Journal of American Science, 2011; 7(1)

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Journal of American Science, 2011; 7(1)

Journal of American Science, 2011; 7(1)

Factors Associated with the Distribution of the Invasive Bivalve Clams" Donax Variabilis (Say,1822)" at the Area of the Mediterranean Coast Preferred by Marine Fish Larvae, New Damietta, Egypt

El-Ghobashy, A.E.1; Mahmad, S.Z.2; Kandeel, S.K.3 and El-Ghitany, A.H.*1 1Zoology Department, Faculty of Science (Damietta), Mansoura University, Egypt. 2Oceanography Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Egypt. 3Zoology Department, Faculty of Science (Fayoum), Fayoum University, Egypt. *[email protected]

Abstract: New Damietta shore is one of the important areas for collection of the clams as well as mullet, seabass and seabream larvae which are reliable for marine aquaculture in Egypt. Donax variabilis was recorded for the first time in Egypt and because of its presence in the area of Damietta Maritime Port, larvae has come stuck with ships from the Atlantic Ocean where they were registered there. The density of D.variabilis increased in site I (718 / m2) than in site II (415 / m2). Water salinity (33.43 ± 4.59 mg/ L) in site I was less than the salinity of the sea, while it was almost similar to the salinity of the sea (36.94 ± 3.45 mg/ L) at site II. Nutrients concentration at site II were higher than that at site I, where it averaged 0.02 ± 0.01, 0.05 ± 0.03 and 0.26 ± 0.16 at site I and 0.05 ± 0.03, 0.34 ± 0.41 and 0.46 ± 0.36 mg/l at site II for NO2, NO3 and PO4 respectively. Measured Chlorophyll a was high at site II (0.25 0.12 mg/m3) compared to site I (0.25 0.12 mg/m3), revealing the increase in phytoplankton biomass at site II. Crustaceans and molluscs were the most groups associated with clam's beds. D.variabilis cohorts appeared during summer months, this indicates that the population consists of only one spawning event. Length frequency of D.variabilis was essentially bimodal during the period of study. Three modes were recorded in June, 2008 at size classes of 7, 11and 20 mm of shell length. [El-Ghobashy, A.E.; Mahmad, S.Z.; Kandeel, S.K. and El-Ghitany, A.H. Factors Associated with the Distribution of the Invasive Bivalve Clams" Donax Variabilis (Say,1822)" at the Area of the Mediterranean Coast Preferred by Marine Fish Larvae, New Damietta, Egypt. Journal of American Science 2011; 7(1):1051- 1062]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).

Key wards: Mediterranean coast- Donax variabilis- A biotic factors- Biotic factors

1. Introduction: disturbance of potential competitors (Defeo and de A bivalvia can acquire an important role Alava, 1995; Defeo, 1996a; Schoeman, 1996 and in solving the problem of shortage and high price Brazeiro & Defeo, 1999). of animal protein in Egypt. Egyptian beaches has Ecological preferences of Donax have extended over long distances and it has become been studied by Ansell & Lagardere, 1980 and necessary to look at how the exploitation of Guillou & Bayed, 1991. McLachlan & Jamarillo bivalvia inhabiting these beaches. Bivalve (1995) have reviewed the zonation of organisms on molluscs are conspicuous members of sandy sandy shores and have emphasized the strong beaches (McLachlan et al., 1996). control exerted on distribution by physical factors The family Donacidae inhabits exposed and the temporal variability of the component intertidal sandy beaches and form worldwide, by communities. As well as, the population dynamics far, the largest group living in such highly dynamic of Donax species have been examined by Guillou, environments (Ansell, 1983; Brown & McLachlan, 1982; Maze & Laborda, 1988; Maze, 1990 and 1990). Since this group is present in the seaside Tirado & Salas, 1998. which is unstable and have continuous Clams are important recreational and environmental changes. commercial resources in many countries Biotic (food availability and intraspecific (McLachlan, et al., 1996). Donax sp. spreading in interactions) and a biotic (beach slope, swash the northern coast of Egypt and be the favorite energy, sand particle size, salinity, and chemical food among the population in coastal cities. cues) factors play predominant roles in regulating Inshore waters of the Damietta region (North coast alongshore distribution patterns (Defeo & de of Egypt) support nursery (larval or fry) areas for Alava, 1995; McLachlan, 1996; Gime´nez & several commercially important species, especially Yanicelli, 2000 and Lastra et al., 2006). Also the common mullet, sea bream and sea bass (El- human activity may represent an additional Ghobashy, 2009). The present study will be the regulatory agent, acting either directly, by removal link between its distribution and some important of individuals, or indirectly, by removal or environmental factors. Also, it is focused on the 27 [email protected] Journal of American Science, 2011; 7(1) influence of these factors on the same aspects of areas and activity of resorts and entertainment (Fig, clam biology. 1).

