The Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio Met This Day in a Regular Meeting, In s26

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The Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio Met This Day in a Regular Meeting, In s26

115 March 14, 2012 The Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio met this day in a regular meeting, in the J. Grant Keys Administration Building,

226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio, at 9:30 a.m. with the following members present: Commissioner Lori Kokoski, President, Commissioner Tom

Williams, Vice-President and Commissioner Ted Kalo, Member and Theresa L. Upton, Clerk.

JOURNAL ENTRY Commissioners said the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Kalo presented a 3 year old female husky mix found on Long Ave., Lorain and will be available Saturday at 3 pm or there are many other dogs to choose at the kennel it is full.

The following business was transacted ______


11:00 a.m. Proclaim March as Developmental Disabilities month – Dr. Amber Fisher. Dr. Fisher stated that many services are offered to the 2,000+ residents from birth to adult hood. Jaymin, 10 year old has been with DD since he was an infant and has a genetic disorder. Jaymin thanked the board and he likes Bernstein bears. Barb, graduated from DD in 1970 and works for FAA on a supervised crew, lives in Lorain and thanked the Board. She likes DD, they have treated her right and has learned things Anna, 55 years old and works at the vocational centers 5 days/week, she lives with her 88 year old mother and has received services since she was 10 years old. She bowls in the special Olympics and every Saturday, she washes clothes, dishes and takes out the garbage and saves her month. The Board presented DD with a proclamation and thanked them for all the services that are provided. ______



BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve the following Lorain County Job and Family Services Bills for payment, which have been signed by two or more Commissioners:

SCHEDULE VOUCHER # DESCRIPTION AMOUNT H12-1049 Building rent $24,725.25 H12-1057 In county travel $138.60 HS H12-1058 Administrative payroll $331,482.55 SB12-121 Building rent $8,214.83

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______b.2 RESOLUTION NO. 12-165

In the matter of confirming Investments as procured by the ) Lorain County Treasurer ) March 14, 2012 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby confirm Investments as procured by the Lorain County Treasurer.

DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT INTEREST EARNED / ON CUSIP # INV WITH ACCOUNT 1 3/8/2012 INT PAYMENT $5,625.00 Federal National Mortgage Assn, PO#10-0050 31398A3G5 US BANK 001050976260 2 3/8/2012 INT PAYMENT $5,750.00 Federal National Mortgage Assn, PO#11-0047 3136FRP64 US BANK 001050976260 3 3/8/2012 INT EARNED $263.37 February 1-29, 2012 15132 STAR OH 4 3/8/2012 INT EARNED $263.37 February 1-29, 2012 15132 STAR OH 5 3/8/2012 INT EARNED $4.16 February 1-29, 2012 01-14171 STAR OH 6 3/8/2012 INT EARNED $38.24 February 1-29, 2012 62106 STAR OH

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______b.3 RESOLUTION NO. 12-166 In the matter of authorizing various appropriations) BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various appropriations.

$ 760.02 to be appropriated to: labor/overtime and supplies from corsa for fire at Columbia gas building/building & grounds $ 477.28 to 1000-0000-100-104-01-5000-5001 $ 282.74 to 1000-0000-100-104-01-6000-0000 $ 20,500.00 to be appropriated to: courts special proj funds for domestic interpreter and psych evaluations and separating parents $ 3,500.00 to 2140-2033-400-000-01-6200-6218 seminar/dr $ 7,000.00 to 2140-2033-400-401-01-6200-6218 $ 10,000.00 to 2140-2033-400-405-01-6200-6218 $ 13,000.00 to be appropriated to: prof serv accts for juvenile interpreters and juvenile psych evals/dr $ 4,000.00 to 2140-2033-400-402-01-6200-6218 $ 9,000.00 to 2140-2033-400-422-01-6200-6218 $ 20,000.00 to be appropriated to: cover homeguard 206 electronic monitors for dr court $ 20,000.00 to 3120-3122-400-426-03-6050-0000

$ 185.00 to be appropriated to: contributions to isp fam stab acct/mental health

116 $ 185.00 to 8340-a200-600-i12-05-6200-6263 $ 379,189.25 to be appropriated to: carried over balances/engineer $ 283,217.00 to 5210-5212-300-000-10-6200-618 $ 8,972.25 to 5210-5224-300-000-10-6200-6218 $ 87,000.00 to 5210-5226-300-000-10-6200-6218 $ 5,500.00 to be appropriated to: cameras for jail facility, bike rack and other misc equip for year/sheriff jail construction $ 5,500.00 to 5700-cons-550-000-10-6050-0000 $ 1,601.00 to be appropriated to: repair 5 east boiler in jail/sheriff jail construction $ 1,601.00 to 5700-cons-550-000-10-6380-0000 $ 19,000.00 to be appropriated to: pay minute men hr risk management serv inc/commissioners resolution – workers com $ 19,000.00 to 7010-0000-100-000-12-6200-6203

