Rapid CAP Template: Key Ecological Attributes

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Rapid CAP Template: Key Ecological Attributes

Rapid CAP Template: Key Ecological Attributes Terrestrial Systems

Key Attribute Indicator Poor Fair Good Very Good e

p Fire regime Fire frequency Not enough/ Fire regime may Close to a

c and area burned too much be altered, but is historical fire s

d fire on too maintaining return interval n a little/ too reasonably and area L t

x much area “Good” burned e t

n condition and o

C structure n

o Characteristic Species No killer inva- i t i native plant composition sives well estab- d

n species (or lished; AND o

C communities) mostly native species compo- sition OR presence of selected species Structure Age class ratios All age classes Close to reasonably predicted age represented class ratios

Presence & Suite of species, Almost Most sensitive Rare species abundance of including exclusively species &/or and nested characteristic common, common nested targets in targets in animal species sensitive & rare species healthy numbers healthy (nested targets) numbers e

z Minimum Acres Insufficient Large enough i S dynamic area habitat size habitat for most (sufficient for for most sensitive species characteristic sensitive &/or charac- animal species species; OR teristic animals & disturbances) a severe (e.g. mammals’ disturbance home range; x event is pairs of nesting likely to birds); AND eliminate severe distur- the habitat bance can be accommodated

Note: Select no more than five attributes for a target. Rows can be copied into Viability Table rows in Excel workbook using Paste Special/Text. Riparian Systems

KEA Indicator Poor Fair Good Very Good t

x Geomorphic Degree of River River largely e t

n regime sinuosity and largely meanders across o

C entrenchment channelized floodplain and

e overflows banks p a

c at reasonable s

d intervals n a Hydrologic regime [Select 1 or 2] Examples: L Magnitude, Water flowing timing, duration, most summers frequency (e.g. Base flows in summer) n

o Characteristic Species No killer inva- i t i native plant composition sives well estab- d

n species (or lished; AND o

C communities) mostly native species compo- sition OR presence of selected species Structure Age class ratios All age classes Close to reasonably predicted represented class ratios

Recruitment Degree and Virtually Adequate AND frequency none or occurring at occurring at reasonable perilous in- frequency frequency Presence & Suite of species, Almost Most sensitive Rare species abundance of including exclusively species &/or and nested characteristic common, common nested targets in targets in animal species sensitive & rare species healthy numbers healthy (nested targets) numbers e

z Minimum Acres Insufficient Large enough i S dynamic area habitat size habitat for most (sufficient for for most sensitive species characteristic sensitive &/or charac- bird or animal species teristic animals species) (e.g. x pairs of nesting birds) Riverine Systems/Native Fish or Aquatic Assemblage

KEA Indicator Poor Fair Good Very Good t

x Hydrologic regime [Select 1 or 2] Example: e t

n Magnitude, Water flowing o

C timing, duration, most summers

e frequency p a

c (e.g. Base flows s

d in summer) n a Habitat for key [Describe] Example: L life cycle stages e.g. presence of All major (e.g. spawning, gravel bottoms, habitats present juvenile) woody debris, in adequate size pools & distribution Connectivity Access to all Adequate access Unimpaired major habitats to all major access (e.g. above habitats no dams) n

o Population Age class ratios All age classes i t i Structure reasonably d

n represented o C Presence & Suite of aquatic Almost Most sensitive Rare species abundance of species, inclu- exclusively species &/or and nested characteristic ding common, common nested targets in targets in aquatic species sensitive & rare species healthy numbers healthy (nested targets) numbers Key water quality Select 1 limiting Attribute is attribute factor – e.g. within a range sediment, that does not temperature, seriously impair toxins, nutrients health of most nested targets e

z Minimum viable Numbers of Population i S populations of selected species numbers appear selected indicator to be sufficient species

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