Trustees Present: Chairman Paul Elsen, Stan Maligranda, Mike Mckinnon

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Trustees Present: Chairman Paul Elsen, Stan Maligranda, Mike Mckinnon

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September 10, 2012

Public Works Meeting

4:30 p.m. in the Village Hall

Trustees Present: Chairman Paul Elsen, Stan Maligranda, Mike McKinnon

Guests: Dennis Noegel (Public Works Director), Chad Insko (Director of Water), Todd Weegens (Village Engineer), and President Frank Eubank

The properly posted meeting was called to order at 4:33 p.m.

President Eubank was asked to take the minutes of the meeting.

1) Meeting minutes— Stan Maligranda made a motion to approve the Minutes of September 7, 2012. The motion was seconded by Mike McKinnon. Motion carried on a voice vote.

2) Disclosure of any Conflict of Interest - None

3) Public comment— None

4) 2013 Budget – received preliminary information from Dennis and Chad. Need to find out what the cost is to operate the water system – including preventive maintenance (fire hydrants, water meters, etc.), but not capital improvements. Dennis will work with Sally to get past few years information and get it to Paul by September 14 Finance meeting. Reserves need to be 25% of our operation expense.

5) Water System Improvements

a. Runyard Street Loop – Paul wanted it to be known that Fehr-Graham gave the Village a very good price for the permit application and helped to keep the cost down. Pavement patching and final restoration (dirt work weather permitting and grass seed, cover) only things left to do. Closing out the vendors. $5,750 is the verbal estimate received for blacktop pavement patching. Earlier estimates were between $5,000 and $8,000. Total cost is about $35,000 for whole project, which will come in well under budget. EPA permit was sent and returned.

b. Well #3/Water Tower – Todd said he would like to address the committee. Respects it is a committee decision and Paul contacted him in advance. Disappointed that recommendation was not Fehr-Graham. Especially difficult if Village receives design grant. Nothing bad to say about Strand. Believes not best choice for the Village – with large firm there might be large fees (7.5% from Fehr-Graham), and they may not look out for value proposition. Fehr-Graham does a lot of small projects for very small amounts of money, when other firms would charge much more as a loss leader to obtain additional business. Recommendation for Board tonight to award to Strand. Paul sent an e-mail to other Trustees and copy of minutes to let them know the Committee’s decision to recommend Strand.

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6) 2011 CDAP Sewer Lining Grant—Contract A was discussed at 93,400, but was originally 96,400. Could do a change order for the $93,400, but likely just keep that amount. Contract B is $61,000 some of the manholes are turf vs. paved and there was one already completed by RRWRD and the final count was different (more counted as turf than paved). Was originally presented at $59,500. Contract C was awarded for the exact amount as presented. Meeting scheduled with everyone for Tuesday, September 18, 2012, at 2:00 p.m.

7) Walking Path Grant Application— Meeting on Thursday, September 13, 2012, at 4:00 p.m.

8) MFT Project 2012—

a. DCEO Grant – bids came in very well. No issues. Contracts are getting final execution or are finalized. Should be starting very shortly. State will mail to us the 25% amount in advance of the project and then we submit the total amount we actually pay to State and they will pay the remaining 75% up to $50,000.

b. MFT Expenditures 2011 – Very near conclusion. Civil has already started work. They are doing the handicapped ramps and other required items. There was an inlet (metal casting) that was damaged. $450 is the quote for that expense. That will be added as a change order. RRWRD says they would like to do the manhole adjustments, another one says not to do the manhole adjustments and need to know whether the Village or RRWRD will actually do the repairs. Civil will repair 17 of the broken manhole covers in the Village and paid for by RRWRD. Doing work in Greenlee, The Meadows, and Resh Farms.

9) Islands— Will wait for Attorney Gaziano. Attorney Gaziano has the draft forms available. The forms will be brought before the board for final approval and then the different property owners will be contacted starting with Guy and Darla Cunningham.

10) Design Engineer Grant – nothing yet.

11) Open Action Items –

a. Clayton Court – Chad said Clayton Court owners gave Village a check for the meters. Check cleared the bank. The meters will be hand-delivered to their plumber on Monday, Sept. 17, 2012, for installation at Clayton Court Apartments. Will be a big step in Page 3 of 5

monitoring water consumption and preparing water bills and collection of water usage. There will be 7 buildings that each have at least 4 units in each building.

b. High Water Runoff from Sullivan’s Retention Ponds – Not really our concern. Private property matter. Take off for next meeting

c. Jessica Trail Detention Pond – Dennis did not have a chance to review.