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All Motion carried. ______

b.4 RESOLUTION NO. 12-167 In the matter of authorizing various account & fund transfers) BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various account & fund transfers. Account transfers; $ 18,000.00 from 1000-0000-100-142-10-6200-6218 refunds for lccc/commissioners gen fund To 1000-0000-100-142-01-7070-7089 $ 8,000.00 from 1000-0000-200-000-01-5000-5001 pers exp/auditor gen fund To 1000-0000-200-000-01-5040-0000 $ 5,703.36 from 1000-0000-540-000-01-6050-0000 inv to dominion voting sys for key card tool software, security key card To 1000-0000-540-000-01-6000-6009 sets and card reader/board of elections $ 2,194.00 from 1000-0000-550-000-03-6050-6054 new deputies uniforms, upcoming contracts for year, utilities, internet To 1000-0000-550-000-03-6050-0000 & medical fees, misdemeanors for law enforcement out of adv/printing $ 305.00 from 1000-0000-550-000-03-6380-6380 sheriff To 1000-0000-550-000-03-6200-0000 $ 275.00 from 1000-0000-550-000-03-6380-6380 To 1000-0000-550-000-03-6200-6202 $ 1,050.00 from 1000-0000-550-000-03-6380-6380 To 1000-0000-550-000-03-6200-6222 $ 100.00 from 1000-0000-550-000-03-6380-6380 To 1000-0000-550-000-03-6200-6228 $ 500.00 from 1000-0000-550-000-03-6380-6380 To 1000-0000-550-000-03-7220-0000 $ 5,000.00 from 2200-0000-550-000-03-6000-0000 purchase medical supplies for year and cover psychological eval for To 2200-0000-550-000-03-6000-6004 new co hires and medical forms being printed/sheriff jail $ 2,200.00 from 2200-0000-550-000-03-6000-0000 To 2200-0000-550-000-03-6200-6218 $ 500.00 from 2200-0000-550-000-03-6000-0000 To 2200-0000-550-000-03-7200-0000 $ 1,000.00 from 2300-0000-260-260-06-6050-6059 payment of set up charge for printing of youth brochures for To 2300-0000-260-260-06-7220-0000 year/workforce dev $ 2,500.00 from 2540-0000-560-000-01-6200-0000 insufficient monies to pay contracts/recorder equipment To 2540-0000-560-000-01-6200-6218 $ 52,000.00 from 3200-0000-580-00-06-6200-6217 proj exp/lcs To 3200-0000-580-00-06-6050-0000 $ 1,500,000.00 from 3340-b201-600-s12-05-6200-6293 additional exp/mental health To 3340-b201-600-s12-05-6200-6270 $ 500,000.00 from 3340-b201-600-s12-05-6200-6293 To 3340-b201-600-s12-05-6200-6276 $ 1,000.00 from 2500-2501-210-000-01-7220-0000 inv for security equip/treasurer To 2500-2501-210-000-01-6050-0000 Fund transfers; $ 3.00 from 5210-5223-999-000-00-1000-0000 surplus cash/eng mvgt To 5210-5212-999-000-00-1000-0000

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______

b.5 JOURNAL ENTRY There were no advances/repayments for this day. ______

b.6 RESOLUTION NO. 12-168

In the matter of authorizing the purchase of supplies and) Services for various county departments ) March 14, 2012 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize the purchase of supplies and services for various County departments. LOG # DEPARTMENT FUND DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE VENDOR AMOUNT 568-12 9-1-1 Agency 3480 Battery Back Up for LCSO Dispatch Vasu Communications 4,536.66 9-1-1 Agency Dept. Total $ 4,536.66 569-12 Adult Probation 2940 B.I. TAD Alcohol Detection Transmitter B.I. Monitoring 7,485.00 Adult Probation Dept. Total $ 7,485.00 570-12 Auditor’s 2480 Analysis of Current Value – Lowe’s Buckholz, Caldwell 5,000.00 571-12 Auditor’s 2480 Analysis of Current Value - JCPenny Buckholz, Caldwell 4,500.00 572-12 Auditor’s 2480 Analysis of Current Value-5401 Baumhart Buckholz, Caldwell 5,500.00 Auditor’s Dept. Total $ 15,000.00

573-12 Commissioners 1000 Deductible Billing – Dept. Domestic Rel. CORSA 5,000.00

117 Commissioners Dept. Total $ 5,000.00 574-12 COMM/BG 1000 SBPO Phone System Maint. Mar-Dec 12 Quality Communication 5,000.00 Commissioners/BG Dept. Total $ 5,000.00 575-12 Drug Task Force 3440 Lease and Maint. Contract on Copier MT Business Tech. 5,191.20 Drug Task Force Dept. Total $ 5,191.20 576-12 Engineers 2580 BPO Demolition of the Salt Dome J L Reichert 2,800.00 577-12 Engineers 2580 Amendment to P.O. 2012000904 Electrical South Shore Electric 5,000.00 578-12 Engineers 2580 SBPO Engineering Service to provide soil P.S.I. Engineering 7,800.00 579-12 Engineers 2580 SBPO Dozer Rental W/Operator Cross Roads Asphalt 5,000.00 580-12 Engineers 2580 1- Used Front Axel Support for Vehicle 229 Krystowski Tractor Sales 1,709.89 Engineers Dept. Total $ 22,309.89 581-12 Office Services 1000 Outstanding Invoice from 2011 International Paper DBA 1,245.00 Office Services Dept. Total $ 1,245.00 582-12 Prosecutor’s 1000 Fellow Shredder D & D Business Equip. 1,830.00 583-12 Prosecutor’s 1000 Lateral File (2), Shipping & Handling Bobels 2,163.38 Prosecutor’s Dept. Total $ 3,993.38 584-12 Recorder’s 2540 SBPO Monthly Resolution License/Support Cott Systems, Inc 19,200.00 585-12 Recorder’s 2540 Document Scanners- Contract Service Casnet 3,890.00 Recorder’s Dept. Total $ 23,090.00 586-12 Sanitary Eng. 7100 Wastewater Charges Collected 10/4-12/1 Grafton Village 2,515.38 Sanitary Engineers Dept. Total $ 2,515.38 587-12 Sheriff’s 2200 Uniform for Sgt. Gordon in Corrections Rakich & Rakich 1,044.98 588-12 Sheriff’s 1000 Uniform for Law Enforcement Off. Hudson Rakich & Rakich 1,167.30 589-12 Sheriff’s 5700 CyberPower Intelligent UPS, Shipping GovConnection, Inc 1,280.00 590-12 Sheriff’s 3610 BPO Marine Patrol Salary for David James L.C. Drug Task Force 3,000.00 591-12 Sheriff’s 3610 SBPO Reimbursement of NBI Overtime L.C. Drug Task Force 5,000.00 592-12 Sheriff’s 3610 SBPO Reimbursement of NBI Overtime Lorain County Sheriff 10,000.00 Sheriff’s Dept. Total $ 21,492.28 593-12 Solid Waste 2260 Cover Match & Balance of Grant Funds to L.C. Treasurer 12,965.00 594-12 Solid Waste 2260 Tent and Space Rental for 2012 L.C. Fair L.C. Agricultural Society 1,105.00 Solid Waste Dept. Total $ 14,070.00 595-12 Trans. Center 5000 Purchase and Install Biometric Handkey Life Safety Technologies 5,199.00 Transportation Center Dept. Total $ 5,199.00

