Contact Information s9
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TEACHER: Mrs. Rose
CONTACT INFORMATION e-mail: [email protected]
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The California Common Core State Standards for Math 6 will be taught to all Math 6 students following the district pacing guide. The district adopted text is: Everyday Math from The University of Chicago Mathematics Project.
TIMELINE: First Semester we will study: whole numbers and decimals; reading, writing and evaluating numbers and algebraic expressions; expressions and equations; and ratio and rate relationships. Second Semester we will study: integers; graphing on number lines and the coordinate plane; geometry; and data, data analysis and statistics.
REQUIRED MATERIALS: a. Supplies -Pencils – ALL WORK MUST BE IN PENCIL TO RECEIVE CREDIT! -One notebook for a Math Journal – a composition book -A planner to record your homework assignments b. The Math Journal: We will keep a journal of all of the notes in this course. This is class work and will be collected periodically and graded. The journal will need an entry for each new topic. An entry will include: the title of the topic, class notes and examples, and a written explanation in the students’ own words. The explanation will explain how to do the topic that the entry covers and should be completed before the student enters the classroom the next day. It needs to be precise and written in the student’s own words. These should not be copied from a source or worked on together; this is the students’ opportunity to show that they know the information.
GRADING: School-wide scale: 90+ = A 80-89 = B 70-79 =C 60-69 = D 59 and below = F
Percentages that comprise Grade: This class will be graded on a percentage system. There are four categories that go into your grade, they are: Journal/notes (20%), assignments (30%), warm-ups (10%) and assessments (40%). Your grade will be posted on PowerSchool.
Assignments: All assignments must have a proper heading, including your first and last name, date and your period number. Assignments are due when the bell rings for class, no work will be accepted late without an excused tardy slip from the office. Warm-ups for the week will be turned in on Fridays, if more than one piece of paper is used, they must be stapled.
Assignments are 30% of your grade and should be expected MOST nights. Homework is for practicing the skills we have learned in class; you will receive full credit for COMPLETING the assignments and having them at the start of class regardless of the number correct. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE CORRECTED IN CLASS.
I will stamp your homework paper and the date on your planner when the bell rings to begin class, this stamp is your grade, do not lose or forget your planner. I will give you your homework grade based on the stamps in your planner. Your parents will also be able to see every day if you did your homework and received credit for it.
Tests: Tests will be periodically (about 4 a quarter).
Late Assignments: I do not accept late assignments except for excused absences or tardies. If you know that you are going to be absent please make arrangements ahead of time to get the work and to get the work turned in. (If you will be attending a school function then you are required to make arrangements ahead of time to get the work that you will miss.)
Extra Credit: There is no extra credit in this class, please make sure you do all of your required assignments.
ABSENCES: making up Assignments when absent a. Homework buddy. You should have two phone numbers if classmates that you can call. b. There is a calendar on the wall with all of the assignments written on it, a file box next to it with any worksheets. c. All absent work must be turned-in in a timely manner i.e.: 2 days absent worked turned in within 2 days. CLASS RULES: The school rules/norms stated in the Student Planner/Agenda
MISCELLANEOUS Have 2 sharpened pencils, paper, planner and journal everyday I do not give passes except in emergencies. ASK QUESTIONS!
RECOMMENDATIONS: I am more than happy to fill out recommendations for students but I will need all the paperwork (including stamped envelope) at least 2 weeks ahead of time. Recommendations are confidential I will not fill out the recommendation and fax it or hand it to anyone; I will mail it to maintain the confidentiality of the recommendation. Also, make sure that you completed all of the required sections before giving it to me, most recommendations require parent signatures and I have been given them before with no name on them so I don’t know whom I am to recommend! PARENTAL REVIEW CONFIRMATION
I have read this Course Syllabus (and reviewed with my child).
Teacher: Rose
Course: Math 6
Student (print name): ______
Student (signature):______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian(print name): ______
Parent/Guardian (signature):______Date:______
Parent Contact Information:
Phone: ______