Diagnostic Services Strategy

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Diagnostic Services Strategy

National Pathology Programme Board 7th August 2015 11:00-13:00 In Attendance: Fiona Jenkins (Chair) (FJ) Chair of NPPB, Cardiff & Vale UHB Melanie Barker (MB) Programme Management Unit Carly Smith (CS) Programme Management Unit Mike Redman –VC (MR) Aneurin Bevan UHB Carol Evans (CE) Cardiff & Vale UHB Andrea Stiens - VC (AS) Hywel Dda UHB Rosemary Barnes (RB) Academic Representative, Cardiff University Sally Buckland-Jones (SBJ) Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB Quentin Sandifer (QS) Medical Directors Representative, Public Health Wales Jennifer Hancock (JH) IBMS Representative Graham Rowe (GR) Welsh Blood Service, Velindre NHS Trust Avril Wayte (AW) Royal College of Pathologists Wales Region Chair Nigel Gibbs (NG) Union Representative, Unite the Union Esther Youd – VC (EY) Cwm Taf UHB Robin Howe (RH) Microbiology Division, Public Health Wales Bob Hudson (part) (BH) Director, NHS Wales Health Collaborative Clive Morgan (CM2) DoTHS Representative, Cardiff & Vale UHB Apologies: Clem Price (CP) Workforce Education and Development Services, Shared Services Christine Morrell (CM) Welsh Government David Fletcher (DF) Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Gwyn Morris GM Microbiology Modernisation Richard Attanoos RA Cardiff and Vale UHB David Cassidy DC Cwm Taf UHB John Murphy JM Hywel Dda UHB Jane Fitzpatrick (JEF) Programme Management Unit Dave Nuttall (DN) Screening Services, Public Health Wales Chris White (CW) DoTHS Representative, Cwm Taf UHB Liam Taylor (LT) DoPC Representative, Aneurin Bevan UHB Stephen Griffiths (SG) Director of Workforce Development, Workforce Education and Development Services, Shared Services Wynne Williams (WW) Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB Glyn Evans (GE) Cwm Taf UHB Not Present: Caroline Hill (CH) Cardiff & Vale UHB Jayne Dando (JD) Workforce Education and Development Services, Shared Services Beth Winder (BW) Workforce Planning Jason Shannon (JS) Associate Medical Director, Cwm Taf UHB Andrew Griffiths (AG) Director, NWIS Alison Maguire (AM) NWIS Tracey Rees (TR) Welsh Blood Service, Velindre NHS Trust Rosemary Fox (RF) Screening Services, Public Health Wales James Harrison (JAH) Aneurin Bevan UHB Richard Munn (RM) Union Representative, Unite the Union

______Document: Minutes of Meeting held on 07 August 2015 Date Created: 07.08.2015 Programme: National Pathology Programme Board Date Printed: 05/04/2018 Author: Secretariat Version: 0.3 File Name: NPPB Draft Minutes 07.08.2015 Status: Draft Page: 1 of 8 1. Welcome, Introductions and Apologies

FJ welcomed all, introductions were made and apologies noted as above.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting

Incorrect Health Board recorded for Fiona Jenkins, CS to amend. Minutes then approved as an accurate record.

GR advised of a discrepancy with the previous minutes 01.05.2015:

BV informed the group that following prolonged discussion with WTAIL Intersystems would provide a third party solution for the implementation of the Blood Transfusion module and that the Welsh Blood service was content with this solution. Plans for delivery are; stage one planned for January 2016 and final implementation December 2016, however these planned dates are at risk due to testing issues and lack of responses to a request for support from the service.

GR confirmed the section marked in yellow is incorrect, the delays have been due to getting the contract set up and signed with a 3rd party supplier and the WTAIL staff have been highly active in providing the necessary support to facilitate, plan & propose what the desired solution needs to deliver. CS will amend the previous minutes to reflect this.

Update on actions:

