Related Tossup/Bonus s1

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Related Tossup/Bonus s1



TOSSUP 1. This ruling was overturned by a federal court in 1983 after the plaintiff, who was working as a florist upon his arrest, appealed his original conviction on new grounds. Justice Murphy’s dissent in this case condemned the language in the Final Report for using such terms as “undiluted strain.” Arising from Executive Order 9066, this case allowed the continued operation of such facilities as Manzanar. For 10 points, name this 1944 supreme court case which the dissenters said fell into the “ugly abyss of racism” by upholding the World War II internment of Japanese-Americans. ANSWER: Korematsu v. U.S. [or U.S. v. Korematsu]

BONUS. Name these linguistic principles, for 10 points each. [10] This hypothesis purports that speakers of different languages actually think differently, and was developed to explain Hopi perceptions of time. ANSWER: the Sapir-Whorf-Korzybski hypothesis [accept the Whorfian hypothesis; prompt on Sapir hypothesis; prompt on “principle of linguistic relativity” or equivalents] [10] This sound shift in proto-Germanic explains why Romance languages have words such as “pater” compared to Germanic words such as “father.” It involved the disappearance of aspirated consonants and the shift of voiced stops to voiceless stops. ANSWER: Grimm’s law

TOSSUP 2. An event involving this object was investigated by the Mangrove and the Sampson Board and later by Hyman Rickover, who noted that Consul Fitzhugh Lee and Charles Sigsbee had expected no problems to come to it from Valeriano Weyler. Its 275 casualties were taken to Colón Cemetery, and the “yellow journalism of the day” seized on the events of February 15, 1898 surrounding it. For 10 points, name this ship that exploded in Havana Harbor, leading to the Spanish-American War. ANSWER: USS Maine

BONUS. It arose over the control of the Hanko naval base and was prosecuted by the coalition government of Risto Ryti. For 10 points each: [10] Name this war which saw the use of the Mannerheim line in an attempt to repel a Soviet invasion. ANSWER: the Winter War [prompt on Russo-Finnish War] [10] The Winter War, like the subsequent Continuation War, was between the USSR and this country. ANSWER: Republic of Finland [or Suomi; or Suomen Tasavalta; or Republiken Finland]

TOSSUP 3. One character in this work declares that “the bad end unhappily, the good unluckily.” A pirate attack follows the discovery of several actors playing music from inside of barrels in this play. After failing to “glean” a mentally unstable youth or amuse themselves by flipping improbable coins, the title characters are given a letter instructing the king of England to kill their companion. For 10 points, name this play in which the two title characters witness the corpse of Polonius being hidden, written by Tom Stoppard. ANSWER: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead BONUS. Answer the following about a Roman author, for 10 points each: [10] His 21 more or less extant plays introduced many figures who would become stock characters, such as the braggart soldier in Miles Gloriosus, and the old miser in Aulularia, ANSWER: Titus Maccius Plautus [10] Plautus’ the Menaechmi, which centers around two servants who happen to be twins, inspired Shakespeare to write this work about Antipholus and Dromio of Syracuse. ANSWER: The Comedy of Errors

TOSSUP 4. His wife is worshipped at a holiday called the “festival of the inkstand.” Pushkar is the only remaining temple of this god, who rides a swan called the hamsa. Over time, his legend subsumed the older god Prajapati, and this husband of Sarasvati was born from either a golden egg or a lotus in Vishnu’s navel. For 10 points, name this member of the Trimurti, the creator god of Hinduism. ANSWER: Brahma [do not accept or prompt on Brahman]

BONUS. Name these animals in Egyptian mythology, for 10 points each. [10] The patron of the pharoahs, Sobek, took the form of this animal. ANSWER: a crocodile [10] The Memphis bull Apis was the oracle of this husband of Sakhmet and short-statured creator god. ANSWER: Ptah