2. Materials and methods Study area:- Sampling sites:- The study area (Damietta shore) is an important part In order to determine the extent of Donax of the Egyptian coast of the Mediterranean Sea populations and also to select suitable sampling sites, characterized by several important characteristics. i.e. a general survey of the New Damiettia shore using fluctuation in the environmental qualities due to their quadrates was undertaken in May, 2008. proximity to the channel which reaches the Nile river Consequently, two sites (Fig,1) were chosen, the first with the sea as well as draw close to the Damietta is located west of New Damietta, near the Gamasa Maritime Port. This segment is also the the most drainage canal (31º 26.837 N and 31º 36.547 E) and important location for collection of marine fish larvae the second is located east of New Damietta adjacent upon which marine aquaculture activities taken place to Damietta Maritime Port (31º 28.577 N and 31º in the region. This area is also close to residential 44.408 E).

31 35' 31 40' 31 45' 31 50' ' 31 29 31 29' Study area Alex.

Nile Damietta Delta Jetties ' a 31 28 Se 31 28' ean Site 2 rran ite N ed e N M w

H 31 27' D a a 31 27' r m b i Site 1 o e d r t Roa t al Coastal a nation Inter a 31 26' iett ' Dam 31 26 In ew te N ity rn C at io n a l R o 31 25' a in d New Damietta d ra 31 25' tta ie h am nc D ra B ' 0 5 km 31 24 31 24'

31 35' 31 40' 31 45' 31 50'

Fig, 1. Map of the sampling sites detected from land sat image.

