A Mid-Summer Night S Gang Fight

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A Mid-Summer Night S Gang Fight

A Mid-Summer Night’s Gang Fight Section 6

EXPOSITION It is a hot summer day in B-more. The street lights just went off. The smell of the summer morning felled the air. Down the street is T.J. riding his bike to Daguan house (who is a gang member). At Daguan house is his homeys chillin playing cards. They are all members of White Fence gang. As they talk about their plans of what they were going to do today. They head outside to hot day which change their plans. They set on the stoop clowning people as they walk pass. Now at the basketball court the River side gang are playing basketball for money. As they play the game someone gets fouled and they stared fighting. As they fight a mysterious man comes by and run off with their money (not from the other gang). A lady stops them from fighting an tells them someone ran off with our money. The river side gang thought it was someone from the White fence gang. The River side gang head back to their hang out to discuss what they were going to do. RISING ACTION, PART 1 Later that night, the members of the White Fence Gang had a wild party at their hang out. They called Jasmine, Shaniqua and other members of the gang to come to the party also. A few hours later, the Riverside Gang showed up, a few words were said that made people mad, and a small fight broke out between the Riverside Gang and the White Fence Gang. In the middle of the fight, Billybob grabbed T.J., thinking he was a member of the Riverside Gang, threw him into a car and drove off. The fight finished and the White Fence Gang kicked the Riverside Gang off their territory. Zippy was looking for T.J. and couldn’t find him. Zippy became very upset, and was angry at the same time. Zippy gathered the rest of the White Fence Gang and sent them out for a search party. Zippy stayed at the house for a few hours in case T.J. came home, but no luck. Zippy was very angry and went out and got drunk. While he was staggering down the streets, he walked past a Riverside gang member’s car and smashed the windshield; he started screaming at the building and threw rocks and parts of broken sidewalk at the windows of the building. Eventually, Tyrone Biggums and three other members of the Riverside gang came out and manhandled Zippy. When they were done, Zippy was trying to get up to his knees, and with no breath he said, “Billybob wants a Gang War in two weeks at Brooklyn Road Alley!” RISING ACTION, PART 2 Billybob notices TJ isn’t in his crew. Billybob asks him do u no zippy? TJ says, “I’ve never herd of this zippy, who is this guy?” Then billybob takes a good, long, hard_ pressed look at him and says “You lyin’!” and smacks him across the face with a brick. Then Billybob turns his attention to the brick and gets an idea. Meanwhile at the whitefence crib, a member tells everybody “Yo! I seen Daquan and he’s on his way.” 20 minutes later Daquan gets there. Still in his orange jumpsuit so everyone asks “why you still in ya prison uniform?” He tells them “I broke out.” Zippy tells Daquan it’s a gang war in a couple days and they need his help. Daquan says “you know I’m down I’m always strapped, but I gotta’ keep it on da’ low.” The whitefence crew goes up stairs and gives Daquan some new clothes so the police won’t recognize him. After he finishes they all here a loud crash come from Zippy’s room. It was a brick with a note attached thrown through Zippy’s window saying “if you marks don’t beat us in this here gang war comin’ up, you ain’t never gonna’ see TJ again.” They read this in suspense knowing if they lose the lose TJ forever. CLIMAX The Whitefence gang starts to get ready for the war. Zippy asks Daquan “Will you be the leader homie”. Daquan responds in a excited manner “ Yea_ dog thug life foeva”. They go outside to go look for other gang members when Shaniqua runs up crying. She says to Daquan “ Help me please members of the Riverside gang sexually assaulted me”. Dequan responds in anger “ We gon kill them guys”. So they went and got the other gang members and got there ak’s, gats, and knives together and starting walking to Brooklyn “road alley”. Meanwhile Billybob gets the riverside gang ready to fight. They walk over and meet at the same time at Brooklyn “road alley”. Daquan steps out and says to Billybob_ “ Where is TJ man give him back”. Billybob steps out and says_ “We got em if you beat us you can have em like I said befor_ stupid thug”. So Zippy comes out and shoots Billybob in the leg. Then the whole war breaks out. Knives flyin, guns poppin, and people screaming. So Zippy runs across to look for TJ and gets shot in the arm. But even though he's in excruciating pain he still goes on. He finally finds TJ tied up in a dumpster and takes him out and runs. While there running away Billybob still conscious_ shoots Zippy in the stomach while there running away. FALLING ACTION After several more minutes of intense battle, all of the adjacent buildings shone bright with the deadly allure of approaching red and blue flashing lights. The block echoed with the roar of sirens as the police came to the fight. Shaniqua just then realized Zippy’s shot, and rushed to his aid. No member of either gang could prevent her from getting to her friend. She bit, hacked, and kicked her way through the battalions of white fence and riverside, not caring which one she hit. “Zippy hold on!” she whispered to herself as, with an astounding amount of strength, shoved aside a white fence. The fall of TJ due to a swift jab with a knife made her redouble her efforts in order to reach her fallen friends quicker. When at last she reached the two injured men, she thought back to when this whole stupid fight started. It was over four years ago and over some dumb dog. The riverside gang stole a dog from one of the whitefence’s yard. Later Shaniqua found out that the riveserside members had simply mistook the dog for those. As these thoughts raced through her head, a bullet narrowing missing her head, she was raced back to reality. By now, the cops had begun to break up the crowd. They came with mace spraying, nightsticks swinging, and guns blowing. Shaniqua attempted to get their attention but her shouts and cries where inaudible over the loud rumble of the fight. A cop spied her hunched over and ran quickly to her aid, He said in an urgent, but not unkind voice, “What’s the matter miss?”