Senior Memory Book

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Senior Memory Book

Senior Memory Book

During the course of the semester you will complete a project called the Senior Memory Book. It will consist of your memories and thoughts from your whole life. It will be due at the end of the semester, but you must begin now and work on it for the remainder of the semester in order to complete it on time without rushing.

The Senior Memory Book project will be completed through and must include 10 “chapters.” You have more topics than 10 to choose from. The underlined projects are required, and you may choose the remaining chapters to create your completed 10. Include pictures and images you feel are appropriate. Your chapters should be typed and organized in a logical manner. You do not have to follow the order of the chapters provided on this sheet, but you should organize the project before handing in the completed project. You should also include a Table of Contents detailing the titles of the chapters included in this project.

Your Senior Memory Book must include 10 of the following chapters. The chapters underlined are required.

Chapter 1: “All About Me” This chapter should include a self-description, your family history, what makes you “you”. Talk about your interests, beliefs, anything that tells about what makes up who you are.

Chapter 2: “Before I Was, There Were…” Write about your family tree. Write about any family member that might have an interesting story. Do you know where your family originates? Do you know where your family name comes from??

Chapter 3: “Family Stories” Collect at least three family stories from a variety of family members. These can be about you or someone else in your family. You can collect these in person by actually sitting down and talking to the family member, or you may write, either via e-mail or regular mail to that person. Encourage the person you talk to to be as detailed as possible and even to provide pictures if possible. Put the three stories in whatever logical order you feel is best; write an introduction and a conclusion. Within the first paragraph of each story, or as a separate introduction if you write the story in that person’s voice, identify the teller and his/her relationship to you.

Chapter 4: “Suddenly, I Became Me” When and where were you born? Were there any unusual circumstances surrounding your birth? How was your name chosen? What were the first couple of years life? What memories do you have of your first five years? Were younger siblings born during that time? Any childhood illnesses? What are some of those stories your mom tells that you wish she didn’t?

Chapter 5: “School Bells” Write a story about kindergarten through grade 3—first day jitters, fears, anticipation; learning to read and write; special friends, teacher; school programs (Did you play a tree in a school production? Include favorite childhood activities you enjoyed during this period of your life. Write a second story covering grades 4-6. Discuss how you have changed since early school years. Are you still at the same school or did you move and start all over again with new friends and teachers? How had you changed physically? Have you joined any clubs? What hobbies and activities were you getting interested in?

Chapter 6: “I Grew Up Here” This chapter is about your home and neighborhood. You may have moved around a bit; if so, include information about all you homes you lived in. Describe your bedroom over the years. How did your space change as you grew up? Describe the colors, decorations, etc. of your various rooms? What was the neighborhood like? Was there one special hangout that all the kids went to? Make the reader see the various places you lived.

Chapter 7: “My First Boyfriend/Girlfriend” Write about your first crush in elementary school.

Chapter 8: “I Wish I Could See ______Again” Tell about a childhood friend that you have no contact with any more but would like to see again. What was your relationship with this person like back then? What happened to change that? Why would you like to see this person now? What would you tell that person? Chapter 9: “Hobbies and Activities” Write about any extracurricular activities you have participated in or hobbies that consume your time.

Chapter 10: “Favorites” Write about anything that is a favorite for you – movies, songs, actors, actresses, etc.

Chapter 11: “I’m Really in Love This Time, Mom” Write about your first serious romance.

Chapter 12: “Best Friends” Write about your special friends who have had an impact on your life.

Chapter 13: “Let’s Take a Vacation” Write about a memorable trip you took with family or friends or a trip you would like to take.

Chapter 14: “High School: The Early Years” Write one story for each year: Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior. Write about your first days as a Freshman. Write about your class members and activities. What are some of your anxieties? How did you adjust to having several teachers instead of just one? What were your best and worst subjects? Remember learning to drive? How did you deal with cliques? Did you get your first job during this time? Did you have a first date? Did you go to Prom? Were you in a play?

Chapter 15: “At Last, I’m a Senior” Write a reflection of your senior year—sitting for your senior pictures, paying those dues, choosing graduation invitations, and getting measured for cap and gown. How did it feel to go through all those “lasts”—last pep rally, last dance, last football or basketball game (or other sport)? Was it everything you expected or a little different? How did YOU treat this year’s freshmen? What are you feeling now, as you get ready to embark on a new chapter of your life?

Chapter 16: If I Could Live My Life All Over Again, I Would…” Explain what you would or would not change, and why.

Chapter 17: “Glimpse Into the Future” Write about where you think you will be in ten years.

Each week we will focus on one chapter in our memory book. It is imperative that you complete work on that chapter during that week so that you don’t fall behind. Periodically, your memory book will be checked to see the progress that has been made. (These checkpoints will be worth points!) Remember; use your ingenuity to create a special memory book. Decorate your book; add a creative flair that reflects who you are. Have fun with this project!!

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