Impact Statement for PE Funding Sept 2013-July 2014
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Impact statement for PE funding Sept 2013-July 2014
Funding received: £5135 in Oct 2013 and £3290 in April 2014
Fitc - £3000
NPects (Norfolk PE nationally accredited training course) -£550
PE co-ordinator CPD - £550
PE resources - £1554
CPD – LA advisor for whole school (2 twilight sessions) - £700
DVD’s of PE CPD - £300
Outdoor shelter repaired in Rec/Year 1 - £2000
Extra-curricular clubs: Cross Country – KS2 - 8 children, Football – KS1 – 9 children and 15 children for skating – both Keg stages
Funding received in total £8425
Total spending is £8654
Funding expected: £5135 in Oct 2014 and £3290 in April 2015
Developing outdoor adventurous play and fitc - £8425 See action plan
Funding received: £4941 in Oct 2013 and £3219 in April 2014
Fitc - £1955
Capoeira classes - £3148 – KS2 -23 pupils out of 34 pupils in whole school
After schools clubs -£449 –Multi-skills for 15 children
Extra resources to support outdoor learning sessions with Sure Start centre for under 5’s – 15 families
Developing outdoor adventurous play – £2600 (still to be spent) see action plan
Funding received in total £8160
Total spending is £8152
Funding expected: £4941 in Oct 2014 and £3219 in April 2015
Developing outdoor adventurous play and fitc £10760 – see action plan Impact
Fitc and PE resources
We have bought in specialist PE provision for two years which has up skilled our class based teaching staff: they have benefitted from a programme of observations where they have observed Good practice, completed action plans on how they will transfer learnt skills to their own practice – see Lesson Observations and individual staff impact reports. This has resulted in an improvement in the quality of PE teaching and learning
Children receive Outstanding PE teaching fully resourced to teach the full range of skills
An improvement in children’s skills as identified in detailed assessments of progress
Children benefit from good role models
Increase in provision of after school clubs
Improved motivation through linking sport with English and Maths, particularly for boys
Long term nationally accredited CPD to ensure long term improvement and accountability of Good and Outstanding PE across both schools (when the TA has completed her training in Autumn 2014 she will teach classes across both schools and provide training for CT’s)
PE co-ordinator CPD and whole school CPD
A co-ordinated approach working alongside the Npects trained TA to provide Outstanding PE provision aligned to the new National Curriculum – see action plan
An increase in numbers of tournaments and competitions children participate in
An increase in profile of PE and healthy lifestyles – Sportasaurus competition each week, celebrating in weekly assembly, healthy lunch programme
Specialist CPD for staff for teaching of PE
Children more aware of importance of healthy lifestyles – 6 week programme for upper KS2 children
Outdoor area
School Council have asked the children in school and worked with the PE co-ordinator and TA to design a pirate ship and castle to include a bouldering wall at both schools to develop adventurous play
External Agencies Baseline outdoor activity centre provides activities such as : climbing wall, trampolines on a termly basis