May 4, 2015 | All Editions | | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 1C 20. Alternate Energy 30. Announcements 70. Auctioneers GENERATORS: 15KW-2,500 KW, LIMESTONE NAME ROCKS, been (DIESEL, propane, natural gas and in business 20 years, have own quar- PTO), low hour, take-outs. PH-701- ry. PH-785-398-2545. 797-4766. CLASSSIFIEDIEDS OIL/GAS PAYING Top$ for produc- COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE ing interests. Paul Thomas, PH-325- SPECIALIZING IN 30. Announcements 695-1329. FARM MACHINERY 1500 E. Wyatt Earp, PP..O.O. Box 760, Dodge City, KS 67801 TRAVELING? Find places to go PH-507-765-2131 1I t 'BY t XXXIQKDPN NOTICE and things to do along the way. PRESTON, MINNESOTA Visit: Denny Brusse Ron Gehling CLASSIFIED DEADLINE – WEDNESDDAAAYY 12:00 NOON CST If you purchased a 50. Antiques - Farm Equip. DEL PETERSON & ASSOCIATES PHONE NUMBERS FFAAX NUMBERS National Auctioneers & Appraisers t t piece of equipment 1954 SPARTAN 8x40 TRAILER, Specializing in Appraisals, Fertilizer, &."*-BET!IQKDPN 8*5&XXXIQKDPN $4,000. PH-580-327-7165. & Construction Equipment and that you feel was Farm Implement Auctions Include yyour ad on Openp rate and/or wor d ads $2/week. misrepresented in 1959 ORIGINAL MASSEY Hi-Crop, 419 W Judy Dr., Fremont, NE 68025 dual loader, with refurbished E-mail
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