As Iron Sharpens Iron, So a Friend Sharpens

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As Iron Sharpens Iron, So a Friend Sharpens

Sharpen Ministry Core Member Application


“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend” Proverbs 27:17

DUE May 8, 2015 5:00 pm Seattle Pacific University Mission As a community of learners, Seattle Pacific University seeks to educate and prepare students for service and leadership. We are committed to evangelical Christian faith and values, and to excellence in teaching and scholarship for the intellectual, personal, and spiritual growth of our students. Office of Community and Christian Ministry Mission To participate in the fulfillment of SPU mission by promoting students’ understanding of the meaning and implications of the Christian faith; growth in Christian discipleship and community life; appreciation of the rich diversity in Christian worship; and fruitful commitment to a lifestyle of service and engagement of our culture and world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sharpen Ministry Mission Sharpen seeks to serve Jesus by promoting and supporting Christian discipleship and community for students living off campus or in the Campus Houses and Apartments (CHA). Sharpen strives to connect students by providing relational opportunities, such as eating together, studying together, worshiping together, or playing together. The Sharpen Core member seeks to grow spiritually in Jesus Christ as well as help others grow spiritually in Jesus Christ.

Sharpen Core Purpose The purpose of the Sharpen Core is to serve the spiritual needs of students living off-campus and in CHA. Sharpen Core members glorify God by demonstrating a Christian lifestyle to off-campus and CHA residents. This lifestyle requires that Sharpen Core commit itself to discipleship and community within Sharpen staff, exhibiting Christ-like love to the other members of the team. Members of Sharpen Core further demonstrate Christian discipleship and community to off-campus/CHA students through discipleship, the building of loving and encouraging relationships, the nurturing and empowering of potential leaders, supporting the work of other ministries within the OCCM, and supporting students through prayer, worship and service. Key Ministry Responsibilities: 1. To be a consistent and supportive presence among students living off-campus and in Campus Houses and Apartments (CHA). 2. To pray for the Off-campus and CHA students. 3. To recognize, disciple, encourage and empower potential leaders in the off-campus and CHA community. 4. To partner with other members of Sharpen Core to facilitate opportunities for spiritual growth such as prayer time, worship, bible study, community groups or mentorship. 5. To work in partnership with the Office of Community and Christian Ministry (OCCM) to inform students of upcoming events. 6. To serve and connect off-campus students through hospitality events, including Post Gather Lunch (PGL), Sharpen Coffee Hour, and Progressive Dinner. 7. Partner with the Center for Biblical and Theological Education (CBTE) to connect students to Lectio Bible studies or Wesleyan Class Meetings. 8. Contributing to the various ministries of other Sharpen members, and connecting students to worship and ministry opportunities present on campus. 9. To connect students to relevant services on campus, including health services and the Student Counseling Center (SCC).1 10. Fulfilling various duties as job description and needs dictate 11. Uphold responsibilities as a Campus Security Authority.1 Key Position Responsibilities: 1. Available time commitment of 6-10 hours per week. 2. Read selected book during the summer to prepare for the year ahead. 3. Attend Fall Sharpen Training and Campus Leadership Conference. This is time set aside to become acquainted with Sharpen Core, become oriented to the year, begin training process, set goals, objectives and strategies for upcoming year with both Ministry and other SPU student leaders 4. Attend relevant training events in the 2015-2016 academic year organized through Student Leadership Development Committee (SLDC). Note: This will include serving as a part of S.P.O.T. (Seattle Pacific Orientation Team), to assist students as they move in to their apartments or residence halls. 5. Attend Winter Ministry Retreat. 6. Regular one-on-one with Sharpen Coordinator (1 hour). 7. Weekly Sharpen cadre for continued training, discipleship and support (2 hours). 8. Attend Fall quarter Sharpen staff retreat and possible spring quarter retreat. 9. Participate in [In-Context] for one quarter during Sharpen year. (1 hour) Sharpen Core Members must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher.

Sharpen Core members are Campus Security Authorities:1

As someone who is in a leadership position perceived to have significant interaction with students, Sharpen Core members are defined as Campus Security Authorities, meaning you must report cases of sexual assault and violence.

1 Note: Sharpen Core members are not counselors. When helping those in distress, suffering, bereavement, or facing other difficulties, every effort should be made to support the individual. However, the CMC should recognize his/her limitations and refer such cases to the Sharpen Coordinator, RLC, Sharpen Ministries Advisor, or counseling center. About Sharpen Core

We are looking for people who are willing to commit their time, energy, and creativity to the service of their peers. We consider all interested applicants because we know the critical element in the performance of any service is not what a person can do, but rather who they are in Christ.

