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u g y l b t a D a u g s y Vale of Glamorgan Council D

/ t n e m p o l Welsh-medium e v e D Education Strategic Plan d n a

g 2014 - 2017 n i n r a e L


2 Appendix 1: The Action Plan – Tackling national targets at a LA level

Section 1: Your vision and aim for Welsh-medium education

3 TheThe ValeVale ofof GlamorganGlamorgan CouncilCouncil servesserves aa largelarge andand diversediverse areaarea rangingranging fromfrom thethe denselydensely populatedpopulated industrialisedindustrialised regionsregions toto thethe sparselysparsely populatedpopulated agriculturalagricultural regions.regions. WithinWithin itsits boundaries,boundaries, therethere areare variedvaried linguistic,linguistic, culturalcultural andand socialsocial traditions.traditions. YetYet despitedespite widewide rangingranging externalexternal influences,influences, WelshWelsh mediummedium educationeducation inin thethe ValeVale isis thriving.thriving. TheThe foundationsfoundations forfor WelshWelsh mediummedium educationeducation havehave beenbeen firmlyfirmly establishedestablished andand thisthis isis reflectedreflected inin increasingincreasing numbersnumbers ofof WelshWelsh speakers.speakers. InIn 1991,1991, 6.9%6.9% ofof residentsresidents agedaged 33 andand overover werewere ableable toto speakspeak Welsh.Welsh. ByBy 2001,2001, thisthis hadhad increasedincreased toto 11.3%.11.3%. TheThe 20112011 censuscensus statisticsstatistics revealreveal thatthat thisthis figurefigure hashas nownow decreaseddecreased toto 10.8%10.8% inin thethe Vale.Vale. TheThe AllAll WalesWales figurefigure hashas alsoalso droppeddropped fromfrom 21%21% toto 19%19% overover thethe samesame period.period. TheThe initialinitial successsuccess createdcreated anan increasedincreased demanddemand forfor WelshWelsh mediummedium education.education. ThisThis demanddemand isis growinggrowing andand highlightedhighlighted inin thethe recentrecent establishmentestablishment (September(September 2011)2011) ofof twotwo newnew WelshWelsh mediummedium schoolsschools inin thethe ValeVale –– namely,namely, YsgolYsgol NantNant TalwgTalwg inin BarryBarry andand YsgolYsgol DewiDewi SantSant inin LlanilltudLlanilltud Fawr.Fawr. Furthermore,Furthermore, thethe CouncilCouncil isis committedcommitted toto ensuringensuring thatthat moremore learnerslearners ofof allall agesages areare givengiven widewide rangingranging opportunitiesopportunities toto improveimprove theirtheir skillsskills inin WelshWelsh asas notednoted inin thethe recommendationsrecommendations ofof thethe WelshWelsh MediumMedium EducationEducation StrategyStrategy 2010.2010. FutureFuture provisionprovision willwill continuecontinue toto buildbuild onon thethe goodgood practicepractice thatthat presentlypresently existsexists toto ensureensure thatthat WelshWelsh mediummedium educationeducation isis availableavailable toto allall preschoolpreschool childrenchildren onwards.onwards. WeWe aimaim toto ensureensure thatthat thisthis provisionprovision isis ofof thethe highesthighest standard.standard. ThisThis meansmeans detaileddetailed planningplanning inin orderorder toto ascertainascertain accurateaccurate numbersnumbers andand toto prioritiseprioritise resourcesresources andand training.training. TheThe authorityauthority plansplans itsits provisionprovision onon aa threethree yearlyyearly basis.basis. ResultsResults ofof surveyssurveys forfor WelshWelsh mediummedium educationeducation areare analysedanalysed andand appropriateappropriate planningplanning putput inin place.place. TheThe fivefive well-establishedwell-established WelshWelsh mediummedium primaryprimary schoolsschools andand YsgolYsgol BroBro MorgannwgMorgannwg workwork closelyclosely togethertogether inin orderorder toto improveimprove thethe qualityquality ofof teachingteaching andand learning.learning. ThisThis aimsaims toto maintainmaintain robustrobust linguisticlinguistic progressionprogression throughthrough everyevery phasephase ofof education.education. EstablishingEstablishing aa strongstrong languagelanguage continuumcontinuum isis aa prioritypriority andand TransitionTransition UnitsUnits havehave beenbeen successfullysuccessfully developeddeveloped withinwithin thisthis context.context. TheThe provisionprovision isis fullyfully inclusiveinclusive withwith opportunitiesopportunities forfor learnerslearners withwith specialspecial educationaleducational needs.needs. ExpectationsExpectations areare highhigh withinwithin allall keykey stagesstages inin termsterms ofof languagelanguage fluencyfluency andand accuracy.accuracy. TargetsTargets areare setset accordingly.accordingly. PostPost 1616 WelshWelsh mediummedium provisionprovision isis offeredoffered atat YsgolYsgol BroBro MorgannwgMorgannwg withwith supportsupport fromfrom CardiffCardiff andand thethe ValeVale CollegeCollege (CAVC).(CAVC). AA rangerange ofof WelshWelsh mediummedium coursescourses bothboth academicacademic andand vocationalvocational areare provided.provided. OurOur aimaim isis toto expandexpand thethe numbernumber ofof vocationalvocational coursescourses offeredoffered inin orderorder toto givegive learnerslearners thethe opportunitiesopportunities ofof usingusing WelshWelsh outsideoutside thethe schoolschool gates.gates. TheThe ValeVale SchoolSchool ImprovementImprovement ServiceService worksworks closelyclosely withwith colleaguescolleagues fromfrom neighbouringneighbouring authoritiesauthorities toto improveimprove trainingtraining andand supportsupport forfor teachers.teachers. StrategiesStrategies areare deviseddevised toto enableenable thethe sharingsharing ofof resourcesresources andand aspectsaspects ofof provision.provision. TheThe futurefuture ofof WelshWelsh languagelanguage educationeducation reliesrelies heavilyheavily onon thethe strongstrong partnershippartnership betweenbetween allall shareholders.shareholders. TheThe partnershippartnership aimsaims toto ensureensure thatthat learnerslearners inin thethe ValeVale ofof GlamorganGlamorgan havehave opportunitiesopportunities toto useuse WelshWelsh inin allall aspectsaspects ofof everydayeveryday life.life. AllAll effortsefforts areare mademade toto provideprovide thethe veryvery bestbest conditionsconditions inin whichwhich toto supportsupport thethe confidentconfident bilingualbilingual citizenscitizens ofof thethe future.future.

