentary Gives a basic Accurately describes Accurately describes, Accurately describes, Accurately describes, Accurately describes, Accurately describes, sketch or description of description of a typical and / or sketches a sketches, and labels a sketches, and labels a sketches, and labels a sketches, and labels a sketches, and labels a a typical performance performance space OR typical performance typical performance typical performance typical performance typical performance typical performance space. sketches and labels space space space, with some space, with accurate space, with accurate space, with accurate aspects of a typical accurate detail detail detail detail performance space (description / sketch may be partially inaccurate) OR AND AND AND AND AND AND Gives a limited Explains ONE Explains at least TWO Explains, in depth, Explains, in depth, Explains, in depth, Explains, in depth, explanation of how a influence of the influences of this using appropriate using appropriate using appropriate using appropriate performance space performance space on performance space on terminology and with terminology and with terminology and with terminology and with would affect an actor’s an actor’s an actor’s detailed examples, the detailed examples, the detailed examples, the detailed examples, the communication with an communication with an communication with an effect of distance AND effect of distance AND effect of distance AND effect of distance AND audience. audience. audience. the use of ONE drama the use of at least TWO the use of at least TWO the use of at least TWO technique on an actor’s drama techniques on drama techniques on drama techniques on communication with an an actor’s an actor’s an actor’s audience. communication with an communication with an communication with an audience. audience audience AND AND Makes insightful Makes insightful connections in connections in explaining influences explaining a range of on an actor’s influences on an communication with an actor’s communication audience. with an audience.

N0= No response; no relevant evidence. NCEA Level 1 Drama (90998) 2011 — page 2 of 4

Question Evidence TWO A typical character (a) Identifies features of a character typical of the chosen drama / theatre form. (b) Sketches and labels typical aspects of the selected character. (c) Explains why the features in (a) AND the aspects in (b) are appropriate to or typical of the chosen drama / theatre form.

N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8

Identifies some Identifies some details Identifies accurate Identifies accurate Identifies accurate Identifies accurate Identifies accurate Identifies accurate information about a of a character details of a character details of a character details of a character, details of a character, details of a character, details of a character, character in EITHER including given including given including given including given the profile OR the circumstances OR circumstances AND circumstances AND circumstances AND sketch. physicality OR key physicality AND key physicality AND key physicality AND key motivation / intention motivation motivation motivation OR OR AND AND AND AND AND Sketches and Sketches and Sketches and Sketches and Sketches and Sketches and Sketches and annotates some annotates some annotates a typical annotates, with annotates, with annotates, with annotates, with features of the features of the stance / costume / prop appropriate detail, a detailed examples, a detailed examples, a detailed examples, a character character / line of dialogue of the typical stance / typical stance / typical stance / typical stance / costume character costume / prop / line of costume / prop / line of costume / prop / line of / prop / line of dialogue dialogue of the dialogue of the dialogue of the of the character character character character OR AND AND AND AND AND AND Makes a tenuous link Makes some link Makes some link Makes an informed Makes an appropriate Makes an insightful Makes deeply between the character between the details or between the details and link, showing link, showing connection between insightful connections and the drama / theatre features of the features of the understanding, knowledge of the EITHER the profile OR between BOTH the form. character and the character and the between the details and character, between the the annotated sketch of profile AND the drama / theatre form. drama / theatre form. features of the details and features of a typical character and annotated sketch of a character and the the character and the the drama / theatre typical character and drama / theatre form. drama / theatre form. form the drama / theatre form

N0= No response; no relevant evidence. NCEA Level 1 Drama (90998) 2011 — page 3 of 4

Question Evidence THREE The historical / social context (a) Explains the social / historical context of a typical audience for the chosen drama / theatre form. (b) Identifies a key idea or storyline typical of the drama / theatre form. (c) Explains how specific drama conventions used to communicate this key idea or storyline would affect an audience of the period. (d) Explains how available technologies used to communicate this key idea or storyline would affect an audience of the period.

N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8

Gives a rudimentary Gives a rudimentary Gives some Gives some Clearly explains the Clearly explains the Clearly explains AND Clearly explains AND explanation of a typical explanation of a typical explanation of the explanation of the social / historical social / historical makes insightful makes deeply audience for the drama audience for the drama social / historical social / historical context of a typical context of a typical references to: who is in insightful references theatre / form theatre / form context of a typical context of a typical audience for the drama audience for the drama the audience; their to: who is in the audience for the drama audience for the drama theatre / form theatre / form reason for attending the audience; their reason theatre / form theatre / form theatre; and the effect for attending the of customs, values or theatre; and the effect beliefs of their society, of customs, values or in relation to the beliefs of their society, drama / theatre form in relation to the drama / theatre form OR OR AND EITHER AND AND AND AND AND Identifies a key idea or Identifies a key idea or Identifies a key idea or Identifies a key idea or Identifies a key idea or Identifies a key idea or Identifies a key idea or Identifies a key idea or storyline typical of the storyline typical of the storyline typical of the storyline typical of the storyline typical of the storyline typical of the storyline typical of the storyline typical of the drama / theatre form. drama / theatre form drama / theatre form drama / theatre form drama / theatre form drama / theatre form drama / theatre form drama / theatre form OR OR AND AND AND AND AND Makes a tenuous Explains an effect on Explains an effect on Explains in detail an Explains with Explains in detail and Explains with explanation of the effect the audience of the use the audience of the use effect on the audience informed detail and makes insightful informed detail and on the audience of of EITHER some drama of some drama of the use of some examples the effect on references to the effect examples and makes EITHER some drama conventions OR some conventions OR some drama conventions OR the audience of the use on the audience of the deeply insightful conventions OR some available technologies. available technologies. available technologies. of specific drama use of EITHER specific references to the effect available technologies. conventions AND drama conventions OR on the audience of the available technologies. available technologies use of EITHER specific in relation to drama conventions OR communicating the key available technologies idea or storyline. in relation to communicating the key idea or storyline.

N0= No response; no relevant evidence. NCEA Level 1 Drama (90998) 2011 — page 4 of 4

Judgement Statement Achievement Achievement Not Achieved Achievement with Merit with Excellence Score range 0 – 6 7 – 12 13 – 18 19 – 24

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