Havoc Ii Round 5

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Havoc Ii Round 5


1.One character in this work calls his wife a songbird who must sing no false notes. A key scene occurs when one character practices a tarantella to prevent another character from opening his mail. A note marked with a black cross arrives announcing the death of Doctor Rank, and a widowed childhood friend of the protagonist, Christine Linde, reengages a relationship with a man who knows that the protagonist forged her father’s signature, Nils Krogstad. Krogstad blackmails the protagonist over money used to fund a trip to Italy so her husband could recover from illness. FTP, Torvald Helmer is abandoned by his wife Nora in what play by Henrik Ibsen? A: A Doll’s House

2.The man on the left of this painting wears red, black, and white and the man on the right is dressed in brown clerical attire. The two men depicted are Jean de Dinteville and Georges de Selve, intended to represent the secular and religious worlds, respectively. A lute and two globes are among the objects on the table in this painting. There is a silver crucifix in the upper left corner and the tablecloth has a red, black, and white pattern. There is also an anamorphic skull on the mosaic floor. FTP name this painting of the title men by Hans Holbein the Younger. A: The Ambassadors

3.Mountains in this city include Mount Scopus and the Mount of Offence, as well as Mount Moriah, which is in the Haram ash-Sharif. The Kidron Valley is in the east of this city, near the Dung Gate. Another gate, St. Stephen's Gate, was, according to legend, built by Suleiman the Magnificent to avoid being consumed by lions, and other gates include the Damascus and the Jaffa, which is just north of the Citadel in the Armenian Quarter. Containing an Old City with four quarters, this city is also home to the Knesset and the Western Wall. FTP, name this Israeli capital city on the border with the West Bank. A: Jerusalem

4.The protagonist of this work is made nervous by the sight of panties, as they remind him of an affair he had in hotel rooms years beforehand with a character only identified as The Woman. Flashbacks in this work include one in which the protagonist is informed by his neighbor’s son Bernard that his own son flunked math class. After discussing prospects with his successful brother Ben, the protagonist commits suicide by crashing his car. FTP, Happy and Biff are the two unfulfilling sons of Willy Loman in what play by Arthur Miller? A: Death of a Salesman

5.One aspect of this god is Nataraja, the lord of dance, and this god, often depicted wearing a tiger skin, is carried by the bull Nandi. He carries a trident and is often accompanied by snakes, and the Ganges is said to flow through his hair. His throat was stained blue by drinking poison churned up from the sea to obtain Amrita, and the opening of his third eye burned the god of love, Kama, to death. He beheaded his son but granted Ganesha the head of an elephant to minimally upset Parvati, and their other son is Skanda. FTP, name this member of the Hindu Trimurti, the god of destruction. A: Shiva 6.This spokesmodel for Jordache who played a giantess in Ella Enchanted got her start in modeling after winning the televised contest Model 92, but her big break came when she appeared on the cover of the 1998 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Nicknamed “The Body” after her first Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, she has one child with Formula-1 mogul Flavio Briatore and two with her current husband Seal. FTP name this Victoria’s Secret Angel, the host of Germany’s Next Top Model and Project Runway. A: Heidi Klum

7.One work written in this language features a universal protagonist and is narrated by “I”, “you”, “he”, and “she,” and another concerns a man who dislikes the “Imitation Foreign Devil” and is executed for robbing his neighbor. In addition to Soul Mountain and The True Story of Ah Q, one work written in this language features a character known as the “Dwarf Tiger” who is a member of a group of 108 outlaws, and another features a monkey warrior born from a stone egg. One poet of this language wrote Drinking Alone by Moonlight. FTP, name this language in which Water Margin, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Journey to the West were written, the language of Li Bo. A: Chinese [accept equivalents]

8.This philosophical work attacks most poetry and art because of its imitative nature, and one statement is ethically expanded by the two “pleasure proofs”. It divides people into Workers, Auxiliaries, and Guardians, and one central idea is said to be “the advantage of the stronger”. It declares that an ideal state is ruled by philosophers and creates the doctrine that experience is known through shadows which are only manifestations of true reality, which consists of ideas called “forms”. One famous section characterizes people as facing away from the light while chained up in a cave. FTP, name this work in which Socrates debates the nature of justice, a Platonic dialogue which has a title referring to a form of government. A: The Republic