4 Section 1.1: Transport Policy

Local Authorities have a statutory duty to provide pupils with free transport to the nearest available school if they reside beyond ‘walking distance’ to that school. The law relating to ‘walking distance’ is defined as two miles for Primary age and three miles for Secondary age, measured by the nearest available route.

The Vale Council provides transport as follows:

• for primary age pupils residing over 2 miles from their nearest or designated catchment area primary school • for secondary age pupils residing over 3 miles from their nearest or designated catchment area secondary school.

No free transport is provided to pre-school pupils.

The above distance criteria will apply to both denominational and Welsh medium education provision. However, where pupils attend, as a result of parental preference, a school other than the nearest or designated catchment area school, it must be understood that parents accept full responsibility for transport costs and arrangements. Pupils who do not qualify for free transport are sometimes permitted to travel on special contract vehicles on payment of a fare (currently £225 per annum - but is subject to review) but only where spare space exists.

As a result of the establishment of Ysgol Dewi Sant in Llantwit Major free transport will continue to be provided in future to Ysgol Iolo Morganwg from the greater Llantwit Major area to meet parents preference but only for those children with an existing sibling connection at Ysgol Iolo Morganwg.

The longest distance pupils have to travel to attend Welsh-medium education in comparison with English-medium education is shown below:

5 Primary School Secondary School

Welsh-medium 9.731 miles Welsh-medium 19.03 miles

English-medium 9.88 miles English-medium 10 miles

Section 2: The Action Plan

Outcome 1: More seven-year-old children being taught through the medium of Welsh You should also complete Appendix 3 A. Objective B. Current performance C. Timetable D. Progress report (Questions to be answered) of future plans 1.1 Increase the The table below shows the number and percentage of number of seven year old children taught through the medium of seven-year- Welsh old children taught Year No of children Year 2 pupils in Welsh through the in year 2 cohort medium education medium of No % Welsh 2009 1445 187 12.94 2010 1407 179 12.72 2011 1472 184 12.5 2012 1469 195 13.27 2013 1573 208 13.22