Water Analysis:- according to APHA (1985) using the Azide Monthly surface water samples were collected from modification of Winkler method. Water salinity was the selected stations during the period from May directly measured using YSI model 339 (yellow 2008 to June 2009. A Plastic Ruttner water sampler springs) S-CT meter and the results are expressed as of 2 liters capacity was used for water sampling. (g/L). Nitrate in the samples was determined Water temperatures were measured using 0.1°C according to APHA (1989) and Nitrite (Diazotization graduated Thermometer. At each station the total method) of samples was measured according to water depth and Secchi transparency was measured Adams (1990). Total phosphorus in water sample was by the conventional Secchi Disc. The pH value was determined according to APHA (1989). Reactive obtained using a portable pH-meter (Orion, model silica in water sample was determined according to 6011). Dissolved oxygen (DO) was determined APHA (1989) and EPA (1983). The phytoplankton 28 [email protected] Journal of American Science, 2011; 7(1) biomass (Chlorophyll-a) measured according to site II than that in site I reflecting the difference in Strickland and Parsons (1972), using the SCOR the dissolved salts. It is also clear from the results; UNESCO equations. that there were very limited differences between the two sites for the rest of the factors were measured Sediment Analysis:- (Fig, 2). The sediment samples were collected at the Investigation of the sediment granules of two studied sites by drilling to a depth of 50 cm. the two studied sites indicated that, in site I the Sediment were screened with sieves of five grades, percentage of coarse and fine sediment were 1.82 and following the Wentworth scale: fine sand (125–250 3.50 with average diameter of 1.4 Md, while in site μm); medium sand (250–500 μm); coarse sand (500– II their raters were 1.80 and 3.22 respectively with 1000 μm); very coarse sand (1000–2000 μm); and mean diameter of 1.80 Md. Scales of sediment in gravel (>2000 μm). pH, TDS, EC, calcium carbonate both sites were classified as medium sand. Mean were determined in soil extract according to APHA percentage of organic content and pH in both sites (1992). Organic carbon of the sediment samples was were more or less similar in both sites. Site I had detected according to Adams (1990) more bicarbonate, carbonate and organic matter (Table, 1). Collection and treatment of animals:- Concerning with the abundance of Donax variabilis was collected in addition associated fauna with clam bed, in the study area, it to other associated fauna from an area of one cupic was clear that crustaceas and molluscs were the most meter. The collection was at the time of low tide dominated. Other groups such as annelids and using a specially designed hand dredge (75 cm wide) echinodermates were rarely presented (Table, 2). similar to that used by local fishermen but The density of D.variabilis per square incorporating a smaller mesh size bag (3 mm) to meter in Site I ranged from 174 individuals during survey the presence of smaller individuals which had January to 1945 through July, revealing wide not yet recruited to the professional fishery. Collected monthly changes in its density. In site II a narrow samples were kept in containers filled with 6% range (333-624 /m2) of fluctuations in D.variabilis neutral formalin and it was brought to the laboratory were recorded. The fewest number of D.variabilis at the Faculty of science, Damietta, where the was during November (333/ m2) and December investigations were carried out. (322/ m2) while the highest number (624/ m2) was collected during March (Fig, 3). With regards to Statistics: population structure, a shifting of the peaks from The comparison between means and shorter to longer lengths can be observed from the standard errors was tested for significance using length frequency histograms of D.variabilis (Fig, ANOVA analysis and Duncan's multiple range tests. 4). Length frequency of D.variabilis at site I was In addition, the correlations of physicochemical essentially bimodal during the period of study. parameters were assessed using Pearson's correlation Three modes (including the juvenile one) were analysis. All statistical analyses were calculated, recorded in June 2008 at size classes of 7, 11and using the computer program of SPSS Inc. (2001, 20 mm of shell length. These modes represented version 11.0 for Windows) at the 0.05 level of 0.41, 4.10 and 17.21 % of the total population, significance. respectively. Juvenile cohorts (3 to 7 mm shell length) were collected during the period from June 3. Results: 2008 to August 2008 and during July 2009. The Water salinity (33.43 ± 4.59 mg/ L) in site I largest length (25.12 mm) of D.variabilis was was less than the salinity of the sea due to the impact recorded during June 2009, which represented only of the Gamasa drainage canal, while it was almost 0.89 % of the total population. Growth curves of similar to the salinity of the sea (36.94 ± 3.45 mg/ L) successive cohorts derived by plotting modal at site II. Nutrients (NO2, NO3 and PO4) length classes as a function of time are shown in concentrations at site II were higher than that at site I. Fig, (6a.) Growth of the different cohorts Their values were 0.02 ± 0.01, 0.05 ± 0.03 and 0.26 ± proceeded with time and the modes of D.variabilis 0.16 at site I and 0.05 ± 0.03, 0.34 ± 0.41 and 0.46 ± indicated a short life span of this species. 0.36 mg/l at site 2 for NO2, NO3 and PO4 respectively. D.variabilis cohorts appeared during summer Measured Chlorophyll a was increased at site II (0.25 months, this indicates that the population consists 0.12 mg/m3) compared to site I(0.25 0.12 mg/m3), of only one spawning event. Monthly average shell this shows an increase in phytoplankton biomass at length increased of D.variabilis at New Damietta site II. Also electric conductivity (EC) increased in shore was 2.4 ± 1.2 mm. 29 [email protected] Journal of American Science, 2011; 7(1)

