By the End of This Chapter You Will Be Able To

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By the End of This Chapter You Will Be Able To

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By the end of this chapter you will be able to…

 Identify key geographic features of Ancient China and explain their effect on the civilization.  Explain the importance of family ties in early Chinese society.  Understand how the Chinese people believed rulers came to power.  Describe the life of Confucius and how it influenced his teachings and the development of Confucianism.  Explain the influence Confucianism had on Chinese society.  Compare and contrast the Qin and Han Dyansties of Ancient China, including the rulers of each and what life was like in China during these time periods.  Explain the importance of the Silk Road.  Describe the advances in technology that were made in China during the Han dynasty.

Remember that for each civilization we study you should understand… 1. What affect did physical geography have on the civilization? 2. What historical accomplishments are they known for? 3. What were their beliefs and values? 4. What forms of government did they have? 5. How did they develop an economic system? Chapter 5 vocabulary loess: dike: extended family:



civil service:

Shi Huangdi:


Liu Bang:



Silk Road:

silk: Sima Qian:

Lesson 5.1 The Geography of China’s River Valleys p. 138-143

1. Why do the Chinese often use the symbol of a dragon in many of their logos, images, etc? ______

The Geography of Ancient China 2. Due to the large size of China, the landscape and climate ______greatly. 3. The ______China plain is located in ______Asia has a ______rainy season that are caused by the ______, however is generally a very ______area. 4. The ______climate however is warm and ______due to its long ______season. 5. The Chinese called themselves the ______because they thought that they lived in the center of the world, isolated from others around them because of the surrounding ______and ______. 6. Like the other Ancient civilizations studied, China’s first settlements developed along the ______. 7. China’s Huang River (also known as the ______River) is the second longest river in China, behind only the ______River, the longest River in China. a. It is called the Yellow River because of the ______deposits, or the ______-brown soil. (Label the Huang River on the Map above!) i. The Chinese used the land along the river to grown ______(type of grain). b. As often as every ____ years the river could flood and change its course because of how strong the current was. i. To help control the flood waters the Chinese built ______to hold back the flood waters.

The Early Civilization in China 8. The ______dynasty was the first civilization in China and built the first ______as well as made some of the finest ______work of ancient China and the first Chinese ______system. 9. To the west of the Shang Dynasty, the ______Dynasty developed and would eventually go on to conquer the ______. They would rule for about 1,000 years until the ______dynasty emerges. 10. The Chinese believe that their rulers come to power because of ______, or fate. a. This idea is know as the ______.

Importance of the Family 11. The ______was the center of Chinese society, considered far more important than the ______or even the entire nation. 12. Since the family was so important, as many as _____ generations lived in the same household. (That would mean you live with your ______-______grandparents!) a. If your family was rich you would all live in _____ large home, if you were poor however (like most people) you would all live in separate ______within walking distance of each other. 13. The person in charge of the family was the ______male. a. He decided who would ______his children and grandchildren, as well as the ______for disrespect. b. After the head of the family died, his ______was divided among his ______and each started their own household. 14. Women were considered ______class than men. a. They had to obey 3 rules: i. Obey their ______when they were young ii. Obey their ______when married iii. Obey their ______if their husbands died. b. What do you notice about who the women had to obey? ______15. The Chinese are the first people to use ______names, passed down through the generations. 16. The family name is equivalent to our ______name, however in Chinese society it comes first. a. If you were from China, what would your name be? ______

Lesson 5.2 Confucius and His Teachings p. 146-150

1. Confucius was a famous Chinese ______and ______.

The Life of Confucius 2. Confucius loved learning and was mostly ______taught. 3. Although Confucius strived to be a member of the Chinese ______, he ended up becoming a teacher instead. 4. Confucius charged students a ______to take his classes. (Read the quote from Confucius on pg. 147). Based on this quote, why do you think he charged students to take his classes? ______5. Two reasons that Confucius though that his life was a failure were because he never became an important ______official and he never ______. a. Do you think Confucius’ life was a failure? Yes or No (circle one) Why? ______

The Teachings of Confucius 6. Confucius felt his role as a teacher was to pass on the ______of wise people from an ______. 7. He hoped that through his teachings he could bring ______, ______, and ______to China. 8. Confucianism is a ______made up of the sayings of ______that were recorded by his ______. a. Confucianism is also a ______for some people. (look ahead in reading!) 9. Confucius hoped to persuade China’s rulers to ______. 10. Who did Confucius believe was responsible for setting a good example? ______What did he think would result from their good example? ______11. Confucius taught that people should respect those both ______and ______them and know their place in their family and in ______. 12. Confucius’ “golden rule” was ______. 13. Describe the religious traditions of ancient China. ______The Influence of Confucius 14. On which members of the Chinese government did Confucius’s teachings have a impact? ______Why? ______15. The civil service is a group of people who ______. 16. After the idea of Confucius took hold, government positions were based on ______, that is how ______the person was or how ______they did at their job. a. Those who agree with the idea of reward based on merit would argue that it is a good system because ______b. Those who disagree with the idea of reward based merit would argue ______17. In order to become a member of the government one had to pass an exam based on the teachings of ______. 18. Why was it difficult for poor men to work in the civil service? ______Lesson 5.3 Warring Kingdoms Unite p. 151-155

1. In 1974 ______discovered a terra- cotta ______, which had kept watch over the tomb of ______, China’s first emperor. a. Using his army, he intended to rule a second ______in the afterlife.