6 The number of 7-year-old learners who are educated through the medium of Welsh is expected to increase as a result of the present growth in demand for Welsh medium reception places

Current Performance

The demand for Welsh Medium Education in the Vale has risen steadily in recent years, and this is reflected in the annual increase in the numbers of pupils receiving Welsh Medium Education. In 2007/8-10.26% of total cohort were taught through the medium of Welsh compared to 13% of total cohort in 2012/13 (PLASC January 2013) 13% of the total LA Year 2 cohort were assessed in Welsh First Language (NDC May 2013 and PLASC January 2013) The 2009 - Parental Preference Survey (PPS) identified Llantwit Major and Barry as areas of the Vale where an unmet demand for Welsh-medium Education was Welsh Medium present. pupil Request for admission to the 5 Welsh-medium Primary projections Schools in the Vale for September 2011 was higher than reviewed the allocated admission number for all 5 schools. annually This shortfall was addressed by establishing a new school at Llantwit Major, Ysgol Gymraeg Dewi Sant and a fourth Welsh-medium primary school in Barry, Ysgol Gymraeg Nant Talwg. To meet the increase in demand for Welsh-medium education in the Penarth area, Ysgol Pen y Garth was re modelled during the summer of 2011 in order to increase the admission capacity from 350 to 420 pupil places.

7 A further PPS was undertaken between 30 September and 8 November 2013. The questionnaire followed WG guidelines. We are currently awaiting the analysis of this survey to guide further plans for Welsh Medium education provision.

Planned Action

Welsh Medium pupil projections are reviewed annually by the Vale Strategic Planning and Performance Dept. This is in line with the authority’s strategy for planning school places. Improve access to Welsh-medium education within children’s’ local communities; the LA is reviewing future demand to consider a more permanent solution to meet demand in the Barry area. Current pupil projections for 2014 are indicating that further reception places will be needed for September 2014 in the Barry area. On 23rd September 2013 Cabinet approved undertaking a statutory consultation process on the proposal to expand Ysgol Gwaun y Nant to a 420 place school by remodelling the existing Ysgol Gwaun y Nant and adjoining Oakfield Primary school and building a new school to accommodate Oakfield Primary. This will meet current forecast growth in Welsh medium education for the foreseeable future.

Consideration needs to be given to review the provision at the Ysgol Gyfun Bro Morgannwg (YGBM) site in order that the long term Welsh-medium strategic plan is clarified. Approval will be sort from Cabinet to progress an initial

8 feasibility study.

1.2 Adopt Current Performance systematic processes for The most recent Childcare Sufficiency Assessment measuring the Survey to assess the supply and demand for Welsh- demand for medium childcare provision in the Vale was completed Welsh- 2010/11. The survey can be viewed at medium www.valeofglamorgan.gov.uk/fis childcare and An Action Plan was developed to highlight the gaps and Welsh- priorities arising from the CSA. Progress against the medium priorities within Action Plan are reviewed on a regular statutory basis at the Early Years Development & Childcare educational Partnership meetings. Annual reviews of the CSA are provision. Act carried out in order to update the information required. promptly on The Action Plan can be viewed at the findings of www.valeofglamorgan.gov.uk/fis parental Annual reviews surveys. These web pages provide useful publications on raising are carried out; children through the medium of Welsh and links to other a full report is services supporting the Welsh language. There are also due in 2013-14 links to Welsh language courses. The Family Information Service is required by the Welsh Reviews of the Government to gather information on the language used CSA are in childcare settings annually. 5 categories are used. completed annually. Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership Full report

9 continues to meet bi-monthly. completed every 3-4 yrs As of 31 October 2013 there are: and outcomes  9 Welsh Medium childcare settings, of which 6 are shared with all registered. Cyclh Meithrin Camau Cyntaf closed key October half term because of staffing and shareholders. sustainability issues. A new Cylch Meithrin (Dechrau Cysgu) opened in the Gibbonsdown area of Barry on the 4th November 2013. All Cylchoedd Meithrin are registered with CSSIW except CM Dinas Powys which is unable to register due to the unsuitability of the building to meet the requirements of CSSIW.  8 Welsh and English Medium settings, of which all are registered  3 Bilingual settings, of which all are registered (these are not members of MM)  448 childcare places in the above settings, of which 380 are registered  from November 2012 to October 2013 we have received 7 requests for Welsh medium information and 46 requests for information on Cylchoedd Meithrin, this indicates a slight decrease on the previous year’s requests. This information is recorded on the Ffynnon performance management software.

