Bernard S Township Sewerage Authority s4
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Chairwoman Pavlini called the meeting of the Bernards Township Sewerage Authority to order at 6:00 p.m. on November 24, 2009 in the Conference Room of the Municipal Building, Collyer Lane, Basking Ridge, New Jersey.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Ms. Gaziano (arrived at 6:06 p.m.); Mr. Malay; Ms. Pavlini
STAFF PRESENT: Mr. Peter Messina, Administrator; Mr. Roger Bowlby, Plant Superintendent; Mr. John Belardo, Esq., BTSA Attorney; Mr. Jim Coe, Hatch Mott MacDonald
OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Sky Morehouse, P.E., Morehouse Engineering
OPEN PUBLIC MEETING STATEMENT Chairwoman Pavlini read the following statement: “Adequate notice of this meeting was posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building, One Collyer Lane, Basking Ridge, New Jersey; e-mailed to the Bernardsville News, Bernardsville, and faxed to the Courier News, Bridgewater, New Jersey, and was filed with the Township Clerk, all on December 22, 2008. Any motion to go into closed session will be deemed to include a motion that the matters discussed at such closed session will be disclosed to the public when such matters are finally determined and there is no further reason to prohibit the public disclosure of information relating to such matters.”
APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. October 27, 2009 – Regular Meeting Minutes Motioned by Mr. Carpenter, seconded by Ms. Boquist to Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes dated October 27, 2009.
ROLL CALL Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Mr. Malay; Ms. Pavlini Nay: Abstain: Motion Carried
1 ACTION/DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Presentation – SCADA – Sky Morehouse Mr. Sky Morehouse, P.E., advised Authority members that, to his understanding, the SCADA system is fully operational. Mr. Morehouse noted that the BTSA is the only Authority in the state that is fully optical through Verizon FIOS. He explained that the system is so advanced that cameras could very easily be implemented, as well as other components. Mr. Morehouse added that he believes the contractor ITS and DeMaio Electric did good work on the project. He also confirmed that all of the parts are very easily accessible should they need repair or replacement.
Mr. Bowlby demonstrated the SCADA functions via a touch screen display. He explained that he can operate the plant from anywhere that an internet connection is available and that he can view alarms and specific pumping stations at any given time. Mr. Bowlby confirmed for Mr. Malay that pumps do illustrate run hours for maintenance purposes. Mr. Bowlby advised Authority members that the pumping stations were affected by a recent power outage, but the plant was not. Mr. Morehouse stated that information will still transmit should there be a problem because the system is backed up by a hardwired battery.
Mr. Carpenter questioned the security of the system considering that it functions over the internet. Mr. Morehouse stated that the SCADA system runs via the Township network. He confirmed that ITS currently has access to the system but that all passwords will be changed once ITS completes its work on the system. He noted that ITS is pretty much done with its monitoring of the system. Mr. Morehouse also confirmed that the Township IT group has established security protocol for the system. Mr. Bowlby confirmed for Mr. Carpenter that the full protocol will be reported to the Authority.
Ms. Boquist questioned whether or not Mr. Morehouse has any specific recommendations for the system. Mr. Morehouse stated that although he does not have any specific recommendations, the Authority should remember that the system is capable of doing much more. He noted that, mechanically, the system should not need to be touched for at least ten years, although batteries on the UPS will need to be changed every two years.
Authority members thanked Mr. Morehouse for all of his work on the project. Mr. Morehouse thanked Authority members for the opportunity to work with the BTSA.
b. Solar Energy Initiative Mr. Messina advised Authority members that he spoke with Mr. Dick Williams, the Somerset County Administrator, concerning Bernards Township’s solar initiative. Mr. Williams stated that the County is soliciting consultant proposals that should be submitted by the end of November.
Mr. Messina advised Authority members that at least 11 municipalities in New Jersey have completed a solar project and that since the technologies are not new, the costs are reasonable. He noted that New Brunswick, which is much larger than the BTSA, is embarking on a solar project, as well.
