The Freedom Road -(3 DVD's) - David Icke

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The Freedom Road -(3 DVD's) - David Icke

------The Freedom Road -(3 DVD's) - david icke ------911 Guilt – The proof is in your Hands -–--- Loose Change 2 – 911 fraud – Dylan avery ------Food Info – Big Sugar – Supermarket secrets –-----Denial Stops Here – peak oil and beyond – Mike Ruppert ------Hacking Democracy - voting fraud ----– Legend of Atlantis (2 DVD's) – history - underworld ------American Blackout – voting fraud ------911 The road to Tyranny – alex jones – militarization ------Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove/The Order of Death– Alex Jones –---- The Corporation – the legal psychopaths ------Star Dreams – Crop Circles –---- World Without Cancer - vitamin b-17 – Food as Medicine ------Nikola Tesla – free energy (4 hours) ------Enron – The Smartest guys in the room ------Free Energy -the race to zero point ------The Ringworm Children – Israel government killing children ----- Beyond Treason (2 disk) depleted uranium ------Flight From Death - immortality ----– Fluoride Deception – brain disruptor ------Unrepentant – residential schools/Natives ----– The Future of Food(4 movies) – Codex,Hoxey,Gersin Miracle ------Winston Shrout Money/UCC/Maritime Law – hawaii 3 DVD ----– Peaceable Kingdom – Farming Food ------Mega Earth Changes 2 ------Orwell rolls in his grave (power of corporate media in USA) ------Walmart – High cost of low price ----– “HAARP holes in heaven” tesla technology (2 movies) ------The Revolution will not be televised - Chavez/Venezuela --–--- The Illuminati ------The Century of the Self – Edward Bernays/PR/advertising -–---- Money Masters “How international bankers control ------Money as Debt (47 min – very informative) -----– Martial Law – 911 The rise of the police state – alex jones ------The Trap - individualism and freedom ------Confronting 911 & Painful Deceptions) - Eric Hufshmit ------The Rise and Fall – The Russian Oligarchs ------911 The French Bros, NYFD - amazing ------Fidel Castro – The Untold Story ------Aerosol Crimes - Chemtrails ------Children Of Men/The Human Project – wireless technology damages ------UN Broken Promises ------Iron Mountain 2 ------Aids Exposed (3 movies) ------UnFriendly Fire – UN world regional arrangements ------NOT SEEN ON TV – 16 Movie + 40 PDF Documents ------The New Atlantis Vol 2 “Riddles in Stone” design of Washington DC ------JFK-2 The Bush Connection and Assassination of JFK Jr. ------Sweet Misery – A poisoned World - Aspartame ------Crop Circles ------The Illuminati 2 –Secret Space ------Reptilian Agenda – David Icke (2 dvd) ------New Age Exposed –(gurus) ------The End of Suburbia – urban sprawl – oil ------The New Atlantis – Mysteries of Americas beginnings ------Public Exposure – cell phone/wireless damage ------Suppressed Medical Discovery (blood electrification) ------Zeitgeist – religion – 911 – money ------I shot JFK – The shooter speaks ------Friendly Fire – depleted uranium – vaccines ------Reefer Madness - The musical 2004 new remake ------Poison Dust – depleted uranium ------GNN Ammo -Info for the info warrior – 8 short clips(good) ------Swear to Tell the truth – Lenny Bruce ------NASA’s UFO’s ------Voices Of Iraq – ------Moon NASA Roswell ------Robert Menard – Money –Freeman ------GMO - Changing life ------The US Vs. John Lennon ------911 – Who Killed John O’Niell ------The Human Behavior Experiments ------Ian Lungold – Mayan Calendar – Very Recommended ------Big Bucks Big Pharma – Amy Goodman ------Sir! No Sir! – The G.I Revolt ------Enemy Image – Media Spin and the Wars ------TerrorStorm – Alex Jones ------EndGame – Alex Jones ------911 Mysteries – More updated than Loose Change 2 ------Winston Shrout Albuquerque – UCC/Money (2dvds) ------911 Press For Truth ------911 Truth Conference June 2007 – (10 dvds) ------Illuminati Vol 2 part 2 of Illuminati ------Loose Change Final Cut – 911 Truth ------Waco – The Rules of Engagement ------Enemy Image – how media frames ------Contact Has Begun – James Gilliland ------OUTFOXED – Ruppert Murdoch’s War on Journalism ------In Lies We Trust – Manufactured diseases - Len Horowitz ------Connecting The Dots (2 movies) ------Global Warming or Global Governance ------The Nazis and The Final Solution (2 DVD’s) ------49 MegaWatts - independent power projects BC ------The Occult History of The Third Reich ------The Magnificent Deception – Robert Menard 2 disks FreeMan ------A World without Water ------The Empire of the City – The trinity of Power 2 DVD's ------Mercury , Autism, Vaccines and The Global Agenda ------The Doctor-Depleted Uranium and the Dying Children ------Freedom to Fascism – by Arron Russo ------Run From the Cure – Rick Simpson Story – (Hemp Oil Healing) ------The Secret – the law of Attraction ------Gustafsen Lake - informative - from VHS low quality ------The History Of Oil – by Robert Newman ------Chiapas - from VHS low quality ------Life and Debt – Jamaica’s story of Globalization ------Shuswap Nation - from VHS low quality ------The World According to Bush ------The War on Democracy – central/south America -Chavez ------V for Vendetta ------The World According to Monsanto ------Jesus Camp 2006 ------Animal Farm – GMO manipulation ------Trance Formation of America – Mind Control ------The Doomsday Clock - Astronomical Precession and 2012 (David Flynn) ------Destruction of Atlantis – Micheal Tsarion ------American Drug War The last white hope ------Stealing a Nation – Diega Garcia Island ------911 Chronicles-Truth Rising-Alex Jones ------The Yes Men – brilliant activism ------The Day after Tomorrow TURN OVER ------Bursting Bubbles of Government deception – Robert Menard ------BANKING(1984)/energy non-crisis – Lindsey Williams ------A I Artificial Intelligence ------Dr Strecter AIDS -(1988) ------Trading Democracy for Corporate Rule ------Earthlings ------Naked Queen – war on drugs ------Nick Begich – Earth Rising Series 3 DVDs HAARP-Mind Control-21 century technology dangers and uses. ------The Moon Fake or Not? (the pros and cons) ------Esoteric Agenda ------Real dirt on Farmer John – Cuba-community solutions Electric Car ------A film to end all wars ------Let's get Empirical – David ray Griffin ------The Knights Templar ------Alfred Bielek – The Philadelphia/Montauk Experiments and Survivors. ------The Mysterious Life of Phil Schneider-The final Message ------Alfred Bielek - Philadelphia/Montauk Autobiography ------Global Sciences – 2001 Conference Speakers

Name: ______#______Contact me: [email protected] update: Dec 09, 2008

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