Mudiad Meithrin (MM) support new and existing settings and received financial support from the Community Focused Schools Budget to extend provision in the Penarth area. Funding has been granted and support given to a daycare setting (St Aubins) in Penarth to establish a

10 Welsh unit. Support to the group is ongoing.

Community Focused School funding is now Out of Schools Childcare Grant (OOSG). St Aubin Day nursery in Penarth were awarded OOSG funding in 2012/13 to support the set up of a Welsh unit within the nursery – 5 children supported.

Cylch Meithrin Llanilltud Fawr received financial support from the Authority in order to re establish the Cylch at Llanilltud Fawr prior to Ysgol Dewi Sant opening in Sept 2011. Provision for wrap around care for 3 yr olds is now available.

Cylch Meithrin Llanilltud Fawr also received OOSG funding in 2012-13 to support the sustainability of the setting.

Cylchoedd Meithrin Llanilltud Fawr, Y Bontfaen and Bethesda offer wrap around service for their local Welsh medium schools.

Cylch Meithrin Y Bontfaen is registered with the LA for the provision of education for 3 year olds.

Out of School Childcare Grant funding has been given to set up a new Cylch Meithrin in Gibbonsdown, Barry. Close working links have been established with Ysgol Gwaun y Nant regarding the cylch feeding into the school and further discussions take place in regards to the expansion proposals for the school.

11 The Early Years Development & Childcare Partnership continue to offer support to Mudiad regarding the establishment and sustainability of Cylchoedd Meirthrin in the Vale of Glamorgan.

Mudiad Meithrin co-ordinator and Development officer continue to be members of the Vale Early Years partnership in 2013/14 updating officers on quarterly basis.

Planned Action

Full Childcare Sufficiency Assessment is underway for 2013/14 – completion date April 2014

An action plan will be developed in line with the completed report – May 2014 with progress against the priorities being reviewed on a regular basis at the Early Years Development & childcare Partnership (EYDCP) meetings. Continue to provide a high quality part time placement within Welsh-medium education in the term following a child’s 3rd birthday for every parent or guardian who wish for it.

Ensure sufficient places for Welsh-medium early years provision in the Penarth area from April 2013 onwards

Mudiad Meithin Vale Development Officer and Early Update on Years Officers to update on progress against prioroties progress of the CSA annually. against the MM officer to continue as a member of the Vale Early priorities of the

12 Years Partnership. CSA annually Mudiad Meithrin are actively working on improving transition between their cylchoedd and the Welsh Meetings in medium primary schools through e.g. encouraging their local schools to settings to offer wrap aound provision which is attractive take place in to many parents. MM officeres will also set up meetings January 2014 at the local schools in January 2014 with a view to to strengthen discussing how to strengthen links between cylchoedd, links between their parents and the schools. clychoedd partners. A Ti a Fi was not able to be established in Romilly Park due to the earmarked building being made unavailable. However, Mudiad Meithrin plans to re-establish discussions for a Ti a Fi around the Romily Park area in a different location.

Plans are also underway by Mudiad Meithrin to establish a Ti a Fi in Rhoose due to latent demand.

1.3 Ensure that Future plans for Welsh-medium places are . proposals for dependent on available funding through the 21st Century proposals included in the Vale 21 st Century Schools Schools Programme. include full consideration Current Performance of Welsh- medium Ysgol Nant Talwg and Ysgol Dewi Sant have been education. established to accommodate increasing Welsh Medium pupil numbers in Barry and Llantwit Major. Ysgol Dewi Sant was included in Band B and Ysgol Nant Talwg in Band C of the original SOP. In the revised SOP both

13 schools were brought forward to Band A. Both schools were opened to reception and nursery children only in September 2011 to accommodate increasing numbers of pupils applying for Welsh Medium education. The schools will expand incrementally as the existing reception class progresses through the school. At present three classrooms and a nursery have been built at both Ysgol Dewi Sant and Ysgol Nant Talwg in addition to a hall, staff accommodation, toilets and external play areas. The first phase of the schools has been successfully completed using modular building techniques which have been greeted very positively by school users and visitors.