Desired Attributes of the Applicant 1. The desire to grow spiritually in Jesus Christ. 2. The desire to help others grow spiritually in Jesus Christ. 3. Stability and maturity, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. 4. The ability to motivate and facilitate leadership of “sharpen” relationships. 5. The ability to lead with a servant attitude. 6. The ability to work as part of a team. 7. The ability to communicate effectively. 8. The ability to organize and manage one’s own affairs (academic as well as ministry responsibilities). 9. The desire to be a part of a community supporting relationships among off-campus, transfer, and commuter students, and helping develop small group fellowship opportunities. 10. Desire to be a small group leader or mentor

Application Information Completed applications are to be turned in at University Ministries; deadline 5:00pm May 1, 2015. Please place in the Sharpen inbox in the 2nd SUB. Please type application materials. Also, feel free to include any additional information that you think might be helpful.

A Final Word to the Applicant You are encouraged to enter into the Core selection process in careful search of God’s guidance. This ministry is both challenging and rewarding. We would strongly encourage you to talk to the present coordinator or staff members to find out more of what this ministry involves. We wish you well during the selection process.

Accountability Core members shall report directly to the Sharpen Coordinator and shall ultimately be responsible to the ASSP Vice-President of Ministries.

Selection Core members will be selected by the current Sharpen Coordinator, the new incoming Coordinator, and the Sharpen Advisor. Sharpen Core Team APPLICATION FORM 2015-2016 (Please Submit in 2nd SUB by 5:00 PM, Friday, May 8, 2015)

Name ______Mailstop/Address ______Phone ______Major ______Minor ______Student ID # ______Date of Admission to SPU and Class status at time of this application______Projected Date of Graduation ______Current Cumulative GPA______Have you ever attended any other college or university? If so, where and when?

Mailing address and phone number: Street Address/PO Box ______City ______State/Province______ZIP/Postal Code______Country (if not USA) ______Phone (___) ______

Summer address and phone number: Street Address/PO Box ______City ______State/Province______ZIP/Postal Code______Country (if not USA) ______Phone (___) ______Answer the Following questions on separate sheets of paper (NOTE: Please limit answers to 500 words maximum for each question.) Please type your responses

Reason for Application Why do you wish to be considered for a position in Sharpen Core? What is it about the Sharpen core position that you are drawn to or that appeals to you?

Statement of Faith and Spiritual Growth Write a brief statement of faith. Phrase it in words a non-Christian would understand.

How would you define “reconciliation”? How does reconciliation fit into the work of Sharpen?

Briefly describe your experiences with the Church. What aspects of church life have influenced you and your faith? Have any of your experiences in the church been negative?

Identify and describe two areas of spiritual growth you have experienced this past year. What has made this spiritual growth possible? What is an aspect of Christian faith that you want to understand better?

Leadership and Service List and describe current and past leadership and/or service involvement, including SPU and non-SPU related experiences. Please list any experience in facilitating small groups or bible studies.

What makes Christian leadership different than other kinds of leadership? How do you hope to develop qualities of Christian leadership?

If you witnessed someone being alienated from the campus community, how would you respond?

What are some visions you have for Sharpen this year? What might be your approach in achieving this vision?

One of Sharpen’s goals is to create hospitable environments where people feel welcome. How do you welcome others into a new environment? Why might people feel unwelcome in a new environment?

What is the relationship among diversity, reconciliation, and ministry in your experience? Personal Background Explain three personal gifts or strengths you would bring to Sharpen Core.

Explain three personal weaknesses you would bring to Sharpen Core

As a member of Sharpen Core, you would be working in partnership with the CHA Ministry staff, Sharpen staff, and the Sharpen Coordinator. What has been your experience in accountability to a supervisor and/or team?

Sharpen’s ministry is made easier by a dynamic team. How do individuals empower the team that they work with? What makes a team work harder toward its goals?

In its ministry, Sharpen frequently encounters people from diverse backgrounds. Describe a situation where you encountered a culture that was unfamiliar or uncomfortable to you. What was it like? What did you learn?

Extra-curricular activities Please list all extra-curricular activities (including work) in which you plan to be involved next year. Give an estimate of your weekly time commitment to each. Personal References The following web link directs you to our online reference form. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to send this link to 3 personal references, and make sure that they submit this form to us by May 8, 2015. In addition, please list the contact information for these references below in case we need to follow up on any of their comments. Please note that you must have one reference from a pastor or spiritual mentor, one reference from a current student leader at SPU (RA, SMC, Ministry Core Member, etc.), and one other person of your choice who knows your heart well (and who is not a member of your family).

Online reference form link:

Reference Name Email Address Phone




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