TOSSUP 5. Their activity and secretions are often determined using the ELISPOT technique, and go into apoptosis due to inability to express their TCR receptors or lack of positive selection. Only about 2 percent of those created actually mature and differentiate, and their receptors are constantly searching for fragments of the major histocompatibility complex, or MHC. Divided into three major types, they maintain homeostasis, activate cytokines, and destroy certain antigens. For 10 points, name these lymphocytes formed in the thymus, which can exist in the suppressor, helper, or cytotoxic varieties. ANSWER: T cells [prompt on “lymphocyte” prior to TCR, accept “lymphocyte” in place of “cell”]

BONUS. Answer the following about hair, for 10 points each. [10] This is the small skin pocket from which an individual hair cell grows. At the bottom of it is the papilla, at which capillaries nourish cells. ANSWER: hair follicle [10] Hair is made of primarily of this protein, which also forms the fingernails. ANSWER: keratin

TOSSUP 6. His ten completed concertos are the most of any nineteenth-century composer. Late in his career, he was derided for polemical writings such as “Anarchy in Music,” but he earlier won approval with such works as the Christmas Oratorio and Prometheus’s Wedding. His fifth piano concerto used a Nubian folk song and was nicknamed “Egyptian,” while his third symphony served as a treatise on the use of the organ. For 10 points, name this composer of Samson et Délila, Danse macabre, and Carnival of the Animals. ANSWER: Charles Camille Saint-Saëns BONUS. Originally executed in Dusseldorf, it depicts an event that took place on Christmas Eve. For 10 points each: [10] First identify this large painting that features James Monroe holding a flag as others on the boat try to steer through the ice floes that threaten to topple the title figure. ANSWER: Washington Crossing the Delaware [10] This German who also painted Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way for the Capitol created Washington Crossing the Delaware. ANSWER: Emmanuel Gottlieb Leutze

TOSSUP 7. Mose Coleman invented one of the more popular varieties of this food, which is the only vegetable found in a traditional haggis. Apple cider, toast, cognac, and Gruyere cheese are sometimes used in a French soup featuring this product. It comprises various species of Allium cepa, and scallions are sometimes called its “green” variety. For 10 points, the Primo Sweet and Vidalia are varieties of what vegetable, which creates sulfuric acid on reaction with liquids in the eye, producing tears? ANSWER: onions

BONUS. Name these childbirth trends, for 10 points each. [10] Education about the workings of labor and Pavlovian techniques for relaxation, especially breath control and effleurage, are part of the method of “natural childbirth” named for this French physician. ANSWER: Ferdinand Lamaze [10] This Scientologist practice is based on the idea that newborn exposure to “negativity” is traumatic. ANSWER: silent birthing

TOSSUP 8. This man’s ward keeps cutting the linen that tied her to the house and is put into the coal hole for punishment. His beloved Sarah marries the man who framed him for robbing a dying deacon, William Dane. Jem Rodney caught him during one of his visitations, and is later blamed for the disappearance of some gold, which ends up in the bottom of a pit and was really stolen by Dunstan Cass. He only talks to Dolly Winthrop, who helped raise his adopted Eppie. For 10 points, name this titular weaver in a George Eliot novel. ANSWER: Silas Marner [accept Marner; accept “The Weaver of Raveloe” before “weaver” is read]

BONUS. Name these creations of F. Scott Fitzgerald, for 10 points each. [10] In Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, this lover of the title character and husband to Tom kills Myrtle Wilson in a hit and run accident, then lets Gatsby take the blame. ANSWER: Daisy Buchanan [or Daisy Buchanan] [10] In this Fitzgerald novel, Anthony and Gloria Patch live a decadent lifestyle, fueled by their plans to inherit millions from Anthony’s grandfather Adam once he dies. ANSWER: The Beautiful and Damned [do not accept The Beautiful and the Damned] TOSSUP 9. This event was preceded by the formation of the “Patriot League” and precipitated by a young man’s frequent trips to visit his sick father in Mulhouse. It ostensibly revolved around the creation of a 75mm field gun that was secretly being developed, but was notably left off of the handwritten note that was found in Major Schwartzkoppen’s trash. Even after being exposed by Colonel Picquart, the true author of the letter, Captain Esterhazy, was acquitted. Meanwhile, its innocent namesake was court- martialed and sent to Devil’s Island. For 10 points, identify this event that prompted Zola to write “J’Accuse,” a controversy about the illegitimate imprisonment of a French-Jewish military man. ANSWER: Dreyfus affair [or scandal or whatever]

