Metro Junior Wrestling League Bylaws

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Metro Junior Wrestling League Bylaws

Metro Junior Wrestling League Bylaws Revised 08/12/11


This not for profit organization shall be called, Metro Junior Wrestling League (MJWL)


MJWL commits itself to providing a wrestling league for male and female youth between the ages of 4 and 14 years old. The MJWL strives to provide member clubs/teams with a wrestling program that is safe and fun where youth can learn the fundamentals of wrestling, leadership, and sportsmanship. The MJWL shall run from September through March of every fiscal year. The MJWL shall conduct monthly meetings during the season as well as meets, tournaments, clinics, and other events that promote the sport of wrestling within the State of Colorado. The MJWL does not condone any weight control program that would encourage severe weight reduction nor does it condone any wide variation in weight by any wrestler who is a member of any of the registered MJWL clubs/teams.


A- The MJWL shall have the power to establish and enforce rules and regulations that shall be used to govern the organization. B- The MJWL shall have the ability to solicit contributions and to collect membership dues, fees, and fines as necessary to maintain the ability to cover all costs associated with running the league. C- The MJWL shall have the ability to make all necessary disbursements of funds to ensure the operation of the league. D- The MJWL shall commit itself to ensuring that all interested youth have the opportunity to participate in the league regardless of race, color, creed, sex, or national origin. E- The MJWL shall have the ability to purchase on an annual basis all equipment and supplies necessary to ensure the objectives of the league.


A- Any club/team may petition on an annual basis to become a member of the MJWL. B- Team membership shall be approved on an individual team basis providing that the applicant has met all of the MJWL requirements including minimum number of wrestlers, payment of all league membership dues, insurance fees and any other fees due on an annual basis as prescribed by the MJWL bylaws, MJWL Tournament Guidelines, and that a majority (3/4 majority vote) of the member teams of the MJWL has approved the application. C- Upon approval of a new team application, said club/team shall serve a mandatory probation period of one full year to begin on the day said application was approved and to end on the same day of the following year. D- During the probationary period, the new club/team shall be called a Rider Team and will be required to participate in all league functions with an established host team who will act as that teams sponsor during the probationary period. E- The new Rider Team shall be required to attend all regularly scheduled league meetings, Rider Teams will not be allowed to proxy during their probationary period should a team attempt to proxy, that Rider Team will automatically incur an additional year of probation and a $25.00 fine. Un-excused absences shall be subject to a $25.00 fine and an additional year of probation. Emergency absences shall be handled on a case by case basis by the MJWL Executive Board.


A- The MJWL Executive Board shall consist of the following elected officer positions:

1- President 2- Vice-President 3- Secretary 4- Treasurer

B- The MJWL Board shall consist of two (2) representatives from each registered club/team of the MJWL.


A- President 1- Shall be elected on odd numbered calendar years and shall serve a two (2) year term. 2- Shall serve as the Chief Administrative Officer and legal head of the MJWL. 3- Shall represent the MJWL at all events requiring league participation. 4- Shall be the presiding officer at all regular season meetings, Executive Board meetings, and any and all meetings pertinent to the MJWL. 5- Shall have the ability to appoint special committees. 6- Shall appoint an individual to provide to each member club/team one (1) copy of the current National Federation of State High School Wrestling rulebook to be purchased by the MJWL prior to the first dual meet. 7- Shall appoint on an annual basis an individual or individuals to represent the MJWL at all Colorado State Youth Wrestling Championships (CSYWC) meetings and or functions. 8- Shall have the power to fill any of the Executive Officer positions by appointment should a vacancy occur before the end of said officers term. 9- Shall vote on league matters only in the event of a tie. 10- Shall have the power of veto during regular league meetings provided a 2/3 majority of membership present does not override the veto. B- Vice President

1- Shall be elected on even numbered calendar years and shall serve a two (2) year term of office. 2- Shall become the President of the MJWL upon vacancy of said office prior to elected term. 3- Shall assume the duties of the MJWL President upon the absence of said officer during any MJWL meeting or event during the MJWL season.

C- Secretary

1- Shall be elected on odd numbered calendar years and shall serve a two (2) year term. 2- Shall record the minutes from every regularly scheduled league meeting and shall provide a legible copy of said minutes to every league club/team at the following scheduled league meeting. 3- Shall record the minutes at all Executive Board meetings and or any special committee meetings attended by the MJWL Executive Board. 4- Shall email a legible copy of the minutes from the MJWL regularly scheduled meetings to the MJWL website administrator for posting on the MJWL website. 5- Shall provide one (1) complete copy of the MJWL bylaws to each club/team member at the first meeting of the annual season. 6- Shall contact all clubs/teams in the event of a meeting cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances or emergencies and shall contact teams regarding special meetings or events that require league participation from all member clubs/teams. 7- Shall assume the duties of the MJWL President upon the absence of said officer and the absence of the Vice President during any MJWL meeting or event during the MJWL season.