12) Additional Fencing Around Public Works Garage – Wendy Williams at RRWRD estimates our cost will be $6,712,50. The two bids we had before were approximately $17,000. Looking for a verbal up to a certain expense. RRWRD has a board meeting on September 22, 2012, and will want to know if we agree to move forward. Dennis believes we should make a recommendation for the Village Board tonight. Motion to spend up to $8,000 to share expense with the RRWRD for two gates (one electronic) and extend fencing from lighted diamond south toward burn pile and then go west to join up with current fencing around lagoon and divide between general and O & M, since all departments use it. Funds will come from line item 51-44-541 ($4,000) and Street 01- 42-511 ($4,000). Stan made the motion. Mike seconded the motion. Unanimous voice vote.

13) Well #2 Repairs, Rehab & Line Stops – Previously had committee approval to do roof, put in new door, new wall, and block up window and not to exceed $6,000. Original roof was flat, then was pitched and shingled. Need to have the approval of this expense by the Village Board. The roof was fixed at an amount of $1,300. Agreed that employees can spend up to $5,000 for building repairs on Well #2, replacing the furnace, replace the door, and other necessary repairs. This expense will come out of Operating Supplies/Miscellaneous expense – 51-44-651. Got signed permits back from Village. Terry Heitkamp of Fehr-Graham and Chad discussed this matter. Pulling well is scheduled for Monday, September 17, 2012.

14) Water Deposits – Frank is looking at the Illinois Administrative Code and will discuss with employees

15) Policy for Errant Water Issues –

16) Customer Sewer Bill Concerns – Old water rate system there was a flat charge and then a per 1,000 gallon. Water was $18.50 for sewer and 2,000 gallons free. Water was around $5.00 for first 2,000 gallons, for an initial amount of $23.50 for first 2,000 gallons, but then Page 4 of 5

the water and sewer rates went up and then went down. We initially put sewer capital to explain the reason for the payment. $7.68 for first 1,000 gallons now. Now we have changed the rate per 1,000. Village has always billed for sewer and water based upon water consumption. A lot of Village residents have seen a spike because of the drought and additional usage by residents of water. Need to look at changing the name for the sewer capital charge. Mike recommends that we somehow put a cap on the sewer capital charge. Need to have a difference between commercial, residential, and industrial. Chad suggested a running average. We have software that does a running average to date for each user and maybe we can base the charge upon. Village currently flags any account that goes over their average by 25%. Village calls the resident to see if they have a leak or to determine excess usage. Recommendation to have an Ad Hoc committee deal with this issue need to look at PW, Finance issues. Decided to change the name from “Sewer Capital Charge” to “Utility Capital Fee”

17) Equipment Replacement and Upgrade – 3 bids. Ferris $8,999, Exmark $9,279 and Toro $9,499. Dennis recommends Peabudy for first choice and if that one becomes unavailable, then recommend Meridian for second choice. Ferris is a related company to Simplicity and may be owned by Briggs and Stratton. Village currently has 2003 John Deere with a 61” deck and think it will sell better in the Spring. Has over 1200 hours, but engine is newer. Mike McKinnon made motion to accept recommendation. Stan seconded motion. Voice vote unanimous. Line item51-44-830 Small Equipment. We have used bat wing mower from Township, but suggested we should have our own mower to mow the Prairie Path. Currently have 2003 85 horse power with a loader for $4,000 and could trade in for new 100 hp Kuboda. tractor to pull the deck. Bat wing mower list price is $25,000, will sell for $17,445. They will take our Balser tank in trade for $2,000. Otherwise, the tank will be scrap metal. Will bring additional information to next meeting.

18) Surplus Equipment -

19) Generator for Village Hall -

20) Employee input—

21) New Business— We have a water supply inspection tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. by IEPA. We also got another $12,000 from State of Illinois for MFT (Motor Fuel Tax) Funds. No further discussions with Win-Bur-Sew to negotiate any expense. Consider waiving 4” meter cost or exchange a portion of the cost of the EOC at Win-Bur-Sew. They have had 56 years of free water. Forreston has an Ordinance that in exchange for any fees, the fire department pays equivalent of a fire hydrant. Need to set this item for next PW meeting. Page 5 of 5

22) Executive Session- None

23) Next Meeting – October 8, 2012, at 4:30 p.m.

STAN MALIGRANDA made a motion to adjourn at 6:45 pm. The motion was seconded by MIKE McKINNON Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Franklin J. Eubank, Jr., Village President

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