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Beechwood High School

Beechwood High School English I Course Syllabus Periods 2 & 4 2016 - 2017

Instructor: Ms. Molly Seifert Room Number: 407 Email: [email protected] Office hours / after school help: Tuesdays 3:00 – 3:45

Course Description: The course is designed to present a wide range of reading experiences with print and non- print materials that have literary, informational, persuasive, and practical purposes. The courses also require students to use the writing process and criteria for effective writing to demonstrate their abilities to write in a variety of forms and for multiple audiences and purposes. Students use writing-to-learn and writing-to-demonstrate-learning strategies to make sense of their reading and thinking experiences. Speaking, listening, and observing skills are used to communicate information for a variety of authentic purposes. Course adheres to Kentucky Core Academic Standards requirements.

This course focuses on the following skills: o Close reading and analysis of texts o Effective communication in collaborative discussions in which students use textual analysis to share ideas and make decisions with peers o Fluency in writing narratives, explanations, and arguments based on purpose and audience o Vocabulary and language skills o Reading and interpreting film while comparing it to a related print version o Media literacy o Grammar, usage, and mechanics

Course Standards: College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading 1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. 2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. 3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text. 4. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone. 5. Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of the text (e.g., a section, chapter, scene, or stanza) relate to each other and the whole. 6. Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text. 7. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words. 8. Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, including the validity of the reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence. 9. Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take. 10. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing 1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. 2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. 3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. 4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. 5. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. 6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others. 7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. 8. Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism. 9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. 10. Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening 1. Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. 2. Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. 3. Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric. 4. Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. 5. Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations. 6. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Language 1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. 2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. 3. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening. 4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate. 5. Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. 6. Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

Course Texts: o Springboard Level 4 (workbook), College Board o Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics (workbook), Houghton-Mifflin o To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee o Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson o The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare o Many additional poems, short stories, essays, and articles o Two independent books

The main book selected to teach the course, Springboard Level 4, provides an excellent selection of literature works, poetry, newspaper articles, Web sites, and magazines. The course is also supplemented with a grammar workbook, Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics, that we use on a daily basis. Instructional materials include a variety of audio and/or video recordings, interviews, and websites.

Web-site Resources: o (for access to the entire Springboard book) o (Use the EXPLORE feature to type in “Molly Seifert” to access all of my instructional and review Prezis for the entire school year.) o (for citing sources) o (for research projects) o Purdue University Online Writing Lab (for grammar, usage, mechanics, writing)

Course Outline:

Please note that all dates are TENTATIVE and are subject to change as a result of assemblies, snow days, class meetings, or the instructional needs of each class.

Day # Date Assignment

1. Syllabus, name game, books, turn in summer reading assignment 2. SUMMER READING: test 3. JOURNAL: GRAMMAR: pre-test chapter 13 (subjects and predicates) SB UNIT 1: p. 1 & 4 unpack embedded assessment #1 (interview narrative) 4. GRAMMAR: check and discuss answers to pre-test SB UNIT 1: graphic organizers for key terms: voice, diction, syntax, imagery, tone; SB UNIT 1: hand out vocabulary list for UNIT 1 SB UNIT 1: begin activity 1.2 5. GRAMMAR: p. 33 sentences & fragments SB UNIT 1: finish activity 1.2 6. GRAMMAR: p. 35 subjects & predicates SB UNIT 1: vocab - narrative, narrator SB UNIT 1: begin activity 1.3 7. GRAMMAR: p. 36 simple & complete subjects SB UNIT 1: finish activity 1.3