D- Treasurer

1- Shall be elected on even numbered calendar years and shall serve a (2) year term. 2- Shall maintain the MJWL financial records in an order consistent with standard accounting practices. 3- Shall collect all MJWL dues, fines, or fees from member club/teams on an annual basis. 4- Shall collect and account for all revenues collected during the course of the MJWL season. 5- Shall pay all vendors in a timely manner for goods or services provided to the MJWL and shall keep all receipts and or documentation for review by the MJWL Executive Board. 6- Shall provide to the league a complete financial report consisting of income and expenditures at every regularly scheduled league meeting. 7- Shall have the MJWL President sign, along with the MJWL Treasurer, any checks written in excess of $150.00. 8- Shall have present during any cash transactions such as cash payments made to referees, another member of the MJWL Executive Board and shall document all cash transactions for review by the MJWL board and its’ members. 9- Shall ensure that a copy of the MJWL bank statements be mailed to the MJWL President, Vice President and Treasurer during the off-season of any year. 10- Shall ensure that the MJWL General Ledger be audited annually by a Certified Public Accountant.


A- Shall be responsible for accumulating all pertinent league information and relaying said information to members of their specific organization. B- Shall submit to the MJWL Secretary at the annual meeting of each season the names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of two (2) elected or appointed club/team representatives using Attachment/Form A. C- Shall have one (1) vote on matters that come before the MJWL general membership at every regularly scheduled MJWL meeting or at any special meeting where a quorum is required. D- Shall be required to attend all regularly scheduled MJWL meetings, non-rider teams will be limited to a maximum two (2) proxy limit throughout the course of the season.

1- Club/ teams with an un-excused absence, shall be subject to a $25.00 fine to be paid at the next MJWL meeting, in the event that the fine is not paid at the next meeting, the fine will then double.2- 2- Teams that exceed the two (2) proxy limit shall be subject to a $50.00 fine, teams that exceed three (3) proxies shall be subject to a $100.00 fine and teams that proxy five (5) or more times throughout the course of the season will be ejected from the MJWL. 3- Ejected clubs/teams may reapply for admittance to the MJWL the following season. Clubs/teams who are re-admitted, will be accepted as a Rider Team and will be subject to all bylaws governing Rider teams as stated in section IV of the MJWL bylaws.

E- Shall fill out a new registration form every season and pay annual dues currently at $100.00 per club/team per season to be due by November 1st of the current year. Late payments of dues shall be assessed a penalty of $50.00 and the club/team will not be allowed to host or participate in any MJWL duals or tournaments.

F- Shall pay insurance dues for every member of club/team roster as submitted to the MJWL. No members of the MJWL shall opt out of the league required insurance. Teams that fail to pay insurance dues (at the current rate set by the insurance provider) by the designated due date of December 1st, shall be subject to a $50.00 fine and late fees of $5.00 per day to be assessed the day insurance dues are paid. Teams that do not have insurance fees paid by the date of the MJWL District Tournament, will not be allowed to participate in any remaining league functions including but not limited to the JV Tournament, the Regional Tournament, and the MJWL Championship Tournament. Teams may add on a maximum of 10 wrestlers or coaches total to their current roster after the December 1st due date provided the insurance dues for those wrestlers are submitted and paid on or before January 1st of the current season.

G- Shall abide by the standard code of ethics defined in the National Federation of State High School (NFHS) Wrestling Rulebook. Serious misconduct (documented on a standard Ejection/Disciplinary Action Form) that occurs at any MJWL function including all duals, tournaments, meetings or any other MJWL sanctioned events shall be handled on a case by case basis and will be subject to possible penalties, probation, suspension and or possible expulsion from the MJWL as outlined by the current MJWL Tournament Guidelines. The MJWL will not tolerate any mental or physical abuse of children in any capacity.

H- Shall follow current MJWL bylaws pertaining to dual contact procedures and practices.