Length-frequency distributions for species. D.variabilis cohorts appeared during D.variabilis in the sit II (Fig, 5) were mostly summer months, reflecting also one-spawning bimodal. Three modals (including the juvenile one) event. Monthly average shell length increased of appeared during April, August 2008 and July, D.variabilis at New Damietta shore was 2.4 ± 1.2 2009. Temporal appear of juveniles (< 6 mm shell mm. The growth pattern of successive cohorts is length) was similar to that in site I. Their shown in Fig, 6b. Cessation of growth was percentage occurrence relative to the whole observed during winter months. The average population ranged from 14.84% in June, 2008 to growth rates of the different cohorts were 1.65 ± 0.86% in July, 2009. Growth of the different 0.5 mm/month. A highly significant difference cohorts proceeded with time and the modes of (P<0.002) was calculated between D.variabilis D.variabilis indicated also a short life span of this growth rates at the two sampling sites.

Table (1): Sediment characteristics at the two sites in the New Damietta shore. parameters Site I Site II Coarse sediment >0.5 mm (%wt.) 1.82 1.80 Fine sediment <0.063 mm (%wt.) 3.50 3.22 Median diameter (Md) 1.4 1.8 Wentworth scale Medium sand Medium sand Quartile deviation (QD) 0.55 0.465 Categories of sorting Moderately well sorted Moderately well sorted

Quartile skewness (Skq) 0.05 0.04 PH 7.92 7.36 Chlorides 2958.33 mg/l 3481.07 mg/l T.D.S 40.23 g/l 47.34 g/l E C 2200 mmhos/cm 2800 mmhos/cm Mean% Bicarbonate(Hco3) content 2.73 1.66 Mean% Calcium carbonate content 5.1 4.6 Mean% Organic carbon content 1.74 1.65 Mean% Organic matter content 3.51 3.32

Table (2): Monthly variations in the number occurrences of animal groups associated with D.variabilis at the two sampling sites. Animal May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep Oct. Nov. Dec Jan Feb Ma Apr Ma Jun Jul Tot groups 2008 t. . . . r . y . . al Months 200 9 Annelida Site 1 1 2 1 4 Site 2 1 2 2 5 Arthropoda Site 1 15 31 7 18 6 12 4 9 2 4 1 2 1 112 Site 2 11 12 34 41 17 31 3 4 1 2 2 12 1 3 6 180 Mollusca Site 1 1 10 29 19 12 4 6 3 30 5 2 121 Site 2 5 7 6 12 25 20 10 15 29 41 16 19 205 Echinoderm Site 1 1 1 2 ata Site 2 0 Total Site 1 16 31 8 19 6 22 33 28 16 8 8 6 31 5 2 239 Site 2 11 12 39 42 24 37 17 29 21 14 17 41 42 19 25 390 30 [email protected] Journal of American Science, 2011; 7(1)

50 0.14

) 0.12 l 40 / g 0.10 m C ( . 30 e p 0.08 u l m a e 0.06

20 v T

2 0.04 o

10 N 0.02 0 0.00

2.0 13 ) l /

g 1.5

10 m ( H s P e

u 1.0 l

7 a v

3 0.5 4 O N 0.0 1

0.06 60 0.05

50 ) l / ) l g / 40 0.04 g m ( ( .

e S

. 0.03

30 u l D . a T v

0.02 20 i S 10 0.01

0 0.00

14 )

l 1.3 / 12 g ) l /

m 1.1 g (

10 s m

( 0.9 e

8 s u l e

a 0.7 u l

v 6 . a v

O 0.5

. 4 p D

T 0.3 2 0 0.1

0.8 35000 (k)

0.7 ) 30000 l / ) g

3 0.6 25000 m m ( / 0.5 e g 20000 u l m 0.4 ( a .

v 15000 o 0.3 s h e

C 10000

0.2 d i % r

0.1 o 5000 l h

0.0 C . . 8 ...... y . r 9 0 r l t l ...... v . 8 . . 0 9 c n g p b n y a l l t r a r 0 p b p n g v c n u c u 0 0 a o u u 0 e c u u e e u a p u u e o e e u 0 0 0 J M J J J O M A 2 J N F J J A M J 2 2 A S D A S O N D F M 2

. . y y n n a a a a J sit I M M J Months Months sit II

Fig. (2): Monthly variations in studied environmental factors at the two sites. 31 [email protected] Journal of American Science, 2011; 7(1)


sit I

s 2000 l 2 a sit II u m

/ d i

v 1500 i d n i

f 1000 o

r e b 500 m u N 0

Months Fig. (3): The monthly change in the number of Donax variabilis /m² at two sites.

