Wow What Timing, John and His Crystal Ball Certainly Picked the Right Dates, February 9-16

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Wow What Timing, John and His Crystal Ball Certainly Picked the Right Dates, February 9-16

A 501 (c) (7) Organization April 2018

Wow what timing, John and his crystal ball certainly picked the right dates, February 9-16, for this year’s trip back to the sunny shores of GITMO Bay. Thirty six members of the Association made up this year’s travel group and from what I hear many of them are ready to head back again next year, given the opportunity to do so. I had intended, as during previous trips, to keep a journal so I wouldn’t have to rely on my poor memory when it became time to tell you about the trip, but as the saying goes, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” I seem to find myself running down that path very frequently these days. Therefore as best as I can, I’ll go forth relying on a rusty memory and if doesn’t work I’ll make something up. It’s an editorial right to embellish as needed!!

Most of our group flew from Ft Lauderdale on IBC Airways; by going this they were guaranteed a seat both in and out, while the rest of the group took their chances flying space A from Norfolk and Jacksonville. The IBC flight arrived in Gitmo ahead of the AMC flight so they headed to the galley for lunch while they waited for the rest of us to arrive. Once everyone finally gathered Julie put us aboard a bus and we headed off to ferry landing.

Other than a line to get our rental cars there wasn’t any detail in getting settled in. Checking in at the Navy Lodge was a snap, thanks to Joycelyn and her staff. On our first day many of us were happy to have some free time just to take it easy since in most cases we were dragging after getting up in the middle of the night to hurry up and wait for our flights – yeah, that part of the military hasn’t changed. Following a good night’s sleep and with our batteries recharged several of us headed out early the next morning for breakfast at the hospital galley…great omelets. How strange this is actually GOOD hospital food. Shortly after breakfast we were off to the craft fair at the Windjammer Club where I noticed several members of the group, myself included, made purchases. While at the fair there was a rumor circulating about a member of our group who had recently hit a state lotto and came away with $7M in winnings, without doubt many of the vendors were seeking this individual to make some purchases. I’m told the CPO Association managed to get some of the winnings.

Sunday morning most of us took advantage of a Golden Corral style buffet at the Bayview, yeah more food! The weather was picture perfect and we were treated to some live music from a stateside band who had played the night before at the Tiki Hut for Mardi Gras.

Some other highlights during the visit included a sunset pontoon boat ride albeit the wind made for a rockin’ and rolling adventure but, it was fun and memorable just the same. Who knew there was a picnic area now on Hospital Cay! And, for those individuals who braved petting that huge Iguana at the Marina before we left on the boat ride – we have your pix’s should the wildlife people come calling and want to talk with you about the brand of chips you fed it to keep it from eating other types of “finger food”.

Several members shared their personal Gitmo experiences with the folks at Radio Gitmo which is part of a living base history. Don’t recall if anyone actually did an on the air session while we visited the radio station. If you did – raise your hand!

Another day that really stood out was Wednesday (Valentine’s Day). It seemed like there were too many activities squeezed in to that one day. Julie put together a picnic for us at Windmill Beach where there was so much (good) food!! A little over half of our group participated in the picnic and as you read on you’ll see why not more. Somehow during the picnic we managed to get a group photo, minus a few, but it’s like herding cats. Later that evening there was a special six course Valentine’s Day dinner at the Bayview Club. A few had saved their appetites for this while back at the Lodge, Joycelyn held a special manager’s reception for us….yes “Mr. Scale” more food. With all that great tasting food I can’t find any reason to be skinny!

Thursday was another very active day which included PAO scheduled tours of the NE Gate, museum, light house, etc. Later that evening we were treated to a reception hosted by Captain Culpepper and his wife at their home on Deer Point. This was a very special event; they were very gracious. Mrs. Culpepper told us about the house and its history. I won’t long forget the view of the sun setting from his backyard. From there most of us stopped at the Bayview for Mongolian night BBQ (note more food). Some of the folks who made the trip last year (2017) mentioned this event and how good it was, so I was eager to check it out. And for the record they were right it was awesome. Rather than fight a losing battle longer belts and bigger shirts are in order. Barbara and I actually found a little free time to explore on our own where noticed construction taking place on a new school and housing near the hospital. Most of the time during our visit the weather was picture perfect with the exception of it being windy thus keeping the beaches closed for swimming.