BONUS. Name these Mughal emperors of India, for 10 points each. [10] His son Khusraw and the Sikh leader Guru Arjan both rebelled against this man, whose similarly- named son built the Taj Mahal. ANSWER: J ahangir [10] This grandson of Babur had a forty-year reign in which he founded a new religion called the Din-i- Ilahi. ANSWER: Abu ul fath Jalal ud din Muahmmad Akbar

TOSSUP 10. There are six features named for Dawes on this planet, and its surface plains include the Amazonian, the Arabian, and the Hellas. Its polar caps shrink in the summer, and it was visited by the Express Orbiter and the Beagle 2 in 2003. Goethite was found in the Columbia Hills by the Spirit Rover, and hematite was discovered on Meridiani Planum by the Opportunity Rover. Its atmosphere is primarily carbon dioxide, and it was mapped by the Gobal Surveyor. For 10 points, name this planet whose canals were described imaginatively by Percival Lowell, the red colored planet just beyond Earth. ANSWER: Mars

BONUS. For a fluid, it is equal to the square root of the bulk modulus divided by the fluid’s density. For 10 points each: [10] Name this value which, for air at sea level, is about 340 meters per second. ANSWER: speed of sound [accept clear equivalents] [10] As this value increases, the speed of sound becomes less meaningful, as the medium cannot sustain longer waves. It is the average distance a particle travels in a medium without colliding with another particle ANSWER: mean free path CATEGORY QUIZ TOSSUPS

TOSSUP 11. Because it does not bind with other metals, it is the most easily extractable of all metallic ores; the metal is then obtained by heating in air, a process that also produces sulfur dioxide. Of its seven isotopes, the mass-202 nucleus is the most stable, while its mass-194 radionuclide has a half-life of approximately 444 years. Its selenide and telluride salts can be used in semiconductor manufacturing. A dimethyl compound of it causes death by inhibiting the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase, while a methyl variety can build up in the food chain, especially in fish. Once widely used in hat manufacturing, this is, for 10 points, what element whose name comes from Greek for “liquid silver?” ANSWER: mercury

TOSSUP 12. A recorder of several Meteorological Annuals, he earned the title of assistant to the royal botanist and traveled widely, but his mature work truly began after his observations of mollusks. His subsequent writings, including the three-volume Flora and his Zoological Philosophy, championed the thesis of a “tendency to perfection” and explained and popularized his theories of “use and disuse” and of “acquired characteristics.” For 10 points, identify this French pioneer of evolutionary theory. ANSWER: Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet Lamarck

TOSSUP 13. Among this ruler’s successes were the hospital reorganization carried out by Gerhard van Swieten. This monarch also established a “chastity commission” to reform public morals and oversaw Count Haugwitz’s caps on forced labor. That was more successful than the “Diplomatic Revolution” which alienated the British and caused her to lose lands in such conflicts as the War of the Bavarian Succession. For 10 points, name this mother of Marie Antoinette and Joseph II, the alleged “enlightened monarch” of Austria. ANSWER: Maria Theresa [do not prompt on partial answer]

TOSSUP 14. The Reagan administration dodged the historically frequent turnover of this office, appointing only Vernon Walters and Jeanne Kirpatrick to the post. Madeleine Albright held this job before becoming Secretary of State. The Bush administration has made four appointments to this position, including John Danforth and John Negroponte. For 10 points, name this office now occupied by Zalmay Khalilzad following a controversial eighteen-month tenure by John Bolton. ANSWER: United States ambassador to the United Nations [or Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations; accept clear equivalents; prompt on partial answer]