Planned Action

The construction of Ysgol Nant Talwg within a single phase to a pattern book design with a project cost of £2,740,000 started in November 2013. The building will be complete by July 2014 with the new school opening in September 2014. The existing Ysgol Nant Talwg building will be relocated to Barry Comprehensive to provide replacement accommodation for the art department.

A Business Justification Case will be submitted to the Welsh Government in December 2013 to release 21st Century School funding for the construction of Ysgol Gymraeg Dewi Sant. The new school will follow the pattern book design approach used for Ysgol Nant Talwg It is anticipated that the new school will be open in September 2015.

14 Deliver the identified capital investment priorities within the Strategic Outline Programme as funding is made available

Continue to regularly review the demand for Welsh- medium places and plan to meet additional requirements.

A statutory process to expand Ysgol Gwuan y Nant in Barry to 420 places started in November 2013. If approved this expansion will take place from September 2015. 1.4 Ensure collaborative Current Performance working through The LA has been self sufficient in respect of Welsh consortia. medium provision to date and it has therefore not been considered necessary to collaborate previously. However the onset of Consortia working will provide an opportunity to establish joint working and collaboration From that is dependent upon the new regional composition. September 2012 Officers have worked closely with consortium colleagues to develop the current Welsh in Education Strategic Plan.

Planned Action

To maintain a close working relationship with consortia to ensure the provision and needs for students in the Vale of Glamorgan a met.

15 1.5 Increase the Current Performance ability to take advantage of The needs of late-comers to Welsh-medium primary Welsh- provision have previously been addressed by the medium designated Athrawes Fro for the authority. The Welsh in provision Education Officer role is CSCJES based. through The LA Welsh Adviser previously offered supplementary immersion activities and additional guidance to mainstream class education teachers supporting latecomers. schemes and centres for The demand for provision for latecomers to Welsh- Review latecomers. medium education is very low. When circumstances provision for arise the school, in conjunction with the authority will latecomers provide additional support for pupils for a period of time annually from prior to full integration. September 2014 Planned Action

To consider immersion schemes in collaboration with other LA’s in CSCJES.

Review provision for latecomers annually from September 2014 as plans for collaborative consortium working progress. 1.6 The WESP’s Current Performance Establish a Forum will Welsh- The Vale’s Welsh Education Strategy Team was set up meet termly medium initially in September 2009 by the Welsh Adviser. It and will Education comprises of Head teacher representatives from Welsh- produce an Forum and medium and English-medium Primary settings, Senior annual

16 establish links progress report Staff member representative from Secondary settings, with the to evaluate the officers within the authority and representatives of Children and impact and organizations such as Mudiad Meithrin, Urdd and Menter Young effectiveness of y Fro. The role of the Welsh Education Strategy Team is People’s Plan. the Welsh to promote and develop all aspects of the Welsh Ensure Education language and culture throughout the Authority. consideration Strategic Plan. s for A new Forum was established in Sept 2011 to support This report will resources and the planning processes of the Welsh Education Strategic be submitted finance for Plan. Members of the Forum are members of the current To Vale’s Welsh- Welsh Education Strategy Team as well as key Educational medium stakeholders: RhaG officer representing parents, various Scrutiny provision local authority officers involved with the Children and Committee, within early Young People’s Plan, the Early Years Partnership, the and Welsh years. Family Information Service, the Youth Service and Government. Equalities. It was the feeling of the Forum in 2012 that now there is no Welsh Adviser within the Vale no-one was available to drive progress and that previous momentum has not been maintained.

A Lead Officer for School Improvement was appointed in A first meeting May 2013; the officer assumed responsibility for the of the newly WESP in September 2013 working alongside her established consortium colleagues and under the direction of the Forum to meet Head of School Improvement and Inclusion. on November 27th 2013. Planned Action Further review meetings are The 2013 Forum will evaluate the impact and planned for the effectiveness of the WESP and will develop a monitoring spring (March and evaluation schedule in order to collate information to 6th 2014) and inform the annual progress report submitted to Welsh summer (TBC)