8. JOURNAL: GRAMMAR: p. 37 simple & complete predicates NOVEL: begin novel Speak, share reading schedule and study guides. SB UNIT 1: vocab- parallel structure, phrase, clause, anaphora SB UNIT 1: begin activity 1.4 9. GRAMMAR: p. 38 subjects & predicates SB UNIT 1: vocabulary - juxtaposition, foreshadowing begin activity 1.5 10. GRAMMAR: p. 39 three tips for finding tricky subjects SB UNIT 1: continue activity 1.5 11. GRAMMAR: p. 41 compound subjects SB UNIT 1: finish activity 1.5 12. GRAMMAR: p. 42 compound predicates SB UNIT 1: computer lab to learn how to access Springboard online 13. GRAMMAR: review for subject & predicate quiz SB UNIT 1: vocabulary - direct quotation, indirect quotation, SB UNIT 1: begin activity 1.6 14. GRAMMAR: subject & predicate quiz SB UNIT 1: finish activity 1.6 15. GRAMMAR: p. 48 direct objects SB UNIT 1: (activity 1.7 can be skipped.) NOVEL: silent reading / study guide / discussion 16. GRAMMAR: p. 49 indirect objects SB UNIT 1: vocabulary - prose, nonfiction narrative SB UNIT 1: begin activity 1.8 (finish activity 1.8 online – due next Friday) NOVEL: reading quiz #1 17. JOURNAL: GRAMMAR: p. 50 direct & indirect objects SB UNIT 1: vocabulary - plot, characters, setting, conflict, point of view, theme SB UNIT 1: begin activity 1.9 18. GRAMMAR: p. 45 predicate nominatives SB UNIT 1: finish activity 1.9 (SOAPSTone activity if time remains) 19. GRAMMAR: p. 46 predicate adjectives SB UNIT 1: vocabulary – transcript SB UNIT 1: begin activity 1.10 20. GRAMMAR: p. 47 predicate nominatives & adjectives SB UNIT 1: activity 1.11 NOVEL: silent reading / study guide / discussion

21. GRAMMAR: review for complement quiz (d.o., i.o., p.n., p.a.) SB UNIT 1: activity 1.8 due online SB UNIT 1: begin activity 1.12 NOVEL: reading quiz #2 22. JOURNAL: GRAMMAR: complement quiz SB UNIT 1: finish activity 1.12 SB UNIT 1: begin interview in preparation for drafting interview narrative 23. GRAMMAR: p. 51 parts of a sentence NOVEL: silent reading / study guide 24. GRAMMAR: p. 54 review for chapter 13 test SB UNIT 1: computer lab – draft interview narrative 25. GRAMMAR: p. 55 review for chapter 13 test SB UNIT 1: computer lab – draft interview narrative 26. GRAMMAR: chapter 13 practice test (take home) SB UNIT 1: interview narrative due NOVEL: reading quiz #3 27. JOURNAL: GRAMMAR: check and discuss answers to practice test SB UNIT 1: peer revision of interview narrative draft 28. GRAMMAR: chapter 13 test SB UNIT 1: vocabulary - argument, claim, counterclaim, introduction, supporting paragraphs, concession, refutation, conclusion, call to action, SB UNIT 1: begin activity 1.13 29. GRAMMAR: self-assessment of chapter 13 test SB UNIT 1: computer lab – make revisions, edits as necessary 30. GRAMMAR: p. 61 introduction to chapter 14 SB UNIT 1: silent reading / study guide / discussion, Finish activity 1.13 if necessary 31. GRAMMAR: p. 62 prep phrases SB UNIT 1: interview narrative final draft due SB UNIT 1: (skip activity 1.14), begin activity 1.15 (due online by next Thursday) SB UNIT 1: vocabulary - analogy, figurative analogy, literal analogy 32. JOURNAL: GRAMMAR: p. 63 prep phrases as adj SB UNIT 1: vocabulary - rhetoric, rhetorical appeals, logos, ethos, pathos; introductory videos for rhetoric SB UNIT 1: begin activity 1.16 33. GRAMMAR: p. 64 prep phrases as adv SB UNIT 1: finish activity 1.16 34. GRAMMAR: p. 65 prep phrases as adj & adv SB UNIT 1: final discussion about novel, begin activity 1.17 35. GRAMMAR: quick review for Tuesday’s quiz SB UNIT 1: novel test / study guide due SB UNIT 1: activity 1.15 due online today SB UNIT 1: finish activity 1.17 36. GRAMMAR: prep phrases quiz SB UNIT 1: begin activity 1.18 37. GRAMMAR: p. 66 participles SB UNIT 1: finish activity 1.18 38. GRAMMAR: p. 67 participial phrases SB UNIT 1: prepare for argumentative essay (on demand style) 39. GRAMMAR: p. 68 participial phrases SB UNIT 1: write argumentative essay in class (with any notes, books, outlines, etc.) 40. GRAMMAR: participial phrases quiz SB UNIT 1: peer review of on demand writing 1st QUARTER ENDS