When selecting dates for this year’s trip we failed to take into account Presidents’ Day and the effect the long weekend would have on space A travel. However, we all managed to make it home okay, but it was a last minute thing on knowing whether or not there were enough seats to go around. We certainly won’t make that mistake again and, for the record, the NAS Jax terminal is now staffed by civilians. This helped to remove a lot of the guess work out of flying space A. They have set in place an easy to follow procedure. Another first for this year’s travelers was the use of the newly established Space A flight category 6.5. Each trip we learn a little more as procedures change.

From my own personal perspective a week wasn’t quite long enough with all there was to see and do. There was plenty of activity in addition to leisure time to simply relax and get acquainted with other members of our group at the Navy Lodge. There too I didn’t get a chance to meet everyone.

There is no substitute for experience and that was evident in the planning and execution of this trip, that’s not to say there wasn’t a few gotcha’s but, in true military fashion they were dealt with. A huge thanks to everyone involved from Captain Culpepper who made the trip possible, Julie Ripley and her staff in the PAO down to the bus drivers and our own Travel Maven Jonh Kellett. Compared to our first visit in 2014 things went exceeding well. The Gitmo community seemed to know about us and was very welcoming. If you want to feel what it’s like to be a “rock star” stay at the Navy Lodge and go back a year or two later!! Wow.

Post script to the trip: I’m hoping to get some more pictures taken during the trip by our members. I like to share these with other Association members who for whatever reason were not able to go. As is our habit we passed the hat amongst the travel group in an effort to raise some funds so we can later donate them to worthy organizations in Gitmo. There are a few that I still haven’t heard from so I’m not sure that my email is reaching them. This years’ group has been very generous; there has been 21 individual donations totaling $1,300. Thanks from the GBA and I’ll keep you updated as to how the funds are used.

No word yet concerning a trip next year. The bad news is that everyone who we have dealt with is leaving so we’ll be working a new CO and PAO who hopefully will invite us back, I sure hope so. Just ask folks like Juan, Judy or Bonnie what it was like returning after 50 or so years. I know from my own personal experience what it was like after a 35 year absence. Pretty amazing!!

Trip info - first hand announcements will be made at the reunion in Jax followed by second hand announcements shortly after the reunion is over this via our website. Hope to see you in Jax!!!

ED: Mike & Noodle

Please send me the phone number to “Weight Watchers”

I often get questions about the cost of a trip to Gitmo. We here is some info that might be helpful. Figures are from the most recent trip.

Air travel – two options: IBC or AMC (Patriot Express)

IBC Airway - you can purchase a ticket which pretty much guarantees you’ll get there and back on the specified dates. R/T from Ft Lauderdale $678. These are non refundable tickets.

AMC Space A: R/T from Norfolk $107 R/T from JAX $72 authorization letter needed from Gitmo, Space A is risky – there are no guarantees!! Credit cards only.

Lodging: Navy Lodge $58 per night – rooms are spacious, clean, comfortable, each with a small kitchenette, a/c, free internet, free local calls and free self parking (sorry no valet parking available) Credit cards accepted.

Auto rental $45 per day or $284. We had a 2016 FORD Fusion. Credit cards accepted.

Food: There are many places to eat, most people choose the galley, all 3 meals per day $15 total. Cash only. GUANTANAMO BAY ASSOCIATION 232 MAJORCA RD. ST. AUGUSTINE, FL 32080

March 8, 2018

Captain David Culpepper Commanding Officer U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba PSC 1005, Box 25 FPO, AE 09593-0001

Dear Captain Culpepper:

Even though I was not able to visit Guantanamo Bay this year, I want to thank you for everything that you and your staff has done to make the trip extremely enjoyable for our group.

Our Association has been able to return to Guantanamo Bay each of the last 5 years, and we hope to be able to come back again in 2019. I did make the trip in March 2015, but many of us old folks are involved in dedicating our lives to our families and even though I would thoroughly enjoy visiting GTMO again, my family comes first .

I was stationed at the Naval Station in Guantanamo Bay from August 1960 until March 1962. I was only 19 years old when I arrived, and was assigned to the Personnel Office on Admin Hill. However, I spent a lot of time on the fence-line and in the hills with my machine gun crew, as I served in Echo Company of the Naval Emergency Ground Defense Force.

Our Association wants to thank you very much for the fact that you invited our group to visit your home. They tell me that it was a wonderful gesture on your part. We appreciate everything that you and your staff did to make the trip a lot of fun.

Hopefully, I will be able to make the trip next year.