The Qin Dynasty 2. Before Shi Huangdi’s time as ruler, ______was divided into ____ warring kingdoms. 3. Complete the chart below about the Qin Dynasty:

Dynasty’s name Main Accomplishments  Shi Huagdi’s original name  In order to strengthen the empire Shi Huangdi used strong and was ______and ______rule to protect the ______. he ruled the ______people in western China.  Shi Huangdi ordered the largest ______project in Chinese history: the ______.  Shi Huangdi means “____ *The wall was hoped to end ______.” ______wars. *The wall really connected  The Qin dynasty is preciously ______walls sometimes spelled _____ *It took ______years to build which is where we get the *It is now about ______miles long name China.  Emperor put thousands of ______to work building ______which would allow his ______to rush to the scene of uprisings.

 Shi Huangdi divided China into ______, each with is own ______run by the emperor’s trusted officials.

 Shi Huangdi declared that one type of ______would be used throughout China, which made ______easier within the country.

 New system of weights and measures, improved ______system, and ______were also created.

Unifying the Economy and Culture 4. Ideas of ______and other important thinkers were outlawed, and were replaced by the ______of the Qin scholars. a. The Qin believed all people should be ______for bad behavior and rewarded for ______behavior. 5. Shi Huangdi ordered that all books be burned in China unless they addressed ______, ______, and ______. a. If you protested Shi Huangdi had you killed. 6. The dynasty only lasted _____ years and fell apart after ______death.

Examine the Rise and Fall of Chinese Dynasties Diagram: 7. Why do Dynasties Fall? ______8. Why might a dynasty become weaker as it grows larger? ______

The Han Dynasty 9. In 202 B.C. ______became emperor after helping to overthrow the ______dynasty. a. He became the ______emperor of the Han dynasty and was less ______than Shi Huangdi 10. ______came to power in 140 B.C. and took the dynasty to its height. He was Liu Bang’s ______. 11. Complete the chart below about the Han Dynasty:

Dynasty’s name Main Accomplishments  Stable ______that lasted for about 400 years Han (under ruler Liu Bang)  Civil ______system set up based on ______

 Improvements were made to the ______. Han (under ruler Wudi)  The army was ______

 Expanded the borders of China

12. After ______death, the empire began to weaken under new emperors and people within the government struggled for power. a. Roads and ______began to fall apart. b. As ruler of emperors weakened, ______gained power. i. In AD 220 the Han dynasty came to an end and was replaced with the ______, which would end within 50 years and result in China being broken into smaller ______. Lesson 5.4 Achievements of Ancient China p. 158-162

1. Silk Road: ______

The Silk Road 2. As emperor Wudi expanded the empire west, the Chinese came into contact with people of Central ______who introduced the Chinese people to new ______such as grapes, walnuts, and garlic. 3. The silk road ran all the way from ______to the ______. (Circle these two locations on the map above!!) 4. Routes covered more than ______miles through mountains and deserts. (find the routes of the Silk Road on the map above!) 5. As goods traveled they were passed from trader to trader and the price went ______each time. By the end of their journey goods were very ______. 6. Route got its name from the ______silk, which was made in ______. 7. Goods were not the only things exchanged along the silk route, ______were also spread. i. The ______religion from India was introduced to ______in this way.

Tradition and Learning 8. Rulers encouraged people to return to the teachings of ______to bring back respect for traditions during the ______dynasty. 9. Arts and ______flourished under the Han dynasty. i. ______and ______were created, and ______was studied 10. Until the Han dynasty people of China had little knowledge of their ______. i. ______spent his life writing the history of China in Historical Records

Han Technology 11. Society improved under the Han dynasty because ______was stable. i. Significant advances in farming tools and other technologies  Ex: ______ Ex: ______ Ex: ______ Ex: ______12. Chinese were first people to use wooden scrolls and bones to keep ______13. In AD 105 Chinese created ______which influenced the arts in ______. i. The use of paper spread across ______in the following centuries and then into ______and replaced ______.

Chapter 5 study guide

1. How did the physical geography of China effect its civilizations?

2. The first farming settlements in China developed where?

3. What was the center of early Chinese society?

4. What did Confucius believe about loyalty and respect towards the family?

5. What effect did Confucius’s teachings have on government jobs?

6. What is the main interest of the Chinese emperor Wudi?

7. What were the accomplishments of the Han dynasty?

8. What were the accomplishments of the Qin dynasty?

9. Describe the climate of northern and southern China.

10. What is the most important element of early Chinese life?

11. What was one of Shi Huangdi’s most famous accomplishments?

12. What was the silk road and what effect did it have on Chinese civilization?

13. What are some inventions of the Chinese people?

14. How long did it take to build the Great Wall of China? What was the purpose of this project? 15. What was the clay army?

Make sure you are familiar with Confucius and his philosophy!!!!!

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