October 14, 2014-Regular Meeting-GRENORA SCHOOL DISTRICT #99

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October 14, 2014-Regular Meeting-GRENORA SCHOOL DISTRICT #99

Minutes October 14, 2014-Regular meeting-GRENORA SCHOOL DISTRICT #99 Call to Order: President Lavern Johnson called the regular meeting of the Grenora School Board to order on October 14, 2014, at 7:04 a.m. Members present were Lavern Johnson, Rick Foss, Carlyle Norby, Robert Field, Brent Peterson, Sherry Amundson Norman and Sara Berg. Also present were Mr. Walters, Mr. LaDue, Jennifer McNamara, Miss Erickson, Mr. Miller and Sean (EAPC representative). Approval of Agenda: Moved by Rick Foss, Seconded by Carlyle Norby, to approve the agenda for the September 9, 2014 meeting with the addition of Teacherage (LaDue house) to New Business. Motion Carried. Approval of Minutes: Moved by Robert Field, Seconded by Sara Berg, to approve the minutes from the August 12, 2014 meetings as read. Motion Carried. Presentation of Bills and Payroll Approval-: Fund Check Number(s) Total Amount General 49029-49149 157105.89 Electronic 3572-3628 91528.67 Capital Projects 1319-1336 106599.51 Hot Lunch None None Activities 8213-8231 11124.21 Moved by Carlyle Norby, Seconded by Sara Berg, to approve that the bills and payroll presented for payment. Motion Carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: ADMINISTRATION REPORTS Elementary Principal: Mr. LaDue reported the AR Math training will be tomorrow, STAR testing is underway. Superintendent/HS Principal/Activities Coordinator: Mr. Walters reported that the fence at the complex looks awesome. Grant – Received water and conservation application and is in process. Co-Curricular (FBLA, Band, FFA, Close-up, Student Council) activities have good numbers of attendance. Music concert for K-12 will be December 9th. Legislative update was given. There will be an early out on September 24 for required suicide prevention in-service. Cooler/Freezer the electrical is done and waiting on the HVAC hookup for the startup. Bleachers have been ordered and will be installed on November 17th. Communication is the key to a successful year. Business Topics: Old Business: Bond: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PARTICIPATION IN SCHOOL BOND CREDIT ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, Section 6-09.4-23 of the North Dakota Century Code ("N.D.C.C.") establishes a credit enhancement program for school district bonds (the "Credit Enhancement Program") whereby a school district may elect to participate in the Credit Enhancement Program and thereby reduce its borrowing costs by reducing the interest rate payable on its bonds; and WHEREAS, the School Board initiated proceedings on September 9, 2014 to issue approximately $2,985,000 General Obligation School Building Bonds, Series 2014 (the "Bonds") to construct, remodel, improve and equip school buildings, and the School Board intends to sell such bonds on or about October 14, 2014; and WHEREAS, the School Board finds it is in the best interest of the School District to elect to participate in the Credit Enhancement Program for the Bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Grenora Public School District No. 99 of Williams and Divide Counties, North Dakota (the "School District"), as follows: 1. The School District hereby elects to participate in the Credit Enhancement Program and, in the event the School District is unable to make a full payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds when due or payable, the School District hereby authorizes the Superintendent of Public Instruction to withhold state funds due or payable or appropriated to the School District under Chapter 15.1-27, N.D.C.C., for use as provided for in Section 6-09.4-23, N.D.C.C. 2. The School District hereby covenants that, in the resolution authorizing the issuance of and establishing the terms for the Bonds, it will: (i) appoint an independent Paying Agent for the Bonds;