9. One of these compounds, the heptahydrate of magnesium sulfate, is a common edible example. In electrochemical cells, these substances maintain separate electrolyte solutions in a namesake “bridge.” The halogens are so named because they form the anionic halves of these types of compounds. The presence of these compounds in water is measured via conductivity to give a value of salinity. FTP, name these common compounds, including an Epsom variety and one often including iodine, with formula NaCl, known as the “table” variety. A: Salts [do not accept Sodium Chloride or NaCl as there aren’t types or varieties of them]

10.The losing side in this war won the Battle of Colenso and the Battle of Stormberg during the Black Week. Numerous cities were besieged by the losing side including Ladysmith, Mafeking, and Kimberly in this war. Alfred Milner commanded the winning side while Paul Kruger commanded the losing side in this war. It was triggered after gold was found at Witwatersrand leading to the Jameson Raid. The first one was caused by Benjamin Disraeli annexing certain territories, FTP, name this war ended by the Treaty of Vereeniging between Great Britain and two republics known as Transvaal and the Orange Free State. A: Anglo-Boer War [or Second Boer War; or South African War] 11.In the opening scene of this opera, “Avec la garde montante” is sung by a chorus of urchins after Morales unsuccessfully tries to convince Micaela to stay in his company. In Lillas Pastia’s tavern, the protagonist sings “La fleur que tu m’avais jetee”, known as the Flower Song, shortly before he is discovered by Zuniga. The protagonist plans to run away with Frasquita and Mercedes, but he is sidetracked when he learns that his mother is dying, allowing his lover to be seduced by a man who sings “Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre”, or the Toreador Song, Escamillo. FTP, Don Jose falls in love with the titular gypsy in what Georges Bizet opera? A: Carmen

12. Given this operation on a function, the graph of the function can be approximated with Euler’s method. This operation, the result of which is set equal to zero to find critical points, performed on e to the x yields itself. It is defined as the limit as h approaches zero of f of x plus h, minus f of x, all over h. Performing this operation on the indefinite integral of a function produces the original function according to the fundamental theorem of calculus. FTP, name this instantaneous rate of change, the computing of which is called differentiation. A: First Derivative

13.One ruler of this group was involved in the War of the Two Brothers, and was succeeded by puppet rulers from Vilcabamba. A general of that same ruler was defeated by Sebastian Benalcázar and massacred all the virgins in the capital city, and that ruler defeated Huáscar, although he would later be killed even though he filled a room with precious metals. Túpac Amaru tried to revive this civilization, which used the quipu, a knotted cord, to carry messages. Their last major ruler, Atahualpa, was killed by Pizarro. FTP, name this ancient Andean civilization which built Cuzco and Macchu Pichu. A: Incas [or Incan empire]

14.One poem referencing this poet states “It was you that broke the new wood/Now is a time for carving,” and another poem accuses this figure of “poking among the meats in the refrigerator and eyeing the grocery boys.” This subject of Ezra Pound’s A Pact and Allen Ginsberg’s A Supermarket in California wrote a poetry collection which was published with a letter from Emerson and includes a poem whose speaker wants to sound his “barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world.” Another of his poems describes a leader “fallen cold and dead.” FTP, name this poet of O Captain! My Captain! whose Leaves of Grass includes Song of Myself. A: Walt Whitman

15.This language exhibited boustrophedon writing in its early development, before it settled into writing from left to right. The term aorist comes from this language, which uses that aspect of a verb to show simple completed action. The koine variety was once used throughout much of the Middle East, and other dialects included the Aeolic, Doric, and Ionic. Its alphabet influenced those of the Armenians and Slavs, and it comprises a separate branch of the Indo-European family. FTP, name this Mediterranean language which contains such letters as delta, sigma, and pi. A: Greek language [accept ancient Greek] 16.This event was commemorated in a satirical medal created by Karl Goetz, which was used in Britain and the United States as propaganda. In the ensuing months, the Arabic Pledge and the Sussex Pledge were both exacted from German authorities, although in both cases they were ignored. The note which was sent to Germany after this event resulted from the doctrine of "strict accountability" expounded by Wilson. Although there were small arms cartridges aboard, the vessel involved was probably not carrying war materials. FTP, name this 1915 event in which a German submarine sunk a British passenger liner with Americans aboard. A: sinking of the Lusitania [or torpedoing of the Lusitania, or anything else involving destruction of the Lusitania; prompt on Lusitania]

17.This man's wife died on their wedding day while fleeing from Aristaeus, and this man would later be torn to pieces by Maenads after forsaking women. This Thracian saved the Argonauts from the Sirens by out-playing their music and was buried on the island of Lesbos by the Muses after his singing head floated down the river. After lulling Cerberus to sleep, this figure was able to bring Persephone to tears. However, this figure disobeyed her instructions to not look back at his wife while leading her from the underworld and lost her once again. FTP name this musician, the husband of Eurydice. A: Orpheus