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt. Motion carried. ______b.7 RESOLUTION NO. 12-169

In the matter of authorizing Travel Expenses to various ) personnel to attend meetings of interest to their departments)

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize travel expenses to various personnel to attend meeting of interest to their departments.

AMOUNT not DEPARTMENT NAME EVENT LOCATION DATE LOG # to exceed 051-12 Sanitary Engineers Hicks, Steven Emergency Supply Purchase to 2-29-12 13.80 Repair Pipe 052-12 Job & Family Griffin, Kathryn OCAPS Conference Columbus, OH 3/23/12 120.00 Services 053-12 Job & Family Schramm, David OCOWF Training Conference Newark, OH 3/29-3/30/12 292.62 Services

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt. Motion carried. ______b.8 RESOLUTION NO. 12-170


BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve the following bills for payment, which have been signed by two or more Commissioners: VENDOR PURPOSE ACCOUNT # AMOUNT General Fund Webb Supply Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $119.99 Superior Electric Supply Co. Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $63.48 Speed Exterminating Building Maintenance 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 6381 $45.00 Sandusky Electric Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $47.50 Polen Implement Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $126.95 Home Depot Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $126.65 Elyria Hardware Inc Supplies 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 $7.99 Cintas Corporation Uniform Rental 1000 0000 100 104 01 6600 6602 $109.90 Whitehouse Artesian Springs Water 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 0000 $8.00 United Parcel Service, Inc Shipments 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 0000 $3.83 Federal Express Shipments 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 0000 $18.40 CDW Government Supplies 1000 0000 100 108 01 6000 0000 $37.00 Kristen Butchko Parking Permit Refund 1000 0000 100 142 01 7070 7089 $10.00 John P. Jurco, Attorney - At - Law Defense of Indigent Case 1000 0000 500 000 02 7070 0000 $100.00 Barry Hubbard, Attorney - At- Law Defense of Indigent Case 1000 0000 500 000 02 7070 0000 $100.00 Lorain County Sheriff Defense of Indigent Case 1000 0000 500 000 02 7070 0000 $58.00 United Refrigeration Inc Building Maintenance 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 6381 $497.92 H & H Auto Parts Supplies 1000 0000 100 112 01 6380 6380 $238.55 TOTAL $1,719.16

118 Dog Kennel Ohio Edison Utility Services 2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 $189.36 Lorain County Treasurer Postage 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 6002 $3.30 Kayline Supplies 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $256.14 Elyria Public Utilities Utility Services 2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 $169.73 Cintas Corporation Uniform Rental 2220 0000 100 000 05 6600 6602 $62.90 Cintas Corporation Mat Rental 2220 0000 100 000 05 6600 6603 $61.56 TOTAL $742.99 Bascule Bridge Clemans, Nelson & Associates Professional Services 2640 0000 100 000 04 6200 6218 $865.85 TOTAL $865.85 Law Library Matthew Bender & Co. Law Books 3110 0000 650 000 02 6000 6012 $920.84 Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Law Books 3110 0000 650 000 02 6000 6011 $289.38 TOTAL $1,210.22 9-1-1 Agency Lorain County Engineer Fuel 3480 0000 100 000 03 6000 6000 $131.15 Priority Dispatch Corporation Staff Training 3480 0000 100 000 03 7200 7200 $160.00 TOTAL $291.15 Transportation Center Atlas Electrical Construction Services 5000 5010 100 000 10 6100 6104 $95.07 TOTAL $95.07 Sanitary Engineers Lorain County Treasurer Postage 7100 7118 300 304 11 6000 6002 $15.00 Continental Utility Solutions Inc Professional Services 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6218 $1,458.00 Elyria Public Utilities Utility Services 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6202 $56.70 Home Depot Supplies 7100 7100 300 304 11 6000 0000 $84.82 The Illuminating Company Utility Services 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6202 $57.61 The Illuminating Company Utility Services 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6202 $625.29 Ohio Edison Utility Services 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6202 $111.55 Windstream Corporation Telephone Services 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6202 $129.73 Windstream Corporation Telephone Services 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6202 $118.08 TOTAL $2,656.78 Airport City of Lorain - Utilities Utility Services 7300 0000 100 000 11 6200 6202 $149.96 Krystowski Tractor Sales Supplies 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 $276.37 Lorain County Treasurer Postage 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 6002 $3.12 Lorain County Engineer Vehicle Expenses 7300 0000 100 000 11 6380 6380 $33.80 Ohio Edison Utility Services 7300 0000 100 000 11 6200 6202 $127.29 Ohio Edison Utility Services 7300 0000 100 000 11 6200 6202 $10.36 Perkins Motor Service Supplies 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 $117.77 Superior Electric Supply Company Supplies 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 $62.71 TOTAL $781.38 Children And Family Council Educational Service Center of Lorain County GRF-Other Expenses 8210 FY12 100 000 14 7070 0000 $100.00 Kathleen Herald GRF/Part C - Supply 8210 FY12 100 000 14 6000 0000 $1.58 Lakeshore Learning Materials GRF-Supply 8210 FY12 100 000 14 6000 0000 $35.97 YMCA of Greater Cleveland FCSS-Client Care 8280 8288 100 000 14 6200 6219 $638.40 YMCA of Greater Cleveland FCSS-Client Care 8280 8288 100 000 14 6200 6219 $684.00 TOTAL $1,459.95

