Peer Tutor Syllabus Spring 2015-2016

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Peer Tutor Syllabus Spring 2015-2016

Peer Tutor Syllabus Spring 2016

Welcome to Peer Tutoring—the best elective ever!!!

1. Daily Participation (50% of grade) You can earn up to 5 points per day. Total points earned will be divided by total days present and working. If you are absent and it is excused, you will not be penalized for points not earned. Unexcused absences will count as a “zero-0” as your daily participation score..

Peer Tutor Expectations:  Modify work and take notes  Maintain student confidentiality  Encourage and engage student  Stay with student and don’t linger in hallways  Be on time  Respectful at all times to students, instructional assistants and teachers  Inform us of important assignments, projects, and tests of the students  Stay in class with student until bell rings. If you leave a class to take a walk break, get a hall pass from that teacher, and stay in the vicinity of that teacher so he/she can supervise you and student.  Remain with student until the bell rings. When you return to room 140 from another class, you are still working with that student until the bell rings.  Keep your cell phone in your pocket. NO in class texting or you will have to give your phone to classroom staff for the duration of the block. Refusing to give up phone or putting it away, will result in a “0” in daily participation.

Daily participation scoring is as follows: Excellent rapport Works with Works with Hangs out with Hangs out with Leaves student with student, student most of student some of student but student and does unattended, rude independently the time, looks the time, but doesn’t always work for student, or mean to looks or asks for for or asks for doesn’t put any help them work, not engaging student or peer resources, keeps resources most extra effort into never finds extra student at all, refuses to work student engaged, of the time, finding resources resources or never finds extra with student takes initiative to rarely needs or activities to activities to keep activities to keep or keep student reminders to keep student student learning student learning Unexcused working keep student engaged absence engaged

5 4 3 2 1 0

Each day you will need to sign in, then get with your student. If you don’t sign in, you could be counted absent. In class, you will help the student with notes, reading, and modifying assignments, when possible. You are responsible for reporting any projects, major assignments, and tests to Ms. Parrott. If you need any extra work for a student in the regular classroom

Peer Tutor Syllabus Spring 2015-2016 Kathy parrott| [Document subtitle] please ask. Students may have a binder containing modified work that you can remind them to take to class. If you go to class and your student is not there, return to room 140. If you have to help your student(s), help them in stages. Let them try the work on their own. If that is too difficult, then help using different prompting levels. Those levels are: I=independent; V=verbal; G/M=gestural/model, and P=physical. It may take a lot longer to do a simple activity, but at least the student completed it themselves. You are there to provide assistance to the student, NOT complete the work for them. For those peer tutors who remain in the classroom (room 140) to assist students with their Life Skills class, you will follow the student’s daily routine. Please see the teacher or the classroom instructional assistants for help or ideas at any time. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE TO KEEP UP WITH ASSIGNMENTS AND DUE DATES.

2. Peer Tutoring Memo of Understanding (50 pts., 10% of grade) Returning the memo of understanding is mandatory. Due February 5. Memos turned in after this date will be worth 25 pts.

3. Student Assignments/Activities (40% of your grade) Due dates for activities February 26 Write out a task analysis 20pts. February 26 Modify an activity 20pts. April 29 Modify an assessment 20pts. April 29 Design a folder activity 20pts. May 13 Read 10 articles provided to you by Ms. Parrott and write a short reaction to each 20pts.

Articles websites 1. 2. w_b_6695478.html 3. 4. hfa_tool_kit.pdf 5. children-developmental-disabilities-classroom-ideas 6. 7. disabilities-in-health-care.pdf 8. excluded-from-the-world-of-work-study-says/2014/02/17/f21ea34a-97f7-11e3-afce- 3e7c922ef31e_story.html 9. 10. 11.