18. “Anthropogenic” examples of these classes include “wildlands” and “dense settlements,” while the endolithic one exists between pores in rock and is inhabited by extremophile bacteria. One way to define these classes is called the Bailey system. Examples of these classes often take different names in different places, like the Australian veldt and the African savanna. FTP, give this term for ecologically related ranges of climate conditions, including riparian zones and taiga, as well as the dry, hot desert and the cold, dry tundra. A: Biomes

19.In one account of this ruler's rise to power, he and Gaumata clashed after the latter started impersonating the assassinated prince Bardiya. His son-in-law led his fleet to destruction in a storm off the coast of Mount Athos. Datis and that son-in-law, Mardonius, were sent to create an inscription that described how this ruler gained power resulting in the Behistun inscriptions. This ruler finished organizing his empire into satrapies and proceeded to crush an Ionian revolt encouraged by the Greeks. FTP, name this Persian king who was defeated at Marathon, built Persepolis, and was the father of Xerxes I. A: Darius I the Great [or Darius the Great; Prompt on Darius]

20.This battle was precipitated after one general responded to Eudes's pleas for help, and one side returned to the countryside near Narbonne soon after. The winners overcame their lack of cavalry with a strong phalanx arranged on a hilltop, which was able to destroy the enemy cavalry as it penetrated the infantry square. Leaving their tents and booty captured in Bordeaux behind, 'Abd ar-Rahman's forces retreated to Iberia during the night after this battle. FTP, name this 732 battle in France in which Charles Martel defeated an Arab invasion. A: Battle of Tours accept Poitiers EXTRA TOSS-UP; only read if there is a tie

21. This disease affects the same process as the autosomal condition Von Willebrand disease. Treatment of this condition may sometimes involve the recombinant drug NovoSeven when replacement therapy fails, and often desmopressin is used to treat symptoms. One type of this condition is sometimes referred to as Christmas disease. FTP, identify this disease well-known for its prevalence in European royalty due to inbreeding, in which clotting factors eight or nine are absent, leading to easy and profuse bleeding. A: Hemophilia 1.FTPE, it joins the Brahmaputra to form a giant delta emptying into the Bay of Bengal. [10] Name this large Indian river north of the Deccan Plateau. A: Ganges River accept Ganga [10] This other large Asian river originating in the Himalayas runs through Laos and Cambodia before joining the South China Sea in Vietnam. A: Mekong River [10] Another South Asian river is this one emptying into the Andaman Sea in Burma. Cities on it include Mandalay and Rangoon. A: Irrawaddy River

2. This equation was expanded for application to systems with different ions by the Goldman- Hodgman-Katz Equation. FTPE: [10] Name this equation named for a German chemist who also names a Heat Theorem. It calculates the electromotive force on an electrochemical cell. A: Nernst Equation [10] One constant found in the Nernst Equation is this number of particles in a mole, sometimes named for its measurer Loschmidt. A: Avogadro’s Number or Constant [10] The Nernst Equation also makes use of this constant denoted R which is equal to Boltzmann’s Constant times Avogadro’s Constant. A: Ideal Gas Constant

3.The mother of the central family in this play is a morphine addict. FTPE: [10] Name this semi-autobiographical play about the Tyrone family, which includes the aforementioned Mary as well as James, an aging actor, and their sons. A: Long Day's Journey Into Night [10] Long Day's Journey Into Night is a play by this author of Anna Christie and The Emperor Jones. A: Eugene O'Neill [10] This play cycle by Eugene O'Neill is based on the Oresteia and sees Adam Brant and Christine murder Ezra Mannon, the father of Orin and Lavinia. A: Mourning Becomes Electra

4.Name these destructive groups of barbarians, FTPE: [10] This East Germanic tribe sacked Rome in 455, doubtless defacing property in the process. They eventually settled in North Africa. A: Vandals [10] This group was notably led by Attila and came out of the steppes of Central Asia, driving the lesser tribes before them into conflict with Rome. A: Huns [10] This broad group of East Germanic tribes was fought by Constantine and eventually split into two major branches. They originated in Sweden. A: Goths 5. These objects are rotating neutron stars. FTPE: [10] Name these objects, discovered by Jocelyn Bell Burnell, which emit varying types of radiation at a constant frequency, drawing comparisons to a lighthouse. A: Pulsars [10] This nebula located in the constellation Taurus whose supernova took place in 1054 contains a pulsar. A: Crab Nebula [10] This French astronomer is known for a namesake catalogue that places the Crab Nebula as the first of 100 objects, including comets and a number of nebulae. A: Charles Messier

