Victorian International Teaching Fellowship Program

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Victorian International Teaching Fellowship Program

Victorian International Teaching Fellowship Program About the program

The Victorian International communities benefit when Teaching Fellowship (VITF) is an overseas teachers and exchange program for Victorian principals with different teachers. Teachers exchange perspectives on education and teaching positions and housing culture contribute to their for the period of a school year school programs. Returned (January - December). Victorian Fellows bring new ideas into the system. The VITF contributes to the professional development of While overseas, Victorian Victorian teachers and brings Fellows are ambassadors for the the contributions of overseas Victorian education system. teachers to Victorian schools. They are required to participate in a professional learning Currently VITF exchanges are program focusing on identifying possible with Canada, Germany, innovative practices and the United Kingdom, the United pedagogies which can be States of America and some adapted for Victorian schools. International Schools. Salaries Eligibility VITF's remain in the The program is open to employment of their education permanent, full-time teachers authority and have their salary and principals from remitted to them while they are Government, Catholic and overseas. Schools do not receive Independent schools in Victoria. additional funding. Those working in primary, secondary and special schools Costs and Accommodation with Australian citizenship are eligible. Participants pay their own travelling costs, and are Applicants must be in full-time responsible for their own on-going positions, have a arrangements for health and minimum of four years tertiary travel insurance. While on education and five years exchange they will continue to teaching experience at the pay any mortgage repayments commencement of the or rent in Victoria. Likewise the exchange. overseas exchange Fellow will VITF's are educators of the continue to pay any mortgage highest calibre. They are or rent required on their selected for their aptitude, property. experience and contribution to All fellows are expected to pay the profession. They have a for amenities (gas, electricity record of sustained excellence etc) in the accommodation in in teaching and are prepared to which they are residing for the participate in varied teaching exchange year. It is a condition situations. that both fellows and their respective families have sole The program occupancy of the Victorian schools and school accommodation. The exchange

1 International Teaching Fellowship of motor vehicles is not (DEECD) suggests possible recommended. matches that will be sent to the principal involved. Principals Administration of the have the right to accept or program refuse a proposed match. The The program is arranged on a school is responsible for the government-to-government administration of salaries and basis. The International tax issues during the exchange Education Division of the year. The incoming fellow will Department of Education and have the same conditions as all Early Childhood Development other Victorian teachers Process International Teachers Teachers outside Australia Association Applications are invited from This program is run by the Victorian teachers in August The International Teachers Victorian Department of 2014 with a closing date in Association (ITA) is an Education and Early Childhood October 2014. Applicants are organisation of past and Development for Victorian short-listed by the VITF present Teaching Fellows. The schools. Teachers outside Selection Panel which ITA provides pastoral care, Victoria should contact their comprises representatives advice and services to State Education Department to from all sectors - government Victorian and overseas enquire if a similar program is Catholic and Independent. International Teaching Fellows. available in their jurisdiction. The association has chapters Selection is based on merit. to provide support throughout VITF Professional learning The files of recommended Victoria. applicants are retained in All VITF's must participate in a Melbourne pending the arrival For more details on ITA professional learning program of files from overseas membership contact: focusing on identifying countries when matching can innovative practices and Lesley Hall (President) take place. pedagogies which can be [email protected] adapted for Victorian schools. Matching takes account of u Fellows undertake action teaching subjects, academic research or investigation that interests and family is relevant to their schools requirements. programs. When the International Fellows are supported through Education Division has made this professional learning by tentative matches, they are DEECD staff who support referred to the school for Fellows with a framework approval. within which to focus and The principal may choose to reflect on their professional contact the principal of the experiences while overseas. overseas school to clarify The learnings from this aspects of the match. research will provide the home Communication between the school, and any other principals will be through the interested parties across the VITF Program coordinator. system, with information on Following approval by the worthwhile overseas initiatives principal/ teacher, the match and practices which may be is referred to the overseas considered for use in Victoria. education authority for approval. When all parties The program also provides the concerned are satisfied, the individual with the opportunity exchanging teachers are to explore an area of invited to correspond with educational interest, to each other. enhance their professional development.

2 International Teaching Fellowship Application Applications for 2016 provided by contacting the International Education A limited number of close on 17 October Division, DEECD. Fellowships will be available to 2014. enable selected teachers or Applicants must read the principals to work in the Terms and Conditions before following overseas countries: completing the application • Canada form. • Germany The application should be • International Schools prepared electronically using • United Kingdom the form provided. • United States of America When completed applications should be scanned and emailed to [email protected] Ensure you have included signed agreements, personal and house photographs plus a Medical Certificate. Incomplete or late applications may not be accepted. For further information on the VITF program please contact: International Education Division on Ph. +61 3 9637 3476 or [email protected].