41. 2ND QUARTER BEGINS GRAMMAR: p. 69 gerunds SB UNIT 1: review for UNIT 1 TEST 42. NOVEL: library day to choose independent novel, share project ideas 43. GRAMMAR: p. 70 gerund phrases SB UNIT 1: UNIT 1 TEST, completed vocabulary list due 44. GRAMMAR: P. 71 gerund phrases SB UNIT 1: self-assessment for UNIT 1 TEST NOVEL: last day to choose a novel in the library, silent reading for those who have already chosen 45. GRAMMAR: gerund phrases quiz SB UNIT 2: p. 85 (introduction), SB UNIT 2: hand out vocabulary list for UNIT 2 SB UNIT 2: complete activity 2.2 SB UNIT 2: vocabulary - narrative, elements of plot, exposition, climax, conflict, resolution/denouement, characters, main character, protagonist, theme, point of view, irony, imagery, figurative language, symbol, allusion NOVEL: independent novel must be chosen by today 46. GRAMMAR: p. 72 participles vs gerunds SB UNIT 2: complete activity 2.3, watch videos of different points of view 47. GRAMMAR: p. 73 infinitives SB UNIT 2: vocabulary - style, emulate, sentence fragments SB UNIT 2: complete activity 2.4 online by Monday 48. GRAMMAR: p. 74 infinitive phrases SB UNIT 2: vocabulary - literal language SB UNIT 2: complete activity 2.5

49. GRAMMAR: p. 75 infinitive phrases SB UNIT 2: vocabulary - tone, irony, allusions, dramatic irony, situational irony, verbal irony; watch videos about three types of irony: dramatic, situational, and verbal SB UNIT 2: begin activity 2.6 50. JOURNAL: GRAMMAR: review for infinitive phrases quiz SB UNIT 2: activity 2.4 due online today SB UNIT 2: continue activity 2.6 51. GRAMMAR: infinitive phrases quiz SB UNIT 2 : finish activity 2.6 SB UNIT 2: complete SIFT chart p. 104 w/ small groups 52. GRAMMAR: p. 76 all verbal phrases SB UNIT 2: finish and present SIFT chart w/ small groups 53. GRAMMAR: p. 77 all verbal phrases SB UNIT 2: vocabulary – foreshadowing SB UNIT 2: begin activity 2.7 54. JOURNAL: GRAMMAR: p. 78 appositives SB UNIT 2: continue activity 2.7, due online by Friday 55. GRAMMAR: p. 79 appositive phrases SB UNIT 2: begin activity 2.8 in small groups 56. GRAMMAR: p. 80 appositive phrases SB UNIT 2: share and discuss activity 2.8 57. GRAMMAR: p. 81 review for chapter 14 (phrases) test SB UNIT 2: introduce “The Cask of Amontillado” 58. GRAMMAR: p. 82 review for chapter 14 (phrases) test SB UNIT 2: begin activity 2.9 SB UNIT 2: read short story aloud in character parts SB UNIT 2: activity 2.7 due online today 59. JOURNAL: GRAMMAR: chapter 14 (phrases) practice test and discussion SB UNIT 2: continue activity 2.9