. Shaniqua responded with vigor, explaining the critical situations of her two friends. The cop quickly called the paramedics waiting in reserve over to the spot where they lay, and personally escorted them to the ambulance. The ambulance was cramped with three passengers in the back. But Shaniqua did not mind, all she could think of was the fact that her friends may be lost forever. She felt guilty. She felt as if she just hadn’t of have made a big deal out of the whole situation, then maybe, just maybe, TJ and Zippy would not be hurt. Tears began to roll down her face as she looked at he blank faces of her fallen comrades_ At the hospital, TJ and Zippy were rushed into emergency care and Shaniqua was forced to wait in the lobby. She whispered to herself “they’ll be fine, they’ll be fine” Over and over again, contemplating the best, and worst case, scenarios. The whispering gave her comfort, as if the where silent prayers, and every one helped a bit in the men’s recovery. She felt asleep there, sitting in that hospital chair. She dreamt nightmares consisting of the other gang members placing Zippy and TJ’s deaths upon her shoulders. Shaniqua awoke with a start as a nurse nudged her awake and said impatiently “you’re the girl that came in with Theodore, and Winstenworth right” (their real names, I mean honestly Zippy?) She quickly said “oh yes ma’am, TJ and Zippy are my friends” The women replied clearly annoyed at her staying the night “well they’re doing fine”. Neither suffered life- threatening wounds, but a stab in the stomach is no walk in the park, not to mention a shot Shaniqua instantaneously asked “when can I see them” then remembering her manners she added quickly “mam” “well right now” replied the lady. Just then Shaniqua spotted five of the white fence gang lurking out_side. She ran, not caring about the lady and their previous conversation. She ran bursting in to every single room looking for TJ and Zippy. When at last she found them, she rushed up to them and screamed at them “get up, get up you fat lazy busters! Whitefence is here, and I think they are here to--” She was cut off by the leading white fence grabbing her around the mouth. His harsh voice sounded throughout the hospital room “Ight, I’ve come here to repay the favor I ows you guys for what you did for us last night.” With out a word he raised a gun and fired four rounds, two into to TJ’s head, and two into Zippy’s head. If Shaquira had been able to scream, she would have. TJ, zippy, dead! No! Impossible! They where fine, the nurse said so not more than thirty seconds ago! The huge man whispered into her ear “and now a bit for you pretty lady” still holding her mouth from behind, he pointed his gun at her stomach, but at the exact moment she stomped on his foot as hard as she could, the bullet missed her stomach, but hit her in the knees. The man fled, leaving Shaniqua lying on the floor, blood trickling across the floor. RESOLUTION Shaniqua sat there, her knees in pain. She looked around for a minute to get her thought together. She yelled “help, help”. But there was no answer. She gathered her strength and made it to the door. As she crawled out a nurse spotted her. The nurse said “ are you okay” like a retard “ we need a doctor right away”. She was rushed into surgery right away to remove the bullets from her knees. After the operation the doctor came and visited, “you are lucky the bullets only hit tissue and we can release you in three days.” Now, while all of this was happening the police were searching the hospital for the five White Fence members. But they could not find them anywhere. Just as the officers were about to leave shots were fired. An message from the P.A. System sounded “ shots fired, shots fired. All doctors to ER. We have wounded victims”. So Shaniqua was like “ F that. I need to stop this beef” while in her room after surgery. Shaniqua got up and went to go find the remaining white fence gang members. She finds penicillin on a nurse rack and violently injects it into her legs. She finds the White Fence gang members outside of the hospital. She pulls out a revolver that she got from a deceased gang member and drew it on the members outside. As Shaniqua drew her gun the gang members drew their gats as well. They had a standoff for about 2 minutes but Shaniqua’s conscience told her that it was not right to continue the beef. So Shaniqua bends over slowly and puts the gun on the ground showing the gang members that she has given up. Then out of nowhere the 5/o comes from all directions and surrounds Shaniqua and the gang members. The gang members are handcuffed and thrown into the cop cars and taken to precinct thirty six . Where they will be put on trial. Shaniqua was taken to precinct 36 a few days after the shootings where she was questioned about the fight. She didn’t say much, she said there were some misconceptions and the fight wasn’t worth the trouble it brought the white fence gang members and the riverside gang members. She told them that the whole quarrel was over a kidnapped dog. The investigators told her that the whole situation was blasphemous and would’ve been avoided if both sides of the gang weren’t so childish. Shaniqua, quiet for a minute or two, responded in a soft voice, “True dat yo, true dat.” While mourning the death of TJ and Zippy, Shaniqua could not help but think that she should keep the memory of her fallen comrades alive. She was asked to speak at the funeral and she gave a riveting speech. As she wrapped up her speech, she saw some White Fence gang members and their boss. They approached Shaniqua out of respect and said “ I‘m sorry for the loss of your homies. I feel like we should remember the fallen soldiers in a respectable manner.” Shaniqua replied “ I agree son. We should start up a day care center.” Both parties agreed to this idea and parted ways. After the mourning ended, Shaniqua received a phone call from the white fence gangs boss. He said “ Yo Shaniqua. Meet me at liberty and garrison at 4:00PM.” When Shaniqua arrived she witnessed the grand opening of riverside day care. The day care was a hi-tech state of the art arena named Riverside Daycare with a white fence surrounding it. The parties meet and squashed the beef. Shaniqua eventually married the boss of white fence and they had two kids named faith and abstinence.

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