Culminating Summative Board Game Assignment

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Culminating Summative Board Game Assignment

CGC 1D Culminating Summative Board Game Assignment

Learning Goals:

1. I will demonstrate an understanding of the challenges associated with achieving resource sustainability, and explain the implications of meeting or not meeting those challenges for future resource use in Canada 2. I will demonstrate an ability to collect, organize, and synthesize information from a variety of sources (e.g., atlases, photographs, hypermedia) to identify the characteristics of Canada’s geography 3. I will select and use appropriate methods and technology to communicate the results of geographic inquiries, and present a variety of viewpoints on issues affecting Canadians 4. I will use geographic terms correctly in written and oral communication 5. I will develop and use appropriate questions to define a topic, problem, or issue, and use these questions to focus a geographic inquiry

Task: You will create an interesting, creative, factually accurate, and most importantly, FUN board game. The style of the game is up to you. Think of your favorite games and use them as inspiration to create your own unique product. You MUST also include a detailed set of instructions and rules for your game. What is the objective of the game? – TO TEACH THE PLAYERS ABOUT CANADIAN GEOGRAPHY!

Instructions: 1. You will work in pairs. You and your partner will be evaluated on your productivity during work periods. 2. Your group will construct a board game that is based on the units we have covered so far in the class. They are:  Canada and mapping  Physical Geography  Human Geography  Cultural Connections  Sustainability  Environmental Geography  Canadian Economic Connections

3. The style of game is up to you, but you MUST have at least 10 questions for each unit. These questions must take the form of either multiple choice or fill in the blank. True or False questions will not be permitted. Remember, you want your game players to learn about each unit! You must also provide answers. 4. You must decide on your method of numerical advancement (i.e. will you use a dice, spinner or some other method to move pieces around the board). Include all pieces required. (Be Creative!) 5. DO NOT submit a copied game – do not submit “geopoly” or “snakes and geography”, etc. If you do, expect a mark reflective of an already created game! 6. Your game board must be clearly and neatly marked. It must also be free of spelling and grammatical errors. 7. I strongly suggest that you include images on your board game as well. (GEOGRAPHY BASED)

Objective:  Your game MUST teach the players about Canadian and World Geography. This is the goal of your game.

Work Period 1  Identification of the topic .  Creation of an action plan. This will include a rough draft of your board as well as a title.

Work Period 2 - 6  Question research and generation  Board game design.

Work Period 7&8  Play the games!!

Assessment:  You will be assessed on your final project (see rubric)

CGC1P Game Board Summative Rubric

Name(s): ______

Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Knowledge/Understanding: Limited Some knowledge of Considerable High degree of knowledge of facts, terms, concepts knowledge of facts, knowledge of Knowledge of content is  facts, terms, and/or theories from terms, concepts facts, terms, evident in the make-up of the concepts and/or the different areas and/or theories from concepts and/or game. Students cover theories from the the different areas theories from the information from all units. different areas different areas

Thinking/Inquiry: Used Used critical/creative Used critical/creative Used Use of critical/creative thinking critical/creative thinking processes to thinking processes to critical/creative processes: thinking some degree. a considerable thinking processes to a degree. processes to a Game is easily understandable  limited degree. high degree. yet effectively challenges the class  Operating instructions are clear and effective - the game runs smoothly

Game was a copy Game borrowed Game was mostly Game was highly Was the game a copy of an  of an existing ideas from an existing original; there was original; creative existing format? format; very few game; several original clear evidence of thinking skills changes have ideas have been creative thinking. have been used been made. incorporated. at a very high level.

Communication: Labels and written Labels and written Labels and written Labels and written information have information have information have information have Game is visually appealing and  been been communicated been communicated been clearly laid out communicated with some clarity. with considerable communicated  Use of conventions, vocabulary with limited clarity. clarity. with a high and terminology in written degree of clarity. forms (game board, game pieces and instructions) are free from obvious errors

Application: Transfer of Transfer of Transfer of Transfer of knowledge and knowledge and skills knowledge and skills knowledge and Transfer of knowledge and  skills are applied are applied with some are applied with skills are applied skills to new contexts (student with limited effectiveness. considerable with a high creates a unique and enjoyable effectiveness. effectiveness. degree of game that effectively combines effectiveness. course content with game play).

Success Criteria (check off as you complete each one)

 I have a creative title and layout to the game that is not a copy of another game. _____  I have 4 questions from each of the 7 units we have studied (at least 28 total). _____  I have instructions for the game. ______ I have game pieces for the board game. ______ The board game is neat, has images and is creative. _____  I have worked well during the given work periods. _____

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