Developing Godly Leadership for the 21St Century
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COURSE TITLE DMS 506 Developing Godly Leadership for the 21st Century Western Seminary – Portland Campus
John E. Johnson [email protected] 503-517-1865
Syllabus – Spring 2015
Thursdays, 1:00-5:00pm, January 8, 22; February 5, 19; March 5, 19; April 9
This is a core leadership course designed for those who intend to be future leaders in ministry. This course will move from definitions to the core values of a leader; how to take a ministry through a vision process; engage in strategic planning, decision-making, and implementation; build great teams; work through conflict and change; delegate tasks; and effectively mentor the next generation of leaders. Models from the corporate, political, and military worlds will be compared and contrasted with biblical definitions and illustrations of leadership.
As a result of this course, the student should be able to:
1-Recognize the essential identity of a Christian leader
2-Establish the core values and core skills of a godly leader
3-Develop the ability to think missional, visionary, strategic, and tactical
4-Grasp the essentials of contextual thinking and team building
5-Understand how to deal with obstacles and conflicts and the eventual transition that comes with leadership TEXTBOOKS
Michael Useem, The Leadership Moment (Times Business, 1999) 10.21 ISBN 10:0812932307 Patrick Lencioni, The Advantage (Jossey-Bass, 2012) 15.54 ISBN 0470941529
Various articles/handouts
Lee Bolman, Terrance Deal, Reframing Organizations (Jossey Bass)
You are encouraged to purchase these titles through the associate program; you may use the links provided above, or the search option found on the Western website under “Current Students/Portland”:
Online Orientation (15 min.)
Before the end of the first Friday of the semester, you need to log onto the web classroom, download the syllabus for the course, and complete the report indicating that you have read and understand the course requirements. By federal law, we now need to ensure that students participate in classes for the full length of the semester. So failure to complete the online orientation on time may result in a grade penalty and may impact your financial aid eligibility.
Specific Requirements
1-Mastery of course readings and lecture notes
2-Attendance, involvement and interaction during each class sessions. Because of the intensive nature of the course, it is important to be at each class
3-Selection of one leader or one who has written on the subject of leadership (to be selected and approved by instructor by January 29). Do a written analysis of his/her approach, contribution to leadership (8-10 pages). Integrate class lectures into your discussion. One page on background, six-seven pages on leadership philosophy, and a one page critique. Presentation to also be made orally to the class April 16.
4-Development of a leadership notebook that can serve as a training tool to teach leadership. Class notes and handouts should be included 5-The completion of a final exam
Final Course Evaluation (15 min.)
Before the end of the last Friday of the semester, you will receive an email with a link to the final course evaluation. By federal law, we now need to ensure that students participate in classes for the full length of the class. So failure to complete the final course evaluation on time will result in a grade penalty and may impact your financial aid eligibility.
A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- 99- 95- 93- 91- 88- 86- 84- 81- 79- 77- 74- 70- 100% 98% 94% 92% 90% 87% 85% 83% 80% 78% 76% 73%
Required Assignments Points Estimated Time to Complete Assignment #1: Enroll in the on-line 2 1 hour classroom and read the syllabus. Class attendance, participation 20 30 hours Paper on Leadership 28 23 hours Development of Leadership Notebook 10 9 hours Reading 25 17 hours Exam 15 10 Totals 100 90 hrs.
Jan 15 Introducing and Defining Leadership The Need for Leadership
Jan 29 Acquiring Leadership The Context of Leadership
Feb 12 Core Values and Leadership Skills and Leadership Leadership and Team Building
Feb 26 Leadership and Team Building Mission and Leadership Vision and Leadership
Mar 12 Strategies and Leadership Objectives and Leadership Decision Making and Leadership Apr 2 Change and Leadership Leadership and Conflict
Apr 16 Leadership and Transitions Presentations Film
Attendance and Late Assignments: Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Students who miss class are responsible for missed work. Absences and tardiness may impact a student’s grade. Students who anticipate an absence should discuss it in advance with the instructor. Students who miss more than 20% of the seat time for the class will not pass the course, without a request for and the completion of additional assignments. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will result in a reduction of the student’s letter grade for that assignment.
Copyright Violation and Plagiarism: Research in secondary sources for the written project is permitted and welcomed. However, any appropriation of either ideas or wording taken from other sources, whether print or electronic, must be properly footnoted. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism which can result in substantial grade reduction or failure. Any unauthorized copying or use of copyrighted materials, including downloaded files of various kinds, can result in criminal charges and fines. For a fuller explanation of these issues or WS's copyright policy, see the “Copyright Information and Cheating" sections of the Student Handbook:
Incompletes/Extensions: The final deadline for submitting all course work is the last day of the semester as noted in the Academic Calendar and in the class schedule. In the case of serious illness, family emergency, or similar extenuating circumstances, the student may request an extension. A 1-3 week extension is typical in all except the most extreme cases, and some penalty for late work may apply. Under no circumstances will the student be given more than 5 weeks to complete all required coursework except by petition and approval of the Administrative Committee. (Extensions longer than 5 weeks are rare and should only be requested under extreme circumstances.)
If students face a personal emergency that requires requesting an extension going beyond the end of the semester, it may affect their ability to receive financial aid in the next semester, and they may face the possibility that their next semester’s course registrations will be cancelled. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for assistance.
