Dear Potential Chair,

First of all, the SCIMUN executives are grateful for your interest and motivation to apply for a chair position. Nevertheless, your exuberance in this initiative is an essential component in our endeavor to establish this conference.

SCIMUN is a conference that values student leadership and professionalism. Hence, it is highly valued that the chairs follow all instructions and act adequately. Under this year’s theme, “International Security”, the chairs will have to demonstrate substantial understanding in their respective topics and committees. As chairs, you will have the responsibility and the obligation to assist your committee delegates to the utmost professional attitude and support. Each chair’s research must be regarded as credible and comprehensive for the background papers to be as useful as possible to the delegates. Exceptional research, organization, and composition skills are necessary for chairs to write a competent background paper. Thus, we hope that the case study-in which will help us fully evaluate these imperative abilities-will exemplify your outstanding skills.

Although the rigorousness of the SCIMUN conference may require chairs to be relatively experienced, it is not the only determining factor for this chair position. This administration fully supports and will accept individuals who have not chaired an MUN conference before, however, shows the dedication and commitment to improve upon its endeavor. Being a chair is not only a position to assist the delegates during their research and debate, but also contains the opportunity to learn from other experienced chairs, and refine your chairing skills in mock debates. Nevertheless, it is a requirement for a chair to have at least one MUN conference experience as a delegate or chair.

English will be the prominent language used throughout the entirety of the conference, communications and preparation sessions of the SCIMUN conference. Thus, all chairs must obtain substantial English proficiency skills. Nonetheless, your background paper must be written in full English. In an effort to assess your English proficiency, the SCIMUN executives will be conducting interviews with you during this vetting process. During this session, please make sure you consistently check your email as an uninformed absence will jeopardize your potential chair position.

If there are any inquiries that have not been fully addressed or clarified from the above text or application, please contact Marcel Lee (Secretary General) and/or Marco Nie (Deputy Secretary General). We will respond to your query at the earliest possible time. Please submit the completed chair application to [email protected].


Marco Nie Deputy Secretary General Quality Schools International Shenzhen [email protected] Last Name Pg.# (eg: Appleseed 1) SCIMUN III Committee Chair Application

Name: John Appleseed School: QSI Shenzhen Email:

Grade: 9th Grade Age: 14 Years

Previous MUN Experience: Position (i.e. chair of Accomplishments (i.e. main Year Conference/Simulations human rights, delegate submitter, best delegate, of disarmament, Press Ambassador) Delegate)

Delete these lines of instruction before turning in the application. Everything you write must be in Times New Roman and 12-point font. The margins of the paper must be 0.5 inch on each side of the paper. The chart above does not have to be completely filled out; fill to the best of your abilities. Below, write an essay (no longer than 500 words) describing why you fit for this role. Also, include what is it about MUN that interests you and why you’ve decided to chair for SCIMUN (show your enthusiasm). Please indicate your preference on committees. We cannot guarantee that your wish will be fulfilled, but we can try. The essay and the table must be complete for all students interested in running for chairs. Essay:

To truly assess your English proficiency and research capabilities, there has been an exciting new addition to the application form from the traditional application! As part of your chairing adventure, Last Name Pg.# (eg: Appleseed 1) you will have to complete a comprehensive background paper; a part of your background paper may consist of “Case Studies.” Case studies are a valuable asset to the delegates in your committee because they provide an explication of a current event in relation to the given topic; these case studies help solidify the understanding of the topic by providing an elaborate example. Essentially, you will be reading an article (and perhaps other resources) and compacting it all in one ‘study’ to show the current situation (or past situation) in a more condensed light. The word count should not surpass 500! This does not mean you have to write 500 words; a well-written case study can be done in, for example, 300 words. You are to write a case study on one of the following topics, using any resources you find online:

Topic 1: Effects of international shipping due to existing piracy off the coast of Somalia (Security Council)

Topic 2: Economic instability in Zimbabwe (ECOSOC)

Topic 3: Child trafficking in Southeast Asia (HRC)

Topic 4: Acts of cyberwarfare by non-state actors (DC)

If you’re confused as to what to do or how to start, below is an exemplar case study on the topic of Digital Privacy.

Case studies are meant to be unbiased and show multiple perspectives; but, in the end, they must always explicitly be tied to the given topic.

Remove all the instructions on this page and write your case study on this page. Include citations and a bibliography, in MLA format! We define citations as the superscript numbers linking information to the works cited, and the bibliography is the works cited page itself.