2 Mr. Messina advised Authority members that he prepared the technical specifications for the BTSA modeled after the Morristown Sewerage Authority solar project, as the projects are almost identical and a performance-based spec makes it easy. Mr. Messina then sent the technical specifications to Metro Energy Solutions to see how much they would reduce their fee proposal since now they just have to update the spec. Metro Energy reduced the proposed fee by $6,545.00. Mr. Messina does not believe that the BTSA needs to be involved in the Somerset County initiative. Mr. Messina recommended proceeding with Metro Energy Solutions. Authority members agreed.
c. Resolution # 0943 – Solar Energy plan – Metro Energy Motioned by Mr. Malay, seconded by Ms. Boquist to Approve the Resolution # 0943, Authorizing an extraordinary unspecifiable services contract for Solar Consulting Services be awarded to Metro Energy Solutions of West Caldwell, New Jersey for a term from November 24, 2009 through May 23, 2010 at a lump sum amount of $14,285.00, plus an allowance of $1,000.00 for reimbursable expenses at direct cost.
ROLL CALL Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Ms. Gaziano; Mr. Malay; Ms. Pavlini Nay: Abstain: Motion Carried
d. Resolution # 0948 – Budget Transfer Motioned by Mr. Malay, seconded by Ms. Pavlini to Approve the Resolution # 0948, as amended, Authorizing that $900,200.64 of the surplus funds be transferred to account 806-141 for Belt Press Replacement.
ROLL CALL Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Ms. Gaziano; Mr. Malay; Ms. Pavlini Nay: Abstain: Motion Carried
e. Resolution # 0949 – Award New Belt Press Motioned by Mr. Malay, seconded by Ms. Boquist to Approve the Resolution # 0949, Authorizing a contract be awarded to Spectraserv, Inc. of Kearny, New Jersey for the new Belt Press project in the lump sum amount of $1,317,750.00.
ROLL CALL Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Ms. Gaziano; Mr. Malay; Ms. Pavlini Nay: Abstain: Motion Carried
f. Resolution # 0950 – Reject Bid – Lagoon Chamber/FST Building Motioned by Mr. Malay, seconded by Ms. Boquist to Approve the Resolution # 0950,
3 Authorizing rejection of the bid received by William Kohl Construction Corp. of Lincroft, New Jersey for the Final Settling Tank Building Repair and Lagoon Valve Chamber.
ROLL CALL Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Ms. Gaziano; Mr. Malay; Ms. Pavlini Nay: Abstain: Motion Carried
g. Resolution # 0951 – Sewer Rehab. Phase 4 Motioned by Ms. Pavlini, seconded by Ms. Gaziano to Approve the Resolution # 0951, Authorizing a contract for the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Phase Four to New England Pipe Cleaning of Watertown, Connecticut in the amount of $39,670.00.
ROLL CALL Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Ms. Gaziano; Mr. Malay; Ms. Pavlini Nay: Abstain: Motion Carried
h. Resolution # 0952 – Generator – Valley Road Pump Station Motioned by Mr. Malay, seconded by Ms. Boquist to defer Resolution # 0952 for consideration at a future BTSA meeting.
ROLL CALL Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Ms. Gaziano; Mr. Malay; Ms. Pavlini Nay: Abstain: Motion Carried
i. Resolution # 0953 – Adopted 2010 Budget Motioned by Ms. Pavlini, seconded by Ms. Boquist to Approve the Resolution # 0953, Authorizing that the Annual Budget of the Bernards Township Sewerage Authority for the fiscal year beginning December 1, 2009 and ending, November 30, 2010 is hereby adopted, with Total Revenues of $3,566,776.00, Total Appropriations, including any Accumulated Deficit if any, of $10,111,516.00 and Total Unrestricted Net Assets utilized of $6,544,740.00; and Total Capital Appropriations of $6,925,500.00 and Total Unrestricted Net Assets planned to be utilized as funding thereof, of $5,000,000.00.
ROLL CALL Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Ms. Gaziano; Mr. Malay; Ms. Pavlini Nay: Abstain: Motion Carried
j. Discussion – Proposed Cell Tower at STP
4 Mr. Messina advised Authority members that a public meeting was advertised and will be held on November 30, 2009 in the courtroom of the Municipal Building. Mr. Messina also provided the report regarding the initial proposal to host the tower at the Liberty Corner First Aid Squad.