Golden Acres Gergely's Maintenance King Supplies 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $836.69 Mariotti Printing Co. Printing 3420 0000 100 000 05 7220 0000 $478.00 VanWinkle, Sue Entertainment 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 $75.00 Symphony Diagnostics DBA Mobilex USA X-Ray 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 $349.78 O'Reilly Auto Parts Auto Parts 3420 0000 100 000 05 6380 6380 $38.59 Ohio Health Care Association Educational Foundation 3420 0000 100 000 05 7070 0000 $118.50 Dues Office Max Office Supplies 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $50.23 Kucirek, Vanessa Employee Continuing 3420 0000 100 000 05 7200 7200 $15.00 Educat. Klimczak, Edward Entertainment 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 $65.00 Kelley, James DBA String Fever Entertainment 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 $80.00 Home Depot Finance Charge 3420 0000 100 000 05 7070 0000 $5.75 Invacare Supplies 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $31.32 EMH Regional Medical Center X-Rays 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 $26.87 Budget Batteries Batteries 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 $89.83 Beecher, Milton Entertainment 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 $20.00 TOTAL $2,280.56

Hospitalization Medical Mutual of Ohio Claims 2200 0000 550 000 03 6200 6228 $333.33 Medical Mutual of Ohio Claims 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 $206,836.14 TOTAL $207,169.47

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______




In the matter of instructing the Clerk to Advertise) for bids for the Reconstruct Taxilane C (Priority 2) at the Lorain County Regional Airport. ) March 14, 22012

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby instruct the Clerk to advertise for bids for the Reconstruct Taxilane C (Priority 2) at the Lorain County Regional Airport.

Said Notice to be in Chronicle on March 19, 26 & April 2 and open at 2 pm on April 10 in meeting room d

NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 10, 2012 by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners: Purchasing Department; 226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio 44035, for the furnishing of all labor, material and equipment for the Reconstruct Taxilane C (Priority 2) at the Lorain County Regional Airport, 44050 Russia Road, Elyria, Ohio, using various materials in accordance with specifications prepared by Richland Engineering Limited. All interested parties are welcome to attend the bid opening to be held immediately following the deadline in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room D located on the fourth floor of the Lorain County Administration Building. The estimated cost of all work for this project is $245,246.30. All contractors involved with this project will to the extent practicable, use Ohio products, materials, services and labor in the implementation of this project. Bidders shall submit a list of equipment available and all labor shall be paid not less than the prevailing wage rate as determined by the U.S. Department of Labor. Specifications can be obtained at the office of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners; Purchasing Department; Lorain County Administration Building; Fourth Floor; 226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio, 44035 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. A $30.00 non-refundable deposit is required for each set of bidding documents. Lorain County will not accept and/or consider any bid as an official bid unless said bidder has picked up and paid for a complete bid package from the Lorain County Purchasing Department. In order to bid this project you must be a plan holder of record with the Purchasing Department. Bids must be accompanied by a bid bond, certified check, cashier’s check, or Letter of Credit equal to ten (10%) of the amount bid or a contract bond for the full amount of the bid, as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted, a contract will be entered into and a contract bond properly secured. Should any bid be rejected, such instrument will be forthwith returned upon proper execution of a contract. A mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 4, 2012 at the project site, Lorain County Regional Airport; FBO, 44050 Russia Road, Elyria, Ohio. Each bid shall contain the full name or names of persons and company submitting the bid and shall be enclosed in an envelope marked “RECONSTRUCT TAXILANE C (PRIORITY 2)”. ALL WORK MUST BE COMPLETED WITH 75 DAYS FROM THE NOTICE TO PROCEED. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities or irregularities if it is deemed in the best interest of Lorain County to do so. Any interpretation, correction, or modification to the specifications desired shall be submitted in writing to James R. Cordes, Lorain County Administrator, 226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio 44035, and must be received at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the bid opening.

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______

COMMISSIONERS c.9 JOURNAL ENTRY Mr. Cordes requested an executive session to discuss new hires at Golden Acres, Job & Family, WDA and on going contract w/911 ______

C.10 RESOLUTION NO. 12-172

In the matter of approving and waiving the reading of the) Same for the County Commissioners meeting minutes of ) March 7, 2012 ) March 14, 2012

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve & waive the reading of the same for the Lorain County Board of Commissioners meeting minutes.