6.Engaging in contests with the Greco-Roman gods was generally a bad idea. FTPE: [10] This woman was changed into a spider after Minerva destroyed her tapestry depicting the affairs of the gods during their weaving contest. A: Arachne [10] The satyr Marsyas was flayed by this god after losing a contest by playing his flute, while this god of music could both sing and create music with his lyre. A: Apollo [10] This man known for his temporary golden touch was given a set of donkey ears by Apollo for siding with Pan in a contest between them. A: Midas

7.This novel gained notoriety for an obscenity trial in Britain in 1960, thirty years after its author had died. FTPE: [10] Name this novel about the relationship between the gamekeeper Oliver Mellors and Constance. A: Lady Chatterley’s Lover [10] This author of Lady Chatterley’s Lover, as well as Women in Love, set the novel The Plumed Serpent during the Mexican Revolution. A: David Herbert Lawrence [10] This Lawrence novel describes the relationships between the young artist Paul Morel and Clara Dawes and Miriam Leivers. A: Sons and Lovers

8.This painting's artist also painted its “disintegration.” FTPE: [10] Name this painting which depicts four melted clocks, one of which has ants crawling on it, before a background of cliffs. A: The Persistence of Memory or La persistencia de la memoria [10] This Catalan Surrealist painter is also known for work on the film Andalusian Dog. A: Salvador Dali [10] This Belgian Surrealist's Time Transfixed features a train calmly exiting a dining room fireplace. He also painted The Treachery of Images, which is notably not a pipe. A: Rene Magritte 9.FTPE, it includes a ritual meal, the seder, on its first night. [10] Name this Jewish holiday commemorating the sparing of the Israelites by the Angel of Death before the Exodus. It is also called the Feast of Unleavened Bread. A: Passover or Pesah [10] In this Jewish holiday in the autumn, booths are set up with branches to celebrate the harvest. A: Sukkot [or Succoth or Sukkos; prompt on Feast of Booths] [10] This Jewish holiday celebrates the defeat of Haman's evil plot by Queen Esther and Mordecai. A: Purim [accept Feast of Lots]

10.He wrote Cross of Snow after his wife died in a fire, and he translated the Divine Comedy. FTPE: [10] Name this American poet who wrote of the historically inaccurate romance of the titular seaman in his The Courtship of Miles Standish. A: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow [10] Longfellow is also known for having written this historical poem of an event which, "Hardly a man is now alive/Who remembers that famous day and year." The title figure asks that lanterns be hung in the Old North Church as a warning. A: Paul Revere's Ride (The Landlord's Tale) [10] The titular Indian hero of this Longfellow work wrestles and defeats Mondamin, whose burial causes corn to grow, and later marries Minnehaha. A: The Song of Hiawatha

11.FTPE, name these composers who were also noted pianists. [10] This Polish pianist’s works show the melodic influence of Bellini and include mazurkas, nocturnes, the “Heroic” Polonaise, and the “Funeral March” Sonata. A: Frederic Chopin [10] This Hungarian virtuoso, a student of Carl Czerny, wrote such obscure works as the opera Don Sanche and such famous works as the Transcendental Etudes and Hungarian Rhapsodies. A: Franz Liszt [10] This French pianist set an Henri Cazalis poem and featured a xylophone in Danse Macabre and parodied Offenbach’s Galop Infernal in the movement Tortoises of his The Carnival of the Animals. A: Camille Saint-Saens

12. The Derg ruled this nation after the fall of Haile Selassie. FTPE: [10] Name this present-day country that was once ruled by Menelik II and known as Axum. A: Ethiopia [10] Ethiopia was able to dodge the European scramble for Africa when Menelik II won this 1896 battle over Italy’s Oreste Baratieri. A: Battle of Adowa [accept Adwa] [10] The Algiers Agreement in 2000 ended a war between Ethiopia and this nation, which was led by Isaias Afewerki after declaring independence from Ethiopia in 1993. A: State of Eritrea 13. This quantity is commonly defined as the rate of change of position. FTPE: [10] Name this quantity, which is differentiated to obtain acceleration, the vector form of speed. A: Velocity [10] This vector analog to scalar distance describes the change in position relative to another position. A: Displacement [10] This less commonly-used quantity describes the rate of change of acceleration and is the second derivative of velocity; its own derivatives include snap, crackle and pop. A: Jerk