Peer Tutor Syllabus Spring 2015-2016 Kathy parrott| [Document subtitle] West Jessamine High School Standards Based Grading Scale Policy The following Standards Based Grading scale will be used in all non-college courses at West Jessamine High School 5- Student shows total mastery of this skill and other taught skills (100% in gradebook) 4- Student shows mastery of the currently taught standard (92% in the gradebook) 3- Student shows some understanding of the standard (83% in the gradebook) 2- Student shows little understanding of the standard (72% in the gradebook) 1- Student shows minimal to no understanding of the standard (40% in the gradebook) 0- Did not do assignment (0% in the gradebook)

Confidentiality Definition: the state of being secret; "you must respect the confidentiality of your client's communications." ( “This is a big issue in the area of special education. Would you want your weaknesses known and discussed openly? Would you want others to talk about the private issues of your life? Many things that you will observe and hear in the special education program are confidential, but by the nature of the situation, you will see or hear these things. Remember that it is a privilege to be a peer tutor, and to keep everything regarding our students/friends confidential. If something troubles you, then talk with the teacher. If you are still troubled, talk with the school counselor.” (

So with confidentiality at the front of our minds at all time, this means if you take pictures or videos of yourself with other students, YOU CANNOT PUBLISH OR SHARE THEM WITH ANYONE!!!!!!! 1. Do NOT put pictures/videos of our students on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media 2. Do NOT use pictures or video of any student in any project or video that will be shared with others. 3. Do NOT print pictures of any student to display in any public area. 4. Do NOT talk about any student by name while in a public area. 5. Do NOT talk about any student by description or behavior while in a public area. 6. Do NOT talk about the student in front of the student, even if you think that student doesn’t understand or cannot communicate. Student confidentiality is very important. Please don’t share information about a student’s disability, behaviors, family, education level and ability, or any other information to any person, student, friend, or neighbor.

Peer Tutor Syllabus Spring 2015-2016 Kathy parrott| [Document subtitle] Community Based Instruction (CBI) The class goes on field trips to various locations to work on many different activities. These trips allow our students the opportunity to interact with the community and have the community interact with them. Peer tutors will go, but must receive permission from their parent/guardian (CBI Permission Form). CBI could occur during any block, and day (except 5th block). Peer tutors assist the students in the community, practicing life skills at various locations (Community Based Instruction). Peer Tutors may bring money to purchase items, but it is preferred that the peer tutors allow the students to purchase their items for them. On days that we go out to eat, peer tutors need to assist students in purchasing their meal, sit with them at tables and demonstrate good behavior and proper etiquette. Peer tutors can purchase their own lunch but they need to provide their own money. Peers also must assure that the student they are working with enters and exits the restaurant or community building and safely returns to the bus.

College Prep The elective of peer tutoring is a great opportunity for students to build credentials for college applications. The attributes required for this class are admirable and countless. If you need letters of recommendation for college or vocational school please ask and Mrs. Bibb and/or Miss Parrott will write you one. We would be happy to do that for you!

Resources: great site and sends you to other sites PECS Communication System Facts and myths about people with disabilities Human Development Institute

Peer Tutor Syllabus Spring 2015-2016 Kathy parrott| [Document subtitle] Peer Tutoring Memo of Understanding

**Students: Please sign and date to indicate that you have reviewed and understand the syllabus, specifically the assignments/activities and the due dates of each; grading, as well as, responsibilities and expectations that you will be required to follow and complete this semester. Please return this form ASAP. Thanks.

Print Name______Date______

Email (Your school email is firstname.last [email protected]) Yes, you must use your school email this semester with me.

***Parents/Guardians: Please review the syllabus, sign and date to indicate that you understand the classroom assignments/activities, grading, and expectations that your child will be held accountable for while in my classroom.

Print Name______Date______


Please provide your email and phone number

Email or


Please circle the best way to contact you: email or phone

Questions/Comments/Concerns: ______


Thank you, Kathy Parrott 859-887-2421 ext.3653 Email to: [email protected]

Peer Tutor Syllabus Spring 2015-2016 Kathy parrott| [Document subtitle]

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