(ii) designate February 1 and August 1 as interest payment dates and August 1 as the principal payment date for the Bonds; and (iii) include an additional bonds test which provides that the state funds available to the School District under Chapter 15.1-27, N.D.C.C. shall be least two times the maximum annual debt service amount for all outstanding bonds and any subsequent bonds issued by the School District under the Credit Enhancement Program. 3. The School District hereby covenants that it will, no later than October 1 each year the Bonds are outstanding, filing the following with the Superintendent of Public Instruction as required by Section 15.1-27.02 N.D.C.C.: (i) the June thirtieth student membership and attendance report; (ii) the annual school district financial report; (iii) the September tenth fall enrollment report; and, (iv) the personnel report forms for licensed and non-licensed employees. 4. The School District hereby covenants that it will, on or before December 15th each year the Bonds are outstanding, file with the Superintendent of Public Instruction the taxable valuation and mill levy certifications required by Section 15.1-27-02 N.D.C.C. and, that it will timely file with the Superintendent of Public Instruction any additional report or other document that may be required by law to be filed before state aid payments may be forwarded to the School District. 5. The School District hereby covenants that it will deposit with the Paying Agent five days prior to the date on which any payment is due on the Bonds, an amount sufficient to make that payment. The School District further covenants that, if it should appear the School District will not be able to deposit with the Paying Agent sufficient funds to make any Bond payment, it will notify the Department of Public Instruction and Paying Agent not less than 15 days prior to any such potential default in the deposit in the manner required by the Department of Public Instruction and that the agreement between the School District and, in the event the School District fails to deposit funds in the payment amount with the Paying Agent five days prior to any payment date, the Paying Agent agreement shall provide that the Paying Agent is shall notify the Department of Public Instruction of such default and request payment of state funds in the amount necessary to make such payment. 6. The School District further covenants that, so long as the Bonds are outstanding, this election to participate in the Credit Enhancement Program shall be irrevocable by the School District. 7. The Business Manager is hereby directed to notify the Superintendent of Public Instruction, in the manner required by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, that the School District has obligated itself to be bound by the provisions of Section 6-09.4-23, N.D.C.C. Dated: September 9, 2014. GRENORA PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 99 Attest: /s/Lavern Johnson, President, Board of Education /s/ Jennifer McNamara, Business Manager The governing body of the District acted on the foregoing resolution at a properly noticed meeting held in Grenora, North Dakota, on September 9, 2014, with the motion for adoption made by Rick Foss and seconded by Robert Field, and the roll call vote on the motion was as follows: "Aye" Lavern Johnson, Rick Foss, Carlyle Norby, Robert Field, Brent Peterson, Sherry Amundson Norman, and Sara Berg. "Nay" NONE Absent NONE GRENORA PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 99 WILLIAMS AND DIVIDE COUNTIES, NORTH DAKOTA RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF $2,985,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS, SERIES 2014 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Grenora Public School District No. 99 (the "District") of Williams and Divide Counties, North Dakota, as follows: Section 1. Authorization. Pursuant to the provisions of NDCC Section 21-03-06(4), the District shall proceed to offer at public sale upon sealed bids its General Obligation School Building Bonds, Series 2014, in the principal amount of $2,985,000 (the "Bonds"). This Board shall meet on October 14, 2014, to consider the bids and take such action regarding the Bonds as shall then be deemed necessary and expeditious. Section 2. Sale of Bonds; Publication of Notice of Sale. Bids for the purchase of the Bonds will be received at the place, on the date, and at the time specified in Attachment 1 hereto, and the Business Manager is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the sale of the Bonds to be published at least once in the official newspaper of the District not less than ten days nor more than thirty days before the date specified in such notice for the receiving of such bids. The Notice of Sale shall be in substantially the same form as Attachment 1. Section 3. Official Statement and Notice of Bond Sale. The Business Manager, in cooperation with Public Financial Management, Inc., financial consultant to the District, is authorized and directed to prepare on behalf of the District an official statement to be distributed to potential purchasers of the Bonds. Such official statement shall contain information as shall be deemed advisable and necessary to adequately describe the District and the security, terms and conditions of the Bonds. Such official statement shall be examined and approved by the Superintendent prior to its distribution to potential purchasers. Dated: September 9, 2014. GRENORA PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 99 Attest: /s/ Lavern Johnson, President, Board of Education /s/ Jennifer McNamara, Business Manager The governing body of the District acted on the foregoing resolution at a properly noticed meeting held in Grenora, North Dakota, on September 9, 2014 with the motion for adoption made by Rick Foss and seconded by Robert Field, and the roll call vote on the motion was as follows: "Aye" Lavern Johnson, Rick Foss, Carlyle Norby, Robert Field, Brent Peterson, Sherry Amundson Norman, and Sara Berg. "Nay" NONE Absent NONE EAPC/Bldg Strategy/Land/Bus Barn: Bus Barn will start Thursday then Sax Electric will come in. The Saddle Club is interested in the Old Crow’s Nest. Testing of the ground on the demo project results presented the moisture content is too high. Open Positions: There are no open positions at this time. Employee Handbook 2nd Reading: Moved by Robert Field, Seconded by Sherry Amundson Norman, to accept the 2nd reading of the employee handbook. Motion Carried. Construction Administration Three-Prime (EAPC): Building project presented and discussed with plans and changes will get numbers for masonry vs. precast. Grant Funds: Tabled Policy Acceleration 2nd Reading: Moved by Robert Field, Seconded by Sara Berg, to accept the 2nd reading of the Policy Acceleration. Motion Carried. Music: Mr. Nelson was offered a 100% contract and declined. Moved by Carlyle Norby, Seconded by Rick Foss, to offer 100% contract to Mr. Miller. Motion Carried. Budget 2nd Reading: Moved by Carlyle Norby, Seconded by Brent Peterson, to accept the 2nd reading of the budget. Motion Carried. New Business: Online Classes: discussed, credit recovery is suggested only on 9-12 online courses. It is best to use our teacher for the courses before going online. If taking a college course online the student/parent has to do this on their own. Recommended to leave the online class decision in the hands of the Administration. SBA Convention: dates and information was presented. Teacherage – HVAC 407 Robinson Street: one bid was presented another bid is requested by the board, to change out the HVAC to 90% efficiency. Copier: Moved by Sherry Amundson Norman, Seconded by Rick Foss, to purchase another copier for the school. Motion Carried. Adjournment: Moved by Sara Berg, Seconded by Sherry Amundson Norman, to adjourn. Motion Carried. Respectfully Submitted, /s/ Jennifer McNamara, Business Manager /s/ Lavern Johnson, President

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