Very truly yours,

J ohn Kellett Vice President

John sent this letter to Captain Culpepper on behalf of the Association. Membership and Communications

New and returning members: January – March 2018

Hank Waller LM M. Vickery R. Gorman B. Banks LM J. Cronin E. Hall J. Mayo LM B. Matthews D. Hudson W. Shrecengost LM M. Fuller W. Jackson R. Bentley D. Brusnon W. Jones J. Buehrens W. Zidbeck J. Kellett CM V. Yanosky R. Feldmeier D. Miller D. Steidinger K. Whitley P. McCutcheon L. Bowdren F. Keller* CM T. Murphy R. Anderson R. Granger W. Nicarry L. Miller D. Skipper W. O’Brien E. Piskura W. Gray* E. Ouzts J. Toohey* R. Schad P. Porter R. Hurt J. Blachard C. Ross D. Delage H. Bailey J. Saurez D. Formichella C. Donaldson R. Sloan G. Kennedy S. Larson W. Sedlak J. Forton* M. Cornelison J. Spenser D. Gibson* O. Buchanan J. Streit W. Gazar K. Bunn M. Vickery C. Schmoock A. DeShiro S. Waller E. Edgar* R. Machrone M. Warman CM D. Freeman J. Doyle G. Songer J. Ensko J. Casey J. Gallen P. Hubbard* M. A. Gardner B. Foster R. Goodman

*two year membership BOLD = new members CM = charter member LM Life Member

2018 ushers in a new year so be sure to check the date (month/year) on your newsletter mailing label to check your dues status. Or you can always call, email or send a smoke signal to Mike….

Dues are still $25 per year.

On a On a sad note we mourn the passing of these members: Mich Michael Evans, Former Prez Shelia’s husband James Casey Wayne Skipper In Memoriam ODDS and ENDS

Ever since things didn’t fall into place with planning this year’s reunion I’ve been scrambling to play catch up which I really hate to do. I was slow in making some of the arrangements especially for an EB activity but alas, here’s what I have lined up for the hospitality room. Since this didn’t get included initially on the registration form I’m asking for a suggested donation of $15 a person to help offset the cost.

Capt. William Mayhem - ‘The Pirate Magician of St Augustine’

Bill McRea Has a 40-year history in the entertainment world, performing as a magician and comedian for well over 7000 appearances, performances and presentations around the world. Over a dozen years of his career was while he traveled the world with the United States Air Force. His talents as a magician have been utilized in motivational speaking programs, television commercials, theater productions, corporate training videos, anti-gang/drug seminars and safety programs.

FYI….below is a web address to a blog posting about our trip; this was written by Yadia Saurez daughter of Juan Saurez

I changed my car horn to gunshot sounds ~ people get out of the way much faster now.

Gone are the days when girls used to cook like their mothers ~ now they drink like their fathers.

You know that tingly little feeling you get when you really like someone? That's common sense leaving your body.

I didn't make it to the gym today. That makes five years in a row.

I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet.

Old age is coming at a really bad time.

When I was a child I thought "Nap Time" was a punishment. Now, as a grownup, it feels like a small vacation.

The biggest lie I tell myself is, "I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it."

I don't have grey hair; I have "wisdom highlights." I'm just very wise.

If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would've put them on my knees.

Of course I talk to myself; sometimes I need expert advice.

At my age "Getting lucky" means walking into a room & remembering what I came in there for. Back to School in Guantanamo Bay

Shoulda called ahead, but we didn’t. We just barged in without much thought or planning, thrilled at the prospect of visiting William T. Sampson School in its current location. The three of us had already spent quality time on Chapel Hill visiting the original naval base school building, built in 1941 and renamed in 1955 for the famous Spanish American War admiral. I was a student there when we became known as the William T. Sampson Pirates. I’m now a retiree from California and still a proud Pirate.

Bonnie Foster, a dentist from Virginia, graduated from Sampson and met her future husband there. They were high school sweethearts. Brett Graham, a retiree who lives in North Carolina, was in junior high when he lived in Guantanamo Bay. We were from different eras of the school’s history, but all of us were excited to hear about the school’s progress. We were graciously welcomed by the vice principal and given a tour, introduced to faculty having lunch at a picnic table outside, and invited to visit a second grade class. We had a lively discussion with the students about the meaning of the word “alumni.” They were articulate, curious, and engaging, and when they heard that Bonnie’s birthday was that day, the class had to sing to her!