60. GRAMMAR: chapter 14 (phrases) test SB UNIT 2: continue activity 2.9 61. GRAMMAR: chapter 14 test self-assessment SB UNIT 2: complete irony charts in small groups p. 123 62. GRAMMAR: introduce chapter 15 (clauses) SB UNIT 2: share and discuss irony charts 63. GRAMMAR: p. 89 independent clauses SB UNIT 2: review UNIT 2 vocabulary words 64. JOURNAL: GRAMMAR: (another independent clause activity – TBA) SB UNIT 2: review for UNIT 2 test 65. GRAMMAR: share signal word chart, p. 90 subordinate clauses SB UNIT 2: UNIT 2 test 66. GRAMMAR: p. 91 independent & subordinate clauses SB UNIT 2: UNIT 2 test self-assessment NOVEL: close reading activity w/ independent novel 67. GRAMMAR: review for independent & subordinate clauses quiz NOVEL: close reading activity, work on independent novel project 68. GRAMMAR: independent & subordinate clauses quiz NOVEL: silent Reading, work on independent novel project 69. GRAMMAR: p. 94 relative pronouns NOVEL: silent readiing, work on independent novel project 70. GRAMMAR: p. 92 adjective clauses NOVEL: present / submit independent novel project 71. GRAMMAR: p. 93 adjective clauses JOURNAL: re-read your journal entries. Pick one that you feel is the most interesting, insightful, well-written, etc. Revise and edit this one journal entry. Due Friday. READING SKILLS: analyze a visual text 72. GRAMMAR: p. 97 subordinating conjunctions READING SKILLS: analyze a visual text 73. GRAMMAR: p. 95 adverb clauses READING SKILLS: analyze a visual text 74. GRAMMAR: p. 96 adverb clauses READING SKILLS: analyze a visual text 75. JOURNAL: typed, revised entry due GRAMMAR: p. 98 adjective & adverb clauses READING SKILLS: analyze a visual text quiz 76. EXAM REVIEW 77. EXAM REVIEW 78. EXAMS – 1st & 2nd periods 79. EXAMS – 3rd & fourth periods 80. EXAMS – 5th & 6th periods 2ND QUARTER ENDS 81. 3RD QUARTER BEGINS JOURNAL: EXAM: self-assessment and discussion 82. GRAMMAR: p. 99 noun clauses SB UNIT 3: To Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM) gallery walk / visual images 83. GRAMMAR: p. 100 noun clauses SB UNIT 3: on-demand writing preparation 84. GRAMMAR: 101 noun, adj, adv subordinate clauses SB UNIT 3: on-demand writing day 85. GRAMMAR: review for quiz over three types of subordinate clauses p. 105 SB UNIT 3: on-demand assessment 86. GRAMMAR: quiz over three types of subordinate clauses SB UNIT 3: begin TKAM, hand out reading Schedule and study guide SB UNIT 3: begin activity 3.3 87. GRAMMAR: 102 simple and compound sentences SB UNIT 3: finish activity 3.3 TKAM: chapter 1 due 88. GRAMMAR: (another activity for simple and compound sentences – TBA) SB UNIT 3: share a list of potential topics for research, assign kids into groups of three, students must choose topic by Friday SB UNIT 3: (skip activity 3.4), begin activity 3.5 w/ songs of the Civil Rights Era TKAM: chapter 2 due 89. GRAMMAR: p. 103 complex and compound-complex sentences SB UNIT 3: continue activity 3.5 TKAM: chapter 3 due 90. GRAMMAR: (another complex and compound-complex sentence activity – TBA) SB UNIT 3: research proposal due for each group (complete in class today) SB UNIT 3: complete SOAPSTone chart in small groups TKAM: chapter 4 due 91. GRAMMAR: p. 106 sentence structure SB UNIT 3: present SOAPSTone charts TKAM: chapter 6 due 92. GRAMMAR: p. 104 review for chapter 15 test SB UNIT 3: (skip activities 3.6 & 3.7), library research TKAM: chapter 7 due 93. GRAMMAR: p. 105 review for chapter 15 test (take-home) SB UNIT 3: library research TKAM: chapter 8 due, reading quiz #1 94. GRAMMAR: chapter 15 practice grammar test (take home) SB UNIT 3: library research TKAM: chapter 9 due 95. GRAMMAR: chapter 15 test TKAM: chapter 10 due 96. GRAMMAR: self-assessment of test SB UNIT 3: library research TKAM: chapter 11 due 97. GRAMMAR: (grammar catch-up day if necessary) SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: discussion, study guide, chapter 12 due 98. GRAMMAR: p. 113 introduce chapter 16 (agreement) SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: discussion, study guide, chapter 13 due 99. GRAMMAR: p. 114 subject/verb agreement SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: discussion, study guide, chapter 14 due 100. GRAMMAR: p. 115 subject/verb agreement JOURNAL: TKAM: chapter 15 due, reading quiz #2 SB UNIT 3: begin presenting research projects 101. GRAMMAR: p. 116 subject/verb agreement SB UNIT 3: present research projects TKAM: chapter 16 due 102. GRAMMAR: p. 117 subject/verb agreement SB UNIT 3: present research projects TKAM: chapter 17 due 103. GRAMMAR: p. 118 subject/verb agreement SB UNIT 3: present research projects TKAM: chapter 18 due 104. GRAMMAR: p. 119 subject/verb agreement SB UNIT 3: present research projects TKAM: chapter 19 due 105. JOURNAL: GRAMMAR: p. 120 subject/verb agreement SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: chapter 20 due, discussion 106. GRAMMAR: p. 121 subject/verb agreement SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: chapter 21 due, discussion 107. GRAMMAR: 122 subject/verb agreement SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: chapter 22 due, reading quiz #3 108. GRAMMAR: p. 123 subject/verb agreement SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: chapter 23 due, discussion 109. GRAMMAR: review for subject/verb agreement quiz SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: chapter 24 due, discussion 110. GRAMMAR: review for quiz (if necessary – grammar catch-up day) SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: chapter 25 due, discussion 111. GRAMMAR: subject / verb agreement quiz SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: chapter 26 due, discussion 112. GRAMMAR: 125 pronoun / antecedent agreement SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: chapter 27 due, discussionn 113. GRAMMAR: p. 126 pronoun / antecedent agreement SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: chapter 28 due, discussion 114. JOURNAL: GRAMMAR: p. 127 pronoun / antecedent agreement SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: chapter 28 due, discussion 115. GRAMMAR: p. 129 pronoun / antecedent agreement SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: chapter 29 due, discussion 116. GRAMMAR: review for pronoun/antecedent agreement quiz p. 131 SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: chapter 30 due, discussion