17 Government.

1.7 Provide Current Performance information for A bilingual booklet ‘Educating Children in the Vale of Maintain parents/carers Glamorgan’ explaining the provision in the Vale is information provided to all parents. Further information on school services to catchment areas can be obtained from the admission parents and department of the Learning and Development Directorate review and the Vale of Glamorgan at: annually. www.valeofglamorgan.gov.uk/working/education_and_sk ills-1/schools.aspx To date no information regarding out of county provision is included in the Vale booklet to parents. However, this could be an area that will require attention as plans to work collaboratively cross consortia are developed in the near future. The current ‘Welsh Education Scheme’ (2009-14) and Review it’s ‘Annual Monitoring Report’ provides further annually. information to parents regarding nature of provision and end of key stage assessment data within all Welsh- medium schools An electronic copy of the current ‘Welsh Education Scheme’ (2009-14) is available on the Vale web site. www.valeofglamorgan.gov.uk/working/education_and_s kills-school_improvment/welsh_curiculum.aspx Hard copies are available by contacting: School Improvement, Provincial House, Kendrick Road , Barry, CF62 8BF The Family Information Service (FIS) has a statutory duty to provide information to parents and carers on FIS website

18 ‘Services Promoting the use of the Welsh Language’ as has pages prescribed in the Childcare Act 2006 Section 27. dedicated to Information on the advantages of raising children promoting the bilingually, how to access Welsh medium literature, Welsh publications and availability of Welsh language classes. language. The Literature is distributed to parents at outreach events in website has the community, including: been on line Tŵf leaflets; Welsh Language Board leafets – Welsh- since April medium education for your child, the best start possible; 2012. Need help with homework in Welsh? Call the Welsh Support Line; Welsh medium and Bilingual Education in Wales; Mudiad Ysgolion Meithirn literature: Siarad Dwy Iaith and booklets about Cylchoedd Meithrin and Cylchoedd Ti a Fi. There are also useful links to Welsh organisations on the web pages available on the FIS website: www.valeofglamorgan.goc.uk/fis and click on Parents’ Zone. These web pages provide useful publications on raising children through the medium of Welsh and links to other services supporting the Welsh language. There are also links to Welsh language courses. When parents contact FIS for information about childcare, staff always suggest Welsh medium childcare. From November 2012 to October 2013 the FIS received 7 requests for Welsh medium information and 46 requests for Cylchoedd Meithrin.

Planned Action

The FIS continue to provide parents and carers with recent and relevant information regarding Welsh-medium The FIS ensure child care. that parents

19 Look at collaborative working within our region to provide who contact information to parents and carers regarding Welsh- FIS are medium provision in other areas. provided with current information relating to Welsh medium childcare. Outcome 2: More learners continuing to improve their language skills on transfer from primary school to secondary school You should also complete Appendix 3 A. Objective B. Current position C. Timetable D. Progress report (Questions to be answered) of future plans 2.1 Increase the Current Performance . percentage of Year 9 The numbers attending Ysgol Gyfun Bro Morgannwg the Annual review learners who only Welsh–medium Secondary school in the Vale are of provision. are assessed steadily increasing as numbers in the Welsh-medium in Welsh (First primary settings expand. During the next five years it is Language) predicted that the increase in capacity at primary level will have a significant impact on numbers transferring to Secondary and therefore assessed at end of Key Stage 3.

All pupils, 100% of cohort transferring from Primary to Secondary Welsh-medium in the Vale are assessed in Welsh First Language in Year 9.

In 2012/13 - 9% of the total LA Year 9 cohort were assessed in Welsh First Language, an increase of 1% from NDC and PLASC January 2012.

20 Planned Action

Maintain 100% of pupils in Yr 9 assessed in Welsh First Language at Ysgol Gyfun Bro Morgannwg 2.2 . Develop more Current Performance . effective transfer All Welsh-medium Primary Schools are maintained and between the have nursery provision. The mean percentage of children funded non- transferring from non-maintained Welsh-medium maintained childcare settings for children under 3 and maintained provision to Welsh-medium schools delivering the Foundation Phase maintained can be seen in Appendix 2. ( data suppllied from Mudiad school Ysgolion Meithrin December 2013) provision, between Key • Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 Stage 2 and 3 In September 2013, 182 pupils which is 97% of last and Key Stage year’s Y2 cohort, who were taught through the medium 3 and 4. of Welsh transferred from Yr 2 to Yr 3. 0 pupils transferred to English-medium schools in the Vale. 5 pupils left Vale LA.