1- Teams hosting a dual shall be required to contact participating teams with dual information on the Tuesday prior to the event. Information must contain dual location, start time, format, and any other dual information pertinent to the event. 2- Teams attending duals shall contact by fax, email, or phone the hosting team on the Tuesday prior to the meet and shall provide to the hosting team a complete roster of wrestlers who will be attending the event sorted by age group and weight. 3- Visiting teams will also be required to provide any additional information requested by the hosting team prior to the event. 4- Admission cost to attend a dual or tournament shall not exceed the amount set forth by the MJWL board and it’s members to be voted on annually. Admission costs for events specifically hosted by the MJWL Executive Board will be based on facility rental fees and other costs pertaining to facility usage. 5- Penalties and a fine shall be assessed by the MJWL in the amount of $50.00 per infraction per team whether host or visitor, should the above bylaws be disregarded. In the event that prior arrangements have been made amongst the teams, all fines will be then be waived.

I- Shall provide an adequate first aid kit for it’s club members.

J- Shall provide the following at each dual, tournament, or event sponsored by the MJWL: 1- One (1) non biased referee. 2- One (1) set of table help consisting of a minimum of three (3) people. 3- One (1) set of table help equipment consisting of one score chart, one stop watch, and one set of leg bands. 4- Hosting teams shall provide paper towels, disinfecting spray, and bout sheets for table help. 5- Penalties and fines in the amount of $25.00 will be imposed by the MJWL for any infraction of the above guidelines. All of the fine will go to the host team in the case of a visiting team infraction.


A- The MJWL shall have an Annual meeting with the date to be determined by the current MJWL President to mark the beginning of the fall season, regular monthly meetings with a fifteen (15) day advance notice of the site location and time will follow the annual meeting. B- Two or more Executive Officers must present at all regularly scheduled MJWL meetings including but not limited to the Annual Meeting to constitute a quorum. C- MJWL meetings shall be open to all registered members of the league, invited guests, and or individual team representatives. D- All MJWL registered clubs/teams shall have one (1) vote per item, per team, per meeting. E- All MJWL clubs/teams may request a Protection of Absentee Representative whereas an MJWL Executive Board Member may vote in accordance with the expressed wishes of an absentee club/team based on contact being made with said executive board member prior to the scheduled meeting. The Executive Officer shall announce the vote as an absentee vote for the protected club/team. F- All MJWL meetings shall follow Robert’s Rule of Order.


A- Candidates for open positions on the MJWL Executive Board shall be nominated and voted on at the Annual Meeting using all current MJWL election guidelines and procedures. Newly elected board members shall take over the duties of their elected office at the next regularly scheduled MJWL meeting. B- All proposed amendments to the MJWL bylaws must be presented to the League in writing at the Annual Meeting. Voting on and acceptance of said proposed changes will take place at the subsequent MJWL meeting. C- The current MJWL Secretary shall present to every club/team a legible copy of the bylaws. D- Teams shall vote on the cost of annual registration dues.


A- All candidates shall be required to be nominated for an open Executive Board position by an established member of the MJWL. B- All members (club/teams) in good standing with the MJWL shall vote for one candidate, voting will be done as a roll call vote with the MJWL Secretary and MJWL Treasurer keeping a tally of all votes. C- In all elections, the nominee/candidate with the most votes shall be declared the winner. D- In all elections, an unopposed nominee/candidate shall be declared the winner. E- In the event of a tie, the current President shall cast the deciding vote with the exception of the Office of the President in which case the vice-president shall cast the deciding vote. F- A simple majority of teams present at the Annual Meeting shall constitute a legitimate election except in the case that the MJWL bylaws call for the use of other guidelines.


A- All MJWL wrestlers who compete in any MJWL sanctioned tournament, will be subject to a skin check performed by a medical professional, certified trainer, or any other MJWL certified personnel. A separate qualified individual shall be designated to perform skin checks on all female personnel. All skin checks will take place during the weigh in time period. B- Wrestlers who are identified as having a skin infection/ailment such as ringworm, impetigo or any other condition considered by the tournament medical personnel to be contagious will not be allowed to participate in the MJWL tournament for which they are registered without written consent from a licensed physician. C- Written consent to participate must be submitted on Attachment E the current MJWL consent form. The form must be dated at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the tournament in order to allow participation by the athlete. No form other than Attachment E will be accepted.


A- In the event of the dissolution of the MJWL for any reason, the assets of the Organization shall be applied and distributed as follows: B- All liabilities of the MJWL shall be paid. C- Assets held by the MJWL on condition requiring return or transfer shall be returned or transferred according to the requirement. D- Remaining assets held by the MJWL shall be liquidated and dispersed equally to each full-fledged team/club member in good standing with the MJWL.

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