117. GRAMMAR: pronoun and antecedent agreement quiz SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: chapter 31 due 118. GRAMMAR: p. 130 review for chapter 16 test SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: discuss, study guide 119. JOURNAL: GRAMMAR: p. 131 review for chapter 16 test SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: watch film 120. GRAMMAR: chapter 16 practice test SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: watch film 121. GRAMMAR: chapter 16 test SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: watch film 122. GRAMMAR: self-assessment of chapter 16 test SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: test, study guide due 123. GRAMMAR / SB UNIT 3 / TKAM: catch-up day as necessary! 3RD QUARTER ENDS 124. 4TH QUARTER BEGINS GRAMMAR: p. 148 active and passive voice SB UNIT 5: introduction to theater 125. GRAMMAR: p. 149 active and passive voice SB UNIT 5: background information about Shakespeare & Elizabethan Drama 126. GRAMMAR: consistency of verb tense – activity TBA SB UNIT 5: background information about Shakespeare & Elizabethan Drama

127. GRAMMAR: consistency of verb tense – activity TBA SB UNIT 5: film about Shakespeare & Elizabethan Drama 128. GRAMMAR: p. 150 lay vs lie SB UNIT 5: film about Shakespeare & Elizabethan Drama 129. GRAMMAR: review verb skills SB UNIT 5: begin activity 5.2 130. GRAMMAR: verb skills quiz SB UNIT 5: continue activity 5.2 131. GRAMMAR: begin skill-builder #1 punctuation (periods, exclamation points, question marks) SB UNIT 5: read and annotate sample theater reviews OTHER: PLAN test self-assessment 132. SB UNIT 5: read and annotate sample theater reviews GRAMMAR: skill-builder (commas) 133. JOURNAL: SB UNIT 5: present activity 5.2 SB UNIT 5: share graphic organizer for note-taking during intermission and after field trip to see play versión of TKAM GRAMMAR: skill-builder punctuation (commas) OTHER: PLAN test self-assessment