TOSSUP 15. He wrote of “an extraordinary incident” involving Ivan Matveitch and Elena Ivanovna in “The Crocodile” and wrote “The Little Hero” while in prison. His journals The Epoch and Vremya were both condemned by the authorities, and while he was awaiting execution, he was spared by Nicholas I and sent to Siberia. There, this author of Poor Folk began The House of the Dead. For 10 points, name this Russian author of The Possessed and the story of Rodion Raskolnikov, Crime and Punishment. ANSWER: Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky TOSSUP 16. Many materials of this type, including C32, have recently been used to deliver DNA for use in gene therapy. Atactic ones are amorphous, while ones with greater tactility are more crystalline. Random, block, and graft are the three main co-varieties, while condensation and addition are their two main mechanisms of formation. They require an ionic or free radical initiator, often produced with the help of Ziegler-Natta catalysts. For 10 points, name this kind of material that is formed from numerous separate monomers, common examples of which include starches and polyethylene. ANSWER: polymers

TOSSUP 17. He spit in reporter Oriana Fallaci’s face and recorded a novelty song in which he claims to have put the crack in the Liberty Bell before ending his career on a decision loss to Trevor Berbick. He came to international attention with the light-heavyweight gold at the Rome Olympics. He then beat Sonny Liston to become champion, but he lost his belt for refusing to join the Army. For 10 points, who participated with George Foreman in “The Rumble in the Jungle” and with Joe Frazier in “The Thrilla in Manila?” ANSWER: Muhammad Ali [or Cassius Clay]

TOSSUP 18. A silver tuba resting on its bell emits orange flame in his The Discovery of Fire. In one of his paintings, well-dressed men fall from the sky, while in another, an apple hovers in front of a man’s face. Bowler hats and misplaced naked women dominate the work of this man who also showed a train emerging from a fireplace in another piece. For 10 points, name this painter of Golconde and Time Transfixed, whose The Treachery of Images is a picture of a pipe with the words “this is not a pipe” written under it. ANSWER: René François Ghislain Magritte CATEGORY QUIZ BONUSES

ARTS: Marguierite of Valois is the lead role in this opera, which depicts the planning and execution of the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre. For 15 points, name this work by Giacomo Meyerbeer. ANSWER: Les Huguenots [or The Huguenots]

CALCULATION: You have a spinner with four regions: red, green, blue, and yellow. The red area is twice the size of the blue area, the green area is three times the size of the blue area, and the yellow area is four times the size of the blue area. If you spin the spinner twice, then, for 15 points, what is the probability that neither spin is yellow? ANSWER: 0.36 [or 9/25]

CURRENT EVENTS: Founded in 1928 by Hasan al-Banna, its leadership has been imprisoned or executed several times, and they are called the ancestors of modern Islamism. For 15 points, name this group which opposes Egyptian secularism and forms the opposition party there. ANSWER: the Muslim Brotherhood [or Hizb Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimoon]

GEOGRAPHY: It is part of the name of the river on which Seville, Spain, is located, and of the second most populous city in Mexico. For 15 points, name this term associated with the Hadramut in Yemen and Rum in Jordan, the Arabic word for a dry river bed. ANSWER: wadi [or oued]

HISTORY: It was supplanted by the Sherman Silver Purchase Act. For 15 points, what 1878 law, named for a Representative from Missouri and a Senator from Iowa, required the U.S. to purchase between two and four million dollars of bullion per month in order to provide freer coinage? ANSWER: Bland-Allison Act

LITERATURE: His other works include Waiting for the Barbarians and Disgrace. For 15 points, name this South African author of The Life and Times of Michael K. ANSWER: John Maxwell Coetzee

POPULAR CULTURE: The protagonist of this movie shares his name with the author of Call it Sleep. For 15 points, name this 2004 Adam Sandler film in which Drew Barrymore’s character Lucy Whitmore cannot remember what happened before she last went to bed. ANSWER: 50 First Dates