Since the First Aid Squad has secured approval for the tower, Mr. Belardo recommended including language in the specs stating that the successful bidder will void any approvals within a specified number of feet of their space in order to avoid having another tower go up in the future. Mr. Messina stated that it would be highly unlikely that additional towers would be built once the first tower is erected. Ms. Gaziano reminded Authority members that Cingular should have a spot reserved on the tower since it was the original applicant. Mr. Malay stated that he will reach out to the First Aid Squad and advise them of the BTSA’s plans for a cell tower. Mr. Messina confirmed that the First Aid Squad has been advised of the November 30th public meeting.
k. Consulting Engineer’s Report Mr. Coe referred to his Consulting Engineer’s report and informed the Authority that: Sanitary Sewer Video Inspections 2008/2009 – During the past month, there were two significant rain events, October 16th and 28th, in which HMM conducted the rainfall induced infiltration/inflow investigations. The status of the 2008 and 2009 work is as follows: The 2008 video inspection project has now been completed and HMM is preparing a report on the findings and recommendations. The work included video inspection of approximately 21,000 lf of sanitary sewers and HMM identified approximately 195,000 gpd of infiltration/inflow. The 2009 video inspection project work utilized the video inspection crew of BTSA along with HMM during the October 28th rain event. HMM has completed approximately 13,500 lf (approximately 90%) of the 2009 video inspection work and identified approximately 78,750 gpd I/I entering the sanitary sewer system from pipe defects, a manhole leak, and private building service connections (PBSC). HMM will continue to track weather conditions and conduct video inspection work when the wet weather conditions are satisfactory for identifying sources of I/I. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project 2009 – Bids were received for the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation project on Thursday, November 5, 2009 at the Township Municipal Building. Two bids were received and the low bid was submitted by New England Pipe Cleaning Company (NEPCCO) of Watertown, CT in the amount of $39,670. The other bid received was submitted by National Water Main Cleaning Company of Newark, NJ in the amount of $56,270. HMM’s Engineer Estimate for the work was $83,500. The BTSA received fair and reasonable bids for the work and NEPCCO has satisfactorily completed similar work for BTSA and other projects HMM has engineered. HMM recommends that the work be awarded to NEPCCO of Watertown, CT. FST Building Leak Repairs and Lagoon Valve Chamber Design – Bids were received for the Final Settling Tank Building Leak Repairs and Lagoon Valve Chamber Design on Thursday, November 5, 2009 at the Township Municipal Building. One bid was received from William Cole Construction in the amount of $974,000. No other bids were received even though HMM sent Notice to Bidders to several familiar firms who do this type of work. The Engineer’s estimate for the project was $102,000. At this time, it appears the construction industry is experiencing significant work and the BTSA was unable to
5 receive a fair and reasonable bid for this work. HMM does not recommend awarding the work at this price. It is recommended that the work be bid at a later time. Phosphorous Pilot Study – The pilot study was started during the first week of June and was completed in October. The study was successful and based on sampling and testing, the BTSA was able to achieve results below the required 0.76 mg/l. Approximately 260 gpd of Alum was used, the ph has been satisfactory and the addition of other chemicals has not been necessary. Final NJPDES General Permit – The status of the NJPDES Permit remains the same as previously reported. HMM identified two major issues with the Final NJPDES Permit for the plant. The first was the imposing of a more stringent Chronic Toxicity Limit, which HMM objected to in the November 7, 2008 comments on the Draft Permit. The second issue was the imposition of Nitrate Limits and compliance schedule in the permit. As requested, HMM had submitted to the NJDEP on January 20, 2009 an Adjudicatory Hearing and Stay Request for the NJDEP’s consideration of the above items. The BTSA received a letter from the NJDEP dated February 5, 2009 denying the Stay of these issues, citing no immediate financial or enforcement liability due to the time limit for compliance. Motioned by Mr. Malay, seconded by Ms. Gaziano to approve the Consulting Engineer’s Report. ROLL CALL Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Ms. Gaziano; Mr. Malay; Ms. Pavlini Nay: Abstain: Motion Carried