134. FIELD TRIP: Playhouse in the Park to see production of TKAM

135. GRAMMAR: skill-builder punctuation (additional comma exercise) OTHER: PLAN test self-assessment WRITING: discussion of play / prepare for on demand 136. WRITING: on-demand writing (theater review of production of TKAM) GRAMMAR: skill-builder punctuation (additional comma exercise) 137. WRITING: self-assessment for on demand writing piece GRAMMAR: skill-builder punctuation (quiz #1) OTHER: PLAN test self-assessment 138. JOURNAL: SB UNIT 5: introduction to The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet (R&J) GRAMMAR: skill-builder punctuation (colons) 139. SB UNIT 5: introduction to R&J GRAMMAR: skill-builder punctuation (semi-colons) OTHER: PLAN test self-assessment 140. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act I (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder punctuation (dashes) 141. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act I (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder punctuation (quiz #2) OTHER: PLAN test self-assessment 142. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act I (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder punctuation (parentheses) 143. JOURNAL: SB UNIT 5: R&J Act I (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder (apostrophes) OTHER: PLAN test self-assessment 144. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act I (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder (hyphens) 145. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act I Quiz GRAMMAR: skill-builder (quotation marks) OTHER: PLAN test self-assessment 146. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act II (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder (quiz #3) 147. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act II (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder (review all punctuation) OTHER: PLAN test self-assessment 148. JOURNAL: SB UNIT 5: R&J Act II (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder (review all punctuation) 149. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act II (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder (review all punctuation) OTHER: PLAN test self-assessment

150. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act II (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder (review all punctuation) OTHER: PLAN test self-assessment 151. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act II (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder TEST 152. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act II quiz GRAMMAR: skill-builder OTHER: PLAN test self-assessment 153. JOURNAL: SB UNIT 5: R&J Act III (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder 154. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act III (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder OTHER: PLAN test self-assessment 155. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act III (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder 156. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act III (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder OTHER: PLAN test self-assessment 157. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act III (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder 158. JOURNAL: Pick one journal entry to revise, embellish, and edit. Due Friday. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act III quiz GRAMMAR: skill-builder OTHER: PLAN test self-assessment 159. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act IV (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder 160. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act IV (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder OTHER: PLAN test self-assessment 161. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act IV (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder 162. JOURNAL: Typed journal entry due. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act IV (various SB workbook activities) GRAMMAR: skill-builder 163. JOURNAL: peer revise, edit journal entry. (After-school revision help available.) SB UNIT 5: R&J Act IV (various SB workbook activities) 164. JOURNAL: peer revise, edit journal entry. (After-school revision help available.) SB UNIT 5: R&J Act IV quiz 165. JOURNAL: (After-school revision help available.) SB UNIT 5: R&J Act V (various SB workbook activities) 166. JOURNAL: (After-school revision help available.) SB UNIT 5: R&J Act V (various SB workbook activities) 167. JOURNAL: final journal entry due SB UNIT 5: R&J Act V (various SB workbook activities) 168. Each person gets a copy of our own “freedom writers’ diary” SB UNIT 5: R&J Act V (various SB workbook activities) 169. SB UNIT 5: R&J Act V (various SB workbook activities)

170. Final discussion about R&J

171. Final discussion about R&J

172. EXAM review

173. EXAM review

174. EXAMS – 1st & 2nd periods

175. EXAMS – 3rd & 4th periods

176. EXAMS – 5th & 6th periods

Methods of Assessments: Classwork 25% Assignments may include silent reading, journal entries, grammar activities, reading comprehension and analysis activities, vocabulary, etc. Projects 25% Projects include all writing tasks, research projects, and oral presentations Quizzes 25% Quizzes may be announced or un-announced. Tests 25% Students will take one test at the end of each major unit.