RMP: Their names were Pephredo, Dino, and Enyo. For 15 points, name these sisters of the Gorgons who shared one eye and tooth among them. ANSWER: the Graeae [or the Phorcides] SCIENCE: Isenthalpic processes in gases below an “inversion temperature” are subject to it. At room temperature, oxygen and nitrogen will cool upon expansion because of it. For 15 points, name this physical phenomenon partly named for the inventor of the Kelvin scale. ANSWER: Joule-Thompson effect

SOCIAL SCIENCE: It is calculated from a baseline of the natural rate of unemployment. For 15 points, name this law which predicts a 2.5 percent drop in GDP for every 1 percent rise in unemployment above that rate. ANSWER: Okun’s law STRETCH ROUND

TOSSUP 19. Quiberon Bay and the megalith sites of Kerzerho and Carnac lie in this region, which is bounded on its north and east by the Gulf of St. Malo. The départments (day-par-mon) of Ille-et-Vilaine (eel-ay-velahn), Cotes-d’Armor, Morbihan, and Finistère are found here, though it no longer contains a city known in this region’s historical language as Naoned and to others as Nantes (nans). Cities such as Quimper, Rennes, and Brest are still found here. For 10 points, identify this peninsular, westernmost region of France, named for its longtime connection to England. ANSWER: Brittany [or Bretagne; or Breizh; or Bertaygne]

BONUS. Name each of the following pertaining to particles or quasiparticles representing quantized energies for 10 points each. [10] An understanding of light as a stream of these quanta explains the photoelectric effect. ANSWER: photons [10] Mechanical propagation of speed and heat in solids can be understood in terms of these quasiparticles, quanta of lattice vibration, that are in many ways analogous to photons. ANSWER: phonons [10] An exciton is a bound state of an electron and one of these quasiparticles that can be understood as positive charge carriers in a semiconductor. ANSWER: electron holes

TOSSUP 20. The last one began as a reaction to the murder of Auguste Chapdelaine, a French missionary, and an illegal boarding of a British ship, the Arrow. The original had its roots in the breakup of the British East India Company and began as a response to the burning of an import good by trade commissioner Lin Zexu (zuh-soo). They were ended by the Treaty of Tianjin (tee-an-zing) and the Treaty of Nanking, For 10 points, what wars were fought between Britain and China over the trade of an intoxicant? ANSWER: Opium Wars

BONUS. This island, located eleven miles off the Turkish coast, was occupied by the Knights of Saint John until 1522. For 10 points per part: [10] Name this Greek island, whose city of Lindos was home to a notable sculptor named Chares, responsible for a certain large statue of Helios. ANSWER: Rhodes [or Rodhos; or Rodi] [10] This island, northwest of Leros, is home to only three thousand people, but will likely be remembered as the home to the writer of the Book of Revelation. ANSWER: Patmos [10] Both Patmos and Rhodes are part of this island chain off the southwest coast of Turkey, whose other large islands include Kos and Kalimnos. ANSWER: Dodecanese Islands [or Dodekanisa] TOSSUP 21. This rule may be derived by applying the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to the expectation value of the commutator of two operators, which leads to an intermediate form known as the Robertson- Schrödinger relation. It does not apply when the commutator of two quantum mechanical operators is zero. A form of this principle was extended to energy and time in 1945, but its standard version applies to position and momentum. For 10 points, name this principle of quantum mechanics which states that the values of two incompatible observables cannot simultaneously be known exactly. ANSWER: Heisenberg uncertainty principle

BONUS. Name these Edgar Allen Poe poems, for 10 points each. [10] This poem, which shares its name with a character from another Poe work, laments “Ah, broken is the golden bowl! the spirit flown forever!” ANSWER: “Lenore” [10] This poem about a mythical character says “Lo! in yon brilliant window-niche / How statue-like I see thee stand.” ANSWER: “To Helen” [10] At the end of this poem, the narrator lays with his decease loved “In her tomb by the side of the sea.” ANSWER: “Annabel Lee”