For March 7, 2012

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______



C.11 RESOLUTION NO. 12-173

In the matter of amending Res#11-739, adopted ) November 16, 2011 approving the Help Me Grow ) March 14, 2012 contracts for FY12 for Children & Families Council)

BE IT RESOLVED by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby amend Resolution No. 11-739, adopted November 16, 2012 approving the FY12 Help Me Grow Contracts.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED said contracts are considered a part hereof to this resolution by reference thereto and can be found on file in the commissioners Purchasing Office/Children and Families Council, effective July 1, 2011 thru June 30, 2012.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, said amendments reflect increase to the contracts listed below and we hereby authorize payment for the revised amounts with in contracts below:

1) Catholic Charities Community Services from $299,506.56 increased to $324,884.61 2) Lorain County Board of DD from $60,000.00 increased to $83,090.61 3) Neighborhood Alliance from $299,506.56 increased to $333,706.99

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______(discussion was held on the above)


C.13 RESOLUTION NO. 12-174

In the matter of approving & entering into a purchase of ) service contract with Catholic Charities Community ) Services of Lorain County, Elyria for purchase of WIA ) youth mentoring services )

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve & enter into a purchase of service contract with Catholic Charities Community Services of Lorain County, Elyria for purchase of WIA youth mentoring services.

Said agreement is considered a part hereof to this resolution by reference thereto and can be found on file in the Commissioners/Purchasing and WDA office, effective retroactive to March 1, 2012 – June 30, 2012.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, we hereby authorize said payments to be made in amount not to exceed $12,400 within contract.

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______

C.14 RESOLUTION NO. 12-175

In the matter of approving & entering into a purchase of ) service contract with The Workforce Institute, Elyria for ) March 14, 2012 purchase of One Stop Service Coordinator )

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve & enter into a purchase of service contract with The Workforce Institute, Elyria for purchase of One Stop Service Coordinator.

Said agreement is considered a part hereof to this resolution by reference thereto and can be found on file in the Commissioners/Purchasing and WDA office, effective July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, we hereby authorize said payments to be made in amount not to exceed $1,468,434within contract.

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______(discussion was held on the above)


C.15 RESOLUTION NO. 12-176

In the matter of approving & entering into a services ) agreement with EMH Regional Medical Center, Elyria) for the county morgue ) March 14, 2012

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve & enter into a services agreement with EMH Regional Medical Center, Elyria for the county morgue.

Said agreement is considered a part hereof to this resolution by reference thereto and can be found on file in the Commissioners/Purchasing and Coroner Office, effective until December 31, 2014 and contains a 30 day cancellation clause.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, we hereby authorize said payments to be made within the contract at a cost is $65 for storage with no autopsy and $300 for storage with autopsy/tests.

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______



C.16 RESOLUTION NO. 12-177

In the matter of authorizing Ken Carney, ) Lorain County Engineer to execute the ) Contract being prepared by ODOT, between ) March 14, 2012 K. E. McCartney & Associates, Mansfield, ) Ohio and the County for Construction ) Management Services on the Oberlin Avenue ) Phase 1 project in the City of Lorain, Ohio. )

WHEREAS, the Lorain County Engineer by letter dated March 6, 2012 submitted the following: “K. E. McCartney & Associates was selected to perform the construction management services on the Oberlin Avenue Phase 1 Project in the City of Lorain, Ohio. The selection was based on Statement of Qualifications received from thirteen consulting firms that responded to the RFQ. ODOT has reviewed the proposal and prepared a contract agreement between K. E. McCartney & Associates and the County. Their price proposal is for $230,000.00 which will be paid by 80% Federal and 20% City of Lorain funds. We hereby request the authority to allow Ken Carney to sign the contract which has been reviewed by the Lorain County Prosecutor. Please call if you have any questions in regard to this.”;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio, that based upon the letter submitted by the Lorain County Engineer dated March 6, 2012 we do hereby authorize Ken Carney, Lorain County Engineer to execute agreement between the County and K. E. McCartney & Associates as prepared by ODOT, for the Oberlin Avenue Phase 1 Project in the City of Lorain, Ohio.

This project is being funded by 80% Federal and 20% City of Lorain funds.

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______

C.17 RESOLUTION NO. 12-178

In the matter of Instructing the Clerk to advertise for ) bids for the Station Road Resurfacing Project in ) March 14, 2012 Columbia Township )

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby instruct the Clerk to advertise for bids for the Station Road Resurfacing Project in Columbia Township as follows:

Notice to be in Journal on March 16, 23 & 30 and open at 2:30 pm on April 10 in meeting room d NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be accepted until 2:30 P.M. on April 10, 2012 in the office of the Lorain County Commissioners, Purchasing Department, 4th Floor, 226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio 44035 for providing of all labor, material, and equipment for construction of the Station Road Resurfacing project, using various materials, in accordance with the specifications now on file in the office of the Lorain County Engineer, 247 Hadaway Street, Elyria, Ohio 44035. All material and equipment must meet the specifications of the Ohio Department of Transportation, and shall include all signs, lights, watchmen, barricades, etc., and work performed shall be under the supervision of the Lorain County Engineer. The project consists of the widening and asphalt resurfacing of a 2.7 mile section of Station Road from State Route 82 to Sprague Road in Columbia Township. The work also includes ditch setbacks, roadside drainage improvements, guardrail upgrades, and signing and pavement markings. Bidders must be listed on the ODOT pre-qualified list for highway construction. Bidders shall submit a list of available equipment, and labor shall be paid not less than the prevailing wage rate as determined by the U.S. Department of Labor for Lorain County. Specifications can be obtained at the office of the Lorain County Engineer, 247 Hadaway Street, Elyria, Ohio 44035 between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday thru Friday. Each bidder is required to furnish with its proposal, a Bid Guaranty and Contract Bond in accordance with Section 153.54 of the Ohio Revised Code. Bid security furnished in Bond form, shall be issued by a Surety Company or Corporation licensed in the State of Ohio to provide said Surety. Should any bid be rejected, such instrument will be forthwith returned upon the execution of a contract. Each bid shall contain the full name or names of persons and company submitting the bid, and shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope and marked “Station Road Resurfacing Project”. A non-refundable deposit of $50.00 is required for each set of bidding documents. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to waive any informalities, if it is in the best interest of Lorain County to do so. Any exceptions to the specifications shall be made in writing to the Office of the Lorain County Commissioners, attention James Cordes, County Administrator, and must be received at least four (4) days prior to the bid opening.

