Framework for Assessing Eba Evidence
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PART ONE: BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Author (s) Date Article/chapter Title Journal /book title volume, number, page numbers as relevant Publisher Place published Summary
1. What is the dimension of poverty being discussed/targetted?:
Possible answers Data entry code Unspecified – poverty/livelihoods in 10 general Income 11 Asset ownership 12 Food security 13 Health 14 Empowerment 15 NEED TO AGREE THE CATEGORIES 16
2. What is the aspect of poverty being addressed?
Possible answers Data entry code Unspecified 10 Absolute/chronic 11 Absolute/temporal 12 Relative/chronic 13 Relative/temporal 14
3. What component of biodiversity is discussed as affecting poverty?
Possible answers Data entry code Unspecified – biodiversity in general 10 Genes/Germplasm 11 Specific resources (eg NTFPs) 12 Species (eg gorillas) 13 Groups of species (eg African plains 14 game) Guilds (eg pollinators) 15 Ecosystems/habitats (eg a protected 16 area/forest) 4a: Where available provide the specific name - eg elephants
2 4. What attribute of biodiversity is discussed as affecting poverty?
Possible answers Data entry code Unspecified 10 Diversity 11 Abundance/extent 12 Composition/uniqueness 13 Other (define) 14
5. Does the evidence relate to a specific intervention? Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes 1
5a) If YES: Is the intervention intended to be a conservation intervention, development intervention or one that specifically links the two? (enter the code and then record the actual intervention eg PES scheme in the next column)
Possible answers Data entry code Option 1 – Conservation intervention (eg 5 protected area) Option 2 – Development intervention (eg 6 Agricultural development programme) Option 3 – Linking intervention (eg 7 community based ecotourism)
6. What is the mechanism by which biodiversity affects poverty?
Possible answers Data entry code Direct use (eg harvesting) 10 Indirect use (eg ecosystem services 11 generated by biodiversity) Non use (eg conservation jobs) 12 Human-wildlife conflict 13 Other (define) 14
3 6a: Specify the precise mechanism eg harvesting NTFPs, farming indigenous vegetables etc
7. How does the mechanism affect poverty? (select all that apply)
Possible answers Data entry code It supports immediate subsistence needs 10 It generates income /tradeable surplus 11 It contributes to long term 12 security/resilience
7a: Describe precisely how – eg it generates jobs; it insures against crop failure, etc
8. Does the evidence assess the direction of the impact of biodiversity on poverty?
Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes positive 2 Yes negative 3 Yes neutral 4 Yes mixed 5
9. Where is the approach/research undertaken? Region (drop down list)
10.Where is the approach/research undertaken? Country (drop down list – chose more than one if needed)
11.Where is the approach/research undertaken? Specific locality (eg village, PA)
12.Where is the approach/research undertaken? GIS coordinates if available
13.In which habitat/‘ecosystem’1 is the approach undertaken/research applied to?
Possible answers Data entry code Coastline (includes2 shorelines, beaches, mud flats, salt flats, 10 1 Informed by habitats list simplified from IUCN habitats list by BirdLife International for standardised use across all regions for Important Bird Area first-level habitat classifications 2 Elaborations made based on: IUCN Red List Habitat Classification Scheme (Version 3.0) [ ver3]
4 salt marshes, mangroves, sand dunes) Desert 11 Forest (includes subarctic and subantarctic) 12 Grassland (includes tundra, subarctic and subantarctic) 13 Introduced / Exotic vegetation 14 Montane 15 Savanna (includes dry and moist) 16 Marine (includes coral reefs, seagrass, estuaries) 17 Wetlands - inland (includes rivers, streams, creeks, irregular 18 rivers, freshwater lakes and pools, tundra wetlands) Artificial landscapes eg aquaculture ponds, seasonally 19 flooded agricultural land etc Artificial landscapes – terrestrial (includes arable land, 20 pastureland, plantations, rural gardens, urban areas) Other………………………… 21
14.Does the evidence provide a measure of the poverty impact?
Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes 1
5 SECTION B: DETAILS OF EVIDENCE TYPE. This section is intended to provide details on type of evidence presented so that users can draw their own conclusions as to its quality
1. What is the source of evidence?
Possible answers Data entry code Book/book chapter 10 Conference proceedings 11 Peer-review published journal paper 12 Peer-review published grey literature 13 Published grey literature 14 Unpublished grey literature 15 Other 16
2. What is the location of the primary authors/institution (chose from drop down list of countries)
3. Is the evidence site-specific? Possible answers Data entry code No - generic 0 Yes 1
4. What is the study design that generated the evidence?
Possible answers Data entry code Experimental (eg RCT) 10 Quasi experimental (eg before/after - not 11 randomly assigned) Observational - eg case studies 12 Option 4 – not specified 13 CHECK IF THERE IS A BETTER CATEGORISATION
5. What research methods were used to collect data? Possible answers Data entry code Household survey 10 Focus groups 11 Informant interviews 12 Participant observation 13 Market analysis 14 (list to be further developed through data 15 extraction process )
6 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
6. What kind of data is included in the evidence? Possible answers Data entry code Primary /quantitative 10 Primary/qualitative 11 Secondary/Quantitative 12 Secondary /Qualitative 13
7. What was the unit of analysis and sample size? (for each answer record in separate column the number of each unit or note as unrecorded)
Possible answers Data entry code individual 10 household 11 village/locality 12 region/district 13 country 14
8. What was the duration of study period (free text – note the number of weeks or chose unrecorded)
7 SECTION C: Evidence of understanding of biodiversity-poverty relationship This section is intended to build up a description of the level of detail and understanding of the biodiversity –poverty relationship that is addressed in the evidence. The questions are based on our perceptions of contextual factors that influence biodiversity-poverty linkages
1. Does the evidence mention the general biodiversity status of the country/region?
Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes 1
1a: if yes record how described eg “biodiversity hotspot”
2. Does the evidence describe the biodiversity status of the site?
Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes 1 Not applicable (eg if not a site level 999 study) 2a: if yes record how described eg “intact”; “degraded” etc
3. Does the evidence mention the general poverty status of the country/region?
Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes 1
3a: if yes record how described eg “LDC” “ poor country”
4. Does the evidence describe the poverty /socio economic status of the site?
Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes 1 Not applicable (eg if not a site level 999 study) 4a: if yes record how described eg “low income”; “high child mortality” etc
5. Does the evidence give any indication of the natural resource governance regime at the site?
8 Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes 1 Not applicable 999
5a) If YES: what is the governance regime?
Possible answers Data entry code Option 1: State controlled 5 Option 2: Privately owned 6 Option 3: Community managed 7 Option 4: Co-managed 8 Other (define) 9
6. Does the evidence mention the resource rights regime?
Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes - Mentioned 2 Yes – effects analysed (provide further 3 details in narrative form if relevant) Not applicable 999
7. Does the evidence mention the land tenure regime?
Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes - Mentioned 2 Yes – effects analysed (provide further 3 details in narrative form if relevant) Not applicable 999
8. Does the evidence mention the power relations?
Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes - Mentioned 2 Yes – effects analysed (provide further 3 details in narrative form if relevant) Not applicable 999
9 9. Does the evidence consider possible trade-offs/costs as well as benefits?
Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes - Mentioned 2 Yes – effects analysed (provide further 3 details in narrative form if relevant) Not applicable 999
1. What measure of poverty impact has been used? (see A14)
Description (eg jobs created, income generated, no of people affected, GDP earnings)
2. Does the evidence assess the scale of impact (no of beneficiaries)? Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes 1
If YES record number (individuals, households etc)
2. Does the evidence consider distributional impacts?
Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes - Mentioned 2 Yes – different groups identified (eg 3 gender, indigenous, wealth groups etc)Specifics are identified Yes - Detail on specifics is provided 4 (provide details in narrative box) Not applicable 999
3. Does the evidence consider the duration of impact?
Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes 1
If yes specify short term, long term etc
4. Does the evidence consider whether the outcome is replicable elsewhere? Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes 1 If YES provide details
5. Does the evidence include consideration of the thresholds/boundary limits/tipping points of achieving the outcome?
11 Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes - Mentioned 2 Yes - Specifics are identified (provide 3 narrative details in separate column) Not applicable 999
6. Is there consideration of how costs and benefits/impacts might vary across different spatial scales?
Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes - Mentioned 2 Yes - Specifics are identified (provide 3 narrative details in separate column)
7. Does the evidence consider if the use of biodiversity is sustainable?
Possible answers Data entry code No 0 Yes - Mentioned 2 Yes - Specifics are identified (provide 3 narrative details in separate column) Not applicable 999