Finally Making Sense of the Double-Slit Experiment
Finally making sense of the double-slit experiment Yakir Aharonova,b,c,1, Eliahu Cohend,1,2, Fabrizio Colomboe, Tomer Landsbergerc,2, Irene Sabadinie, Daniele C. Struppaa,b, and Jeff Tollaksena,b aInstitute for Quantum Studies, Chapman University, Orange, CA 92866; bSchmid College of Science and Technology, Chapman University, Orange, CA 92866; cSchool of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel; dH. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TL, United Kingdom; and eDipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano, 9 20133 Milan, Italy Contributed by Yakir Aharonov, March 20, 2017 (sent for review September 26, 2016; reviewed by Pawel Mazur and Neil Turok) Feynman stated that the double-slit experiment “. has in it the modular momentum operator will arise as particularly signifi- heart of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the only mys- cant in explaining interference phenomena. This approach along tery” and that “nobody can give you a deeper explanation of with the use of Heisenberg’s unitary equations of motion intro- this phenomenon than I have given; that is, a description of it” duce a notion of dynamical nonlocality. Dynamical nonlocality [Feynman R, Leighton R, Sands M (1965) The Feynman Lectures should be distinguished from the more familiar kinematical non- on Physics]. We rise to the challenge with an alternative to the locality [implicit in entangled states (10) and previously ana- wave function-centered interpretations: instead of a quantum lyzed in the Heisenberg picture by Deutsch and Hayden (11)], wave passing through both slits, we have a localized particle with because dynamical nonlocality has observable effects on prob- nonlocal interactions with the other slit.
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