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______


C.18 RESOLUTION NO. 12-179

In the matter of approving amendment 3 to operating ) agreement with Aramark Correctional Services LLC, ) PA for inmate food service at Lorain County Jail ) March 14, 2012

WHEREAS, Captain Jack Hammond, Lorain County Sheriff’s Office – Jail Division by letter dated March 6, 2012 submitted the following: “It’s the time of year that we must address the annual Market Basket Increase in regards to the Food Service contract with ARAMARK, as provided for in the contractual agreement between the food services provider ARAMARK and the Lorain County Jail. This document is coming before you a little past its normal date, reason being there was a significant increase in the Consumer Price Index this year as opposed to past years and ARAMARK has been very willing to work with us to reduce this cost to levels more consistent with past years. The CIP increase was 6.23% for this year, this reflects a considerable increase and when projecting what the increased cost will be based on last years meals served, it is reasonable to believe that this would cause an additional increase in food cost for the inmate population in the arena of $54,10.49. Discussions and meetings with Jim Francis, ARAMARK Regional Manager and Trent Wright ARAMARK District Manger, has lead us to believe we can hold this annual cost increase closer to the past few years, to an estimated increase as a result of the annual review in the arena of $22,327.39. This is a projected cost savings of $31,773.60. With the below noted adjustments we can reduce the CPI increase from 6.23% to 4.4% per meal. I understand that one might not believe a 1.83% reduction in the CPI increase per meal to be significant, however, when based on last years meals served of 429,373 this is a considerable savings. The previous yeas CPI increase was 3.63% the 4.4% increase that we will incur under this recommendation is obviously a much more desirable increase then the alternative of 6.23%. We proposed to accomplish this with two changes. The first being eliminating the cost of the ten cents per meal charged to ARAMARK for allowing them to prepare meals at our site for their contractual agreements with other facilities in our county. Currently they are only engaged with one other entity. This action will allow ARARK to inure the additional expense of transporting meals to the Elyria Annex without passing the additional cost on to our meal cost. The second and most impactful cost reducing action is to replace milk that is served to the inmate population and substitute it with a dry mix “Morning Beverage”. This product has been approved by their Cooperate Dietician. This project is similar in flavor and nutritional value and is quickly being accepted at correctional facilities across the country. I personally have tried this project and believe it to be more than an adequate replacement for milk. I have also attached an index that show s the cost per meal for 2011 and for this year of 2012 based on 4.4% CPI increase. The increase noted is measured in cents. To the right of that column is the cost per meal if the milk substitute of “Morning Beverage” was not used. We expect the cost for meals in 2012 will be priced based on the highlighted row in the below chart. 4.4% 6.23% Population 2011 2012 increase increase 250-274 1.423 1.485 0.062 1.151 275-299 1.36 1.419 0.059 1.444 300-324 1.306 1.316 0.057 1.387 325-349 1.26 1.316 0.056 1.338 350-374 1.1221 1.274 0.053 1.297 375-399 1.187 1.239 0.052 1.26 400-424 1.159 1.21 0.051 1.231 425-449 1.134 1.184 0.05 1.204 450-474 1.113 1.162 0.049 1.182 475-499 1.096 1.145 0.049 1.164

S/Capt. Jack Hammond, Lorain County Sheriff’s Office – Jail Division

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby Approve amendment 3 to operating agreement with Aramark Correctional Services LLC, PA for inmate food service at Lorain County Jail.

Said agreement is considered a part hereof to this resolution by reference thereto and can be found on file in the Commissioners/Purchasing & Sheriff Office, effective retroactive to February 1, 2012 – January 31, 2012.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, the amendment is to reflect the annual adjustment for price per meal cost adjustments of a 4.4% increase for 2012 and we hereby authorize said payments to be made within agreement.

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______

C.19 RESOLUTION NO. 12-180

In the matter of authorizing the Lorain County Sheriff ) to apply for the DARE grant in the amount of $20,795,) March 14, 2012 which represents 50% of the DARE officer base salary ) for the nine month school year )

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we `hereby Authorize the Lorain County Sheriff to apply for the DARE grant in the amount of $20,795, which represents 50% of the DARE officer base salary for the nine month school year.

Said local match is $20,795 to be paid from Acct#(sheriff’s salary). Application is due to Office of Attorney General by April 2

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All. Motion carried. ______

D. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR James R. Cordes had no issues for this day. ______


Mr. Jerry Innes requested an executive session on 1 pending court action and confidential issue. ______