Grading Scale: Letter Percent Grade 99 – 100 A+ 94 – 98 A 92 – 93 A- 90 – 91 B+ 86 – 89 B 84 – 85 B- 82 – 83 C+ 78 – 81 C 76 – 77 C- 74 – 75 D+ 72 – 73 D 70 – 71 D- 0 – 69 F

Classroom Expectations: 1- Respect others. Listen when others are talking; keep hands, feet, objects and negative comments to yourself. Follow directions. Be kind. 2 – Be prepared. Bring required materials to class every day, and turn in homework and assignments on time. 3 – Give 100% effort every day. 4 – No food or drinks (other than water.)

Consequences for not Meeting Classroom Expectations: 1st Consequence – Verbal warning and / or parent contact (phone call or e-mail) 2nd Consequence – Teacher detention (30 minutes the following day) 3rd Consequence – Referral to the administration Depending on the severity of the classroom disruption or behavior, the teacher may bypass consequences listed above.

Academic Dishonesty: Students are expected to be honest and ethical in their academic work. Academic dishonesty is defined as an intentional act of deception in one of the following areas:

1. Cheating- use or attempted use of information or study aids during testing. 2. Fabrication- falsification or invention of any information. 3. Assisting- helping another student commit an act of academic dishonesty. 4. Tampering- altering or interfering with evaluation instruments and documents. 5. Plagiarism- representing the words or ideas of another person as one’s own.

Attendance Policy: Make-up work: If you miss a day of school for any reason, you are responsible for getting all assignments that you missed. (It is a good idea to create a homework buddy for this class.) I will not chase you down to deliver your assignments to you. Part of being a responsible student is keeping up with your own school work. If your absence is un- excused, you will receive a “zero” for all assignments on that particular day. This is a school policy. 99% of the time, I have all assignments updated in Infinite Campus. When you are absent, please check Infinite Campus to see what you’ve missed.

Tardies: You are considered tardy if you are not in your seat when the bell rings. After three tardies, you will receive a detention. All tardies thereafter will receive a referral to the office.

Late Work Policy: One day late = ½ credit Two or more days late = 0 You may see me BEFORE an assignment is due if you need an extension.

Required Materials: o Planner o English binder (with 5 divider tabs) o Springboard workbook o Grammar workbook o Assigned novel o Pencils or pen o Highlighters o Journal o (Items in bold are provided by the school.)

Note to Parents: My number one goal is to help your child to be successful not only in this class, but in life overall. I want so badly to help create the next generation of open-minded, respectful, kind, creative, and intelligent young people. As a mother myself, I can’t help but look at each child and think, “This is somebody’s baby. How would I want other teachers to treat my own baby?” That’s how I approach teaching: I think of the kind of education that I want for my own child, and then I give that back to your child. Therefore, I promise to do my best to take care of “your baby” during his or her time in my class. I will teach, motivate, correct, challenge, frustrate, encourage, and hopefully inspire your child to grow and learn and achieve great things.

However, no matter what I do in the class, it’s ultimately up to your child to choose to learn and to run far with the skills and knowledge that I’m offering. Your child must take ownership for his or her own learning. This is a difficult task sometimes, especially at this age. That’s why I encourage open communication between parents, students, and myself. Here are the ways that I will open the lines of communication this year:

1. Infinite Campus (Parent Portal) – This is a great resource for students and parents to keep up with grades and assignments for all classes. If you need help logging into Infinite Campus, please contact the high school office. 2. Email - I will send a weekly email to all students and parents outlining the assignments, homework, and due dates for the entire week. 3. Remind 101 – This is a texting software that I use to communicate about big projects and test dates. All students will receive instructions about how to receive periodic text updates if they choose. If parents would like to receive those texts as well, please send this exact message @engseifert to this number 81010 . PLEASE RETURN THIS PAGE TO MS. SEIFERT BY MONDAY, AUGUST 24th I have read the syllabus for English I and understand the expectations for the course.

______Student’s Signature Parent / Guardian’s Signature

______Date Date

Any information students or parents would like to share with Ms. Seifert: ______

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