Chapter 5 - Lesson 2 Life in Ancient Egypt P. 154- 161

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Chapter 5 - Lesson 2 Life in Ancient Egypt P. 154- 161

Name______Period ______Date ______

Chapter 5 - Lesson 2 "Life in Ancient Egypt" p. 154- 161

MAIN IDEAS • Economics - Egyptians developed a complex society with many different jobs & social roles • Science & Technology – Egyptians made advances in calendars, geometry, medicine & other areas. • Belief systems – Egyptians believed in many gods and a happy life and death.

WORD Definition Picture / other Learning representatio Target # - n Why?







deed (154/160)

1 Name______Period ______Date ______

Work and Family Life (p. 155 - 157)

Work and 1. When farmers produced food surpluses, Egypt's economy began to _____. Family Life 2. What did Egyptian scribes do?

3. As Egyptian civilization grew more complex, people began to have specialized jobs. List at least FOUR different jobs for Egyptians.

4. Egyptian traders traveled to the Upper Nile to trade with other Africans.

What kinds of things did they trade?

What kinds of things did they trade for?

5. As Egypt grew, so did its need to organize. What was the role of the following groups? (Social Pyramid p. 156)


Priests and Rulers

Scribes & government officials

Craftspeople & merchants


Laborers and Slaves Work and Family Life

2 Name______Period ______Date ______

(continued) 6. What was life like for women in Egypt?

7. What did children do in ancient Egypt?

Expanding Knowledge (p. 157 - 158) Expanding 8. Many things were discovered and invented during ancient Egypt. Add two Knowledge pieces of information about each of the following advances in learning in ancient Egypt.


early forms of geometry




3 Name______Period ______Date ______

Beliefs and Religion (p. 159 – 161) Beliefs and 9. What was life after death like for the ancient Egyptians? Religion

10. The Egyptians believed in ______gods, which meant they were polytheistic.

11. Egyptian worshiped gods related to the ______and part of ______.

12. There were many Egyptian gods and goddesses. Who were FOUR of the more important Egyptian gods and what were they "in charge" or god of?

13. What are three things you learned about making mummies?

Lesson Summary (p. 161) • The Egyptians developed a calendar, early geometry, medical knowledge, and hieroglyphic writing. • Ancient Egypt had a complex society with specialized jobs. Women and slaves lived better there than in many other ancient lands. • The Egyptians believed in many gods related to nature. They also believed in a happy afterlife.

Why it matters now (p. 161)

4 Name______Period ______Date ______

The ancient Egyptians were the first people known to develop a formal religion based on a belief in the afterlife. Such a belief is part of most religions today.

Connect to Today -- pages 162-163 Item How it was used in the past How it is used TODAY


medical knowledge

architectur e

Finding Main Ideas - Choose the word that most accurately completes each sentence below. Write the word in the blank provided. Note: not all words will be used. calendar scribe mummy pharaoh obelisk polytheism hieroglyphs afterlife papyrus artisans embalming monotheism

1. In ancient Egypt, the person wrote and kept records was called a ______.

2. ______were people who made pottery, jewelry, linen clothing, and other articles that could be used in trade.

3. An ______was an Egyptian temple that had a shaft with a pointed top.

4. The ruler of Egyptian society was called a ______.

5. Based on observations of the star now called Sirius, Egyptians created a practical ______.

6. Egyptians used a writing system with ______, pictures that stand for different words or sounds.

7. ______was paper-like material used by Egyptians to roll into scrolls for early books.

8. Early Egyptians believed that a happy ______followed life on Earth.

5 Name______Period ______Date ______

9. Egyptians practiced ______, which means they had a belief in many gods.

10. To preserve a body after death, Egyptians used ______. In other words, they removed all organs except the heart, filled the body with salt and herbs, and wrapped it in linen strips to create a ______.


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