Commissioner Kokoski noted #4 under correspondence – Bar Association looking for space and discuss condition of old courthouse. County Administrator Cordes stated that he had several conversations with the Bar Association on space but will review again. Commissioner Williams said Bar Association has been asked to be on agenda next week. He also stated Representative Lundy and Senator Manning said there are grants available to fix old court house but county needed a $150,000 match. Commissioner Kalo said there was also a long range plan needed. County Administrator Cordes said it would cost excess of $20 million and there have been 3 major renovations. Commissioner Kokoski asked about the roof leak, County Administrator Cordes said there is a warranty and there should be no leaks now. Commissioner Williams said the county should have a plan in place to clean it up, close it, etc. Commissioner Kokoski noted #7 under board correspondence – March 29 from 9 am – 2pm, Agricultural Tire collection at Recycling Center, 540 S. Abbe Rd., Elyria. Pre-register by March 22 at 1-800-449-5463 Commissioner said Don Maybaugh, last living POW survivor in Wellington and Wellington American Legion Post 8 is selling bricks 4x8 $40 and 7x8 $75 for “Patio of Honor”

Commissioner Kalo attended board, executive and admin session at NOACA this past Friday and stilling looking for director and various projects and went to Peak and Peak this past weekend and sat with a nice couple from Elyria. Commissioner Kalo said executive session needs to be done by 2 pm he has a conference call with CCAO metro affairs board Commissioner Kalo wished everyone a Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Commissioner Williamssaid his mother’s birthday is on St. Patrick’s Day. Commissioner Williams said he attended NOACA Friday also and has a conference call at 3 today with NOACA Commissioner Williams said a letter was received from Judge Burge on the request of additional $50,000 for the Clerk or Courts budget and wanted to know if the board was going to approve or deny. Commissioner Kokoski said she will not approve she had budget department run the budget cuts from 2005-2012 and Clerk of Courts gets funds for foreclosure since 2008 and did not have a cut until 2011 which was 5% because they did not do the 8 hours work/8 hours pay, which was a lost of $17,000 in total budget. This year Clerk of Courts was cut $100,000 for a total of $117,000 from 2005 to present. She stated Clerk of Courts budget is $1.3 million, Commissioners budget was $1.6 million in 2005 and 2012 Commissioners budget is at $1.3 million, so Commissioners have been cut $303,000 compared to Clerk of Courts cut of $117,000. Commissioner cuts of $303,000 included Records Center $41,000, Capital Improvements $700,000; Building Grounds $245,000; Office Services $40,000; Telecommunications $92,000; Custodial $176,000 so the Commissioners have taken true cuts there is no special funds to raise revenues to cover cuts. County Administrator Cordes said Community Development was cut $132,000; EMA $12,400; Disaster Services $10,900, he said public assistance, Commissioner Kokoski said this was the mandated share. Commissioner Kokoski does not feel Clerk of Courts should get a break there was no real cuts with the additional foreclosures money and spoke with Clerk Upton and she stated that Clerk of Courts will like Commissioners to approve a contract to have the Attorney Generals office start collecting fines/fees, which can be done with tax returns and lottery winnings. Commissioner Kalo said no. Commissioner Williams said no but issue is can the Judges order this budget. Assistant County Prosecutor Innes said Judges have authority to order if it necessary to perform judicial duties. Commissioner Kalo said Medina County budget includes the Clerk of Courts, Prosecutor & Judicial is all done by journal entries. Commissioner Williams said last year Judge Zaleski was supported along with Clerk of Courts Nabakowski to impose the sales tax and asked the board if they are still supportive of this. Commissioner Kalo said yes, he has been saying this for 4 years, the county needs the revenue to operate county government but this takes a united board. Commissioner Williams said well the board is not united to do this and wants to sent out this message and at least until he does not get re-elected he will not impose the sales tax and we all need to work together to help this cost out and hope that the Clerk of Courts budget is not ordered because budgets can be reduced and several employees in his office has suggested this, get out of old thinking to just ask for more monies. Commissioner Williams said Sheffield Township is not withdrawing from the building department. He stated that townships can not create their own department because the county still has involved parties. Assistant County Prosecutor Innes said correct. Commissioner Williams asked if the board would be opposed to send out a letter eliminating county building department. Commissioner Kalo asked who was left. County Administrator Cordes said there is a handful and the county still has responsibilities to be cleaned up and some townships have said they would stay, like Elyria. Clerk Upton stated Elyria sent a letter 2 weeks ago to withdraw. County Administrator Cordes said he was not aware and we have a voluntary district so what precludes them. Assistant County Prosecutor Innes said we an opinion from Attorney General’s office. Commissioner Kalo said if this is the case, he would like to see everyone withdraw, shut down and take care of the last responsibilities. County Administrator Cordes said Columbia Township also was going to stay according to Community Development Director Romancak. Commissioner Williams said he has heard differently. County Administrator Cordes said this issue is just a conflict of the state trying to have entities regionalize and coordinate together and here we are having townships disband. Commissioner Kokoski said we were trying to work with the township and look at lowering fees. County Administrator Cordes said the fees are set by the board and are one of the lowest in the state and if not enough involved fees can not be decreased this is not for profit it was just keep department running and townships concern is they said the county is imposing things but realistically it is the state of Ohio code rules and regulations. Assistant County Prosecutor Innes said the codes are enforced by the state everyone has to use it, fees are comparable and townships can not contract with others if the county has one. County Administrator Cordes said there was concern by the townships about inspectors not being available during the day, etc and tried to respond in a collaborative effort that was going to be much better and then there was a tsunami wave; can’t put you out of business because of these but can because of this and this is what happened and first it was a service issue; plan was put together then it became they don’t want to do, so the transparency of the argument was there all along. Commissioner Williams said this was a voluntary department and the townships were enforced. County Administrator Cordes said there was 1 or 2 people that were discontented and destroyed the building department, that is a fact and we keep trying to hid the elephant under the carpet and pretend there is no lump there and this is the truth. County Administrator Cordes asked Don if Columbia Township was still in building department. Mr. Romancak, Director – Lorain County Community Development Department said his last communication with Linda Masterson, LCCDD Building Assistant stated they had no intention of leaving. Commissioner Williams said then there are cross singles. Mr. Romancak said Columbia Township has had many questions and meetings have been held to accommodate. County Administrator Cordes said an email was received from owner in South Amherst Village to see if the county building department could assist with a commercial development and also looking at other villages to come on board. He stated there is no sense in getting grant money from the state to consolidate services and for the county to deconsolidate services. Commissioner Williams asked about St. Joes. Commissioner Williams said the meeting in Columbus has been cancelled. Commissioner Williams there was an email from Team Lorain County and there are 3 positions on this board filled by Commissioner Kokoski, Commissioner Kalo and County Administrator Cordes. He requests that he sit on this board rather than Administrator. Commissioner Kalo said he just starting sitting on this board and the reason Administrator was placed on this board because he is here daily. Commissioner Kokoski said Commissioner Kalo was campaigning on economic development and he wanted to sit on this board because it was Commissioner Blair and Commissioner Kokoski so Ted filled the spot and would not recommend him coming off and having Administrator makes sense since he does day to day operations. Commissioner Williams said he looks at contiguity differently and how the Commissioners running for office 2 in the president year and 1 governor year. Commissioner Kokoski told Commissioner Williams to focus on NOACA. Commissioner Williams said he wants to be more involved. Commissioner Williams said the Township Association meeting has been moved to Camden Township at 7 pm tomorrow to discus joint police district ______(discussion was held on the above)