OPERATOR’S REPORT – NOVEMBER 2009 (reporting on October 2009 activities) Mr. Bowlby informed the Authority of the following: BTSA crews jetted 8 roads (Beechwood Road, Knollcroft Road, North Brook Avenue, Palmerston Place, Tuxford Terrace, Verizon pond easement, West Oak Street, William Street). BTSA crews TV’d 12 roads (Annin Road, Cedar Street, Clive Lane, Ellis Lane, Harrison Brook Easement, Kensington Road, Mount Airy Road, Queen Anne Drive, Rankin Avenue, Stockmar Drive, Stonehedge Drive North, Stonehedge Drive South). Lab roof was replaced. Grit unit one returned to service. Vehicle 244 was involved in an accident (operators put on light duty for four days). BTSA crews performed plant and station equipment oil changes and greasing. BTSA crews replaced FST sump pump #2. BTSA crews repaired FST #2 fire hydrant. BTSA crews changed carbon at Juniper Way. Alward repaired two saddle connections on Queen Anne Drive. BTSA crews responded to 70 Spring House Lane for slow running drain (main line OK). BTSA crews responded to odor complaint from the Country Tailor in a seldom-used bathroom. BTSA crews cleaned Fieldstone, Madisonville, South Maple, and Annin Road wet wells. Power equipment replaced coolant hoses and jacket heater at Crown Court.
6 Power equipment replaced coolant hoses at Stonehouse. BTSA crews checked manhole CC-00-00 and CC-01-00 to 01-03. BTSA crews checked manholes on Stonehedge Road North and Annin Road. BTSA crews continue to meet permit parameters without any problems. BTSA crews completed monthly fire extinguisher, lighting, and safety shower checks. Storm drain inspection was performed. Personnel received Confined Space Training. BTSA crews attended safety expo at the Middlesex County Fire Academy. BTSA crews attended fire safety training at Town Hall. BTSA crews were lost time accident free for 295 days.
Mr. Bowlby provided updates on the following projects: Valley Road Pump Station: Concrete curbing was poured and the guardrail was reinstalled. Dirt was removed from 3016 Valley Road. Mr. Messina explained that the contractor is disputing whether they are responsible for purchasing the comminutor as well as installing it. Mr. Messina confirmed that the work is far enough along that it could be completed without the contractor. Authority members agreed to consider whether or not to continue working with the contractor at the next BTSA meeting.
SCADA System – DeMaio Electric/Morehouse Engineering: Training was completed. Sulfur dioxide analyzer was wired. Sump pump status and alarm functions were checked. Madisonville Road FIOS was installed and is communicating.
I&I: Alward repaired Queen Anne Drive saddle connections. Sewer rehab bid opened on November 5th. NEPCCO was the lowest bidder.
Madisonville Road Pump Station: No report.
Emergency Generator: The generator is fully operable.
Transformer Install: Installation is ready to proceed.
Belt Filter Pressformer Install: Bidding opened on November 5th. Spectraserv was the lowest bidder.
East Oak Pump Station: Rough draft is being reviewed.
Motioned by Ms. Boquist, seconded by Mr. Malay to approve the Operator’s Report. ROLL CALL Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Ms. Gaziano; Mr. Malay; Ms. Pavlini Nay: Abstain: Motion Carried
BILLS Motioned by Mr. Malay, seconded by Ms. Boquist to approve the Operating Bills as follows:
7 a. Accounts Payable Current - $ 240,562.72 b. Accounts Payable Reserve - $ 37,905.68 c. Payroll Current - $ 56,731.76 d. Payroll Reserves - $ -0- e. Total Operating - $ 335,200.16 f. Developers Escrow - $ 153.00 GRAND TOTAL - $ 335,353.16
ROLL CALL Aye: Ms. Boquist; Mr. Carpenter; Ms. Gaziano; Mr. Malay; Ms. Pavlini Nay: Abstain: Motion Carried
ADJOURNMENT Motioned by Mr. Malay, seconded by Ms. Pavlini to adjourn at 7:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Shaun Lockett