Knights of Columbus s1
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Date: 8/15/2009
Meeting Called to Order At: 7:40 am. (The meeting had been postponed due to installation of officers at 7:00 am at the church.)
Members Present: Eric Fulton, Jim Flaherty, Bill Fulton, John Collins, Jim Florence, Terry Fulton, Bernard Burenheide, Jay Koziol, Duane Weninger, Leroy Able, Harold Barnard, Bill Genthe, John Crotty, Jerry Bulmer, John Stoeckinger, Tony Fiegener, Loras Baumhover
Guests Present: Isabelle Fulton
Corrections to Minutes: None.
Chaplain’s Report: Fr. Greg was not present due to mass at 8:30 for the feast of the Assumption.
Treasurer’s Report: Al Dalbec was not present and no report was submitted.
Financial Secretary’s Report: Darren Butler was not present and no report was submitted.
Membership Report: Jerry Bulmer. We are at 0 new members for 2009-2010. Our quota is 7. Falls City will be holding a first degree exemplification every quarter. The first one will be Tuesday, September 22. There is a 1st-3rd degree at St. Thomas Aquinas/Newman Center in Lincoln on Sunday, September 13.
Right to Life Report: John Crotty discussed the website and encouraged everyone to check it out. We are being called to pray for the unborn. The next 40 Days for Life will be from September 23 through November 1. He is forming a task force to set up three trips to pray at Planned Parenthood in Lincoln during this time. Contact John for information or to be on the task force.
Evangelization Report: Bill Fulton reminded everyone that we are all called to evangelize and to step out of our comfort zone. He encouraged us to support John’s pro-life activities. Also to participate in Knights activities such as the county fair parade. There will also be a retreat in Auburn on the first weekend in October.
Field Agent’s Report: John Stoeckinger informed the council that officially we are at 0 new insurance members for 2009-2010, but we are actually at 1 and may add another soon. Our insurance quota is still 3.
District Deputy’s Report: Bernard Burenheide discussed plans to build a memorial chapel at the Little Sioux Boy Scout camp in Iowa, where several Scouts were killed in a tornado last year. The chapel will be built September 3-6. Materials are expected to cost about $60,000. FDNY firefighters and 9/11 survivors will work with Scouts and volunteers. Our state deputy is asking councils to donate money and or manpower to this effort. Bernard also mentioned that this week is KofC Family Week and enocouraged us to do something special with our families this weekend. One suggestion is the Nebraska City KofC council Fall Festival which is being held tomorrow, August 16th from 11 am to 2 pm at the KofC shelter just north of downtown Nebraska City.
Correspondence: None.
Old Business: - Jim Florence still plans to meet with Fr. Greg to determine scope of church cleanup projects. Once defined, teams will be put together and a date set to accomplish these tasks. - Project Moses: The foundation has been poured. Unfortunately the monument was damaged while in storage, so a new one has been ordered and is expected in September-October. - Breakfast tomorrow at the Halligan Center from 8-12. Eric Fulton’s team is in charge this month. - Eric Fulton will determine a date for a council banquet. John Stoeckinger has volunteered to provide a steak dinner. New Business: - The Knights will work the AHS football concession stand Friday September 11th. Meet at 6:30 pm at the concession stand. Jim Florence is in charge and will send out email reminders. - Plan on holding the second annual Harvest Fest in November. Last year’s was a great success raising over $2500 for Megan McConnaughey. Eric will discuss with last year’s committee. - Harold (Buster) Barnard discussed plans for a program at Auburn High School to be performed by his son, Harold Allen (Barnard), who is a successful musician and actor. The program is called “Different Stages” and shows students that they can succeed in a music career or any career if they are determined. There is a show during school for the students and $10 tickets will be sold to the general public for an evening show. Half of the ticket sales will go to the AHS music program and the other half will go to the Fender Music Foundation, which promotes music education. There will also be a raffle for a Fender guitar. Information can be found at The show normally costs $1000 but he will already be performing at Peru State College on September 3, so he can perform for $600 while he is in the area between September 4- 10. The high school is interested but cannot afford the expense. An anonymous donor has volunteered to cover $300 if a donor can be found for the other half. Jerry Bulmer made a motion that the council covers the other $300. Bill Fulton seconded the motion. It was added that this would be paid to Harold Allen Music on the day of the show. Jim Florence offered to be the KofC liaison for this activity. The motion was brought to a vote and passed. Eric Fulton will contact Buster to let him know that the funding is available if it can be worked out with the school. Eric will also contact the anonymous donor to determine how he wants his contribution to be handled. - A donation to the Boy Scout memorial chapel will be tabled until our September meeting. Contact Eric Fulton for information if interested in volunteering that weekend.
Action Items: Two action items closed related to the breakfast checklist and schedule for the year. Both have been posted on the website and emailed to all team leaders.
Good of the Order: Bernard Burenheide asked the council to pray for a teenage girl from Falls City who has been diagnosed with cancer.
Meeting Adjourned At: 9:00 am