G. CLERK’S REPORT Theresa L. Upton had no issues for this day. ______


Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to approve the Board Correspondence and waive the reading of the same. Ayes: All. Motion carried.

#1. Grand Jury Report – Judge Zaleski

#2. Ohio Division of Liquor Control transfer from Columbia Station 4003 FOE Inc., 37301 Royalton Rd., Columbia Township to same

#3. Commissioner Kokoski executed OH Dept of Youth Services financial report from for Merit project II (org: DR)

#4. Lorain County Bar Association is looking to lease office space and the concern with deteriorating conditions of the old courthouse.

#5. February 16, 2012 minutes of Township Association, next meeting March 15 at Camden Township and Spring banquet is April 19, New Russia Township Hall, More info Pat Echko, 320-8558; Marsha Funk 258-3515 or Neil Lynch 988-7681

#6. Sheffield Township has withdrawn from the Lorain County Building Department (cc: LCCDD)

#7. March 29 from 9 am – 2pm, Agricultural Tire collection at Recycling Center, 540 S. Abbe Rd., Elyria. Pre-register by March 22 at 1- 800-449-5463

#8. Ohio State Beekeepers Association has concerns with a letter that was sent to Ohio County Commissioners regards to bee inspection program from Mr. Brian Farmer and these thoughts are the view of one person. Ohio Beekeepers Association represents thousand of Ohio beekeepers concerned with the spread of disease

#9. Publications: “hivelocity”; “The Murray Ridge Courier”; “NACO”; “County News”; “The Municipal”; “Lake Erie shorelines”; “Greater Ohio on the go”; “CIDS #10”; “CCAO Statehouse reports”; ______

H. PUBLIC COMMENT (Please limit your comments to three minutes) There was no public comment for this day. ______


Commissioner Kokoski, seconded by Kalo to recess into executive session at 12:04 p.m. to new hires at Golden Acres, Job & Family, WDA and on going contract w/911 and 1 pending court action and a confidential issue Upon roll call the vote taken thereon resulted as: Ayes: All. Motion carried.

Commissioners reconvened from executive session and the following resolution was adopted:


In the matter of authorizing various personnel actions as ) Indicated on the summary sheet for employees within the ) March 14, 2012 Jurisdiction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners)

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various personnel actions as indicated on the summary sheet for employees within the jurisdiction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners.

Commissioners: Intermittent employee’s sick leave accrual payoff; 1. Amend Res#11-794 - Intermittent employees – resigning or terminating will not receive pay off on their unused accrued sick leave, effective December 7, 2011 Amendment is to reflect: Intermittent employees – resigning or terminating will not receive pay off on their unused accrued sick leave before date of resignation, effective December 7, 2011 Terminations: 1. Glen Wilson, Chief Financial Analyst, effective March 15, 2012

Golden Acres: Probationary Removals: 1. Alison Murphy-Cameron, STNA, part-time, violation of attendance policy accumulated a total of 11 pointes New hires; 2. Shamar Smallwood, STNA, effective March 21, 2012 at rate of $9.64/hour

WDA: New hires; 1. Emmanuel Detres, Service Worker, part-time WIA, effective march 5, 2012 at rate of $7.70/hour

Job & Family Services: New hires; 1. Jacqueline Dunnigan, Income Maintenance Aide 2-E, effective March 26, 2012 2. Angela Gaines, Income Maintenance Aide 2-E, effective March 26, 2012

Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All Motion carried. ______



With no further business before the Board, Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Williams to adjourn at 2:28 p.m. Ayes: All. Motion carried.

The meeting then adjourned. ______)Commissioners Lori Kokoski, President ) ) ______)of Tom Williams, Vice-president ) ) ______)Lorain County Ted Kalo, Member )Ohio

Attest:______, Clerk

Please note that the Commissioners’ meetings are open to the public. The scheduled air times for the meetings will be shown on Saturday at 12:00 Noon and Monday at 11:00 p.m. subject to change at the discretion of the Lorain County Community College. The meetings might be also broadcasted in additional time periods as scheduling permits. If anyone wants to purchase a copy of the Commissioners Meeting Tapes, please call Lorain County Records Center at 440-326-4866.


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