TOSSUP 22. Though Giuseppe Ceracchi lost his commission for a larger monument to this man, his busts were created during this man’s lifetime. Thomas Crawford featured him astride a horse while Horatio Greenough’s depiction was inspired by Phidias. The most famous statue of this man depicts him standing and includes a plough in the background—an allusion to his retirement as a farmer. That 1788 work was placed in Richmond and created by Jean Antoine Houdon. For 10 points identify this oft-sculpted subject, the first President of the United States. ANSWER: (depictions of) George Washington

BONUS. He was Lincoln’s Secretary of the Treasury before being appointed Chief Justice. For 10 points each: [10] Name this former figure of import in the Liberty and Free Soil parties. ANSWER: Salmon Portland Chase [10] An earlier justice by the similar name of Samuel Chase faced impeachment after expressing Federalist views during this President’s administration. ANSWER: Thomas Jefferson [10] Reuben Chase served with John Paul Jones, who eventually began to fight, in the victory of the Bonhomme Richard over this British ship commanded by Richard Pearson. ANSWER: Serapis

TOSSUP 23. Honor’s voice can’t provoke the silent dust, nor can “Flattery soothe the dull cold ear of Death.” This poem mentions Charles I’s opposition then suggests “some Cromwell guiltless of his country’s blood,” and “some mute inglorious Milton here may rest.” Some “hoary-headed swain” babbles some “wayward fancies” then reads (for thou canst read): “fair science frowned not on his humble birth, and melancholy marked him for her own” marked on an epitaph. For 10 points, “far from the madding crowd’s ignoble strife” is the titular location in a poem by Thomas Gray. ANSWER: “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” BONUS. Answer the following about a painting, for 10 points each: [10] The artist’s son, Jorge Manuel, is depicted on the bottom of the canvas pointing at the recently deceased title character, a man so pious that St. Stephen and St. Augustine are said to have personally attended the funeral. ANSWER: The Burial of Count Orgaz [10] This Crete-born artist of Christ Driving the Traders from the Temple and Laocoon painted The Burial of Count Orgaz. ANSWER: El Greco or Domenikos Theotokopoulos [10] El Greco also depicted a brooding, dark sky over a titular Spanish city in this famous landscape. ANSWER: View of Toledo

TOSSUP 24. A figure with the same name preceded Agamemnon as the husband of Clytemnestra. This king of Sipylus was the father of the woman who was turned to stone for boasting of her children to Apollo, Niobe. His greatest crime was giving ambrosia to mortals and gossiping about the goings-on at Olympus. For 10 points, name this man, who is also punished in Hades for causing the gods to eat his son Pelops, and who is surrounded by moving trees and a quick-drying lake which prevents him from eating or drinking. ANSWER: Tantalus

BONUS. Answer the following about an author and his work, for ten points each: [10] His biggest success was a 1913 work focused on the loves of Flora de Barral, Chance, but he remains better known for adventures of the sea like The Secret Sharer and Typhoon. ANSWER: Joseph Conrad [10] In this Joseph Conrad work the title character, who abandoned his ship, the Patna, fails to save his best friend, Dain Warris, from the pirate Gentleman Brown, and ends up being shot by the Local chief. ANSWER: Lord Jim [10] This man finds Jim employment at the trading post and narrates the novel. He is also the narrator of Heart of Darkness. ANSWER: Marlow

