Name______Earthquakes Period______Mini-Project (Quiz Grade) Date Due______

As a geophysicist, you are in charge of implementing a library for a geology museum for children and young adults. The director will show you how to make a book that you can use or you can create your own book. Before writing in the book, write a draft of the information that you will be using for your final product (book). You and a partner will decorate the cover of your book and write or type the required information in the book.

Tiered assignment #1. Go to the website or check out a book on earthquakes and write 15 interesting/trivia questions and answers about earthquakes in a book form such as:

What largest recorded earthquake in the United States?

Tiered assignment #2. Write a children’s book with pictures on the ABC’s of earthquakes. You may use the textbook, library books, cobb online resources, or the earthquake website For example: A is for anticline. An anticline is a fold in rock that bends upward into an arch with an illustration.

Tiered assignment #3. Research one of the following faults. Create a reference book on one of the following faults or mountains. On the faults include what kind of fault it is, where is it, how large is it, and other important information. On the following mountain building, include how it is formed, where is it, how large is it, and other important information. At least one picture needs to be included.

San Andreas Fault Rio Grande rift valley Glacier National Park Teton Range near the border of Wyoming and Idaho Himalayas in Asia Alps in Europe Black Hills of South Dakota Colorado Plateau