Action Update DF as chair of the NPOMG to provide Action completed. An agreement had been feedback from members regarding reached to use the All Wales Document proposals for the All Wales Document Management System. Management System. NPPB members to provide comments on the proposal document for the All Wales Action completed. Agreement reached. Document Management System to JEF cc MB and CW AM to investigate version control for software in modules and confirm that it Action outstanding. MB agreed to check with was a requirement with colleagues in AM on progress. EY understood that his had NWIS and ISC – outcome awaited from now been resolved. DN. FJ understood that whilst the DeepSee issue had not been resolved it was being picked up in other meetings. JEF to raise DeepSee issues at the CE queried how we report back on progress National Pathology IT Programme Board and a concern was raised that DeepSee was meeting on 10 February and bring back not being supported by internet explorer 11. to NPPB. Action: FJ to raise issues at the next National Pathology IT Programme Board and report back to the group. MB to invite BH to Augusts NPPB BH attended meeting. Action completed. meeting ______Document: Minutes of Meeting held on 07 August 2015 Date Created: 07.08.2015 Programme: National Pathology Programme Board Date Printed: 05/04/2018 Author: Secretariat Version: 0.3 File Name: NPPB Draft Minutes 07.08.2015 Status: Draft Page: 2 of 8 MR to update the group on an in-house Issue is still ongoing; MR will continue to solution to the scanning problem at the ensure the right people are discussing this. next meeting This remains an issue for all health boards except Cardiff and Vale. Each health board is addressing the problem in a different way, there doesn’t seem to be a common solution. MR suggested that a service user review of performance was needed; this should be done on a national basis. NWIS would need to do this; this would identify the range and commonality of problems. Action: FJ to raise issues at the next National Pathology IT Programme Board and report back to group. MB to circulate SBAR again and ask for MB confirmed the SBAR had been circulated comment for comment. Action completed can be removed. MB to ask JEF to raise this issue at the MB confirmed this was a Legacy issue and next National Pathology IT board was being pursued in other LIMS forums. Action can be removed. BV and MR to meet to work through MR was confused by the action as he did not some of the issues with regards to feel it was a National Legacy issue. MR Masterlab legacy confirmed there remained a fear that this will not be delivered and there is a great cost involved. MR advised it was down to NWIS to drive solution forward. Action can be removed. MB to circulate the documents to both MB confirmed LIMS support was on the the NPPB and SWPC asking for agenda for discussion. Action can be removed. comments. MB to circulate TOR to group for MB confirmed the TOR had been circulated comment and will seek nominations for a and some comments had been received. MB chair for the group agreed to meet with CM to discuss further. Action can be removed. MB to email the group asking for Action completed can be removed. information to present on the stand and to request for volunteers to help on the stand.

3. Matters Arising

No matters arising for discussion.

4. Update on NHS Wales Health Collaborative

BH had been invited to the meeting to provide an update on the NHS Wales Health Collaborative.

BH informed the group that the collaborative was the bringing together of three existing groups who support national work. These groups were:

______Document: Minutes of Meeting held on 07 August 2015 Date Created: 07.08.2015 Programme: National Pathology Programme Board Date Printed: 05/04/2018 Author: Secretariat Version: 0.3 File Name: NPPB Draft Minutes 07.08.2015 Status: Draft Page: 3 of 8  The Programme Management Unit  Chief Executive Support Office (formerly part of NLIAH)  South Wales Programme Team.

BH advised the collaborative had been brought together to support joint work of the CEOS across the ten health board bodies/trusts. The focus of the collaborative was on strategic planning, programme and project management and the opportunity to better co-ordinate work across Wales.

BH confirmed the collaborative was hosted by Public Health Wales with BH to report directly to the CEO group. BH advised requests for work would come via the CEO group.

BH confirmed the governance process was still being worked through with Welsh Government, BH hoped that this could be done through the South Wales Health Collaborative Board which in time would develop to become the All Wales Health Collaborative Board.

BH confirmed core programmes/areas of work included:

 South Wales Programme Board  Communication conduit for Welsh Government.  Major Trauma  Clinical reference groups working on medicine and surgery  SARC – Sexual Assault Referral Centre  National Pathology Programme  National Imaging Programme  FIS  Lymphoedema network  Conclusion of Add to your life.  Planned Care support  Primary Care support  Unscheduled Care support

BH confirmed that there was a new piece of work looking at a joint partnership with the drug company Novartis and NHS Wales. BH stated that this programme of work represented a change in attitude to working with the private/independent sector.

BH informed the group that the clinical networks may join the NHS Wales Health Collaborative; a decision had been made in principle to bring the six networks together in order to align work.

BH advised one of his main tasks would be to review the Imaging and Pathology programmes. BH confirmed at present the NPPB and All Wales Pathology Collaborative (AWPC) had similar membership, BH confirmed that he would be looking at the role and purpose of each of the groups to ensure areas were aligned. FJ as chair of the NPPB believed colleagues were very committed to Pathology Modernisation, with good attendance at both group meetings but agreed that similar people sat on both groups and was keen to ensure there was prudent use of people’s time. BH confirmed he would be working with FJ and MB to consolidate and define a clear process. ______Document: Minutes of Meeting held on 07 August 2015 Date Created: 07.08.2015 Programme: National Pathology Programme Board Date Printed: 05/04/2018 Author: Secretariat Version: 0.3 File Name: NPPB Draft Minutes 07.08.2015 Status: Draft Page: 4 of 8 MR questioned if the NPPB and AWPC would be merged to become a National Pathology Collaborative, BH confirmed that this was being considered.

AS questioned where the ARCH project fitted with this work. BH confirmed that there was currently no conflict in the work being carried out by ARCH and the national work.

5. South Wales Pathology Collaborative Update

MB confirmed the progress updates had been circulated ahead of the meeting which provided an update on the Cellular Pathology Project, National Andrology Project, National Immunology Project and National Pathology Transport Project.

MB stated that an email had been circulated asking for nominations to look at what an All Wales Pathology Service could look like.

MB confirmed a meeting had been set up to scope whether or not a mortuary project needed to be established, this meeting was to take place on 15th September 2015.

