Read the Following by the Dates Below

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Read the Following by the Dates Below

Name ______

Read the following by the dates below:

1) Tuesday (2/10) = Read Chapter #1 (26 pages), look up 1 vocabulary word, & answer all the chapter(s) questions.

2) Tuesday (2/17) = Vacation

3) Tuesday (2/24) = Read Chapter #2 + 3 (27 pages), look up 1 vocabulary word, & answer all the chapter(s) questions.

4) Tuesday (3/3) = Read Chapter #4 + 5 (20 pages), look up 1 vocabulary word, & answer all the chapter(s) questions.

5) Tuesday (3/10) = Read Chapter #6 + 7 (24 pages), look up 1 vocabulary word, & answer all the chapter(s) questions.

6) Tuesday (3/17) = Read Chapter #8 (23 pages), look up 1 vocabulary word, & answer all the chapter(s) questions.

7) Tuesday (3/24) = Read Chapter #9 (33 pages) , look up 1 vocabulary word, & answer all the chapter(s) questions.

8) Tuesday (3/31) = Read Chapter #10 & 11 (38 pages), look up 1 vocabulary word, & answer all the chapter(s) questions. 9) Tuesday (4/7) = Read Chapter #12 + 13 (26 pages), look up 1 vocabulary word, & answer all the chapter(s) questions.

*Vocabulary – During your weekly reading find one word that you didn’t understand to look up for each chapter.

Ch #1 1) =

Ch #2 2) =

Ch #3 3) =

Ch #4 4) =

Ch #5 5) =

Ch #6 6) =

Ch #7 7) =

Ch #8 8) =

Ch #9 9) =

Ch #10 10) =

Ch #11 11) = Ch #12 12) =

Ch #13 13) =


Chapter #1 1) What is your impression of the main character? ______

2) What is your impression of Ishmael? ______

3) Why is Ishmael a gorilla? Could he have been another animal? ______

4) What period of time does this book take place? ______

5) What do you think the sign “With man gone will there be hope for gorilla” means? ______

************************************************************************ Chapter #2 1) What is the “story” that humans have been taught? ______

2) What is mother culture? ______

3) What does Ishmael mean when he says that he will pack the main character’s bags? What are some of the things that he packs? ______

Chapter #3 1) What is the difference between the two creation myths? ______

2) When Ishmael says “the world was made for man” what does he mean? ______************************************************************************ Chapter #4 1) What role did the Agricultural Revolution play in the “middle” of the story? ______

2) Why according to Ishmael, was it man’s destiny to conquer the world? ______Chapter #5 1) What point is Ishmael trying to make when he says that people don’t know how to live. ______

2) Do religions try and teach people how to live? If so are they successful? ______************************************************************************ Chapter #6 1) According to Ishmael the humans does not think the laws of nature apply to them. What evidence does he use to support this concept. ______

2) Explain what kinds of symbolism Ishmael is using with the Taker Thunderbolt story? ______

3) What is Ishmael trying to accomplish with the Taker Thunderbolt story? ______

Chapter #7 1) What point is Ishmael trying to make with the ABC story? ______2) Try and guess what Ishmael law(s) the “Takers” broke according to Ishmael. ______************************************************************************ Chapter #8 1) In the ABC story Ishmael states the “Takers” have done something that is never done in the natural community. What are the four things the main character comes up with?

a. ______

b. ______

c. ______

d. ______

2) How do you feel about the ideas around the previous question? ______

************************************************************************ Chapter #9 1) What is the significance of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? ______

2) What is the “Taker” way of living that allowed humans to accent or liberation? ______

3) How is Ishmael viewing the story of Cain and Abel? ______

4) According to Ishmael in the story of Cain and Abel which group did God prefer? Why? ______

************************************************************************ Chapter #10 1) Why do you think the author of the story chose to have Ishmael disappear from the story for awhile in this chapter? What could he be possibly trying to do to those of us reading? ______

2) Why do you think Ishmael is upset at the main character when they reunite? ______

Chapter #11 1) In the story that Ishmael explains involving the cultural missionary and the hunter-gatherer in which he refers to the main character as “Bwana”, what point is Ishmael trying to make in that story? ______

2) After the story there is a new definition for “leaver” and “takers”. What are they? ______

************************************************************************ Chapter #12 1) How does the “Leaver” and “Taker” story end? ______

2) What does Ishmael hope is man’s destiny? ______

3) What does Ishmael tell the main character how humans can change the world? ______

Chapter #13 1) What happens in the last chapter to Ishmael? Why do you think the author decided to do this? What was he trying to accomplish? ______2) What does the sign “With Gorilla gone will there be hope for man” mean? ______


1) In reading Ishmael, what did you learn: (Pick 2) a. About yourself? b. About the world? c. About learning?


2) What do you feel are the most important themes in Ishmael?


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