Retention Management Team Meeting

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Retention Management Team Meeting

Retention Management Team Meeting Minutes January 23, 2006

Present: Robin Byerly, Joy Clawson, Nikki Crees, Bethany LePlante (Intern working with Nikki), Jeff Doyle, Micki Early, Melanie Greene, Judy Haas, Dave Haney, Heather Langdon, Beth Marsh, Susan Morgan, Joni Petschauer, Karen Robertson, Matt Ruble, Patrick Setzer, Martha Stephenson, Jim Street, Kay Stroud, Harry Williams, Tracey Wright, and Shirley Harris. Absent: Kate Brinko (excused), Clinton Marsh, Carol O’Saben, Lynn Moss Sanders (excused).

Welcome: Martha welcomed everyone and noted that Harry Williams would arrive soon to address the committee regarding the proposals that would be forwarded to the Provost.

Committee Membership Revisited: Martha reviewed with the members the following term assignments and individual decisions of members present are noted below.

RMT Representatives and Their Initial Term Assignments as of Nov. 2003

College Student Inventory Coordinator Permanent Member; Martha Stephenson General Studies Academic Advising 3 years Phase 1 Orientation 2 years, Micki Early; agreed to continue Learning Assistance Program 2 years, Joy Clawson; Wes Waugh will serve Registrar 3 years, currently vacant Institutional Research 3 years, Heather Langdon Admissions 2 years, Patrick Setzer; agreed to continue Residence Life 2 years, Jeff Doyle; agreed to continue Freshman Seminar 2 years, Beth Marsh; agreed to continue GS Freshman Learning Communities 3 years, Nikki Crees Counseling Center 2 years, Carol O’Saben; agreed to continue Colleges Fine and Applied 2 years; currently vacant Business 3 years; Robin Byerly Music 2 years; K. Robertson, agreed to continue Education 3 years; Melanie Greene Arts and Sciences 2 years; D. Haney; will continue (June ’06) Students SGA President to appoint CSIL 3 years, Jim Street Financial Aid 3 years, Kay Stroud Honors Program 2 years, Lynn Moss Sanders, M. will contact Multicultural Center 3 years, Tracey Wright Hubbard Center 2 years, Kate Brinko; Martha will contact Faculty Senate Representative 3 years, currently vacant Testing 3 years, Susan Morgan Learning Communities Council 2 years, Joni Petschauer; temp. member needed College Awareness Programs 3 years, Clinton Marsh Judicial Affairs 3 years, Judy Haas Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity Permanent, Harry Williams

Noel Levitz FAIR Yield and Retention Analyses Report: Heather Langdon indicated that financial aid information can be studied and tracked through our contract with Noel Levitz. This information can be useful for decisions regarding the number of students admitted vs. the number who actually come to ASU and retention. She distributed two handouts reporting yield rate information (by type of financial aid received by different groups of students and by ability level of students) and commented on observations evident in the data which were noted on each handout. Questions and discussion followed which included: Are there differences among full-pay students according to major? Is desirability of on-campus housing need based? Will graduation rates be added to the data later? Heather noted that this information is continuing to be gathered.

2006-2007Admissions Scholarship Proposal: Heather distributed copies of the proposal which has now been approved. This 2006-2007 distribution of funds will help determine the most effective method for convincing high ability students to attend ASU. Questions and discussion followed. Harry Williams noted that a brochure is being developed which describes a number of other opportunities available to students attending ASU (not just dollars are available), such as the D.C. opportunity, seminars, etc.

RMT Suggestions for Provost’s Consideration: Martha distributed copies of the team suggestions by vote, as well as a condensed list of the items in each area receiving the most votes. Discussion followed. Harry applauded the group’s work. He indicated that the committee must go cautiously on the promotion/tenure item in light of departmental DPCs. However, the new transfer proposal put forward by Micki and Dawn Bare has been reviewed by the Provost and is a high priority. It is also likely that a Transfer Advisory Council will be formed. Harry will deliver the full report to the Provost and items will be prioritized. Martha noted that items not on the “short list” may also be considered and doable.

Next Meeting: February 20, 11:00-12:30, Price Lake Room, PSU. Items will include a follow-up of the proposed RMT suggestions and breaking out in teams to work.

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