During our visit, we learned that all grades at William T. Sampson School will move to a new campus in 2020, and next time we’ll call ahead.

Judy Harrison Warner

A parable to meditate on …

An old man, a boy and a donkey were going to town. The boy rode on the donkey, and the old man walked.

As they went along they passed some people who remarked, "What a shame, the old man is walking, the boy is riding."

The man and boy thought maybe the critics were right, so they changed positions.

Later they passed some people who remarked, "What a shame, he makes that little boy walk."

So they decided they'd both walk.

Soon they passed some more people who remarked, "They're really stupid to walk when they have a decent donkey to ride."

So they both decided to ride the donkey.

They passed some people who shamed them by saying, "How awful to put such a load on a poor donkey."

The boy and the man figured they were probably right, so they decided to carry the donkey. As they crossed the bridge, they lost their grip on the donkey; the donkey fell into the river and drowned

The moral of the story: If you try to please everyone, you might as well kiss your ass goodbye.

Have a nice day!

GUANTANAMO BAY ASSOCIATION Jacksonville, Florida – REUNION October 15 - 19, 2018 Registration Form

NAME OF ATTENDEE______Name Tag Name





SPOUSE/GUEST______Guest Name ______



Hotel Information: Doubletree by Hilton 1201 Riverplace Blvd Jacksonville, Florida 32207 904 398-8800 or 800 222-8733

Standard Guest Rooms: $109.00 + tax. Riverview Rooms: $119.00 + tax Mini suite (riverview) $129.00 + tax

Rates shown are per night, reservations made after September 14th subject to space available – no guarantees. * Breakfast included for up to 2 persons per room * Parking $4 per day or Valet $20 per day * Discounted room rates good 2 days before and after reunion dates

REUNION FEES ARE PER PERSON. Mail checks to: Guantanamo Bay Association 232 Majorca Rd Saint Augustine, Florida 32080 You are encouraged to submit your “reunion fees” as soon as possible and definitely NO LATER THAN October 1, 2018.

Reunion activity fees DO NOT include hotel cost. Feel free to call Mike Warman at (904) 461-9431 or (407) 323-3632 with any questions or concerns. PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING A JUG OR TWO OF WINE FROM YOUR AREA OF THE COUNTRY. IT HAS PROVEN TO BE A LOT OF FUN TO SHARE WITH OTHER REUNION ATTENDEES IN OUR HOSPITALITY ROOM. ALSO FOR OUR BEER DRINKERS, PLEASE PICK UP A COUPLE SIX PACKS OF YOUR LOCALLY MADE BREW TO SHARE. I would like to reserve the following activities for:

Name______Spouse/Guest ______

Agenda and Activities – prices are per person Yes No Number Total Due Sunday October 14th, 2018 Early Birds

Hospitality Room Opens 1300 (Osceola/Dupont Rm 2nd floor) Early Bird Show in Hospitality Rm (Captain Mayhem) Monday October 15th, 2018 Registration fee $25 per person Registration 0800 - 1600

Welcome dinner 1730 buffet in hospitality room $15

Live Auction in Hospitality Room (donations needed) Tuesday October 16th, 2018 $59 per person St Augustine 0930 – 1600 0930 depart Doubletree - 1500 depart St Augustine *Tour – (min 45 max 55 seats available on bus) Dinner on your own Wednesday October 17th, 2018 $59 per person AM - Jacksonville City Driving Tour Lunch on your own at River City Brewing Company PM - Mayport Naval Station *Tour – (min 45 max 55 seats available on bus)

Dinner on your own

Thursday October 18th, 2018 Coffee & Pastries in hospitality room (freebie) Business meeting 0900 - ?? Banquet followed by entertainment 1700 - ?? Cash bar Plated dinner see menu to make your selection – chix, fish, beef Friday October 19th, 2018 Farewells – see you next year in Buffalo, NY Water taxi available near hotel Reunion tee shirts ARE available with a 2018 design – contact Mike

Total Reunion Fees check# ______

Please make checks payable to Guantanamo Bay Association

Contact information for this year’s host: Mike Warman [email protected] 904 461-9431 or 407 323-3632 (cell) Here is the article from the GTMO Gazette following our visit. I’m working on getting some copies of this issue of the Gazette if anyone would a have one as a keepsake. Also in the works I’m trying to obtain any pictures taken by the PAO (and people from our group – hint hint!!!!).

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