QS provided an update on the Microbiology Modernisation project. QS confirmed since the last NPPB meeting three key pieces of work had been developed/progressed:

 Further development of a project plan to progress work  The Service Specification had been finalised  A draft high level proposal had been created that detailed the benefits of an All Wales Microbiology Service

QS confirmed that he had carried out stakeholder engagement and visited a number of executive director groups including planning, workforce and nursing.

Action: QS to circulate the microbiology project service specification and high level proposal to NPPB members.

6. LIMS update

As there was no NWIS representation at the meeting no update was received.

6.1 SBAR

SBAR received for discussion from DN.

After reviewing the document the group confirmed they were happy to receive this however did not feel they were the right group to approve. Due to the additional costs involved the group felt this was something that needed to go to the health boards.

Action: Financial impact to be added by DN and circulated to Health Boards for approval.

______Document: Minutes of Meeting held on 07 August 2015 Date Created: 07.08.2015 Programme: National Pathology Programme Board Date Printed: 05/04/2018 Author: Secretariat Version: 0.3 File Name: NPPB Draft Minutes 07.08.2015 Status: Draft Page: 5 of 8 6.2 Project Support

FJ confirmed the need for project support had been discussed with NWIS and a decision from NWIS remained outstanding. CE was concerned there was some confusion around this and that this was not an NWIS issue. CE confirmed the requirement was for a band 4 clerical assistant to go through historic email data. CE confirmed that this was a temporary role and that the cost would be split between the health boards. CE confirmed if this work was not carried out there would be a big clinical risk

FJ suggested a letter be sent to the Health Boards with the accompanying SBAR for approval. FJ asked CE to provide the full information to enable her to circulate a letter to detail the benefits and risks of this.

Action: CE to provide background information to FJ and confirm the requirements for the project support role. FJ to circulate a letter to the seven Health Boards requesting their support

7. IBMS Update

JH confirmed the equivalence route should be available by January 2016.

JH confirmed a new generic portfolio had been issued; the portfolio had been updated and put into sections. JH informed the group that if an order is placed for a generic portfolio an IBMS approval document would be needed with this; JH confirmed the form had been revised and reduced in size.

JH stated that the IBMS were aware that there were issues with the transition to ISO standards and confirmed a document was being created that would provide guidance for moving from CPA to UKAS.

8. Royal College of Pathology Update

AW informed the group that the Public Engagement Office for Royal College of Pathology (RCPath) were keen to develop a leaflet detailing the top five priorities in Pathology for England and each of the devolved nations. AW believed this would be a good opportunity to work together to detail the top five priorities for Wales to take forward to Welsh Government.

BH agreed that this information would help to establish priorities/ strategies and should be taken forward by the group to help develop the vision.

EY confirmed she had been asked by AW to attend the RCPath meeting in October to discuss the manifesto for health for Wales. EY confirmed she had received an email from Chris Jones as Chair of NHS Confederation who had offered to facilitate a meeting about how to identify priorities.

Action: All to provide feedback and comments to AW to enable work to start on a leaflet to detail the top five priorities for Pathology in Wales.

9. Any Other Business

______Document: Minutes of Meeting held on 07 August 2015 Date Created: 07.08.2015 Programme: National Pathology Programme Board Date Printed: 05/04/2018 Author: Secretariat Version: 0.3 File Name: NPPB Draft Minutes 07.08.2015 Status: Draft Page: 6 of 8 None.

10. Date and Time of Next Meeting

6th November 2015 11am at Programme Management Unit, Churchill House, Cardiff, CF10 2HH.

Action Log

______Document: Minutes of Meeting held on 07 August 2015 Date Created: 07.08.2015 Programme: National Pathology Programme Board Date Printed: 05/04/2018 Author: Secretariat Version: 0.3 File Name: NPPB Draft Minutes 07.08.2015 Status: Draft Page: 7 of 8 Item Action Lead AM to investigate version control for software in modules CF and confirm that it was a requirement with colleagues in AM NWIS and ISC – outcome awaited from DN. FJ to raise Deepsee issues at the next IT pathology CF FJ meeting and report back to group. FJ to raise scanning issues at the next IT pathology CF FJ meeting and report back to group. QS to circulate the microbiology project service 5 QS specification and high level proposal to NPPB members. 6.1 Financial impact to be added by DN and circulated to DN Health Boards for approval. 6.2 CE to provide background information to FJ and confirm CE/FJ the requirements for the project support role. FJ to circulate a letter to the seven Health Boards requesting their support. 8 All to provide feedback and comments to AW to enable ALL work to start on a leaflet to detail the top five priorities for Pathology in Wales.

______Document: Minutes of Meeting held on 07 August 2015 Date Created: 07.08.2015 Programme: National Pathology Programme Board Date Printed: 05/04/2018 Author: Secretariat Version: 0.3 File Name: NPPB Draft Minutes 07.08.2015 Status: Draft Page: 8 of 8

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