TOSSUP 25. Most of his ear was bitten off by a dog named Bonkers, but he got his revenge years later by biting off the dog’s ear. After the failure of his novel Second Wind of the Cuckold, he befriended the transsexual Philadelphia Eagle Roberta Muldoon, but he was ultimately assassinated by Ellen Jamesian. Conceived by a brain damaged technical sergeant at Boston Mercy and radical feminist Jenny Fields, he later became a wrestling coach. For 10 points, a John Irving novel tells of “the world according to” what character? ANSWER: T.S. Garp BONUS. Answer these related questions about genetically inherited disorders, for 10 points each: [10] A sequence of over 230 repeats of the CGG codon in the FMR1 gene results in this sex-linked disorder, which is also characterized by hand-flapping and mental retardation. ANSWER: Fragile X syndrome [accept Martin-Bell syndrome] [10] This disorder appears in men with two or more X chromosomes and one Y chromosome, who often suffer from problems such as sterility and impotence. ANSWER: Klinefelter’s Syndrome [10] Women suffering from this genetic syndrome are missing an X chromosome. Symptoms include a so-called “shield neck” along with absence of many feminine characteristics. ANSWER: Turner’s Syndrome

TOSSUP 26. He defeated a youth clothed in green and yellow garments and then buried that opponent, who regenerated as an ear of corn. This character won a fight against a wizard named Pearl Feather, and he gave the woodpecker its color. His friends Chibiabos and Iagoo sang of his victories, and he welcomed white men to the wigwam of Nokomis and listened to their stories of Jesus. For 10 points, name this son of the West Wind and husband of Minnehaha, who lives “by the shining big sea water” in a Longfellow “song.” ANSWER: Hiawatha

BONUS. Name these holidays in Islam, for 10 points each. [10] During this month on the Islamic lunar calendar, fasting takes place from sunrise to sundown each day. ANSWER: Ramadan [10] The first three days of Shawwal, the month after Ramadan, comprise this festival, when the fast is broken and the salat is said at sunrise. ANSWER: Id al-Fitr [or Id al-Sagir] [10] This Shiite-emphasized observance falls on the tenth day of Musharram and remembers the martyrdom of Husayn with processions to his tomb in Karbala. ANSWER: Ashura

TOSSUP 27. A dead one will act as a charm against spiders, and weasels are immune to its powers. It dines only on rue, since its breath withers all other plants. A toad must sit on an egg laid by a seven-year-old rooster when Sirius is in the sky in order to create one of these monsters, which can only be killed by seeing its own reflection and dying of fright or by hearing a rooster crow. Spearing this creature from horseback resulted in imminent poison for both the rider and the horse. For 10 points, name this mythical snake with a bird’s head. ANSWER: basilisk [or cockatrice] BONUS. Identify these treaties that are important in German history, for 10 points each. [10] Bolshevik-controlled Russia gave up Poland and the Baltics in this November 1918 armistice which withdrew Russia from World War I. ANSWER: Treaty of Brest-Litovsk [prompt on partial answer] [10] This August 843 treaty partitioned the Holy Roman Empire among Lothair, Charles the Bald, and Louis the German, and shares its name with a World War I battle. ANSWER: Treaty of Verdun [10] This 1992 agreement, signed in the Netherlands, transformed the European Community into the European Union. ANSWER: Maastricht Treaty

TOSSUP 28. Usher syndrome causes one version of it to fail, preventing cilia from forming, and Griscelli syndrome is also caused by an abnormality in a gene that codes for it. Its rod-shape was explored by Albert Szent-Gyorgyi in 1940, and it consists of two 20 kilodalton peptide chains intertwined at their middles by alpha helices, which form ATP-cleaving “heads” at each end. The central portion of an A band in a sarcomere, known as the H zone, is defined by the presence of this molecule. For 10 points, name this protein that accounts for about 60 percent of muscle protein, the larger counterpart of actin. ANSWER: myosin

BONUS. His operas include The Snow Maiden and Sadko. For 10 points each: [10] Name this member of The Five who also composed Mozart and Salieri. ANSWER: Nikolay Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov [10] Rimsky-Korsakov was inspired to enter music by this disagreeable man who composed Islamey and Tamara. ANSWER: Mily Alekseyevich Balakirev [10] This Rimsky-Korsakov opera about a lonely prince contains the “Flight of the Bumblebee.” ANSWER: The Tale of Tsar Saltan

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