For Alienation of a Building Parcel in Ownership of the Republic of Macedonia
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MUNICIPALITY OF GEVGELIJA ANNOUNCEMENT for alienation of a building parcel in ownership of the Republic of Macedonia by electronic public bidding in the Municipality of Gevgelija
The subject of the electronic public bidding is the building unconstructed land in ownership of the Republic of Macedonia, included in the Detailed Urban Development Plan Out of the Town for multi trade complex at the area Gevgelija – Cross Border Bogorodica, Decision No. 07-720/1 from 15.03.2011, according to the Table Schedule with the data for the building parcel, aim of the parcel, land registered parcel included in the building parcel, total area of the building parcel, construction area, percentage of construction, coefficient of utilization, maximum height to the garland, start price for square meter, total start price and deposit for attention to the public bidding.
Table Schedule No. N Aim of the building parcel N Area of the Area of Percenta Utilization Max Start Total start price Deposit o. o building parcel construc ge of coefficient imu price for (denars) for O . (м2) tion(м2) constructi m square participati f on (%) heig meter on to the th O ht to (denars) public e f b the bidding uil t garl (denars) di h and n e g p l ar a c n el d
r e g i s t e r e d
p a r c e l
G e v g e l i j a ) 1 3. B5 – Hotel complexes 3 16244 6509 40% 2,0 37,0 61,00 990.884,00 198 0 2 177,00 1 9 4 ,
p a r t
o f
3 2 9 5
a n d
3 2 9 6 / 2
Right to participate to the public bidding has as follows: 1.Private persons: citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, citizens of member countries of EU and OECD as well as citizens of non member countries of EU and OECD with reciprocity condition to have right of ownership of a building land in the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. 2.Juridical persons: domestic juridical person, juridical person in mixed ownership, juridical person established by foreign private and juridical person, registered in the Central Register of RM, foreign juridical persons residents of countries members of EU and OECD as well as foreign juridical persons residents of non member countries of EU and OECD that with reciprocity conditions have right of ownership of building land of the territory of RM.
Interested private and juridical persons submit an application form for participation to the public bidding (in written form for every building parcel separately where the parcel is named as well as the documents included, in separate envelope for every building parcel) completed with the following documents for evidence (submitted in original or notary certified copies):
1. Application form from the applicant, where data of the application and enclosed documents are named (which documents); and contact telephone number; 2. Evidence of paid deposit; 3. Certificate for citizenship for the private persons; 4. Evidence of Registration of the juridical body by adequate register for the juridical bodies;; 5. Ordered authorization for the authorized person that represent the juridical body, respectively evidence for the authorized responsible person of the juridical body; and 6. e-mail of the applicant through which the registration process is going to be proceed and user name and code are going to be submitted for internet site approach where the public bidding will take part.
The non complete applications with the above mentioned evidence will not participate to the public electronic bidding for which the applicants of the non completed applications are going to be reported by e-mail. (In case of participation to the bidding for more than one building parcel one original or notary certified copy is enough to be submitted enclosed in one application and for the others could be submitted and copies).
The applicants should submit also and application for participation to the bidding and copy of the personal bank account where the deposit of participation to the public bid could be returned.
START PRICE The start price of the electronic bid for the building parcel No. 3.01 “Smreka” settlement Bogorodica, amounts 61, 00 denars per square meter.
1. The deposit for the participation to the public bidding for every building parcel is confirmed according to the Table Schedule given to this announcement and amounts 20% of the total start price for the building parcels.
2. The deposit should be paid by transfer or by post office at the Budget of the Municipality of Gevgelija, National Bank of RM, account number 715014017763018, Income code 725939, program 00 named “deposit for public bidding for alienation of building land”
3. The deposit will be returned completely to the applicants of the public bid in 15 days from the day of the starting of the public bid, except to the bidder who offered the most favorable price, to whom after the payment of the total price reached at the public bid will be returned the paid deposit minus costs for the procedure in amount of 10% of the deposit amount.
The applications for participation in public bidding for building parcel No. 3.01 “Smreka” settlement should be submitted until 15.12.2011 at the address of the Municipality of Gevgelija 4 “Dimitar Vlahov” Str. Gevgelija or directly to the Municipal Service Center for Citizens and the public bidding will begin on 26.12.2011 at 12:00h and will take 1 (one) hour.
The public bidding will be held electronically on the website: www.
1. The Commission shall notify applicants for the completeness of the applications electronically within three days from the date of filing them, whereby for the applicants who submitted complete documentation is submitting a username and password to participate in the electronic public bidding, and for the applicants who have not submitted complete documentation is submitting a report stating that they will not participate in public bidding.
2. On the day of the electronically public bidding participants accessing on the website with the username and password that have received on the e-mail address submitted with the application for participating in public bidding.
3. Electronically public bidding may start with at least one participant in the public bidding.
4. Electronically public auction is follow by Committee, established by the Mayor of Gevgelija. 5. Electronically public bidding begins with the announcement of the initial cost of land per square meter, and it is provided by bidding of the participants.
6. The bidding is accomplish "in steps" with increasing the amount of each "step" not less than 50 denars.
7. Electronically public bidding is considered complete at the time of expiration of time specified in this announcement, where if in the last two minutes was given an offer from the participants, the deadline for completion of public bidding shall be extended for another two minutes. Extension of the deadline is allowed up to three times during the public bidding.
8. Electronically public bidding may take less than prescribed time limit, if the participants give up from further bidding and remains only one participant who is considered the most favorable bidder.
9. Participant at the public auction who offered the highest price gains the status of the most favorable bidder.
10. After the public bidding the commission is preparing report of the public bidding, which is submitting electronically to all participants in the public bidding.
11. Within 15 days of completion of the procedure for public bidding, the most favorable bidder shall pay the funds according to the final price of the bidding.
12. If the most favorable bidder does not pay the money within the prescribed period, is considered that the urban land is not removed, it will not accede to the contract for sale, the deposit will not be returned and he will not be able to participate in any future public bidding for this building parcel.
13. After the payment in the term, Mayor of Municipality of Gevgelija negotiates a contract with the most favorable bidder for sale of urban land owned by the Republic of Macedonia. According to this contract, the most favorable bidder (buyer) is obliged within 30 days of signing it to submit notary for solemnity and within 9 months following the solemnization of the agreement to provide permit for construction of the object for the building plots up to 5000m2 and 12 months from the solemnity of the contract for building plots over 5000m2, according to the urban plan by which urban land is alienated. Otherwise the contract will be terminated unilaterally and 20% of the total amount of alienation will not return to the buyer. According to the contract, most favorable bidder is obliged to build the object in accordance with the urban plan by which urban land is alienated within 6 years of approval, whereby if the object does not build in the determinate term by the fault of the buyer, the contract will be terminated and he will be obligated to pay a contractual penalty amounting to 2% of the total price of public bidding for the land for each passing month.
14. The most favorable bidder is obliged to pay sales tax that will arise as a commitment after the signed contract for sale of urban land.
15. In the price of urban land is not included the fee of arrangement of the urban land.
16. The costs of notary procedure and imposing in the records of Real estate agency, are covered by the buyer of urban land. 17. Disgruntled participants in the public bidding can lodge a complaint to the Commission within 3 days from electronically public bidding. Following the objection with the decision the Commission shall decide within five days of receiving it.
This announcement will be published also on the WEB site of the Municipality of Gevgelija
Commission for implementing the procedures for public bidding