14.FTPE name these figures from various Native American mythologies. [10] This canine trickster god also serves as a creator god in some cultures. In Plains tradition, he created the first man by kicking a ball of mud. A: Coyote [10] This giant bird who can flash lightning from his eyes saved the Quillayute people from starvation by bringing them a whale. A: Thunderbird [10] This avian trickster god's feathers turned black after he stole the sun and other astronomical features, in addition to water and a firebrand, creating the world as he placed them. A: Raven

15.FTPE, name some meetings of world leaders during WWII. [10] This 1943 conference in Morocco produced a declaration that the Allies would seek the unconditional surrender of the Axis, and recognized the Free French. A: Casablanca Conference [10] In this 1945 meeting in a suburb of Berlin, the plan of four occupation zones for defeated Germany was devised. A: Potsdam Conference [10] This conference in an Iranian city in 1943 was the first meeting of the Big Three, and involved planning the remainder of the war, including the promise of Allied troops in France to ease the Soviet Union's load. A: Tehran Conference

16.In this movie, Nova is one of the new race of humans, who cannot talk, and Doctor Zaius attempts to suppress knowledge of what came before the simian civilization. FTPE: [10] Name this movie starring Charlton Heston as a space traveler coming back to a post-nuclear Armageddon world. A: Planet of the Apes [10] Charlton Heston also starred in this Biblical film featuring the healing of the title Jewish man's family by the death of Jesus, as well as an awesome chariot race and a naval battle in which Heston is a galley slave and must row well to live. A: Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ [10] Heston appears as Robert Thorn in this movie set in the future, along with Sol, his Jewish friend. He romances a "furniture girl" and makes an extremely unpleasant discovery about the title brand of synthetic food. A: Soylent Green 17.FTPE, name these French novelists. [10] This man wrote about a vengeful nobleman in The Count of Monte Cristo and introduced his young Gascon D’Artagnan in The Three Musketeers. A: Alexandre Dumas, père [10] This author wrote about the adventures of Fabrizio del Dongo in The Charterhouse of Parma and described Julien Sorel’s seduction of his employer’s wife Madame de Renal in The Red and the Black. A: Stendhal [accept Henri-Marie Beyle] [10] This Renaissance author is known for five novels about the giants Gargantua and Pantagruel. A: François Rabelais

18.FTPE, name some things related to a governmental concept which was taken from the Romans. [10] This power, used by tribunes to forbid the passage of something, is used by current executives to block legislation they don't like. A: Veto [10] This type of veto is not available to the U.S. President, but most governors have it. It consists of vetoing only offending parts of a bill, not the whole. A: Line-item Veto [10] This veto can be used whenever a bill is passed by Congress within ten days of its adjournment. The president can wait on signing it until the adjournment, at which time it will die a natural death. A: Pocket Veto

19. This structure includes Golgi cells in its granular layer and especially large neurons called Purkinje cells in another layer. FTPE: [10] Name this portion of the brain below the cerebrum and above the medulla oblongata responsible for coordination of motor functions. A: Cerebellum [10] Neurons feature these branch-like structures which receive most of the input of electrical stimuli which they transmit to the main body of the neuron. A: Dendrites [10] These cells are instrumental in the creation of Remak bundles and form the myelin sheaths of neurons. They are named for a German physiologist who proposed that all animals are made of cells. A: Schwann Cells 20.Answer the following about the election of 1912, FTPE: [10] This incumbent president and former governor of the Philippines was the Republican candidate, after a tumultous convention that saw the party split in two. A: William Howard Taft [10] This splinter party of dissatisfied Republicans got its nickname from their leader emphatically saying he felt as strong as one of the namesake animals. A: Bull Moose Party [prompt on Progressive party; accept 1st Progressive Party] [10] This Republican candidate lost the nomination to Taft. He was a progressive senator from Wisconsin, known for his "Wisconsin Idea." He also ran as a Progressive in 1924. A: Robert M. La Follette, Sr.

21.FTPE, this country was long occupied by Sweden, and many Lapps live here. [10] Name this country with capital of Helsinki which speaks a language in the same family as Estonian. A: Finland [accept Suomi] [10] This war occurred in 1939 to 1940 after the Soviet Union attacked Finland. It was followed by the Continuation War. A: Winter War [10] This line, named for the commander of the Finnish forces in the Winter War, stretched across the Karelian Isthmus near St. Petersburg to keep out the Russians. A: Mannerheim Line

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