Cave Painting Assignment

Goal: Students will be able to explain the process by which prehistoric man communicated with each other without written alphabets

Supplies:  Finger Paint – at least three colors (Crayola washable is the best, but any finger paint will work)  Large paper rolls  Topic List  Jar – for students to select their topic

Process:  Explain that men before writing wanted to communicate  How were they able to do this?  Show examples on PowerPoint  On each slide, explain what is being depicted  Explain Rules:  Students split poster paper into two parts  Students select a slip of paper  Must, use their hands and the finger-paint, draw what their slip is showing on one side of poster paper  On the other side students are to finger-paint a modern depiction of something people would like to communicate to others  May not discuss what they are doing  Students will present their painting, classmates will try and guess what is being portrayed  Rubric is based on student’s attempt at portraying their assigned topic, not on artistic skill

Cave Painting Assignment Rubric

5 Clearly attempted to portray item on slip of paper 4 Clear painting, off topic during work period 3 Made effort, unclear painting 2 Tried, did wrong topic 1 Minimal effort, put paint on surface 0 Made no attempt to portray item, inappropriate or obscene

This is a general rubric;

Created by: Ben Salba, Luella High School, 2010 Jamboree Draw a hunt scene

Draw a scene of people making fire

Draw a battle scene

Draw a herd of cattle

Paint a tribal leader

Paint a picture of a tribal god

Paint a scene of making fire

Do a hand trace drawing

Paint a picture of a type of animal

Paint a picture of a river

Paint a picture of your prehistoric house

Paint a picture of the people in your tribe

Created by: Ben Salba, Luella High School, 2010 Jamboree