250 140 80 May 2008 70 Mar.2009 120 200 Oct.2008 60 N=344 100 N= 471 N=622 150 50 80 40 60 100 30 40 20 50 20 10 0 0 0

90 180 350 80 Jun. 2008 160 Nov.2008 300 Apr.2009 70 N= 484 140 N= 586 N= 1128 250 60 120 200 50 100 40 80 150 s

l 60 30 100 a 20 40 u 50

d 10 20 i

v 0 0 0 i

d 180 250 300 n

i Jul.2008 160 Dec.2008 May 2009 250 f 140 N= 694 200 N= 616 N=877 o

120 200

r 150 100 e 150

b 80 100

m 60 100 u 40 50

N 50 20 0 0 0

200 60 400 180 Aug.2008 Jan.2009 350 50 Jun 2009 160 N=672 N=174 300 N=1348 140 40 250 120 100 30 200 80 150 20 60 100 40 10 50 20 0 0 0

200 70 1000 180 Sep..2008 Feb.2009 Jul.2009 60 800 160 N= 608 N=198 140 50 N=1945 120 600 40 100 80 30 400 60 20 40 200 20 10 0 0 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 1315 17 1921 2325 1 3 5 7 9 1113 1517 192123 25 1 3 5 7 9 1113151719212325 Shell length (mm)

Fig. (4): Monthly size frequency histograms of D.variabilis samples collected from site I 32 [email protected] Journal of American Science, 2011; 7(1) 33 [email protected] Journal of American Science, 2011; 7(1)

140 120 250 May 2008 Oct.2008 Mar.2008 120 100 N= 387 N=409 200 N=624 100 80 80 150 60 60 100 40 40 50 20 20

0 0 0

140 120 100 120 Jun.2008 Nov.2008 90 Apr.2008 100 N=492 N=333 80 100 N=367 80 70 80 60 60 50 60 40 40 40 30 20 20 20 10 0 0 0

120 140 160 May 2008 Dec.2008 120 140 Jul.2008 100 N=446 N=322 120 100

s N=405

l 80

a 100 80 u

d 60 i 80 60 v i 60

d 40 40 n i

40 20 f 20

o 20

r 0 0 0 e b 90 90

m 100

u Jun. 2009 90 Aug.2008 80 Jan.2009 80 N N=363 80 N=405 70 N=405 70 70 60 60 60 50 50 50 40 40 40 30 30 30 20 20 20 10 10 10 0 0 0

180 140 100 90 Jul.2008 160 Sep.2008 120 Feb.2008 140 N=461 80 N=347 N=454 100 70 120 60 100 80 50 80 60 40 60 40 30 40 20 20 20 10 0 0 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13151719 212325 1 3 5 7 9 1113151719212325 1 3 5 7 9 1113151719212325 Shell length (mm)

Fig. (5): Monthly size frequency histograms of D. variabilis samples collected from site II 34 [email protected] Journal of American Science, 2011; 7(1) ) m m ( h t g n e l l l e h S


Fig, 6 .The pattern of growth of the component populations of the D. variabilis at site I(a) and site II(b) 35 [email protected] Journal of American Science, 2011; 7(1)