• Key Stages 2 and 3 In September 2013, 117 pupils which is 98% of last year’s Y6 cohort, transferred from Yr 6 to Yr 7. 1 pupil transferred to an English-medium school. 2 pupils left Vale LA.

• Key Stage 3 and 4 In September 2013, 146 pupils which is 99% of the current Y9 cohort, transferred from Yr 9 to Yr 10. 1 pupil

21 transferred to a Vale Special School. 0 pupils left the Vale.

Planned Action

Maintain this high transferral rate of at least 98% Maintain from maintained, funded non-maintained and non- minimal drop- maintained Welsh-medium settings into our Welsh – out rate and . medium schools review annually Mudiad Meithrin to inform Welsh Government directly of from April 2012 Cylchoedd Meithrin attendance numbers and numbers LA and transferring to Welsh-medium schools data on an annual Consortium Develop a tracking system to ensure a high % of transfer support and progression between all childcare settings for under strategies will 3 to Welsh-medium settings delivering Foundation continue to Phase. This is an area that could be developed in contribute to partnership with the Strategic Planning Dept, Early Years this high Advisers, Admissions, Mudiad Meithrin and Flying Start retention rate. Officers. (Currently reliant on data from YMM.) This would ensure that children attending our Welsh-medium Flying Start setting could be tracked and evaluate the impact of provision. Maintain minimal drop-out rate and review annually from April 2012 LA and Consortium support strategies will continue to contribute to this high retention rate.

2.3 Promote a higher Not applicable to the Vale of Glamorgan as the Vale proportion of has no Bilingual Schools Welsh- medium

22 provision within bilingual schools.

23 Outcome 3: More learners aged 14-16 studying for qualifications through the medium of Welsh Outcome 4: More learners aged 16-19 studying subjects through the medium of Welsh in schools, colleges and work-based learning

A. Objective B. Current position C. Timetable of future D. Progress report (Questions to be answered) plans 3.1 Increase the Current Performance percentage of learners aged 121 out of 122 students in Year 11 (99%) in 2013, in 14-16 studying Ysgol Bro Morgannwg studied 5 or more qualficiations for through the medium of Welsh. This represented 7% of qualifications total LA cohort of 1633. through the medium of To effectively address this target and maintain the high Welsh percentage of learners studying 5 or more qualifications through the medium of Welsh the following need to be considered:

 Bilingual tutor delivering the ‘Engineering’ course at Cardiff and the Vale College, through a Welsh speaking LSA.  A dedicated Welsh Class for ‘Hair and Beauty’ at Cardiff and the Vale College has been secured  Public Services is now delivered in YG Bro Morgannwg and supported by CAVC from July 2013 for 2013-14.

Planned Action

Promote and enable when possible the identified Welsh Review annually from April medium courses at Cardiff and the Vale College that are 2014 delivered bilingually in order to maintain the percentage of learners studying 5 or more qualficiations through the medium of Welsh. Review annually from April 2014

3.2 Ensuring that Current Performance 24 . provision for 14-16 year old Ysgol Gyfun Bro Morgannwg comply with targets of the learners Learning Skills Measure (Wales) 2009, in providing 30 complies with choices of courses through the medium of Welsh. At least Outcome 6: Welsh-medium provision for learners Additional Learning Needs A. Objective B. Current position C. Timetable of D. Progress report (Questions to be answered) future plans 6.1 Improve Welsh- Current Performance medium additional learning needs The Authority makes every attempt to offer appropriate Review Welsh – provision (ALN) Welsh-medium provision for pupils with additional needs. All medium specialist Welsh-medium primary schools and Ysgol Gyfun Bro provision annually Morgannwg have designated SENCOs who receive support from both the Vale Pupil Support Service and School Improvement Service. The Pupil Support Service employs a range of bilingual staff: Educational Psychologist, Specialist Teachers (Learning Difficulties), Primary Behaviour Support Teacher and Specialist Teacher for visual impairment. The current Lead Officer for Inclusion is also a Welsh speaker. The specialist teacher in the secondary resource base for Hearing Impairment is a Welsh speaker. To date through collaboration the LA has secured the services of Welsh Speaking Educational Psychologists and has a Service Level Agreement with Bridgend LA to provide a Welsh speaking Education Welfare Officer. Alternatively, the Authority would seek to collaborate with neighbouring authorities to ensure a full range of Welsh-medium services. Welsh – medium transition support has been re-established via a Welsh speaking youth worker based at Ysgol Bro Morgannwg.

