1St 9 Weeks Pacing Guide

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1St 9 Weeks Pacing Guide

10- Honors English- Mr. Lusk 1st 9 Weeks Pacing Guide

ONE- Unit ONE: Summer Reading Response. Irony in Literature Baseline Essay. Creative Writing Sept. Assignment. 6-10 TWO- Unit TWO: The Writer’s Purpose- Text Structures- Review of 9th Grade Literary Terms- Sept. Autobiography Structure/Essay, Virtues and Vices- Allegory 13-17 Unit THREE: Foundational Literature Reading, Interpreting and Analyzing Cultural Themes and Archetypes: Myth, Epic, Parable, Fable, Folktale, Legend THREE- Continue: Unit THREE: Foundational Literature and Cultural Themes-Cultural Archetypes Sept. Group Project 20-24 Curriculum Unit THREE MiniTest (R) FOUR- Begin: Unit FOUR: Bible as/in Literature Unit – Sept. 27- Bible/Archetype Project Oct. 1 FIVE- Continue Bible/Archetype Project- Begin Presentations- Oct. 4-8 INTERIM PERIOD ENDS SIX- Bible/Archetype Project Presentations - Oct. 11- The Bible as/in Literature Test- 15 SAT Timed Writing- Bible/Archetype Papers Due SEVEN- Unit FIVE: Of Mice and Men- Oct. 18- Cause and Effect Structure/ Essay 22 Second Summer Reading Essay EIGHT Continue OMaM Oct. 25- Timed Writing II SAT (R) 29 Compare and Contrast Essay/Structure NINE Of Mice and Men Test- Review for 9 Weeks Test- 9 Weeks Test Nov. 1-5

UNIT ONE Enduring Understanding(s) and Essential Question(s) Students will understand that…  How well do I read?  Reading, writing, and thinking are all interdependent  How well do I write? processes.  What is higher-order thinking, and how does it help me  Reading, writing, and thinking well will help me learn? achieve my goals.  How can I be sure I will become a productive member of my  Success throughout and after high school depends community? largely upon preparation.

What students should know and be able to do Students will know…  The writing process- The domains of the various rubrics by which their work will be assessed  That reading is a process that requires application of strategies to comprehend text  That reading, writing, and thinking are complementary processes  How to develop a response to literature in a variety of ways  How to manage a writing portfolio Students will be able to…  Apply metacognitive strategies to enhance comprehension  Participate in small group discussions about literature  Demonstrate critical thinking, reading and writing  Use literary terms in describing and analyzing selections and explain the relationships between and among elements of literature  Use a writing process to plan, organize, draft, revise, edit and publish for an intended audience and purpose UNIT TWO: Enduring Understanding(s) and Essential Question(s) Students will understand that … Essential Questions  Authors use the resources of language for  What purposeful decisions do writers make?  Information broadens individuals’  How do we modify our understanding of the world as we  Writing is a process that is enhanced through editing gain knowledge through reading?  Literature reveals a society’s attitudes, beliefs, and ideas.  Why is it important to respect and understand the beliefs, ideas, and differences of others? What students should know and be able to do Students will know… The following Key Terms and Concepts: anecdote, autobiography, biography, chronological order, comic relief, conflict – internal, external, cultural connections, imagery, irony, jargon, mood, nonfiction, objective and subjective writing, organizational pattern and text structure, paradox, repetition, rhetoric, simile, suspense, tone, voice

Students will be able to… draw conclusions; make inferences; monitor comprehension; Examine a literary selection from several different critical perspectives; Read and write expository text that enumerates details and defines ideas and concepts Recognize and apply effective organizational patterns, such as chronological, spatial, definition, order of importance, explaining, and listing; Write an autobiographical incident essay; Write effective sentences avoiding run-ons and dangling modifiers; Review grammar mechanics with an emphasis on apostrophes, commas, and colons.

UNIT THREE- FIVE: Enduring Understanding(s) and Essential Question(s) Students will understand that…  How does literature reflect universal themes?  Literature captures universal patterns that reflect the  Why do authors use archetypes in their writing? human experience.  What is universal about human nature and human identity?  Archetypes are tools authors use to embody universal  Why have archetypes transcended time and culture? characteristics that are common across people and time.  Do these archetypes reflect weakness or strength in human nature?

What students should know and be able to do Students will know… Note to teacher: Terms in bold are among tested items on the Quarter 1 Assessment.  Cultural themes that commonly occur in literature.  Cultural archetypes as they occur in literature.  Understand Allegory  Characteristics of a myth.  Characteristics of a fable.  Characteristics of the expository mode of writing.  The POWER writing process. Students will be able to … Note to teacher: Terms in bold are among tested items on the Quarter 1 Assessment.  Read and understand literary works from different cultures.  Read a wide range of literary genres from different cultures and time periods in order to gain an appreciation of various cultural histories.  Recognize similarities in images and themes that connect all peoples.  Write an Allegory.  Distinguish a fable from a myth.  Identify recurring cultural themes in selected literary works.  Recognize and describe common cultural archetypes in selected readings.  Distinguish a fable from other literary forms.  Apply the POWER writing process to a specific writing assignment.  Respond in writing to selected literary works in summaries and interpretations. 2nd 9 Weeks Pacing Guide

Nov 9 Nov 16

Nov 23 Thanksgiving

Nov 30 Dec 4 Dec 7

Dec 14 Interim period ends Dec 21 Interims Early issued Dismissal Dec Christmas 28 Jan 4

Jan 11 Jan MLK Day 2nd (QA) 2nd (QA) 2nd (QA) 18 Jan 2nd (QA) 2nd (QA) 2nd (QA) TEACHER 21-25 Exams Exams Exams WORKDAY

3rd 9 Weeks Pacing Guide

Feb 1 Professional1 2 3 4 5 Development Feb 8 8 9 10 11 12

Feb 15 Pres. Day 16 17 18 19

Feb 22 22 23

Mar 1 Interim period ends Mar 8 Interims 12 issued SOL Writing SOL Writing SOL Writing MC MC Essay Mar 15

Mar 22 ½ Day Conference 3rd (QA) Mar 29- 3rd (QA) 3rd (QA) 3rd (QA) 3rd (QA) April 2 4th 9 Weeks Pacing Guide

Apr 12

Apr 19

Apr 26

May 3

May 10

May 17

May 24

May 31 Memorial Day 4th (QA) 4th (QA)

Jun 7

Jun 14 4th (QA) 4th (QA) 4th (QA) 4th (QA) 4th (QA) Exams Exams Exams

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