Privacy Note The information contained in your application is being obtained for the purpose of participation in the VITF Program. It will be used by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) for matching exchange counterparts and informing exchange counterparts. Other persons/agencies that may be provided with this information are overseas and interstate exchange co-ordination bodies and support organizations which assist in preparing exchanges for their experience, such as the ITA. Provision of this information is voluntary. If you do not wish this information to be given to support organizations, you must inform us of this in writing. The information will be stored by DEECD securely. You may correct any information

3 International Teaching Fellowship Victorian International Teaching Fellowship Program

Terms and conditions

Applications are invited from profession, education Victorian teachers working full- authority and country. They time in either government or should be prepared to non-government schools who conduct themselves in an wish to participate in the exemplary manner at all Victorian International times. Teaching Fellowship program. A Fellowship is liable to be A limited number of Fellowships cancelled without notice in will be available to enable the event of a Fellow being selected teachers or principals convicted of a criminal to work in the following offence, or conducting overseas countries: Canada, him/herself in such a Germany, United States of manner as, in the opinion of America, United Kingdom, and the host authority, would some International Schools. warrant the dismissal of a teacher similarly conducting Applicants should read him/herself, who was carefully the Terms and employed by that authority. Conditions stated below which apply to every Fellow. 4. Any teacher selected as a Fellow must have a These Terms and Conditions minimum of four years' may not be altered or varied in training, including the the case of any Fellow except equivalent of one year of with the written approval of the teacher training, and five Secretary, Department of years teaching experience Education and Early Childhood prior to the commencement Development. of the exchange. Fellows are 1. All applicants for educators of the highest Fellowships must be calibre and are selected with permanent, full-time due regard for their teachers at the time of aptitude, experience and application. contribution to their profession. 2. The term of a Fellowship is 12 months. Fellows are They are expected to have required to sign a contract displayed a record of that stipulates that they sustained excellence in remain in the overseas teaching. Applicants should posting for that period of be prepared to participate time. They will not be able in varied teaching to resume their previous situations. They should posts in Victoria until that obey all lawful instructions period has expired. given by any officer of the Applications for an host education authority, extension of the Fellowship legally capable of giving contract of 12 months will such instructions. not be approved. 5. Fellowships are generally 3. Teachers selected for a only awarded to Australian Fellowship must be worthy citizens. Fellowships are representatives of their dependent on the

4 International Teaching Fellowship acceptability of the nominee and the nominee's family to the host country. Prior to the offer of an award, the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development may seek to establish the acceptability of the nominee and the nominee's family to the host country.

5 International Teaching Fellowship 6. Fellows will be expected to their own arrangements for Development who is participate in a professional passports. awarded a Fellowship will be learning program as a granted the right to resume requirement of their 10. Applicants for a Fellowship his or her existing school Fellowship. Fellows may also must have a medical position on return from their be expected to contribute to examination at their own Fellowship year. Where the professional learning expense and submit a school has undergone activities utilising their current medical certificate restructuring or has closed newly gained skills and with their application. as a result of a request from information. the school council(s), the 11. The exchange of housing is teacher will be given priority 7. Fellows will remain in the a condition of the for a placement. employment of their own Fellowship and both Fellows education authority, are to have the sole 14. Applicants who may be retaining their normal occupancy of the entire interested in applying for rights, privileges and property. The original advertised vacancies while obligations in relation to owner or the occupier of overseas should make their employers, including the dwelling will continue themselves conversant with work cover during to bear responsibility for the terms and conditions of appropriate working hours the purchase instalment or the local selection process only. rent. The cost of house and relating to those positions to contents insurance must be which they may apply. 8. Fellows will continue to borne by the owner or These interests may not be receive their salaries while original occupier. Current compatible with the holding they are overseas, with photographs of the rooms of a Fellowship award, due continuing deductions for within the house or exterior to the timing of interviews superannuation and, subject areas of the property to be and other requirements. to international taxation exchanged must be agreements, for income tax submitted with each 15. The applicant's principal (including Medicare and any application. must supply a current other government levy). confidential professional and Applicants should be aware 12. Arrangements for health personal reference, which that exchange rates can insurance remain the should be sent directly to fluctuate considerably and responsibility of the Fellow. the International Education successful applicants must Medicare will not apply in Division, DEECD. make their own appropriate respect of medical and financial arrangements and allied services outside 16. The International Education be responsible for all of Australia, except in certain Division must be notified in their own costs incurred in countries. Fellows will have writing of any changes in an the Fellowship year. to pay their Medicare levy applicant's personal while they are on their circumstances, professional 9. Fellows will be expected to Fellowship year. position and/or meet the costs of all fares accommodation for the forward and return 13. Any teacher employed by arrangements. journey for themselves and the Department of Education their families, and to make and Early Childhood 17. It is mandatory that all

6 International Teaching Fellowship applicants attend the arranged briefing program prior to their departure overseas. Successful applicants will be notified by email of the date and venue.

18. Fellows will also be required to comply with the appropriate terms and conditions of their Fellowship imposed by their host education authority. Fellows should ascertain these terms and conditions prior to their departure at the earliest possible date.

19. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development is an equal opportunity employer.

7 International Teaching Fellowship

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