4. Discussion: on the continental shelf (Beck et al., 2001 and Donax variabilis is the dominant macro Peterson, 2003). fauna on many of the exposed beaches of the south- D.variabilis distribution decreased with the east United States (Pearse et al., 1942). It found from increase in the concentration of nutrient elements. Virginia south to Florida and round into the Gulf of Hypoxic conditions owing to extremely high primary Mexico to Texas (Ruppert & Fox, 1988). In the production and subsequent oxidative degeneration of current study, D.variabilis was recorded for the first organic matter (Van der Plas, 1999 and Fossing et al., time in Egypt in the nearby region of the Maritime 2000). With the increase in the density of Damietta Port, there fore it considered as an invasive D.variabilis, phytoplankton biomass reduced as a species from the Atlantic Ocean, where the larvae result of its consumption by these clams. Food webs attached to commercial ships coming into port. of sandy beaches are mainly based on marine Distribution and density of clams are sources, such as phytoplankton, stranded algae, sea influenced by environmental changes, whether grasses and carrion (McLachlan & Brown, 2006). abiotic and biotic factors as well as to human activity. Macroinfauna participating specially D.variabilis is more vulnerable to abiotic stressors arthropods and other types of molluscs compete with than would be expected of invertebrates from habitats clams, where as these animals' increased clams' such as tide pools, mudflats or marshes (Grieshaber movements to other places. Members of the genus & Völkel, 1998).The number of D.variabilis per Donax are commonly the main primary consumers in cubic meters increased at site I than at site II. The soft bottom communities, while they are in turn proximity of site II from the maritime port of subject to predation by a wide variety of Damietta increases the disturbances and movements invertebrates, fish, birds and mammals (e.g. Luzzatto of clams away either vertically or horizontally. & Penchaszadeh, 2001; Peterson et al 2000 and Burrowing behaviour is an important adaptation Salaset al., 2001). Larger macrobenthic invertebrates (Brown & McLachlan, 1990 and McLachlan et al., burrow actively and include representatives of many 1995). Bivalves inhabiting all types of soft substrates phyla, but crustaceans, molluscs and polychaete are capable of burrowing easily, but bivalves living worms are usually dominant and encompass on exposed beaches must burrow rapidly and predators, scavengers, filter- and deposit feeders efficiently to avoid physical exclusion of individuals (Defeo et al., 2009). by waves or current action (Brown & McLachlan, Ramon et al. (1995) estimation of the 1990 and McLachlan et al., 1995). Physical growth rate of D.trunculus in the western properties of sediment, such as particle size, grain Mediterranean from an analysis of the length- shape, water content and shear strength, affect the frequency distributions, showed that there were two suitability of a substrate as a habitat, by influencing recruitments of clams to the population each year, the burrowing behaviour and life habits of benthic one cohort was recruited during the winter whilst the species (Sanders, 1958 and Trueman, 1971). other entered the population during the summer. D.variabilis, like many Donacidae, is noted Although spawning takes place during summer the for its mobility, and moves up and down the beach season is long enough to show some intra seasonal with the tide (Turner & Belding, 1957), and displays variability in the gametes emission. a pattern of sophisticated responses to waves and A unimodal pattern of recruitment between wave action (Ellers, 1995a,b). In addition, there is a May and July was revealed in the present population, seasonal cycle of movement, down into the shallow presumably owing to the measurement of larger sub-littoral in fall and returning on to the beach as individuals, settled earlier, by means of the mesh size juveniles in late winter (Ruppert & Fox, 1988). utilized. Also the occurrence of a single annual D.variabilis collected from the sampling recruitment has been found in the Atlantic sites increased during summer months and declined populations (Ansell & Lagardere, 1980 and Guillou during winter. This similar to that happen, in & Le Moal, 1980). laboratory experiments that for both adults and Results indicate that a mixture of biotic and juveniles of Donax, burrowing time increased in abiotic factors mediates recruit abundance, with lower temperatures (McLachlan & Young, 1982). beach gradient being the most influential, followed D.variabilis prefer water salinity slightly by adult and juvenile abundances. The recognition less than that of the sea, therefore it was collected and description of spatial patterns and their temporal from the area near the estuaries at New Damietta. dynamics are fundamental to understanding Coastal and estuarine systems are highly productive ecological processes that structure biological areas that serve as nursery grounds for many marine assemblages (Renshaw & Ford, 1984; Andrew & species of commercial importance, widely distributed Mapstone, 1987; Volkaert, 1987; Jones et al., 1990; 36 [email protected] Journal of American Science, 2011; 7(1)

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