Referrals of children in Welsh-medium nurseries with speech, language and communication impairment are made directly to the Cardiff and Vale National Health Service Trust, who can carry assessments through the medium of Welsh.

A Welsh-speaking Education Welfare Officer from Bridgend Council is currently employed part-time in the Vale on a shared-cost basis.

Schools are able to contact appropriate25 Vale service personnel directly. Applications from Welsh-medium schools or families, for statutory assessment are sent to the School Improvement and Inclusion Service. They are considered in the same way as all other applications, by consideration of Section 3:Commentary and further notes

ThisThis WelshWelsh inin EducationEducation StrategicStrategic PlanPlan encompassesencompasses aa 33 yearyear periodperiod andand thereforetherefore spansspans thethe transitiontransition toto thethe CSCJESCSCJES JointJoint EducationEducation Service Service (CSCJES) (CSCJES) arrangement. arrangement. All All Senior Senior System System Leaders Leaders are are in in place place and and all all Strategic Strategic Lead Lead Posts Posts have have been been appointed.appointed. TheThe rolerole ofof thethe LALA isis nownow workingworking closelyclosely inin collaborationcollaboration withwith thethe JointJoint EducationEducation Service.Service. ThisThis isis highlightedhighlighted inin thethe presentpresent updateupdate andand colleaguescolleagues withinwithin thethe serviceservice havehave contributedcontributed greatlygreatly toto OutcomeOutcome 55 andand OutcomeOutcome 7.7.

Appendix 2: Number and percentage of pupils attending funded non-maintained Welsh-medium settings which provide the Foundation Phase and who transfer to Welsh-medium/bilingual schools. The most recent data from Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin.

26 27 Appendix 3: Number and percentage of pupils in Welsh-medium and bilingual primary schools transferring to Welsh-medium secondary schools

Total number of pupils in Welsh-medium Total number of pupils transferring to Percentage of pupils transferring to and bilingual primary schools in year 6 Welsh-medium/bilingual secondary Welsh-medium or bilingual secondary schools schools 121 pupils were assessed in 2012-13 in KS2 117 of these pupils transferred to Ysgol Gyfun 97% from Welsh-medium Vale Schools Bro Morgannwg

Appendix 4: Attainment and performance in Welsh Second Language (This information should be provided at LA level)

Year: 2012/13

Key Stage 2

Number of Percentage Percentage achieving Level 4 pupils of pupils Teacher assessment in Welsh Second 1170 86% 72% Language at the end of Key Stage 2

Key Stage 3

Number of Percentage Percentage achieving Level 5 pupils of pupils Teacher assessment in Welsh Second 1457 91% 78% Language at the end of Key Stage 3

28 Abbreviation Meaning

ALN Additional Learning Needs CACHE Council for Awards in Care, Health and Education CAVC Cardiff and Vale College CM Cylch Meithrin CPD Certificate of Personal Development CSA Childcare Sufficiency Assessment CSCJES CSCJES Joint Education System CSSIW Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales DfES Department for Education and Skills EPD Early Professional Development EYDCP Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership FIS Family Information Service FTE Full Time Equivalent HR Human Resources LA Local Authority LiNKs Learning and Innovation Network for Schools LSA Learning Support Assistant LSOs Learning Support Officers LSPs Learning Support Practitioners MM Mudiad Meithrin NDC National Data collection NPQH National Professional Qualification for Headship NQTs Newly Qualified Teachers OOSG Out of Schools Childcare Grant PLASC Pupil Level Annual School Census PLCs Professional Learning Company PPS Parental Preference Survey PT Part Time RNDP Regional Needs Development Programme SAR Self-assessment report SEN Special Educational Needs SENCOs Special Education Needs Coordinator SLA Service Level Agreement SMT Senior Management Team SNAP Special Needs Advisory Panel SOP School Organisation Programme VoG Vale of Glamorgan WEG Welsh Education Grant WEOs Welsh in Education Officers WG Welsh Government WJEC Welsh Joint Education Committee WMC Wales Millennium Centre YGBM Ysgol Gyfun Bro Morgannwg YMCA Young Men’s Christian Association


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