Audit/Enrichment Students: Enrichment students are encouraged, but not obligated, to participate in assignments and class discussions. Professors are not obligated to grade participation for these students, but may opt to do so depending on class size.
Statement on WiFi Services: Our community at Western Seminary is defined by our membership in the body of Christ. As we share common resources, we wish to do so with respect and consideration for others. Our IT department has created a strong and secure wireless internet network at each of our campus locations to enhance the student learning environment. Some of the considerations in developing our wifi networks have included providing excellent security (better than you’ll find at the local coffeeshop) and doing so within a budget that does not significantly impact tuition costs. Keeping costs low means that we don’t have an endless supply of bandwidth. We ask that you use the wifi network for academic purposes and avoid downloading large files or streaming video. Please be mindful that your internet use (both in class and on campus) can distract others or prevent them from accessing resources they need for their studies. We appreciate your participation in promoting thoughtful, considerate internet use on campus.
The Availability of Disability Services at Western Seminary: Western Seminary is committed to responding to the needs of students with disabilities as outlined in both the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Western students are assisted individually as their needs dictate. It is the responsibility of students with disabilities to identify themselves and the nature of the disability. Any student who has a disability should contact the seminary’s Disability (Section 504) Coordinator, Ashley Mitchell, at 503-517-1819/1-877-517-1800, ext. 1819. Her office is at the Portland campus. Students at the northern California campuses may contact Director of Student Services – San Jose or Director of Student Services – Sacramento, or they may contact Ms Mitchell directly. Appropriate forms will be provided and must be submitted to the Disability Coordinator’s office.
Fall 2014 Selected Leadership Bibliography John E. Johnson
Leading at the Edge Perkins Amacom The Leadership Engine Tichy Harper The Cycle of Leadership Tichy Harper The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Maxwell Nelson The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork Maxwell Nelson Developing the Leaders Around You Maxwell Nelson Developing the Leader Within You Maxwell Nelson Lessons on Leadership Barna Regal Turning Vision into Action Barna Regal The Power of Vision Barna Regal A Fish Out of Water Barna Integrity The Leader of the Future Hesselbein (ed) Jossey-Bass Leadership Jazz DePree Dell The Making of a Leader Clinton NavPress Leading from the Inside Out Rima Baker Leadership that Works Anderson Bethany House Jesus on Leadership Wilkes Tyndale Leadership and Self Deception Arbinger Institute Berrett Koehler Certain Trumpets Wills Simon & Schuster Mission Possible Blanchard McGraw Hill Leadership by the Book Blanchard Water Brook Leaders Bennis, Nanus Harper On Becoming a Leader Bennis Addison Wesley Organizing Genius Bennis Addison Wesley Geeks and Geezers Bennis Harvard Leading With Integrity Smith Bethany House Principle Centered Leadership Corey Simon & Schuster Leadership Confidence Biehl Questar Understanding Leadership Marshall Sovereign World The Empowered Leader Miller Broadman & Holman Flight of the Buffalo Belasco Warner Books Values-Driven Leadership Malphurs Baker Leadership Moment Useem TimesBusiness Eyewitness to Power Gergen Simon&Schuster Lessons in Leadership Roberts Kregel Masterplanning Biehl Broadman Reframing Organizations Bolman/Deal Jossey-Bass The Leadership Challenge Kouzes/Posner Jossey-Bass Credibility Kouzes/Posner Jossey-Bass A Work of Heart McNeal Jossey-Bass Leading Congregational Change Herrington Jossey-Bass American Generalship Puryear Presidio The Strategy Focused Organization Kaplan HBS Leading Change Kotter HBS The Thing in the Bushes Ford Pinon The Art of the Long View Schwartz Currency Visionary Leadership Nanus Jossey-Bass Who Moved My Cheese? Johnson Putnam Management of Organizational Behavior Hersey Prentice-Hall A New Paradigm of Leadership Shelton Executive The Fifth Discipline Senge Currency The Effective Board Member Biehl Broadman Deep Change Quinn Jossey-Bass Spiritual Leadership Blackaby Broadman Simplicity Jensen Perseus Good to Great Collins Harper Aqua Church Sweet Group Primal Leadership Goleman Harvard Credibility Kouzes Jossey Bass Life@Work on Leadership Graves Jossey-Bass The Five Temptations of a CEO Lencioni Jossey-Bass Silos, Politics, and Turf Wars Lencioni Jossey-Bass The Next Generation Leader Stanley Multnomah Leadership Giuliani Miramax Heroic Leadership Lowney Loyola The Southwest Airlines Way Gittell McGraw-Hill The Power of Full Engagement Loehr Simon & Schuster Reviewing Leadership Banks Baker Death By Meeting Lencioni Jossey-Bass Winning Welch HarperBusiness Ataturk;The Biography Mango Overlook TP Leadership and the New Science Wheatley BK Leadership Wisdom Fleming Zondervan Leadership Secrets from the Bible Woolfe BarnesNoble Summoned to Lead Sweet Zondervan Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham Myra Zondervan Good to Great and the Social Sectors Collins Collins Church Leadership Weems Abingdon A Leader’s Legacy Kouzes Jossey-Bass The Go Point Useem Crown Growing Leaders Lawrence Hendrickson Judgment Tichy Portfolio Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership Barton IVP Incarnate Leadership Robinson Zondervan Axiom Hybels Zondervan Rise Azzarello Random House